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religion-a discussion,not a place to try and cause trouble.

Lil Miss Bump

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It's good to see this thread is still open so I'll post. :) I am a christian. I believe in God, his Son Jesus Christ and his birth, death and resurrection(also believe in the Holy Spirit). I would not try to "force" Christ on anyone but given the opportunity, I would gladly share him with others. Oh look, a thread. ;) One of the things I hear quite often(and have seen in this thread) is how, if God existed, could he allow bad things to happen? God created man(and woman!:P) in his own image. One of the things God gave us was free will...we get to make choices in life. Some make good decisions, and of course some do not. I do my best to serve Christ and like others who follow Christ, I am far from perfect. But good thing my God does not give up as easily as me! Like Mazz, I know that no matter what I'm going through, I will always have my faith in Christ and he will always be there to pick me up(more like carry me). I don't have all the answers, although there is a guy where I work that thinks he does, but like to think with Christ's guidance I'm headed in the right direction. :)

BTW, I celebrate Easter for 2 reasons: One is for the life Christ gave up as payment for my sins and second is his resurrection. I celebrate Christmas because of Christ as well. God GAVE his son(Jesus freely came to Earth) to save us(a gift). I give gifts at Christmas as well, just not on the same scale as what God's gift was.;) One of the greatest gifts ever given, and one that we could all give and use more of, is love.

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I am a Christian....I have a long road ahead of me and lots to learn but I know without a doubt I am heading in the right direction. I am so not comfortable approaching people to talk about Jesus and do not do it. I honestly feel the best testimony is my life. Really that is how God caught my attention with the things he was showing me. I really feel he was telling me it was time to come back home to him. If you are curious as to what I believe Christianity is all about, watch one of Joyce Meyers tv shows.

Actions do speak louder than words!

Hopefully people will remember that in all groups, it is the ones who are the loudest and most obnoxious that get the attention. For each of them, there are many who are quietly going about their business, doing their best to live as their religion says they ought... smile.gif

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guys this thread is brilliant. It is so nice to hear everybodies views and to see that we are tolerant and interested in other peoples way of life. When i told teflon yesterday the thread i started he groaned and went oh no-it's a taboo subject, it'll start an argument but i knew we could have this discussion-i'm so proud of us all xxx keep em coming guys......i want to hear more about other religions xxx

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i was raised a catholic, but i dont believe in any god as religion portrays.

i think religion like money is a way of controlling the masses.

imagine a naughty child. the child has been bad, and you dont use violence, you threaten them with a punishment or maybe a reward for being good.

now imagine a system designed to keep populations in line be good and you go to a wonderfull place where everything is magical or be bad and be damned for ever.

there are to many holes in relgion

i will stop now before i go off on a right rant

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Following on from my earlier post, I remembered this website - http://www.pantheism.net/

Pantheism pretty much sums up my views :

We revere and care for Nature, we accept this life as our only life, and this earth as our only paradise, if we look after it. We revel in the beauty of Nature and the night sky, and are full of wonder at their mystery and power. By spirituality and spiritual we don't mean any kind of supernatural or non-physical activity - we use the terms in a wider sense. We mean that part of our lives that relates to our deeper emotions and aesthetic responses towards Nature and the wider Universe - to our sense of our place in these, and to the ethics that these feelings imply.

We take the real Universe and Nature as our starting and finishing point, not some preconceived idea of God. We feel a profound wonder and awe for these, similar to the reverence that believers in more conventional gods feel towards their deity, but without anthropomorphic worship or belief that Nature has a mind or personality that we can influence through prayer or ritual.

Our ethics are humanistic and green, our metaphysics naturalist and scientific. To these we add the emotional and aesthetic dimensions which humans need to cope with life's challenges and to embrace life's joys, and to motivate their concern for Nature and human welfare.

Our beliefs and values reconcile spirituality and rationality, emotion and values and environmental concern with science and respect for evidence. They are summarized in our Belief Statement, which embodies the following basic principles:

  • Reverence, awe, wonder and a feeling of belonging to Nature and the wider Universe.
  • Respect and active care for the rights of all humans and other living beings.
  • Celebration or our lives in our bodies on this beautiful earth as a joy and a privilege.
  • Realism - acceptance that the external world exists independently of human consciousness or perception.
  • Strong naturalism - without belief in supernatural realms, afterlives, beings or forces.
  • Respect for reason, evidence and the scientific method as our best ways of understanding nature and the Universe.
  • Promotion of religious tolerance, freedom of religion and complete separation of state and religion.


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I'm not a believer in God - if someone can be so cruel and do such bad things to good people i just don't get it. I feel that there is something, but not one person watching over us all. I believe there is a heaven of some sort, somewhere you go when you die. This is where i 'see' all my lost loved ones are. When i ask for help, or to watch out over me, i speak to them. When someone dies (in 1997 a friend of mine and another friend's little brother died, really awful) i ask my Grandad to look after them, he died in 1995.

I guess i stopped believing in 1991, after what had happened to me.

My dad actually shouted in the street at some religious nut in London who was trying to preach to him (he wouldn't quit) about God and how good he is etc etc...my dad lost it.

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I am an atheist. I do not try to impose my views upon others though as I realize everyone out there is different. However, I was rasied Roman Cathloic and realized early on that somehting just did not rub me the right way.

I'm not much of a believer in afterlife either. I think death is non-existence. Hey I could be wrong though. I'm just going to try to enjoy my life to the fullest while I can.

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well seems as so many of you have shared i think i will to........i dont know what i believe........

if i tell someone they are in my thoughts and prayers, they truely are, i pray all the time, i'm just not sure who it's to....i know that sounds really flakey but i tend not to believe in things that haven't been proven to me.

i KNOW there are people watching over me....my grandad, my best friend kev, my grandma-and they are protecting me...how else would i still be alive after so much stuff that has happened to me?

shortly after my grandad died i was going into our garage and the door collapsed on me-my grandad was there talking to me, telling me that everything was going to be alright and that i wouldn't get hurt....and i didn't......i was the skinniest thing you've ever seen-i should've had so many broken bones from that....

i dont believe everything in the bible- my nana is a baptist and has been for as long as i can remember.....some ythings-yes, morals of stories, ways to behave-respect etc....but do i believe that someone parted the sea? no. do i believe that we were all 'created' by one person... no

to me evolution is a proven fact. fossils are there-dna is there-skeletons are there-this means they were alive-FACT.......

i believe that jesus did exist.....but if you think about it.....if someone now said they were the son of god and did all the things jesus apparently did then they would be sectioned-not worshipped....

i believe in ghosts and spirits-i have seen enough of them, i have enough 'feeling' when i go into somewhere or am near someone.....

i believe the body is just a shell.....like sea creatures that take on a different shell each time they grow...

i believe that some people are destined to meet again....that if you lose someone you love, sometimes you then come into contact with someone that you think 'i know this person' or 'god they're just like.....'

a few years after my grandad died-who was my everything....joe (who i call dad) came into my life-and his is just like my grandad......it's like my grandad is either 'in' joe or my grandad sensed a kindred spirit and sent me to him...i dont know.

i have the words 'omnia causa fiunt' which means everything happens for a reason tattoo'd on my arm-and i believe that is true.....everything DOES happen for a reason


yep Diz you pretty much summed it up for me! When I pray for someone or ask someone for help its usually to my Nan (she passed away in 2005-was like a second mother to me) I am pretty sure she is watching over me and probably tutting at me!!

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I just wish that there is a second coming of Christ, and put the record straight to all followers of religions, so as there is just one, too many wars have been fought in the name of religion, and still are, and as for Churches well who has the money and the land? we must remember that Darwin through a spanner in the works with eveloution, bet the Church hated him for that one?

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This has nothing to do with my faith but I see so many "why do bad things happen", so I will post my logic on it :) Good cannot exist without bad.

"Bad" things happen and always will happen in this world for the simple reason that we need something to compare our "good" too. Imagine if no one ever died or felt loss, or got hurt physically or emotionally; if nothing bad ever happened, how would we even know any different to be able to label our life as good? If our dogs never got sick or died, we would never be able to appreciate their life and wellness.

It's actually very hard for me to imagine a life without "bad".. I miss my little springer girl and wish she had not gotten cancer.. but because of my experience with her, I'm so grateful Jake is healthy and I will cherish every minute of it!

We would take everything for granted, and if that was the case then nothing would be labelled as good! This thread has other good examples.. http://www.husky-own...621-to-realize/

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not an attack against religions, just to show how sometimes religion leads to extreme stupidity

thank god for japanese tragedy

Well, hopefully she'll stay so busy praying, that we won't hear any more of her rubbish! I get very annoyed at the so-called Christians who seem to completely forget that Jesus told us to love... and to leave judgement to God!

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Oh geez where to begin...

I guess I'll start by saying this is a very personal matter to me and sometimes I feel ashamed to reveal how I feel about my religion; especially on this forum because my religion usually has a lot of negative connotations toward dogs (please don't judge it solely based on that). I do believe in Allah and I believe that He helps me everyday despite the fact that I don't always listen to His advice. I believe in the Holy Koran. That being said I don't consider myself a religious person because I don't follow the 5 pillars of Islam. It makes me feel terribly guilty and sometimes I wish I could just drop religion from my life like a bad habit but the guilt (just saying that) would drive me nuts. I admire atheist people because I believe that their good intentions come from within rather than from commands or an "external force" like God.

I agree with most people in that religion should be dealt with in moderation. Fanaticism is just a corporate way of ruining the good things about religion. Hence, I believe that everyone should give religion and God a chance (not that I'd force it on anyone).

I've mentioned this before, but one of my greatest fears is to be in heaven without my pets...I'm constantly wondering if my furbabies have souls. It's difficult to grasp and express this for me but I hope you all understand.

Anyway, I'm sleepy. Heart you all! xoxo

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well i was christened and i went to a church of england school im that clued up on religion i aint got a clue what i am :blink: but i dont belive in god as were all ment to be his children but takes away the good people by cancer n bein mudered terminally ill but leave the bad the rapist the killers the phsyco to live a life ov either freedom and a nice jail cell were they get three meals a day n a roof over there head why would he do that ? people say he dose it cose there good people and he wants them back but no one loves them more than there family!

and wats the crack with adam and eve they say incest is wrong even i think its wrong but how did they multiply then they must have been born as bother n sister to be born for them to born more oh my god head is spinning!

all that matters to me is i know right from wrong good from bad i dont care what race people are wat colour they are there the same as us just diffrent coluor!

we dont dislike a red n white husky cose there diffrent to a black n white or a pure white cose they have no huskys colours!

only time i dont like people is if they do wrong by me or kill abuse or tortuer others!

yes people have diffrent " gods" but if we all had the same one we would all be the same would be a bit boring and grating. i refuse to be cornered into a religion i have a next door neighbour who hates as hes say "pakis"there all evil and he loves british people with a passion but if hes sick and dieing but could be saved by a so called "paki" would he or would he rahter die than let him touch him ?

ye im finished now btw could some one please tell me what i am lol i dont know !:unsure:

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And don't forget the Christmas tree Andrea>>> If I rememebr my studie correctly.

I studied many different religions before I chose what made sene to me. Paganism is the closest thing to my Lakota Sioux roots, so there are several similarities.

Bear with me on this, there is no one definition of it as there are quite a few branches so to speak such as egyption, celtic, norse, greek to name a few each one slightly different. there are active pagans which do the whole skyclad (naked worshiping) thing but there are others like myself that dont there is no pressure you can practice as little or as much as you like. you are all aready aware of 2 pagan festivals easter and christmas easter was originally a festival celebrating the goddess Eoster and the spring equinox and christmas is a celebation of the winter solstice but when the church took over inorder to convince alot of people to move over to their religion they kept the same dates to make it easier for people, alot of the pagan traditions are still carried out today such as giving of easter eggs/chocolate bunnies and christmas wreaths and candles etc.

please let me add i dont wanna upset anyone with my above comments about the church.

hope this helps a little


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I'm a kind of atheist pagan. I am able to appreciate the wonders of nature, the importance of love and the difference between good and evil, but I don't need to artificially create some kind of supernatural entity to justify it.

In fact, I believe that organised religions have been one of the major forces for evil in the world, which is why my signature always includes Voltaire's quote: ""As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities"

For me, all religions are absurd. The suggestion that "god" exists is no more logical or provable than the suggestion that "I have fairies at the bottom of my garden"

Even if there were a god, whose god would he/she be? - the god of christianity, islam, judaism, Zeus, Krishna, Pan (he'd be my choice if there were a god) or any of the million other gods humans have created to explain their lives since we first crawled out of the primeval mud????????

Perhaps even more absurd than the notion of god, is the notion that any one religion's idea of god is the right one - crazy stuff!

Just my humble opinion


wow mick i couldnt have found better words than that to describe my views.. i am an athiest and can and will not believe that there is some higher force i do believe the power of wrong is stronger than the power of right.. cos show me some one who says that says they have never done a thing wrong in life and i will show you a lier.

i get bible people / jehova etc knocking my door even though they can clearly see my sign saying no cold callers but they feel it doesnt apply to them cos they are spreading the word of the lord....BULL !!! hmmm but yet i have never had an atheist knock my door ..... why ??? cos we dont try to push our beliefs on others ..if i want religion i will go to church and resent people trying to force it upon me at my door then get the hump when i ask "cant you f***in read" my family dont let me answer the door anymore cos they know what i will say...

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  • 3 weeks later...

didnt expect to find this on a husky forum...but here goes. i have always believed in god, although i was brought up as an athiest. i dont like that people blame god for stuff thats gone on...as i believe in most cases its man-made. to me....all this, just cant be evolution, its all too perfect to happen by chance :)

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