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Enya rushed to vets last night :(


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any advice will be greatly appreciated.....has anyone heard of anything like this???

Enya is 11 months old now and is having her first heat ....the weather has been really nice here so she was put in the garden with Lunar for a few hours yesterday afternoon , brought her in at teatime , played with her and fed them , all seemingly normal

they were crated for an hour while we got the kids to bed etc...

when we got them out , my wife noticed one of her eyes were squinting , on closer inspection , the pupil was fully dilated - like a pinhole , and the other quite large , but no apparent damage to the eye , no swelling , no tears , no redness , no pain.

rang the vets and took her in , obviously worried it could be something to do with her brain.

after giving her a thorough check , the vet has no idea what has caused it!!! def no damage to the eye at all , she has been given steroids , painkillers and drops to open up her pupil , this has worked , but now that pupil is bigger than the normal one???

they have told us to keep a close eye on her , but i think once the drugs have worn off - the pupil will return to being small

she is back in the morning to see what is happening.

ive googled this , and all im coming up with is brain damage and epilepsy :(

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Oh poor Enya

sorry cant help Alan hope its nothing serious,i would've thought with epilepsy she'd have a seizure too or i may be totally wrong.

Hope she is sorted soon.

While google is very good,its times like this when you are searching that you frighten yourself ridiculously and end up believing allsorts so be careful hun.xx

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oh no, thats not good. my first thought would be something neurological, but the vet thinks otherwise.

the drops will make it open wider, so i would keep her out of bright light, as her pupil wont be able to close while the drops are working.

i hope for a speedy recovery

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i really havent a clue whats happened , but is was within the hour she was crated , my first thought was she had had a fit , im hoping the vets will take her in in the morning to maybe give her a brain scan - to rule out tumors etc....

we are so worried , she is a member of our family , and such a lovely pup , and otherwise a very healthy dog , we are keeping everything crossed :(

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Odin used to get this alot when he was young, till he was about 18 month. Vet said it's nothing to worry about he told be it's when a light hit's him on one side of the face ie the sun or if he's been lay down on one side and suddenly opens his eye on the other and the light catches hm, he never gave us any thing and it never lasted to long xxxxxxxx

said he was sensitive to bright light xxx

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ive found this and thought i would copy n paste - this is actually a post huskycat posted sumwhere else

We had to rush Ava to the Vets on Saturday. I was getting ready to go out with my daughter for a girly day at the seaside and Ava jumped up at me for a cuddle, when I looked at her she looked very strange. The pupil on her right eye was big and black but the one on the left was a tiny pin prick. I wasn't sure what could cause this so I Google'd it. All I kept getting was 'serious condition, seek Vetinary help immediately' that was it, panic set in and we rushed her up to the vet.

They were brilliant - seeing us almost straight away. The vet put some dye into her eye to check if there was any damage to the front of her eye. Fortunately there wasn't. Examination revealed that her eye was slightly swollen but the vet was almost sure that she had probably had a bump to her head (it more than likely happened when she was playing with Dino - you all know how huskies are with their rough play!!) and this is what had caused her eye to 'go into spasm'. She had an anti-inflammatory injection and we were given eye drops to administer 3 times a day. During our consultation with the vet Ava's pupil had started to get bigger again although it was still smaller than the other one and wasn't reacting properly to light stimulation. The vet told us that if her pupil hadn't gone back to normal by that afternoon we were to take her to the emergency vets that afternoon so they could refer her onto a vetinary ophthalmologist. (Thank god she is insured!)

Well fortunately by the end of the afternoon her eye seemed a normal size again. We continued with the drops and I took her back today. She has been checked over again and the vet said she thinks it was a condition called Uveitis caused by blunt trauma. She has given her the all clear now which is such a relief. icon_biggrin.png

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good advice about Google, it can be a mine of information or an absolute minefield :huh:

My first thought was the amount of light that had been on one side of her face causing the pupil to dilate, only letting a small amount of light in so as no damage can be caused, but I'm not sure it would still be the same after an hour inside ... but you did the right thing by getting her checked, hopefully it is a one-off and carries on being your crazy girl with 2 equal sized pupils!

Let us know how you get on with her, xx

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