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Fleas and Huskies


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I have had a slight problem with fleas. In the past with my other dogs (different breeds) I have used Frontline with great success. It doesnt appear to work with my husky.

Are Huskies different?

Is their skin thicker or more oil rich or something that prevents frontline from being absorbed behind the neck or something?

any help is appreciated.

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Hi and Welcome to the Forum :)

Not sure about the front line, but if you have a feeling that it may not go through to the skin due to the thick coat you could try Sentinel which is a flavored tablet for heartworms and fleas. That's what Zihna is taking so I have not used Frontline on her yet, but will have to find something for ticks now with it getting warmer. But I am sure someone else has used it here and may be able to give you a better answer. :)

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I would recommend Advantix, we have been using it for a very long time and we haven't seen any fleas or ticks in a long time. It also claims to repel mosquitos and apparently it kills more parasites than Frontline.

We have also tried Frontline and flea collars, but we always had flea issues with those. I am never going to use a flea collar again - not only do they stink, but they are very ineffective with a thick fur, I think it was the worst flea solution we ever tried!

Some people also use essential oils to keep fleas away, we tried that as well, but not with great success. It might be worth a try though, at least they smell nice. You can put a few drops of oil on the collar and refresh it every week, tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender, geranium are among what is supposed to work.

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My suggestion would be to go into your vets and ask for the flea treatment they sell the least of - the reason things like Frontline have stopped working in recent years is because the fleas are all becoming resistant to it. It's logical when you think about it - say your dog has 100 fleas on him and you use frontline. It kills all but 1 flea who by chance is not affected by the medication. This one flea then goes on to have 1000 babies, 10 of which have inherited this resistance. You use frontline again and all but 10 die. These 10 go on to have 10000 babies, 100 of which have the resistance. And so on....

I did that and they gave me Advocate (which is also a wormer). It's quite expensive and can only be issued by prescription (so your dog will have had to have had a vets visit within the last year) but it worked on Kiska who caught fleas from my cats and was suffering quite badly with them. Now she's flea free as far as I can tell :)

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I had the same problem with Siku. Seemed like the Advantage I was putting on her did nothing to stop the fleas. It was so frustrating. I sometimes give her a garlic suppliment that supposed to stop fleas from biting, but I don't give it enough to really be sure it's working. I found out where she was getting the fleas from and just stopped going to that place and she's seemed fine since. Wish I could be more help, but just wanted to let you know I was having the same problem!

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i have never had a flea problem and never used any flea treatment ever - just lucky i guess! I do use organic 'mother' apple cider vinegar in their water which is apparently a natural flea deterant however as im going on holiday in a few days with 4 other dogs i decided to flea them as i thought there was more chance of them getting fleas.

If you have an infestation then you need to treat the dogs, carpet, sofa etc to kill the eggs etc. If you can i personally would plan to go away for the weekend and get the house blasted with flea stuff but not return til its safe to do so.

good luck

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I agree,if your dog has had fleas your home will have them too you must treat both or you will never get rid of the infestation,Iv not had a problem with fleas but normaly i get big problems with ticks and frontline dosnt kill them ,I changed to advantix from the vets and never had any ,.,flea or tick problems since, Ialso give them a garlic tab per day in the summer months fleas and ticks hate garlic :D

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