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Update on Flynn situation.


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Ok well I know a lot of you were really suportive yesterday and told me to call around the vets. Well I did and I mentioned there was another lady asking after him. Well I think I've found Flynn's sister.. we both sat on the phone this afternoon and had a long chat, and when I went on facebook and looked at her pictures they look almost identical!!! It seems they have had a vacination but I think it might only be the first one, we are not sure if they were vacinated the second time. The lady I spoke too also thinks it's very shady and it's probably a puppy farm/back yard breeder. That wasn't the impression I got at first until I found out that a bunch of stories have been told to this other lady and more to me that are very diffirent. So Flynn is now not to go out until the 1st because I need to have him revacinated if they don't get in contact.... He should be fine as I've been really ill and we haven't been out for a few days anyway. I am however very concerned because he does have a dodgy tummy and I need to find him a food to calm it down that doesn't cost a fortune... so I'm going to get him to the vet when I get paid on the 1st :( I doubt I'll ever see his vacination card...

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Well I'm not happy I may have funded a back yard breeder, but I love Flynn and I don't regret getting him. But I am suprised I got him for so cheap as the lady who has his sister got him from another couple who paid £500 for his sister. I'm worried he might have health issues...

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Back yard breeding doesn't neccessarily mean he'll have health issues but it does increase the chances.

When you take him to get vaccinated again you sould get a new vaccination card so you will have something to document them then :)

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if you have a Pets at Home near, they have a nutritionist who can advise on food and give you a free 2kg bag to try. I had a fair idea what I wanted to try and a fairly good idea what I could afford to spend beforehand but the lady was very good and not at all pushy.

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Nearest pets at home is a bit far to walk. I was thinking of something like chappy, hills rice and chicken or wainwrights turkey and rice etc, something easy on the stomach. I need to talk to hubby, we are meant to be going to bed early but I've been up talking to Flynn's sisters owner. I will have to have a think about it and look up the cost etc.

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Just a quick update, Flynn is still classed as a puppy so his vacination course is only going to cost us £41 I don't get paid till the first so I've been advised to keep him in and then bring him to the vet on the 1st april and have him vacinated. We are also going to start changing his food very slowly from CSJ to wainwrights I think as I've been advised it's better for his tummy as he has a sensative tum.

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have a look at csj website, particularly the sooper dooper champ named food. the price is good and the ingredients are better than most albeit it still contains wheat but to be honest unless you pay £40 + a bag it will contain a filler like wheat/rice etc.

For the sloppy stools check your not over feeding & perhaps consider giving some raw chicken wings once or twice a week (3 a meal should be about right).

Finding a breeder is not easy and takes months of research and work, i empathise with you that you may have discovered this now, but with so many around its easy. Tail, tail signs are really cross breeding, no health check ups, why are they breeding a litter etc. This does not necessarily mean your baby will have health problems just its an increased risk. Get on a good diet which suits and stick to it, integrate some raw as well as good exercise and you'll really help him live a healthy life.

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It's not over feeding, I give him 2 cups a day and maybe a few treats. I was over feeding before but definatly not now. As for the breeder situation, I wasn't planning on having one from a breeder. I didn't even know she was the breeder at first as I'd of expected to pay £500 ish even from a bad breeder. I paid no where near that much. Infact the people who brought his sister paid £500 and the lady who got her from that home at £275 paid more than I did. I also did not know that he isn't a huskamute, aparently he is a full malamute but he's a bit small for his age... if I'd of known all this stuff as much as I love Flynn and don't regret getting him, I would of walked away, simply because it sounds like a puppy farm or a BAD back yard breeder. I'm not pleased about being lied to about his vacinations and she said she fed him on bakers wet food, I can promise you there is no such food... never heard of it... can't find it anywhere, only the dry.

In future I will either go directly though a rescue or though a recomended breeder or one I've done my research on. But I'm not getting anymore dogs for at least 5 years anyway... I paid more for Yuri and he was fully vacinated, microchipped in my name and all the paperwork was handed over to me when I got him. I guess I was just naieve.... I should have been more careful, but he is in good health otherwise, it's just his diet, I've been talking to the vet on the phone and they also surgested wainwrites or hills science (their own so they would recomend) he's going to the vet on the 1st april to get his vacinations sorted out if I'd of known I'd of got it done on the 1st of march when I got paid :angry:

The only thing I will say about the whole breeder buisness is I was an idiot. I knew about good breeders and bad breeders and I didn't even think she was a breeder, until I had paid her and was asking questions about him. Next time I should hold onto my money a bit longer, although after falling for him I'm not sure I could walk away anyway.. heart rules my head unfortunatly.

He was not house trained, only knew how to sit and that was about it, but now he says please, sit, flat, leave it, down and has only had one accident in the past 3 weeks. He's a fast learner and a good boy. I love him regardless. I just want to sort his diet out and his vacinations and put all the bad business behind us. But I have found his sister, so at least his owner and I will be keeping in contact (found her though the vet).

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