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SO sick of this!


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This is a follow on from a previous thread about my ex-housemates demanding money from me for bills. I sent them a breakdown of the bill they were asking me to pay and a detailed account of the money I've already given them for it, effectively proving I didn't owe them a penny (and in fact they owe me £25!!!). This was about a week and a half ago and I haven't heard from either of them since.

However today I checked my emails and found an email......from one of my ex-housemate's MOTHER! :blink: One of my ex-housemate's must have given her my email address. She asked me to send her a copy of the bill in question and my bank statements from all the way back to September 2010, highlighting bill payments and money sent by her daughter and my other housemate so it's easier for her to identify what she needs to be looking for (as the relevent payments will be hidden among the rest of my PERSONAL MONEY TRASACTIONS!). The God damned NERVE! This issue has been resolved, but because my ex-housemates didn't get the result they were looking for one of them has gone crying to her mum (probably because I've met her mum before and we got on like a house on fire so she knows I wouldn't want to go off on one with her). I've already explained to them that I've paid my share and MORE of all the bills I was responsible for, but because they're finding one bill quite expensive and difficult to afford they think that's a good reason to start demanding money from me and getting God knows who involved! I just can't believe this woman has contacted me asking for my bank statements, she has absolutely no right! She's not involved in this what-so-ever so that fact that she's contacted me at all has really rubbed me up the wrong way. I wonder if she knows what her daughter says about her - this is the same ex-housemate that apparently had a life-changing fall out with her my over Christmas (that resulted in her going off on me and pushing me into moving house) and sent me message after message complaining about her "alcoholic, abusive" mother that she couldn't stand to be around anymore because of the constant verbal and physical abuse that endangered her life. If I hadn't deleted this woman's email straight away I know I'd have ended up forwarding those messages to her, I doubt she has even the slightest clue that her (clinically diagnosed) psychotic daughter has been saying these things about her.

As I said I've deleted this email. I wish I'd at least blocked the email address before I did that but no doubt I'll have another one in a few days when she gets impatient waiting for a reply from me that she's never going to get, so I'll block her then. I go home for the easter holidays tomorrow, have a 2 and a half week break from Uni, then only 1 more week of lectures before revision week and finally 2 weeks of exams, so in 6 weeks I'll be home for the summer and won't ever have to see this witch again. It can't come soon enough!!!!!!!

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Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that... You know, in the hilariously litigious USA, someone in your position would already be threatening legal action (e.g., protection order). (E.g. "If you would consult with your daughter, you will find that this matter has already been resolved, one in which (so far as I know) you possess no legal interest. I take you contact as threatening, and if you contact me again, I will be forced to seek an order of protection.")

So, I applaud your composure! And you did the right thing by refusing to engage in hostilities with the mother--the family sounds troubled enough already.

Anyways, you've done well, really sorry to hear, & hang in there.

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they could also be trying to scam you. I mean, I've heard of so many ways people scam others and you would be surprise how little information is needed in order to steal money. asking for bank statements sounds more like they are trying to see if you will show them statements with personal info on them. ...............just a thought

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Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that... You know, in the hilariously litigious USA, someone in your position would already be threatening legal action (e.g., protection order). (E.g. "If you would consult with your daughter, you will find that this matter has already been resolved, one in which (so far as I know) you possess no legal interest. I take you contact as threatening, and if you contact me again, I will be forced to seek an order of protection.")

So, I applaud your composure! And you did the right thing by refusing to engage in hostilities with the mother--the family sounds troubled enough already.

Anyways, you've done well, really sorry to hear, & hang in there.

I agree with above! If it was me I'd print out my statements and have them handy and send them a nice note that you will NOT show them such PERSONAL documents and that you paid your bills and then some. They would have to sue me and take me to court especially if I knew I was right. Thats why I would keep all the bills and bank statements handy so I could show them in court! But yeah just ignore them for now and see if they will leave you alone! They are just mad because you moved out and you are totally capable to live without them!!!

What a B&@#%!!!!!

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They have no right to do this at all! youve moved out-paid your bills so its nothing to do with you anymore!!

When i was in uni-i lived with 3 other girls and one of their guy friends-ive only kept in touch with one girl cos the others were absolute Witches!! Note to self . . never move into a house with girls ESP not ones that are your friends and you see them most of the time anyway.

Just keep ignoring them and like already said get the bank to print out a list of payments that youve made to keep them handy so you can shove them in their faces!!!

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I can access my online banking so I've already had a look through at all the bills etc. The thing is, ALL of the bills for the period I was living there came entirely out of MY account. Once we received a paper bill and the money left my account I would then show them the paper bill, explain how much it was per person (so divided by 3), and then they would either internet transfer me the money for it, give it to me in cash or use it to pay for other things (for example on a number of occasions I might have borrowed a tenner off of one of them so when they send me money for a bill it's minus that £10). Also not all of the money transfers they sent me were for bills, they borrowed money from me too and would send it over the internet to give it back, so really the only thing that is reliable about the information my statements could provide would be the bill payments to show that ALL bills were paid in FULL and on time. There's no evidence to prove they all paid me their fair share for said bills since there's no solid record of cash changing hands. If they were to try to take this any further I could easily claim they didn't send me enough for previous bills (which is true for this neurotic housemate - I paid 2 of HER bills before I left). The only bill in question is an electricity bill for the period of 14th Nov 10 - 14th Jan 11, and I have already proved that I've given them enough to pay this and MORE.

I'm going to go the route of ignoring any and all communications from all of them. Even the ex-housemate I supposedly still got on with dry.gif

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So all the bills came out of your account, firstly good on you for doing that, thats a brave thing! I made sure it was cash only from me-NONE of them were getting near my account!! Anyway if the bills came out of your account then I dont get what their problem is cos any bills that came through-you would have been point of contact! They are clearly idiots, tell them where they can shove their bills. I know how you feel cos my housemates made life crappy for me too, just be glad you've got Kiska who will never let you down like this. :)

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I agree with others on this.

The mother is not an interested party in this, she should not be contacting you in this manner and can be veiwed as harrassment.

The fact that bills were paid through your account in full can be in your favour. It proves that you paid the bills on time, and they cannot prove how much they contributed to the bill. In the eyes of any law court, they see you paying the bills on your housemates behalf, your housemate cannot prove how much if at all that they have contributed for the bills that are in contest. Espacially if they paid by cash they cannot prove you owe them money, in fact that could bite them in teh ass and a court of law could indeed say they owe you money.

Also the fact that you terminated the billing service as soon as you moved house should go in your favour, to stop all ties from that house.

This smacks of a child that is from a privaliged/spoilt lifestyle that cannot handle the real world. Let her spit the dummy out and pay her own bills.

Sever all contact from these people, but before you do tell them if they really want to go down this road you will only respond through solicitors. That normally stops the harrassment, and this truely is a case of harrassment.

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