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24 hours after being spayed, it's back to Atomic Puppy.


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Hi all,

Yesterday Belle was spayed and while she was pretty uncomfortable last night, today (just 24 short hours later), she's back to what my husband calls "puppy-pocalypse". Except now there's no outlet (can't go outside; can't play fetch in the house), and keeping chew toys in her mouth is difficult because she can't pin them down with her paws due to the cone. Play-toys are kind of off-limits because once she gets hold of them she's off like a rocket. She's basically back to 100%-- she's ready to go for a run! But we have at least 9 and possibly up to 13 more days of needing to be the "fun police" while ensuring that her stitches heal properly.

She's understandably bored and VERY frustrated--- has anyone figured out a solution to this short-term but very intense little problem? I'm sure it's an issue for all dogs but for a puppy with Husky energy it seems to be even more challenging.

Any thoughts or suggestions welcome-- we're a bit desperate for ideas as to how to keep her comfortable//healthy/safe AND happy at the same time.

Thanks so much!

(The picture below was taken shortly after she got home and is attached only because it's pretty damn cute. It is not a representation of her current energy level: if you look at whatever trouble your puppy is attempting to get into at the moment-- well, that's where she's at now too.) :)


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What a pretty girl - her name fits her well!

Try training and other things that will exercise her mind - present her with things she has to figure out, if you can. If you can walk her without her doing too many gymnastics, and it would otherwise help keep her quiet, that might be an option. The main thing is to keep her from twisting, turning, running, and jumping - actions that might put pressure on the incision that could cause it to tear - or allowing her access to lick and perhaps get the sutures out.

Good luck! ohmy.gifbiggrin.gif

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You can probably remove the cone for some time throughout the day while you can watch her so she wont mess with the stitches. Zihna did not have one and they said I could come get one if she was to mess with the stitches but she never did. That may help her a bit to at least get some chew time in. Other than that what Gigi said. You can still walk her if she behaves somewhat on a leash. Maybe walk her when not so many people are out or go somewhere where there is not so many people in general to keep the excitement level low. And I also agree that training will be a great thing to do. As well as a Kong or similar to keep her busy for a while.

If she is extremely hyper and you are concerned about not being able to keep her still you can call your vet and see if they will give you a mild sedative for her to keep her down a bit, at least for a day or two. I know its tough and it seems like forever!!!! But you will get through it :) Hugs to little Belle and wishing her a speedy recovery although it sounds like she is recovering very well :lol:. And she is Gorgeous :wub: saw her other pic in your album too. Love the curly tail :wub:

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i dunno if its different for bitches but the same day blaze got neutered he was out on a walk - he wouldnt pee in the back garden so i HAD to take him for a short walk - he never missed any walks when he was done

Same with Kody, I half expected him to be a bit out of it when i picked him up, but he was there ready to go, already whining though. He kept wanting to go for walks etc, I just kept them short but frequent. Will see what its

like with a Girl tomorrow as Dakota's going in :(

Edit: I would remove the cone when shes in your line of sight, you only really need it on when you cant supervise them/when your asleep. I only ever had Kodys on when i was asleep or out.

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Bless her. we have a foster dog in at the moment thats exactly the same. Shes a lab collie cross who's ten months old and on sunday was bouncing around with all the other dogs at husky camp 4 days after her op. Shes been wanting to play from the day after the op tho.

I haven't had the cone on her coz she's been pretty good at leaving the stitches alone. We have given her plenty of chew toys all of which are now dead of course and some huge dog chews.

Hope she heals quickly xxx

She looks very much like my nikita

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Honestly, we gave Lyra sedatives for the two weeks following her spay. I joked about it with the vet, because Lyra was soooo hyper at that point, but the vet thought it was the best way to ensure she remained calm so her stitches wouldn't pull, so she wrote us a prescription.

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Hi everyone! Thanks for all of the replies - I took a little bit from what everyone said and somehow we've all managed to survive the ordeal (though the cats did not much appreciate the extra puppy-attention). The stitches will come out today or tomorrow and then it's back to "normal" and cone-free. :rolleyes:

There was no way she would have left the stitches alone-- she spent quite a bit of time at first trying to get at them, so we didn't want to risk giving her a taste of cone-freedom only to have to put it back on right away. We went through a ton of frozen puppy Kongs-- that was something we did before but we pretty much doubled them for the last week. I will say that especially helpful was the advice to distract her with training! I should note too that for whatever reason by day 3 or so she had kind of calmed down a bit. Yesterday she was on fire again but luckily she was only on serious exercise restrictions for the first 7 days, so we were able to go for a short walk tomorrow. Longer one tonight!

Thanks again, everyone!!

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nearly at the end of cone time but thought id add my input =D

bella could not/would not stay still!! we did not have to use the cone as the stiches did not bother her no licking or scratching but she would not stay still!!

we tried locking her in the bathroom but then she jumped on the door and scratched and we were scared she might pull tho stiches so we put ats baby door up so she could still see out...she jumped it...then tried putting her on a lead in the loungeroom so she was with us but could not move around

could not give her toys as then she went nuts running around with them...

in the end the vets gave us mild sedation tablets to calm her down and praise the lord she was a different puppy!! we didnt want to do it as it was to see her so tired all the time but she had already ripped 2 stiches!! and we were running out of money and ideas...one sedation tablet in the morning and then bella slept most of the day or would lie on the couch watching tv it was a lifesaver

dont know if it was the puppyness or the huskyieness but she was nuts even our vet was amazed at how hyper and crazy she was after surgery and with her stiches...

anywho i think ive blabbed enough =D

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