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The most heartwarming thing your dog has done for you :)


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Today I got the go ahead from my doc to start putting weight back on my leg. Of course I was thrilled but nervous I have seven days before going back to work. I decided to walk to the office of our apartment complex and back with my roomies and of course my walker. It went surprisingly well and thankfully it was a gorgeous sunny day for once so was quite pleasant. We had put the dogs in the kennel during this brief outing due to my roomies doing emergency surgery on my laptop and there were a ton of little screws for our furry vacuums to suck up lol. Long story short we got home and Kiana was beside herself excited. Odd for her she's only that excited when I leave for hours and come back and even then it's a bit more laid back. We let them out and Kiana barrels over to me wooing her little husky heart out, ears fully flat, and wagging her tail like mad. She practically crawls in my lap to give me kisses beyond kisses. I was exceptionally proud of what I did and I have no doubts in my mind that Kiana's excitement stemmed directly from that and she was just as excited as I was that I am now well on my way back to normal. SO to everyone I issue this: what is the most amazing heart warming thing your dog of any breed has done for you?

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How cool is her reaction!? So glad to hear that you're getting up and about!!!

I can't think of anything specific that my dogs have ever done, just that they're always there with hugs and kisses when I'm sad, and equally willing to help celebrate the good things in life...

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Well, we had a Red Heeler named King Red Leo (lived to be 15 1/2) and we got into a head-on collision and totaled our car, Gloria was on the couch crying about the car, and Red Leo uncharacteristically laid down beside her and snuggled with her on the couch all day and gave her kisses very slowly-like he knew how upset she was.

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My boy came back to me after being lost for just over 4 weeks. The happiest he and I have EVER been to see each other. I've NEVER heard him, before or after, be as vocal as when I showed up to take him home. He came running up to me(~14lbs lighter than his normal weight) and almost knocked me over, wooing and talking...he just kept going on and on. Now we pretty much go everywhere together.

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My boy came back to me after being lost for just over 4 weeks. The happiest he and I have EVER been to see each other. I've NEVER heard him, before or after, be as vocal as when I showed up to take him home. He came running up to me(~14lbs lighter than his normal weight) and almost knocked me over, wooing and talking...he just kept going on and on. Now we pretty much go everywhere together.

Damn-thats a great story, Brian, very heartwarming-thanks for sharing!

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First one wasn't even my dog. A friend of my mothers came round with a lab and at the time I was pretty scared of dogs, I usually got attacked by them a lot, so it got down on its belly and crawled over to me and then rolled on it's back to get a fuss. His owner had never seen him do it before. but him doing that got me past my fear and well I now have dogs myself.

2nd time is just after I got Nooks I hit a very low patch and for no reason burst into tears. He got up, came over to me and gentley jumped up and put a paw on each shoulder and then gave me a hug. needless to say I soon cheered up.

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Aleu's comforted me loads in the past. I think there's two events that really stick in my mind.

Over a year ago now I attempted suicide. Police Officers and an ambulance arrived and Aleu just came over to me, rested her paws on my lap and started giving me these big huge kisses. I felt really horrible about what I'd tried to do (wasnt particularly regretting it at the time, because when you feel that way.. you just do), but looking back, it was like she was telling me it's going to be ok and she didn't want me to leave her. My old dog Logan also came over and gave me huge kisses because I was crying.

Most recently would have been when I came off the bike the other week and the walkydog clasp snapped. I was upset and in pain, and I was stunned that Aleu didn't run off, but instead came and sat next to me, wagged her tail and gave me a few kisses.

I love my dog <3.

Stacey xxx

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um echo doesnt do heartwarming....

i let her off lead and she scared the bejesus outta some boys who were trying to steal daughtry from me

i suppose the nicest thing she ha done was accept us as her owners and allow us to work through her problems and take her home

she is my princess and totally deserved her 2nd chance of life with us

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something that always will make people upset and something i will never forget when we was at vets after miley had her operation before she passed away she was very much lifeless for the first time in her life but she still managed to get me a paw as if she was trying to tell me she would be ok. i was in tears never felt anything like it miley showed me love everyday till she died. i dont think ill ever have the same bond with humans let alone dogs like i did with miley. everyday was heart warming for me.

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I was looking after a friends huskies and one got loose.. I chased him for about 3 miles before I managed to get him back.. when I got home I just collapsed on the floor in a sobbing mess, relieved that nothing bad happend (it was on some BUSY main roads and right next to lots of livestock!) My Shadowbear just came up, licked my tears away and then sqeezed himself onto my knee (hes HUGE so that was a real challenge! LOL) cuddled me till I was better. :) My little mummys bear is such a good boy! :)

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Theo has learnt to trust us ................................. He was rescued from some people who caged him muzzeled and let other dogs set upon him. The people would beat him too.We have had Theo 6 months now and he allows us to stroke him without fear he will be hurt,wants to spend time with us and little things that show he is starting to trust us is priceless :) We have a long road ahead but it has been worth it

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My dog has always been very vocal and very hyper when I get home, it can be day time or night, the night I got called from the hospital saying my dad had died as I was walking out of the house he just stood by me and did not make one noise, I came back to the house 2 more times that night and again nothing, he would just stand there by me and did not make a sound or tried to jump on me, he was only 4 months old and he always (still does :) ) loved to jump on me to play.

I'm loving him a little more everyday, he's like my best friend, he's always near me, he never goes away, I LOVE IT :)

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the cutest moment with micha was when we collected her and my yongest daughter 9 at the time sat in the car and we gave hermicha to look after on the way home.

after 1 minute she burst into tears, i was really confused and asked her what the matter was, and she said nothig is wrong daddy, i am just so happy, this is the bestist present ever i love you and mummy very much.

i was very choked up about that.

the nicest thing about suki, was when she approached a man and layed down and let him stroke her belly, the man owns an northern inuit, and he was well impressed with it.

the reason we where so impressed is because suki was abused at some point in her life by a man. the people who fostered her before us said that whenever a man raised his voice she used to wet herself.

it took a few weeks for suki to trust me, i never tried to stroke her i just let her come to me, now she gives the best cuddles and is onyl wary around men who smell of alcohol.

her letting a strange man stroke her means she has come out of her shell and is trusting people a bitmore.

they are both very loved in our house.

micha is slightly aloof, but she is our princess.

suki is so goofy at times, she always makes me smile.

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I remeber being really heartbroken after my grandad had died, I was sat in the top feild at my mum's farm crying my heart out and through the tears i could makeout a little fluffy brown speck trundling up the hill towards me, Our Cairn Terrier Eric had made his way all the way across the farm to find me and he just climbed up into my arms for a cuddle. Needless to say i was so touched by his show of love that it set me off crying even harder.

RIP Eric

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aww these stories are awesome :) - ive never had a bad moment with my dogs (yet) but me and my lil bro were play fighting the other day and blaze jumped at him n pushed him away frm me - makes me feel very safe if he would do that when we were messing around i have no doubts should anything happen to me out on a walk he would protect me

bingo runs n hides when i cry :rolleyes: but the other 2 will give me hugs n kisses

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Quite a few years ago I had a Belgium Shepherd called Bess. I took her out for her evening walk and it had been raining heavy all day. My rout took me along the Canal tow path and around a huge deep Quarry. :g_shocked: As I followed the path around the Quarry it was getting quite dark so I put Bess on the lead as i got to the narrowest part of the foot path. Bout 5ft from an old stone wall to a 20ft drop into the water. :crazy: Bess suddenly stopped and refused to go any further so I shone my torch down the path, I couldn't see any thing so I decided to turn back :happy:

As I started to retrace my steps there was a loud roaring noise and about 20 yards of foot path and wall disappeared into the water and if it wasn't for Bess I would have gone with it. :g_shocked: ....................Ron

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Awww...there are some great stories here! I haven't had Ruby very long (since Dec.) but today she was amazing! I was taking the dogs for their walk this morning and the elevator was taking forever, so I decided to take th stairs. We walked down 4 flights (we live on the 8th floor) and as we went to go down the next flight, my left leg slipped forward on the stairs while my right foot got stuck at the top of the landing. I ended up falling down the flight of stairs with my right leg wedged backwards and my ankle then twisted and I heard a large crack. :( I sat on the stairs sobbing and in pain and while my other 2 dogs just sat on the landing, Ruby climbed into my lap with her ears back to comfort me until my son came down to take them out. Even when he showed up, she was reluctant to leave my lap. (and she didn't have a pee accident either! lol) :lol: As for my ankle, well, I'll be going to the hospital after to work toda to see what's broken and what isn't. lol :D

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the night we got Jon, my wife and I were feeling so overwhelmed and unsure that we were ready for this. He was being a monster, and I was already over tired. I layed down in the dining room, and just started crying. My wife was laying next to me. Well I'm crying, saying how I thought we made a big mistake, and this little fluffball comes over to me and starts licking my tears off my face. He then (2.5 month old puppy) layed next to me, and stayed there for a while. My wife and I looked at each other, and couldn't believe it. He literally was at our house for only a couple of hours. That kinda sealed the deal, he had already accepted us,a nd this was his home.

Now we couldn't live without him.

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My old girl Dee (killed by poison put down by neighbours) was spayed wrong and unfortunately kept coming in to season and having phantom pregnancies. Whenever it was "kitten season" she'd start producing milk and adopt our shoes. One morning I got up to hear a baby kitten crying - she had been abandoned in a sealed box and as rain had softened the box she'd managed to scratch her way out and hide in a piece of old chimney piping. She was filthy and terrified, I managed to grab her and put her in our cage in the garden (I foster for the local animal rescue so we had a cage for newcomers) so she would be safe from the Dee and the other cats and went down to the pet shop to get some kitten milk and flea powder for her. I wasn't even gone an hour but somehow in the time I was gone, Dee had managed to dig under the cage and get at the kitten. Kittie was no longer covered in black soot but a gorgeous white and tabby baby, busy suckling on Dee! She continued to suckle until she was nearly 6 months old!

With Nadia - 2 months ago I lost my uncle to a brain tumor and was devastated, not just because he had died but because he had died when I was so far away - I had been due to fly out to say goodbye that night. Now, Nadia knows she's not allowed on the bed or sofas, but while I sat crying on the sofa she came up to me, gently climbed up on to the sofa, and lay with her head on my lap. She then managed to get a smile out of me when she looked up to me to give me a kiss and burped in my face.. Goofy little bugger..

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