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religion-a discussion,not a place to try and cause trouble.

Lil Miss Bump

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I think you'll find that on here we are on the whole a very understanding, open and curious (:lol: ) bunch of people!! I for one love learning about other religions and beliefs and it is really nice that people know that they are not going to get slated for what they feel.

On the site we have people who are










south african







blue eyed

brown eyed

green eyed

blonde haired

black haired

red haired

to name but a few!!!! and everyone is treated the same-no matter what :)

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I think you'll find that on here we are on the whole a very understanding, open and curious (:lol: ) bunch of people!! I for one love learning about other religions and beliefs and it is really nice that people know that they are not going to get slated for what they feel.

On the site we have people who are










south african







blue eyed

brown eyed

green eyed

blonde haired

black haired

red haired

to name but a few!!!! and everyone is treated the same-no matter what :)

hey - i fall into probs 6 of those categories! :lol:

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ok g ay was ***'d by the computer system as i suppose some people could use it as an offensive term.....sorry it wasn't me! just wanted you to know!!

Sorry, I probably have a wrong sense of humour but I had to chuckle here a bit. Everyone's equal here, as long as you read through the censored words :P

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I think you'll find that on here we are on the whole a very understanding, open and curious (:lol: ) bunch of people!! I for one love learning about other religions and beliefs and it is really nice that people know that they are not going to get slated for what they feel.

On the site we have people who are










south african







blue eyed

brown eyed

green eyed

blonde haired

black haired

red haired

to name but a few!!!! and everyone is treated the same-no matter what :)

What about GRUMPY :D

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  • 2 months later...


Diz Cartmell............

Is on to the second day of debating religion with jeffa.....your thoughts on religion plz.........


be a good decent person, thats my religion. you dont need to go to church and sing songs to prove u are good enough to go to heaven

i dont really do religion, i believe that there is something there but what it is i dont know and i would rather not know because how can we name something as big as that. live a good life, to each their own, dont cross the line into the dark side even if they do have cookies (killing people, drugs, etc) and be happy even if it is only for a few minutes each day...

I believe in something.. not sure what. but I agree that it shouldn't need to be attending church that gets you a place beyond the 'Golden Gates' if they exist (as no one really knows) and strongly believe that what goes around comes around..

didnt god or jesus say not to build churches to worship him? i am sure i heard that from somewhere and yet we do... nature is all the "god" we need and it needs us as well

and doesn't the bible preach to love thy neighbour and treat others how you would like to be treated, yet there are so many hypocritical religious people who hate gay people and other minorities

There is only one religion and that is Church of Malamute ;) x

Religion is a psychological comfort blanket for those scared of dying and without the ability to think. Its far easier to believe in an invisible god if other people do. I could be convinced I was Napoleon Bonaparte but my existance would be a lonely one. But if i could convince others to believe it...see where Im going?

Don't do religion, I've seen too much in my life to believe in all that crap, if you look at all the wars in the world you can guarantee religion is at the root of the problem x

I agree with the comfort blanket statment. Im not a believer myself but my mum was. I have thought about this many times since her death that if her god was the all forgiving being its supposed to be, then how.could it have let a woman that did.so much.for others all her life die with.so much pain.

what im trying to explain to jeff as it (PAGANISM) is something i've been reading about-A LOT and it really does ring true to me but he thinks that im going to be part of a cult!

I've nursed cancer patients who were deeply religious and after seeing their pain and suffering I could never worship a "god" that let a follower of theirs suffer like that

religion is all about spirituality and how you relate to thinks. For me paganism works as i can relate to it a lot - especially the animal and elemental aspects of it. I always feel that bit better when i see crows around and thunderstorms always seem to give me energy. When it come to christianity i just can't. No man can feed 5 thousand people with a loaf of warbies and a couple of tins of john west

if you think about the Abrahamic religions then the god they worship is a dreadful monster guilty of ethnic cleansing, genocide, child sacrifice, jealousy and so on. It's funny how, in the history of man that gods make an appaerance on the ...scene about the same time as man began inventing things. Man works out that if he can make things then what made us? remember that at one point in our evolution the wheel barrow was advanced technology...man knew nothing about his planet. They were ignorant and backward. Look at islam, it's produced nothing of a scientific nature since 1011 when an iman declared math to be the work of satan. Stupid people.

As for god being a creator...he did a crap job with the human body. Our eyes can on see light in a very narrow range of spectrums. Childhood leukemia, birth defects, the fact we're warm blooded which means we need to eat all the time, a sna...ke eats one a week...saves a lot of energy that way, the fact that our sexual organs are so near our waste disposal system..thats like building a pleasure palce next to a sewage farm.

REligion can prove nothing and those making incredible claims had better come up with incredible evidence...and they never will.

paganism is the oldest religion and people who don't understand always think its a cult but if they read just a lil bit bout it they would hopefully understand but then it doesn't help when witches have been made out to be evil and in league with the devil by other religions and Hollywood

paganism is like all the others, flim flam and woo woo.

and the Egyptian religious beliefs are way older than paganism

egyptian beliefs are part of paganism

only in the respect that ancient egyptians worship multiple deities who were believed to be present in, and in control of, the forces and elements of nature. The myths about these gods were meant to explain the origins and behavior of the forces they represented, and the practices of Egyptian religion were efforts to provide for the gods and gain their favor. Either way..its flim flam and woo woo.

basically what i was telling the dizzle is that first theirs a big difference btwn belief and religion...religion is a form of control, religion create order that is passed down, ur mumm...a, the courts/ history is based on order created by religion passed down thru generations. Whether u choose to believe in religion or not u live in a society thats based around religious beliefs such as space, time, right or wrong (go to china and them what date it is for example)

As for belief u can choose to believe in anything, whatever it is the fact still remains thiers a higher being. Some say we evolved but surely we evolved from something right??? the dizzle says its from cosmic matter that landed on earth a milli ago...I say that lets call that cosmic matter God...init???? and we all live happyly ever after....stay blessed

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Morality doesnt come from religion. Humans have been on the planet for about 150,000 years. if you believe that maorality comes from religion then thats saying that god sat back and watched mankind rape, kill and steal for 140 odd thousand ...years and then said..'mmmm, its not going well..I'd better intervene' Human kind wouldnt have made it this far. And saying 'lets call that cosmic matter god' is not an argument that hold water. As for evolution, there's stacks of evidence to back it up, none for god. if youre going to make incredible claims you've got to come up with incredible evidence. The religionists will never be able to do that. Intelligent design has been disproved, there is no such thing as irreducible complexity.

Christopher Hitchens is right, god is not great and religion poisons everything

rather than be so dismissive of others beliefs please can you either just say you don't believe in religion or not comment - diz asked for a discussion and not for a right v wrong argument - there is no right or wrong in this discussion. People believe what they believe

random fact: days of the week are named after pagan gods and goddesses (well a few) - Thursday - Thor, Saturday - Saturn, Friday - Freya. Sunday and Monday are Sun and Moon. Can't remember who the other 2 are named after. You'll find plenty more things like this in everyday life :)

does anyone associate paganism with the devil? That seems to be the most common misconception. Any more opinions on religion?

Weekdays were named when mankind was living in the dark ages and thought the earth was the centre of the solar system. Just because we still use those names doesn't give the green light top paganism or any other religion. When those who bel...ieve in the spirit or soul can produce empirical evidence that can be tested then I'll sit up and listen. There is no evidence or the soul, if there was then there'd be a soul shaped space in the body. Ive been to countless post mortems...never seen a soul shaped space yet. I also think its important to challenge religion, especially when they force there beliefs on others which happens here. Who are trying to remove a womans right to abortion? Its not atheists I can tell you that much.

the planets are named after roman gods. And if you look at the english names for week days they are adapted from germanic names which use deities as the day names (as noted above) with the exception of saturday-monday. Oh and paganism pre dates the dark ages as the dark ages followed the decline of the roman empire. Calendars were introduced by the romans

Ok, so I'm a weak-minded, brainless idiot who needs a security blanket! I do believe in God, I do believe that he's been trying to make relationship with humans he created all through time, but that humans, given "free will" - the right/abi...lity to choose whether they will do right or wrong, obedience (which usually involves - at least in what today is called Christianity as directed in the Bible by Jesus- in putting God first, then treating others as you want to be treated) generally choose to be selfish and unloving. I also believe that yes, he did come to Earth in the person of Jesus to show us how to be and to live - once again, we fall short. There are many who profess to be Christians who are hypocritical, no doubt. Some likely do have some real belief, or want to, but just can't quite get past their own selfishness. Others simply want to appear "good". How many other groups of people can you think of where people do that? One bad apple spoils the barrel, and one hypocrite makes all believers look bad - it doesn't mean that all are! I believe in a God who loved me enough to die for me, who wants a relationship with ME (can hardly believe that - just a very imperfect and unimportant human being!) and who walks with me every day, there for me, through good times and bad. Yes, he allows me to go through bad times, he allows bad things to happen to good people who believe in Him. He created "rules" which include a cycle of physical life and death, which allows for some pretty horrible diseases - and gave us the "free will" to choose how we will treat others. If he always rescued us from our choices or those of others, where would that freedom of choice be? I guess it comes down to - at least for me - I believe God loves me, that He put me on Earth for His purposes, He will be with me when things are difficult or even horrible, but that he will be near when I need him, to comfort me if nothing else.

i may not be christian but that is well said. Some people just find it hard to accept others for what they believe and are completely ignorant. I wouldn't begrudge or have ill will towards anyone because of their religion if it differs from mine

Any relationship that threatens you pain if you refuse to love someone is abusive. Love god or burn in hell forever. Actually, going to heaven would be like living in north korea..all praise the glorious leader.

don't you think its funny that god decided to speak to a backward desert living people and not somewhere where civilisation was far more advanced within the same time periaod? christianity is only dominant because of Constantine who adopted it for political reason.

I long ago got the idea you don't like Christianity - do you need to repeat yourself? You don't believe, and that's your choice. I'm not convinced, however, that you really KNOW what you're "talking" about. The "Christian"... story is all about God doing the unexpected! Jesus helped the sick, injured, poor, and powerless. I do believe that he was God in human form, and died for ME - and for you too for that matter! If you don't want to believe that, it's your choice. Please, give me an equal amount of respect and leave me mine.

I would not say that i subscribe to any documented religious set of texts or belief systems. What does interest me- and maybe Aimee too , is why human beings bother to debate this, think about it, belong, have faith , call it what you will. Idont see it as needing a comfort blanket. I think, therefore i am.

thats all it boils down to in this - respect. And its blatantly obvious that you have none dominic. I'm susre myself and gig have our difference in opinion when it comes to religion but at least we can respect each others opinion

As soon as religious people have no input into the democratic process, ie bishops sitting unelected in the House of Lords and religious schools not recievving state funding then I'm gonna keep hammering away at it. Youre right matt, I have no respect for religion, it poisons everything.

It seems that you have no respect for the administration of religion and in particular where it is directly linked to the state and government of a people.Try and imagine how you got to be so angry. Sounds like the merger of politics and religion, church and state, thats wht irks you. So can you imagine ........ well ? Can you ?

I'm pretty tolerant as to other peoples' beliefs. I do go to and am active in my church; however I know that neither my local church nor the "church" at large are perfect. They can't be, because they (like government and any other human ins...titution) are composed of fallible, imperfect human beings. God is far too "big" to be confined to human understanding! No one religion has or can have all of the answers, but the reason I stick with Christianity is because it is the only one that tells me God loves all of us imperfect humans so much that he would literally die for us...

And whether any of you believe in anything you must.surely,agree that we all need to be loved and to give love . What is the point of life otherwise after all ?

At the end of the day.. we all have our own beliefs etc.. and it comes from a higher being or the big bang theory and scientific evolution.. but it is what is inside each and every one of us that makes us HUMANKIND.. and free will allows us to make our own choices.. it is just such a shame that no one knows what is beyond this life enough to actually be able to tell us all if something exists..

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wow-these opions are brilliant to read-the passion that comes out of a question like this is amazing. i appreciate all of what everyone is saying-even though i dont neccearily(sp) agree with it. there are a lot of things within paganism tha...t ring true to me, and to be honest i have been only looking into it for a few months, christianity i have had forced down my throat for 25 years and have found NOTHING that 'clicks' with me, dont get me wrong some parables (stories) that have morals etc are good to hear-the good samaritan for example but i do agree with dominic that i dont like that religious beliefs are used akin with law and against people eg abortion euthenasia etc, i also agree that if there was one god that created us, yes he didnt do a very good job as no one is perfect and there are so so many flaws. any faith i had in christianity (as i was a church go-er and yes you may say bible basher) until my grandad died-my grandad was one of the kindest, gentlest men that would help anyone and anything-and he was riddled with cancer and died when i was 10-my nana is still a devout baptist-if someone took mike or a member of my family away from me i see no reason why someone would hurt people like that and then having my best friend kev taken in 2005....why does 'he' take the good and leave the poisonous, cheats, peados, rapists and murderers here to cause more distruction? why doesn't god want an earth full of positive happy people living in harmony? i also didnt say that a cosmic alien landed on earth!!! Jeff Liboyi!!! we were talking about evolution and you asked what started before man and i said cosmic matter....particles, gasses....like what are out in the atmosphere now-there are countless 'big bangs' in the stratosphere daily.......cant think of anything else to add just yet!!!


I wish I had answers for you, Diz, but I don't. That's why they call it "faith"...

I think Diz that you'll find a lot of cheats, paedos and rapists were working as priests and their crimes covered up by the current pope. Religion allows people to do the most terrible things.

And there are a very great number of religious leaders and people in general who have done great good in the world, as well. There are bad apples in every barrel, and rotten people in every group.

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I've not read through the thread all the way yet but I plan to. Religion and beliefs intrest me greatly.

As for myself I'm always changing, my views and opinions tend to ebb and flow. I consider myself rather open minded. I do not follow an organized religion and in my opinion most organized religions have faded far from what they once were. I think most emphasize too much on traditions, rules, doctrines, money, etc. I'm not putting down anyone's religion as this is just how I feel about organized religion in general.

Now with that being said I always question beliefs, the world around us, and the mysteries of the universe. As i go through life many of my views and opinions change. Some things I believe in or at least things that seem to make sense to me are life after death. Since energy can't be created nor destroyed but only change form i don't see how there could be nothing after death. I'm leaning towards reincarnation, seems logical to me as a lot of things in nature seem to cycle and continue on. Example a start dies and from it's remains a new star can form. Other things I'm just not sure of, or am questioning. I'm a member on a spiritual/pagan forum and there are tons of interesting views on there. A lot to ponder about.

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I look at religion as a way that people can use to give them guidence on how to be treated and to treat others for good. Not that bad. I believe the bible is basically a groups of stories on teaching people about this and other people in histories experiance of it. I am not a religious person by any means nor my parents, but i went to a church school and sunday school as a child and I think it reinforced about being good etc and the values I was taught by my parents. Some people I feel need to believe in something while others do not. I respect everyones views and religion, but neither do I think they should be forced apon by someone else.

Also as for creation etc, being of a scientific mind there is no way on earth I believe and the whole Adam and Eve thing. That basically means we are all related to each other lol no way no sirrr eeeeee lol. There is too much evidence for evolution and life around before them.

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agreed fallon, i seem to change, i have had 25 years of christianity forced upon but and it is only since i have started looking more into paganism that something has really 'clicked' with me............but im only just learning......but i WANT to learn more-which for me and religion is a good thing as i am a very spiritual person (as people keep telling me!) but i've never found something or somewhere that i 'belong'

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Oh and one other thought, I definately believe in ghosts and psychic stuff. Not really a religion in itself but linked to it. I believe when you die, yep you pretty much die. But a little bit of you goes somewhere, I dont know where but it does. Have had some very very odd experiances in my time with regard to psychic occurances.

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agreed fallon, i seem to change, i have had 25 years of christianity forced upon but and it is only since i have started looking more into paganism that something has really 'clicked' with me............but im only just learning......but i WANT to learn more-which for me and religion is a good thing as i am a very spiritual person (as people keep telling me!) but i've never found something or somewhere that i 'belong'

Sounds similar to me. When my father passed away very tragically I began to question my faith and beliefs and over the years have just moved away from Christianity. I always want to know more. I would love to travel the world and learn from other cultures and religions

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I actually have no problem with believing that God created the world a step at a time - evolved it, if you will. To me, it shows how meticulous He is, and how He plans out marvelously intricate things. Sometimes I wonder why He did something the way He did, but while I hope that one day I will understand, I don't NEED to know - I'll trust that He has a plan, that He knows the purpose behind everything, and that the imperfect shells we inhabit on this Earth will one day give way to something better and more permanent.

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I think we all search for something spiritual at sometime in our life. Some people find it in their religion, or various other belief systems, while others never seem find what they are looking for.

I am not a follower by nature, and always seem to go off in the opposite direction to everyone else, but fundamentally, I am happy with my belief system. I am a Christian, no doubt about that, and my faith in God is unshakable. But, being a Christian does not mean I don't ask questions - I do, all the time. I also don't understand everything I read or hear because I am inclined to analyze everything to death and end up going around in circles - for a Christian that can be enormously frustrating :confused: I don't attend church - living in a small town in SA has its disadvantages - and hypocrisy is not something I can live with.

I would love to know what was added, and what was left out of the Bible as we know it.

I love reading about other people's beliefs and the journey they take.

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I have never had any belief in a god, But at a time when my father was on his death bed I turned to his god and asked him to take my father to stop any more suffering, within ten minuets of me leaving him he passed away peacefully.

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I have to say that i'm a bit of a fence sitter with this one. I went to church on sunday funnily enough with the parents to a special baptism service where peoples testimonies were interesting and emotional...

I am also selfish insofar as while i believe wars are started through religion or greed, I am pleased that god and the church has been there for my parents when my brother was killed in a car crash at the age of 25. the police phoned at about 4 in the morning saying there was a policeman outside and could they let him in.. When told the news, mum didnt believe it and reached for her bible, where the random page and paragraph she turned to said something along the lines of " have peace for by the day i will be gone".. That, and the most amazing rainbow in the morning was all the confirmation she needed.. I am also thankful for their church brethren who love and look after them. it is a comfort to me knowing they are looked after while i live so far away

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