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Owners who do not look after their dogs..


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I thought I would share a blog with you guys. I wrote it today. I am sure most of you feel the same...

" People who do not look after their dogs should be mauled in the face by said dogs. It annoys the &^%$ outta me.

I delivered a cd of images to Kovu’s dog groomers for her open night today. She asked me to do it a while back, and today was the first time that I have managed to get them to her.

Anyway, she had a big samoyed in to get groomed. She had to book the whole day out because the owner of the dog had never had it groomed before. Its hair was so matted that it had given the dog a really bad skin condition.

Now, excuse me if this is a stupid statement, but:

Why the hell would you buy a dog that needs groomed a lot to keep it healthy if you are not willing to keep it up?

It is CRUEL!

Surely you should buy a dog to fit your lifestyle and needs from that dog. If you dont want to look after its coat, get a dog who only needs a small brush once in a blue moon, not something that will need fully groomed every 2 months!!!

For example…

-I have a Siberian Huskey.

-He casts…. The amout of fur that comes out of him is enough to cover a whole rug….THICKLY.

-He needs a walk in the morning (I go at about 8am) and at night (About 6pm)

-Left for more than 2 hours alone, he will ruin your whole house.


Why would I have bought this dog If I was not willing to get him fur blasted to get rid of his hair, Walk him till he has had enough and put up with his random bursts of energy?


Too many people buy dogs for what they look like rather than the practicallity of HAVING that breed of dog.

This is the soul reason that so many dogs are kicked out and left on the street or taken to dog pounds.

It is cruel. Leave the dog to be bought by someone who can give it what it needs! STOP BUYING FOR VANITY!

This is the soul reason that so many dogs are in pounds.

And…did you know, that in those pounds…Unless the dog has had intrest of gets a new home within 5 days, they are killed? They have no where to go, and there is not enough space to keep them. It is so sad.

and who’s fault is it?

The owners.

Because, ultimatly, they did not read about the breed, or research it at all to know what it takes to take care of these kind of dogs.

Before I got Kovu, I read, highlighted and noted everything I could about the husky breed for 2 months. I joined husky fourms ( wink wink) and got to know the breed, got to know owners and their experiances with them.

Kovu is not just my dog. I know it is sappy and cliche, but he is my baby. He is my best friend. He is the one who cuddles me when I am in a bad mood and make me laugh by doing something stupid. He still gets excited and comes running to me, no matter if I have no make-up on and look like one of the living dead.

I take care of my Husky, which is one of THE hardest breeds of dogs to keep, because they are so demanding.

Every day he gets walked twice. He gets groomed every few months. Every night I brush him, clean his ears, trim in between his toes, wipe the sleep from his eyes, check his teeth and his feet etc etc.

My whole point is that people need to realise what they are getting in to when they buy a dog like Kovu or a samoyed. It is hard work. And your whole life will be turned upside down for months until you get to know eachother.

Don’t buy a dog you will not be able to care for and end up taking it to a pound, because someone, somewhere, who would have given it what it needs could have bought it as a pup and it wouldnt need to be there.

Do your ******* research."

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Nice rant. It's starting to pee me off too. That's why I've started my new facebook group in the hopes of educating people in Huskies demands.

I hate people that have dogs and:

  • Do not walk them AT ALL.
  • Don't have their boosters or jabs done.
  • Don't pick up their poop!
  • Overfeed them to the point of obesity.
  • Scold their dogs for getting excited in the house when they are not walked.
  • Believe that if the pet gets ill and it's going to cost more than £100 - they'll just have them Put to sleep because it's cheaper.

I know people like that. And it irritates me a lot.

Stacey xxx

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HEAR HEAR HEAR HEAR. A round of applause for you Nikita. Finally someone has the guts to speak up and say what we have all been thinking. I get so annoyed when I have people tell me "oooh he's a lovely looking dog" yes he is but I don't want people to think of the breed as a nice looking dog or there will be too many people who get them without knowing about them. :clap::clap::clap::clap::bowdown:

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Most people when getting a dog like these don't realise that YOU have to completely change your lifestyle to fit in around

this dog. If you're not prepared for the bloody hard work then. . . .


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allthough i agree with some of what you have said .. i do disagree also with some bits..

" People who do not look after their dogs should be mauled in the face by said dogs. It annoys the &^%$ outta me.

yeh it annoys us all but i would not wish this upon any one !!!

Left for more than 2 hours alone, he will ruin your whole house.

allthough sibes can be destructive not all are the same.. i have to that i can leave in house and will not destroy the house

Walk him till he has had enough and put up with his random bursts of energy?

my girls get plenty of excercise but there is a difference between the right amount and to much excercise..

This is the soul reason that so many dogs are in pounds.

i agree its poss the main reason but not the sole reason. my macie is with me because of owners circumstances not because they did not research the breed.

And…did you know, that in those pounds…Unless the dog has had intrest of gets a new home within 5 days, they are killed?

not in the UK

Before I got Kovu, I read, highlighted and noted everything I could about the husky breed for 2 months. I joined husky fourms ( wink wink) and got to know the breed, got to know owners and their experiances with them.

2 months is that all ?? ?it takes longer than that to learn about the breed ... i spent 8 years researching before i got my Tikaani and i am still learning

It is hard work. And your whole life will be turned upside down for months until you get to know each other.

yeh and the rest .. your world is totally different for the rest of your life.

Do your ******* research."

hmm yeh ...about 2 months will do it !!

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I did a load of research as well, it would never have prepared me for Cloud, who as we speak is trying to dig to the other side of the world.

Everything has changed for me and my partner, my whole world revolves round my baby, when my sister babysits I phone to check he is ok :D

But it really annoys me when people really cant look after their dogs, ive even given friends into trouble for not cleaning up their dogs business. I work in a pub and actually take bags out to customers who think they dont need to pick up after their dogs.:P

I was walking Cloud the other day and this small terrier dog came running up to mine, i shouted to his owner to ask if her dog was okay, to which i received no answer. A fewseconds later i had to try to pick her dogs teeth out of my dog. She then said "he can be a bit funny with huskies". Put him on a lead then :angry:

Sorry my rant over

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Richard I think you're being a bit harsh. 2 months is better than no research at all. And I agree, not all sibes are textbook. My Storm is happy with one walk a day and lots of running in the garden.

No in the uk it's 10 days! :o Huskies in need have just rescued 10 huskies in 2 weeks from death.

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Richard I think you're being a bit harsh. 2 months is better than no research at all. And I agree, not all sibes are textbook. My Storm is happy with one walk a day and lots of running in the garden.

No in the uk it's 10 days! :o Huskies in need have just rescued 10 huskies in 2 weeks from death.

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I did a load of research as well, it would never have prepared me for Cloud, who as we speak is trying to dig to the other side of the world.

Everything has changed for me and my partner, my whole world revolves round my baby, when my sister babysits I phone to check he is ok :D

But it really annoys me when people really cant look after their dogs, ive even given friends into trouble for not cleaning up their dogs business. I work in a pub and actually take bags out to customers who think they dont need to pick up after their dogs.:P

I was walking Cloud the other day and this small terrier dog came running up to mine, i shouted to his owner to ask if her dog was okay, to which i received no answer. A fewseconds later i had to try to pick her dogs teeth out of my dog. She then said "he can be a bit funny with huskies". Put him on a lead then :angry:

Sorry my rant over

To reply to the last paragraph, I agree-Its so inconsiderate and obnoxious when people know what their dogs disposition is and do nothing to try and curb said behavioral issues. I've a Red Heeler I rescued from an animal shelter, have had him for going on his 6th year, he was abused-he's probably about 10 or 11 right now-I know he is male-agressive, he's never off a leash in public, now on my property in the country where we live in the woods, he's fine and he listens superbly, however knowing his attitude towards other male dogs, I know what to expect and keep him on a leash and give a wide berth towards other dogs for that reason.

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At my local humane society, they keep dogs for as long as possible until they are adopted. For example, there's one boy there who has been there for 10 months straight! My local shelter has room for dogs, but the cats are a different story. They have to put down 5+ cats per day because there is so many damn cats.

Just like with dogs, they should put in a cat ownership license system. Like how you can only have 3 dogs...you should only be able to have 3 cats.

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Richard I think you're being a bit harsh. 2 months is better than no research at all. And I agree, not all sibes are textbook. My Storm is happy with one walk a day and lots of running in the garden.

No in the uk it's 10 days! :o Huskies in need have just rescued 10 huskies in 2 weeks from death.

i hear what you say but dont think its harsh to have the opinion that 2 months is a very little time to research a breed such as a husky,,yes 2 months is better than none. but for most of us the story is the same we researched for a lot longer and it did not prepare us enough for what was about to happen.. so sorry if it sounds harsh but it is my own opinion..

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At my local humane society, they keep dogs for as long as possible until they are adopted. For example, there's one boy there who has been there for 10 months straight! My local shelter has room for dogs, but the cats are a different story. They have to put down 5+ cats per day because there is so many damn cats.

Just like with dogs, they should put in a cat ownership license system. Like how you can only have 3 dogs...you should only be able to have 3 cats.

We have a shelter which euthanizes, however they don't do that, and the expense is on them-largely by donations

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I dont think any amount of research would prepare you for the true life of living with a husky. So I personally feel that 2 months of looking in to it is better than not looking into it at all.

At the end of the day, there are stereotypical aspects to a husky which you can read quite easily in about half an hour, but it's very different from when you actually get your dog.

Each husky still has it's own unique personality and temperment.

Stacey xxx

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I have to say I did very little research before getting Kira, yea I knewabout the destruction, that they pulled, that they would try to escape, couldnt go offlead etc etc, but I never bothered to meet up with other owners, never joined a forum. Just read a few websites.

I'm very stubborn tho, and dont give up easily, I would never have rehomed Kira, but she was quite easy anyway :) Think I did ok with her, she's very well behaved, well socialised, well trained :) and we went on to get Grey :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oooooh Richard with your judgey judgey pants on!

I think what Nikita is trying to get across is that some people go "oooooh pretty snow dog! Want. Buy. Ignore.Complain"

One standpoint about the comparisons between dogs and owners, the needs of both can be just as diverse. For instance, I got Anya because I wanted a companion who would love me as I love her, who would get me out of the house, who would amuse me and let me amuse her and would force me to become more responsible.

I'm not reckless, but I lacked routine and someone to depend on me and I think that is important in my life; I knew I could step up to the challnge because I would have someone I wouldn't want to let down.

It didn't take two years to know what I wanted and how a yappy little dog wasn't going to cut it. Yeah Anya is a stunner (biased) but as I am the sort of muppet who will pick up the dented packet / tin or the slightly sad looking newspaper because I think "No one will want to take that, they will want the best." then I feel sorry for said inanimate object and can't bear to think of it being left behind while all its shiny / smart friends get picked etc etc etc. Eff me I have issues :D

Anyway, what I am trying to say is that I am looking forward to exploring the sledding / working capacity for Anya, but that isn't the sole purpose that she is with me. Lots of people get huskies because they would love to be involved in that side of things. so maybe 2 years is appropriate for some prospective owners and in other cases it may be a little excessive.

Who knows, I read rather quickly, so maybe I did two years' research in 2 months!

Let's face it, how many prospective parents do that much research into family planning? If everyone did, Jeremy Kyle would be out of a job.

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Right, I'm going to be totally honest here, I knew next to nothing about the breed when I got Indie less than 2 months ago but the second I got her home, I read EVERYTHING I could get my hands on about the breed. Yes, I should have done all that first but I have always thought huskies were beautiful and I wanted one. UNLIKE all the people that do the same as me and just go get one because they like the look of them, I have completely and utterly turned my world upside down for Indie.

I have invested in all those essential Husky items, grooming tools and harnesses and enormous amounts of toys to keep her busy. I have fallen for the breed so much I have taken on a second, older husky, and to be quite honest, I have never been so happy! :D

I have told my boss to put me onto part time hours so i can be home with my dogs and I couldn't care less about not having as much money.

I can understand people buying a husky as a pet because YES, they are STUNNING!!! But If your not willing to do anything for them and commit as though they are a child, It dosn't matter what breed of dog you get. In my opinion all dogs should be treated as the most important thing in your life because they rely on you completely.

I may be in for a few suprises having huskies but you know what, I can take it. I am looking forward to taking on all these little challenges they are going to put me through and I'll tackle every little thing head on!

Dog ownership, huskies in particular, is a lifestyle, not a hobby you can drop and pick up again when you feel like it. :angry:

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You talk about owners that don't take care of their dogs -

This is what we have to deal with - Infuriating to the point of me almost doing something then go to prison.

This dog was taken by AC - 2 years old- and beyond not taken care of, but abused - 22 lbs!!!!!

THank god someone reported! - we'll have her taken care of but won't be able to adopt out till she puts on some weight.




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Roxy: That poor baby, how anyone can do that to their dog I don't know. I do hope she improves and puts on weight. Bless her heart :(

I got asked if Flynn was a boy or girl today because the lady around the corner has two boys and wants to breed them... I told them he's a boy and he's being neutered and she looked horrified...

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Roxy: That poor baby, how anyone can do that to their dog I don't know. I do hope she improves and puts on weight. Bless her heart :(

I know - it's sickening- My Roxy was the same when we got her - had been beaten and starved- All good now tho

That lday (useing it loosly) that wants to breed will probly put out pup that end up in shelters too. sad

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