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My first husky puppy


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Hello everybody. My name is shane and I am about 2 1/2 weeks away from getting my first husky puppy (May 6th.) My question to everybody is when you went to pick up your puppy up how was the car ride home and what should I expect? I live about 3 hours away from the breeder so I want to make the puppy as comfortable as possible. Going from books, breeder, and the internet I heard it can be quite the adventure which I pretty much expect considering the puppy is leaving everything he's known for the first 8 weeks of his life. I've also heard huskies tend to get car sick and I've already talked to the breeder and she said the last feeding will be that morning which is hours before I pick him up. So I just wanted to hear some stories about the first car ride or even advice on things I should bring such as towels, crate, toys etc. Thanks and I am sure I'll be posting more in the near future. I'm going to attach some pics of him.

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I would make sure you have a blanket that smells like his litter, as it will ease the transition if he has something that smells familiar. You have a pretty good list there, I would take water incase s/he gets hot too. Sometimes they do puke, but some don't. Yuri didn't but he did on the way to a meet I went to when he was 4 or 5 months. Welcome to the pack!! :)

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having someone else with you might help, so its easier to monitor the puppy. defintely take some toys to keep the puppy entertained and you can expect a nervous puppy who might vomit or fart from fear/excitement. but keeping them entertained with eatable toys can definitely help. also dont forget to make frequent stops as it is a puppy and bladder will go off with no warning, so a seat cover will keep your car clean.

we we picked up kirby he was 6 months and he rode in the front seat with me as my wife drove.

you might find this helpful: bay area rescue

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I held Joey in the front seat with me on the way home from the breeders (1.5hr drive) and he was asleep the whole time, we stopped for toilet breaks and sadly hit a kangaroo on the way home (hence the name Joey).

I'd not stress too much, have your new puppy in the front seat in your arms (If you have someone with you) and they'll just fall fast asleep!

Well ours did!

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Congrats on the pup! We live about 5 hours away from Lyra's breeder, and the trip after we got her took about 8 hours from all the stops we made. I definitely second having another person ride with you in the backseat with the puppy. It makes it a lot easier and you can switch off drivers if necessary. We stopped with Lyra about every 30 minutes when she was awake and did not have any accidents in the car. Some dogs do get car sick, but it really depends on the dog. Lyra has never experienced motion sickness. She was really great on the ride home - we brought a few toys, a leash, and a water bowl with us. She alternated between sleeping and having tons of puppy energy.

With a little bit of planning, your trip home should be fine! :)

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I think everything has already been covered but heres my experience with Jewell...

My GF held her in the backseat for the hour drive. She was pretty stirred up, but she was stirred up before we even picked her up because most of her litter mates had left her the day before.

I wish I would have brought the crate, I think it would have helped because she tucked herself between my GF and the car door and finally napped for a bit. I think a crate would have made her feel safer.

The breeder put a few small blankets in with the pups the last couple days they had them to get the smell of the litter and that did help on the car ride, and even helped once we got her home. She really liked the blanket so I used that to get her used to me. I would put her blanket and the shirt I wore for the day with her when I went to bed thinking it would slowly transition their smell to mine, now she loves to sleep on my pile of clothes next to the bed.

Definitely have another person and if no one can go with you then bring a crate. Actually bring the crate anyway, better to have and not need it...

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A crate is a super idea - much safer for the puppy to travel in, and it's a good way to get him or her used to being in one. It also gives you the ability (providing it isn't too warm out) to run inside to use a restroom or get something to eat if you are traveling alone, without trying to leave puppy loose in the car.

Other things to have - a roll of paper towels, a couple of extra towels in case puppy does vomit or pee, some wet wipes to help clean up puppy if necessary, and something like Chlorox wipes for surfaces - especially good for a soiled crate!

Some people find that their dogs are sensitive to changes in water - I haven't experienced it, myself. If you have any concerns, though, you could take a container and get some water from your breeder, then after you're home, mix it with your water for a day or so.

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I had to drive 1.5 hours to pick up Zihna. Her breeder offered to meet me half way so I did not have to drive all the way out in the country where they lived. I had her crate with me and some toys and chew bones. When I met the breeder they had her in a Laundry Basket in the back seat and they said she slept the entire way. She was 9 weeks then.

I had my daughter with me but because the metal crate was so huge it took the entire back of my SUV. Zihna was sitting in there looking out of the back window the whole ride home :unsure::(. I was able to use a laundry basket for her for the first 2-3 weeks I had her when we had to go to the vet etc and that was it. After that she was a nightmare and I got a smaller crate for in the car. If you have someone to ride with you then you could probably take a laundry basket with a blanket in it and have someone sit back there with the pup, but if you are going by yourself I would take a create just in case he decides half way home that he wants to play.

Can't wait for pics!!! If you have some of him already please do share!!! :)

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Since Gigi mentioned the water .... also find out what the breeder was feeding the pups. If it is a good quality food you can keep him on that if you can find it in your area, if not try to get a small bag or see if the breeder can give you some so you can mix it with the food you will be feeding him so his tummy won't get upset from the change of food. :)

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i havent read the other replies but my experience is:

I travelled over 3hrs for my pup too. i used a small crate with soft vet bedding (similar to what he was used to) with some toys. the crate was secured on the front seat with the seat belt. so he remained close to me. and he was just great. I also had one of his previous toys he had in a litter so he had their smell on it.

I have 2 dogs and neither of them get travel sick at all, i could literally drive them on an 12hr trip with no worries what so ever if i needed to (obvoiusly wee and exercise breaks). they are so quiet looking out of the window or asleep or chewing on a raw hide bone. i have this set up for my car now (back seat guard, middle and tailgate guard), i can secure them in for short periods of time and keep the back door open and i know they wont get too hot. http://www.barjo.co.uk/ if we go away they will sleep in here very happily

I did have a foster pup who suffered with travel anxiety but he would just dribble and dribble, the bedding was soaked poor dog. i did short journeys and built up and is now fine. i do know a husky who gets travel sick but they dont feed her before travelling and that works fine and another husky who literally wails and screams the entire journey so they do vary.

A small crate will help to start crate training, keep her safe and contained. Take spare bedding/towels in case she is sick. Ask the breeder not to feed the pup before you collect. 3-4hrs before collecting should be fine as it would be digested.

Enjoy your teeny tiny pup they grow up so damn fast. Crate training will help with future travelling and so convenient when you go on holiday or visit friends etc. We avoid kenneling as we can always take them with us or someone can look after them (havent done the later yet tho)

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You've been given loads of super advice so I just wanted to say welcome and good luck with your new pup. Ours slep all the way home in the...he was on my knee wrapped iin a blanket that had been rubbed on his mam... And he has been perfect in the car ever since. He lies down to have his harness put on and sleeps for the majority of any journey.

Have fun! :-D only a couple of weeks to go!

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Plenty of good advice there already I just wanted o add my puppy experience..

I was expecting like you are rivers of everything, so covered the whole back seat in binliners and blankets.. when I went to view the litter I took a blanket and left it there with the mum and pups so when I picked her up she had that to bring with her... she was good as gold! Curled up on my lap and went to sleep! The whole journey was only an hour but she was a little treasure and woke up when we got home went straight in the garden and did her business and then came in the house for a little play! :)

I dont think its a breed specific thing for huskies to get travel sick, as long as they have some good early expereince I think generally their fine, both of mine are good travelers wether thats on a bus, train or car! :D

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Our drive was 45 mins, i held her in the passenger side with me and she cried. The. Whole. Way. Home. She didn't get sick or anything though, so that's good and she's now much better in the car. A friend of mine drove 1.5-2 hours home after picking up her puppy and the puppy had a accident all over the back seat. So bring a towel and make sure so take a potty break, just in case.

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Hey Shane I saw your buying your puppy from the same people I am as well. I also noticed your from Delaware and i am as well. S maybe it would be a good idea if we meet up so our puppies can play with each other since they were raised inthe same kennel. My puppy is from auroras litter so I am getting mine a couple days earlier. I don't mean to sound like a creep but it might be a good idea. Contact me on here if you wish but either way I am sure we are both feeling very excited about out new puppies.

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