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how does your husky wake you up?


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If i am not out of bed by 6am at the latest, Morri will jump on bed, lick in my ear and make woowoooo woooo noises at me while sitting on my head

:D and i love it :D she then will yap at my springer spaniel as well and sit on her head, this will all take place any time between half 4 - 6 am. it makes me happy every morning to be needed and loved so much, i have 6 children and i have been used to getting up as soon as a baby cries for 22 years but my youngest is 5 now and Morri has certainly filled that baby gap right up.

so i was wondering how everyone else gets woken up?

i do have to say that sometimes i deliberately dont get up just to see what Morri will do :D because she makes me so happy with her little ways .

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sounds nice =D

bella will jump up on the bed and lick us and woowoo if we ignore that and hide under the blanket her wooing gets alot louded and she digs at the blanket trying to get us out heh if we decide to come out we get jumped on and lciked everywere =s in ears nose mouth its nice to have a loving wake up tho <3

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sounds nice =D

bella will jump up on the bed and lick us and woowoo if we ignore that and hide under the blanket her wooing gets alot louded and she digs at the blanket trying to get us out heh if we decide to come out we get jumped on and lciked everywere =s in ears nose mouth its nice to have a loving wake up tho <3

hahaha yes hiding under the blanket is fun :)

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Zihna is in her crate and she usually doesn't wake me up. Its usually the other way around. I work funny hours from home so often I don't get to bed until 2-3am and I let her out last time around 1-2am to potty. So she is fine till 9 - 10am sometimes later. I usually wake up when I hear her moving around the crate.

Thu - Sa I have to start work at 7am so the alarm goes off around 6:30am and I have this really annoying ringtone on my cell that I use as alarm. Zihna hates it as much as I do when it goes off that early cause when it goes off she makes this noise in her crate that sounds like: OMG pleaseeeee TURN IT OFF!!!!!! It's kind of a high pitch cry/moan! It always makes me laugh when she does it. She sounds so annoyed!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

When I get to take a nap on the couch during the day and she is napping in the living room she will come and put her cold nose in my face or lick my hand till I get up, but its usually only when she has to go potty, otherwise she will just sleep until I get up.

The days I can sleep in she will usually sleep in with me. Since she is usually so good I tried to let her sleep with the create open one time and another time she was laying with Whisper on his bed and I did not want to move her to the crate. Both times I did not have to work in the morning and she woke me at 7am by banging her rawhide against the door till I got up :rolleyes: :rolleyes:.

So for now its still the crate, but when the hubby gets home he is on a more steady schedule and always gets up early even on his off days so we will probably start letting her sleep outside her crate next to daddy on the floor :wub:. She can bang her rawhide against the door all she wants to then cause I can make the hubby get up :lol:.

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mine dont - im always awake before mine - even now skyla is STILL asleep on my bed, bings is still asleep under my bed n blaze is still asleep down stairs :rolleyes:

that has to be rare lol , everyday you get up first, thats cool, but i would miss being woken by Morri if i got up first , i do sometimes, but to beat her and storm i need to be up at like 4 am lol

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It all depends, but most days they prefer to wake their daddy up. Today I was up early, came downstairs and they were both sacked out on the floor in the bedroom. They came down with their daddy. I think they prefer him to give them their breakfast because Andy has him convinced he can't eat without a handful of cheese in his kibble. It's funny to watch him walk over to Jackson when he is getting his bowl and then walk his daddy over to the refrigerator to remind him where the cheese is! Don't all huskies choose their breakfasts? [ATTACH]8765.IPB[/ATTACH]


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I always sleep longer than my owners...

During weekdays when they get up, I move to bedroom floor to sleep a bit more while they make their breakfast, take shower etc. Sometimes I need to be woken up to go out before folks go to work.

On weekends I often sleep until mid day, as owners tend to sleep a bit longer on weekends too. Maby 1pm I'm ready to go out, if they haven dragged me out before that :P

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We've only had Kai for a week now and I've been getting up at 0600 at the latest to walk him. When he sees me sit up he has a stretch then comes over and gives me a face a good wash. I then get up and while I'm getting dressed he jumps on the bed to wake up Susie but soon leaves her be when I leave the bedroom. :)

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If i am not out of bed by 6am at the latest, Morri will jump on bed, lick in my ear and make woowoooo woooo noises at me while sitting on my head

:D and i love it :D she then will yap at my springer spaniel as well and sit on her head, this will all take place any time between half 4 - 6 am. it makes me happy every morning to be needed and loved so much, i have 6 children and i have been used to getting up as soon as a baby cries for 22 years but my youngest is 5 now and Morri has certainly filled that baby gap right up.

so i was wondering how everyone else gets woken up?

i do have to say that sometimes i deliberately dont get up just to see what Morri will do :D because she makes me so happy with her little ways .

Sabaka is not a morning dog, for which we are both thankful. He sleeps in his crate in our walk-in closet, which is in full view of our bed. He likes to sleep in and start slowly in the morning, so he'll just lay there until we come and get him up. If he has to go potty, then he'll sit up and whine for us to come and get him. We're glad that he doesn't like to get up early, but the flip side is that he's still going strong pretty late into the night!

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I always sleep longer than my owners...

During weekdays when they get up, I move to bedroom floor to sleep a bit more while they make their breakfast, take shower etc. Sometimes I need to be woken up to go out before folks go to work.

On weekends I often sleep until mid day, as owners tend to sleep a bit longer on weekends too. Maby 1pm I'm ready to go out, if they haven dragged me out before that :P

now that is cool :) you mean as mine grows i might actually get a lay in bed at weekends lol i hope :)

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Sabaka is not a morning dog, for which we are both thankful. He sleeps in his crate in our walk-in closet, which is in full view of our bed. He likes to sleep in and start slowly in the morning, so he'll just lay there until we come and get him up. If he has to go potty, then he'll sit up and whine for us to come and get him. We're glad that he doesn't like to get up early, but the flip side is that he's still going strong pretty late into the night!

yes that is the down side to not being up early, Morri is shattered by 8pm each night lol and so am i :)

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now that is cool :) you mean as mine grows i might actually get a lay in bed at weekends lol i hope :)

LOL yes there is hope!!! LOL! I know how you feel I missed sleeping in when she was little! Now I just keep her up late when I want to sleep in or wake her for about 30 minutes before we go to bed and play with her and she sleeps in with me! LOVE IT! :)

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Riley sleeps in my room with me, on his blanket on the floor which is next to my bed. I'd let him sleep in my bed, but he doesn't like to... I dunno, he likes his personal space. blink.gif

He wakes up at 5:45 am sharp every morning.. So do I.. dry.gif Its kinda like what Naya does... I wake up and find him staring at me. At first it was a bit scary but I've gotten used to it. If I ignore him, roll over, etc, he will jump up on the bed and start licking my face. I don't mind when he does this.. Sometimes wish I could sleep in though *sigh* ah well!! I wouldn't trade my husky kisses for sleep ins anyway. biggrin.gif

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Zeus usually waits until one of us gets up unless he was being lazy all day and slept a lot, in that case he gets our other dog by the ears and brings her to the bedroom and acts like its her that wants us to get up. If he sleeps in then he don't get up until we call him to go outside, then he's all for getting up.

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Nadia isn't a morning dog, or to be honest an afternoon, evening or night dog :D She has to be the laziest, most laid-back dog imaginable. We went to bed early last night (11pm - we both have flu and Nadia's sick too) and it's now nearly 11am and she's still snoring her little head off. I can usually get her to move from the bedroom to living room (a whole 20 steps) by calling her name - OH has been known to carry her though from time to time! He's definitely her enabler :D We'd love to be woken up with husky kisses but we've accepted that that just isn't going to happen.. If we go somewhere it's a different matter altogether, when we're somewhere new she's always up at first light wanting to explore, so there is some energy in there, buried deep down inside :) At the moment she's a bit poorly with kennel cough and a tummy bug so she's even sleepier than usual though, I'll have to wake her up for her medicine in a bit..

Her usual schedule is sleep at 2-3am, she'll wake up around 1pm (I'm usually back from class by then) and ask for a snack, something to chew etc. Then by 3-4pm she's back to sleep. She'll wake up when the OH gets home around 7pm, play a bit, eat her dinner, and sleep again until we go out around midnight. We usually tire her out each night with a 2 hour walk/run/play/training session so I think she's just sleeping that off.

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When it was just Vixen, it would be a toss up on who would wake up who. If I woke up before her, I'd give her a fuss and a long belly rub. If she woke up first, she'd wriggle up to the top of the bed and lay her head on me. Both of which would lead to a little bit of play on the bed before getting up.

Now we have 'Tallica, she' seems to stir first, kissing my face then decide it was time for Vixen to wake up and play! It's happening less frequent though and they both cuddle up till all of us wake up...then it's playtime on the bed, while I'm still in it!

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When it was just Vixen, it would be a toss up on who would wake up who. If I woke up before her, I'd give her a fuss and a long belly rub. If she woke up first, she'd wriggle up to the top of the bed and lay her head on me. Both of which would lead to a little bit of play on the bed before getting up.

Now we have 'Tallica, she' seems to stir first, kissing my face then decide it was time for Vixen to wake up and play! It's happening less frequent though and they both cuddle up till all of us wake up...then it's playtime on the bed, while I'm still in it!

interesting, would you say its because vixen is older that she is now more content to stay alseep or would you say that she is just allowing Tallica to have her time?

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Nadia isn't a morning dog, or to be honest an afternoon, evening or night dog :D She has to be the laziest, most laid-back dog imaginable. We went to bed early last night (11pm - we both have flu and Nadia's sick too) and it's now nearly 11am and she's still snoring her little head off.

oh dear i do hope you all feel better soon :( sounds like your having a rough time.

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