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religion-a discussion,not a place to try and cause trouble.

Lil Miss Bump

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hey, dave's thread got me thinking.....well to be fair religion is something i'm always thinking about and wondering about....so i wondered what your beliefs are. i'd just like to say now this is not a thread for talking down to people or trying to force your views on to others. It is a thread for discussion and to ask questions of different religions that you wouldn't normally be able to ask. I hope smokey comes on and talks more about islam and her beliefs as it is very interesting. So come on guys what do you believe in or have questions about? Xxx

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Personally i dont believe in any religion i do believe though that there cant be nothing after death as what is the point of living if its just all going to end and i cant imagine sitting here now and then there being nothing just blackness when i die?

I also believe everything in your life happens for a reason!

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I'm a kind of atheist pagan. I am able to appreciate the wonders of nature, the importance of love and the difference between good and evil, but I don't need to artificially create some kind of supernatural entity to justify it.

In fact, I believe that organised religions have been one of the major forces for evil in the world, which is why my signature always includes Voltaire's quote: ""As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities"

For me, all religions are absurd. The suggestion that "god" exists is no more logical or provable than the suggestion that "I have fairies at the bottom of my garden"

Even if there were a god, whose god would he/she be? - the god of christianity, islam, judaism, Zeus, Krishna, Pan (he'd be my choice if there were a god) or any of the million other gods humans have created to explain their lives since we first crawled out of the primeval mud????????

Perhaps even more absurd than the notion of god, is the notion that any one religion's idea of god is the right one - crazy stuff!

Just my humble opinion


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I prefer to know facts, rather than just assume there is some higher being. For that reason I'm an atheist. I have nothing against religion, i just dont like the problems and divides between people it causes

Some people use religion as an excuse to be pr*cks, and I dont get how they can justify it, love thy neighbour and all that, but if they dont believe in the same god, blow them up :blink: I just dont get it.

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I Meesh like Rose was brought up Catholic, I am not a regular church goer and disagree with lots of the Catholic church forces on others. Being Transsexual and catholic in a lot of the church beliefs should not go together, but I say may faith is mine not theirs,

Jennifer is a none believer

Our feelings are believe in what ever you like but do not hurt others because someone tells you it is part of your religion to do so. This is not about religion but others using reeligion fot their own means. This as happened as long as religion as existed. My own faith Catholism as been responsible for some terrible things in the past.

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I think for all religions, their reputation has been ruined by the fanatics, extremists, and MEDIA.. just look at what has happened to peoples view of Muslims. And the same fits for Christians when ONE pastor/priest/etc gets the news all over him for saying something like "Haiti deserved what they got for selling their soul to the devil" rolleyes.gif Peoples view of any religion these days is one of disgust and it's very sad..

I for one have faith as a Christian but do not cling to a religion. I've found a home at a Methodist church, which is probably one of the most laid back denominations there is. No strict rules that have no basis from the Bible, etc. Just a place to worship and a great community to know, and I don't even have to dress up :P While it's hard to believe in something you can't see, I have seen people's life change, and there are some stories of healing that I cannot attribute to simple nature.

I am also a science fan :) Biology is amazing. But I fail to see how science and faith cannot work together as some people so adamantly claim. (not meaning anyone here, just those "experts" and such :P)

I think one thing all people should at least understand is that even the religious and faithful people are still human.. we still fail and make mistakes just the same. It seems that people have very high expectations of how a Christian is supposed to be and act, and when they fail to meet it, they are "fake" or have a bs religion. I don't really know about other religions for this point though.

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I was brought up in a certain religion and although as a family we sort of celebrate the odd festival and there are a few odd dietry laws I follow, I wouldn't say I'm a particularly religous person.

Don't shoot me for saying this, but I don't beleive the world was created by g-d, I beleive in evolution (which goes against everything they taught us in school!!:o ).

I also think everything happens for a reason...fate...karma...

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I'm not religious at all. If there was a god why would all the bad stuff happen.

I believe it when I see it. Aliens- I think it would be selfish to think in all the planets and galaxies out there that we are the only living beings in existence.

Ghosts-I have seen one myself.

Witches and magic and paganism-I do like the whole witch thing, it interests me and have a few pentagram necklaces which I wear when I need a bit of luck or protection. But I certanly won't be dancing around in moonlight naked!!! :blink:

Ouija Boards-NEVER touch one of these. Me and a friend did when I was 18 and it unleashed lots of bad things. Upsetting things we do not truely understand is never good.

I do believe in fate, destiny, etc. And I truely do believe my husband is my soulmate. :wub:

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hey, dave's thread got me thinking

Yeah, sorry about that lol :D

I have been christened (I actually got into the paper due to me and my 2 brothers & sister all being christened at the same time) But i am not a believer.

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I grew up in area that had a lot of what I call religious nut cases, people who go crazy if you dont believe what they believe and even dont go to the same church as them. I dated an atheist before, and Ive dated a religious nut case (didnt know at the time), and my husband believes in god but doesnt go to church. For my beliefs....well Mick pretty much hit it spot on for me. Though I do believe there is something after we die whether it be we float around watching people in there daily lives or we go to a heaven or whatever.

One other thing...although I do not believe in god I am very interested in learning about other religions. I am very open minded as long as its not a here let me stuff my religion down your throat attitude. rolleyes.gif

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I'd be an Atheist if I had more conviction, instead, I'll gladly be an Agnostic.

"I can neither confirm nor deny the possibility of an afterlife, however, as of yet, I have seen no evidence to convince me that there is."

Or, my personal favourite, to prarphrase Hawking, "If there is a god, he does NOT break the fundamental laws on the universe."

I try, I really, really try to never look down on the faithful. However, being a Scientist (medical), I, sadly, come into conflict with them on a daily basis, and, it isn't so much the "faithfulness" that irks me, it is the fact that many of them replace empiricism, evidence, and scientific process with faith. I don't know too much about the religious institutions you folks have across the pond, but, here in America...I fear some of our biggest problems are coming to a head. The aforementioned problems I encounter with the more pious of people has been getting worse over the past several years.

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One other thing...although I do not believe in god I am very interested in learning about other religions. I am very open minded as long as its not a here let me stuff my religion down your throat attitude. rolleyes.gif

could not have said it better.

i have +1'd everyone who has the guts to talk about this so far, tef and i have been sat reading them and there are some lovely words spoken....dunc that is my favourite song that you quoted.....i am actually getting 'you may say i'm a dreamer' tattoo'd on me :)

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Great topic! I've been wondering how members of this forum are seeing life before :)

I don't believe in a god or some kind of magical stuff that no one can explain, I do believe in ourself. If there is a problem, WE need to solve it. WE are able to help other people with their problems, not some kind of random guy in the clouds no one can agree what its name is. My believe is "us" :)

However, I don't deny the possible existence of anything like god. I always love to hear opinions and stories of people who think otherwise. Knowledge makes us wise right? As long as you don't expect me to suddenly turn to your religion. Maybe there IS a god up there who is controlling everything. Maybe Armageddon IS going to happen. Maybe we get born again after why die? But as long as no one can agree to it I take no opinion and believe in what I personally believe, but I'm more than happy to be proven my believe is in some way wrong.

A believe should be just that, a personal believe, not a fact that should be forced upon everyone else.

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Well i have no religion or beliefs if i'm honest, which is pretty much why i freaked when my friend recently asked me to be godfather to her daughter !!!! after talking to her i realise its more about being a good person and looking out and being there for her rather than going to church and being down with god etc. although i know i'm going to have to go to church on the day and possibly spout some stuff i don't really believe ????

I also get the hump when people come knocking at my door pushing the religion of choice for that day, don't get me wrong i have nothing against anybody or religion but if i want to know about it i'm more than capable of finding out for myself and to be honest i'm not that bothered.

I did have a lady walk up to me in the street about 3 years ago take my hand and tell me i had a dark troubled soul and that she and her church could help me. We are not talking crazy lady with banners and signs here very polite and normal. She took a card out of her bag pushed in my pocket and said they will be there for me !!!! I wasn't impressed ....Even if its true you wouldn't go upto the chubby dude eating KFC and smoking and tell him he's shafted and you know a good personal trainer and make a mean salad ???

ohhhh i sound angry today ... i'm not i promise

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This is a very interesting topic-its great to see other people's views.

To be honest, I believe more in Evolution because there is hard evidence of it and more facts about the origins of who we are. HOWEVER i also believe in ghosts and the thought that there has to be something else in our universe as its too vast and big to think that there isnt.

Obviously I'm not into organised religion but im not going to slate someone who is as thats their choice and thats the point. Everyone has a Choice in what they believe and if it makes them happy then why change it. I also believe in everything happens for a reason and those happenings lead to other things in our lives.

A really good book for the non-believer is: Richard Dawkins, 'The God Delusion'.

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I would like to add that i would like to 'believe' in a God, but i feel the same about this as i do about ghosts, spirits and ufo's.

Until i personally whitness or feel something i find it hard to believe in

I've seen/smelt/heard things that i think might be ghostly or my mind puts down to be ghostly but never actually seen anything i can be 100% certain is a ghost. Also seen what i thought was a UFO but my mind says well a UFO is just that an unidentified flying object not an alien !! so i'm with you on that Dave

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Or, my personal favourite, to prarphrase Hawking, "If there is a god, he does NOT break the fundamental laws on the universe."

Some had wondered why God allows so many bad things to happen - this would be my answer. I do believe that God exists, and that he cares for each and every one of us. So how can he let bad things happen? He set up fundamental rules that govern the way things work, and while I won't say he *never* breaks them, I do believe it's rare! I believe that it happens occasionally - hence *miracles*.

Especially in light of things like the horrible tragedy in Japan which is now happening, I wish that miracles were more common. I don't know how to explain why such things happen, other than to say that science explains why the earth spins, producing gravity, and causing magma to flow and tectonic plates to shift. God doesn't break the laws that govern that. I firmly believe that if you were to go to Japan, in the midst of all the tragedy, you would find stories of people who did not perish or were not harmed, because they were someplace other than where they usually should have been, or someone or something "just happened" to be in a place to help them or to deflect a car that would otherwise have hit them. It is my opinion that God works through small miracles, more often than huge ones.

Pretty much everything occurs in cycles - birth, life, death - each generation making room for the next. The Earth also operates this way - spring/summer/fall/winter, as well as larger cycles involved in the patterns of life evolving in complexity (yes, I can reconcile God creating the Earth with evolution!). Life isn't so much about the individual, as it is the broader scheme of community - the whole, ecosystem, if you will - but a larger one than we usually consider.

I also believe that God gives us choices to make - while I also believe that he knows the choices we will make! Would it be nice if nobody ever did anything to hurt or harm anyone else? Absolutely it would. Who among us can honestly say that we haven't ever said or done something like that? Would I like it if God forced me to be nice or to do what he said I should do every moment of every day? Sorry, I'm not that good of a person, although I do TRY to be "good" - I'm human, and I fall short! Sometimes he depends on us for those miracles - great or small. There may be times when we see the results of the choices we make - but then again, we may only plant a seed, which will germinate many years down the line.

I do believe very strongly in God, and I know beyond a shadow of doubt that he loves me. That does not mean that he won't ever allow bad things to happen to me. He allows me to make choices, and as I'm human, I sometimes make bad choices, and bad things follow. He also allows those around me to make choices for good or bad - and those can affect me - for good or for bad. The Earth turns, and natural disasters - or just plain accidents happen. Hopefully, I learn from the bad things that happen - and don't kill me - and become a better, stronger person than I am.

I know God exists, because when I was an adolescent, I met him. I was a gawky, odd kid - the one picked on by the local "gang" in my neighborhood, because I didn't fit in. I would rather have spent time with animals, or walking in the woods, than running around with that group - smoking, drinking, doing small acts of vandalism. One night, I walked home late after babysitting, and encountered them, they took a sketchbook from me, and I got into a fight with the boy who was the leader. As we were rolling around in the street, it was as though a bucket of water was thrown over me - a total shock out of an almost berserker state of mind. I don't recall standing up, but what I do recall was standing in light - incredible, soft, peachy-golden, yet almost rainbow-sparkly - and I felt warmth like arms around me, hugging me in purest Love. I was asked a question that had no words. If I had to put it into words, the most basic was, "Please?" In a broader sense, it would be, "Would you please stop fighting, because I ask you to?" I don't know what the other kids saw or heard - we never spoke of it - but something must have happened for them, too. They shamefacedly gave gave my sketchbook back, and never after that harassed me...

I go to church regularly, but I go to share in worship of a God I love, and to learn what I can - there are always new things to learn. I can't say that I believe in everything any one denomination does, and many people in many religions and denominations are very close-minded and hypocritical - it's said that churches are not for the perfect, they're for sinners, who are trying to become perfect. Some do (apparently) feel that they need to look like they are perfect, and this tarnishes the image of the rest. That said, there are many good people to be found in (I would guess, anyway) most religious institutions.

Sorry this is so long - but... you asked!

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I do believe in God. Though I don't often go to church anymore.

A few years ago my pastor asked my husband to pray with me. We did one morning before work and my day was amazing. I stopped for gas at a station that normally blares some pretty disgusting 'music' and when I walked in there was a Christian rock song playing and the clerk was singing along at the top of his lungs. I traveled on, continuing my way to work when I seen a sunflower blooming near the edge of a cement wall from a small crack. How did it get there? How did it manage to survive to the blooming state? To me, it was just another sign that God was watching over me that day. These seemingly small 'miracles' continued throughout my day and I'll never forget it.

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