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Stupid Kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I found a new route to walk in our neighborhood. It seems to be longer and there are no crazy dogs jumping on fences and barking on open windows etc. Its really nice and quiet. I always thought it was a col -de -sac and did not go far until I googled it yesterday and saw that there is another neighborhood down there. On my way there I have to pass this corner house and there are always a bunch of little kids outside.

So yesterday it was me and Keesha (my daughter) and a lil girl + boy were outside, the girl is like 5 or 6 and the boy is 4 or 5 I guess, and asked to pet the dogs and I let them pet zihna but the boy did not even want to pet her. He even ran away from her causing her to want to chase him. Oh well. The girl pet her though. I told him he could pet her and she is friendly and just excited to meet them cause she was wiggling around quite a bit, but I guess it scared him. He had asked to pet Whisper who was across the street with my daughter but I told the little boy that Whisper was not so good with little children and he can pet Zihna all he wants. He talked some more which I couldn't understand a word he was saying since I am not so good with baby talk :lol:. And we said bye and kept walking.

Whisper is ok with kids, BUT I know he gets spooked easy. So the only time I let children approach him is when I AM walking him and I can have him sit and have the kids come up and let him sniff their hand before petting him. He LOVES it too, but like I said with both dogs and Zihna being a crazy chicken I wont let people approach them when its just me and both the dogs. I don't think he would bite but most of us know that a dog that gets spooked maybe unpredictable and although he may just snap out of fear or growl at the kid when he jumps around in the end it would be MY FAULT. So I am really just trying to prevent something that MAY or MAY NOT happen.


So today I walked both of them by myself and those kids were out again so they asked again if they can pet them and I told them Not today because I have both of them but next time if I have only Zihna they can pet her. :blink: Clear enough ya??? .....hmmm k.....I figured that pretty much explains it.....Nope!! The boy asked: WHY????

And I said: :mellow: Uhm because Whisper gets scared easy and I don't want him to get scared.

So the girl was ok...I told her when I only have Zihna she can pet her.....but that little boy went on and on and on about petting them and what really irritated me was that he made such a big deal out of it he didnt even pet Zihna yesterday when I took her across the street for them to pet her. Then he yells across the street that I am MEAN!!! :blink: :blink: WTF????????????????????????????? :o

So I told him I am not mean but I don't want him get bit!!! But he did not even care :blink: he just kept repeating that I am mean for not letting him pet my dogs! So I said Well I guess I am just gonna be mean then!!! And kept walking! :angry:

Really peed me off though. Especially cause he did not even pet Zihna yesterday! What does he want???????? Kept running around and away from Zihna and I know how Whisper is with sudden movements he gets really nervous and tries to hide behind me!!! But all it may take is a wrong move from that little kid and then it will ALL be MY FAULT!!! I hate that I have to walk past there in order to get to the other part of the neighborhood. And they always have the kids out front by the road even though they have a back yard.

Let him start that poop again. Gonna just walk past them next time not say poop since I am so mean and if he keeps fing with me I will have a talk with the grandparent or whoever those people are to keep their back talking kid in check and not let him talk to strangers like that! On top of that the (I guess) grandparent sat on the porch and just watched. Not sure if he heard anything we said as its a big front yard. But either way if it was me and my two small children approach someone with 2 big dogs and obviously the dog owner doesn't want the kids near the dog I would get my butt up off that porch and walk over and see whats going on. I am sure they are aware that the kid has a mouth on him. :angry: :angry:

K now I feel better!!!!

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dont know about you but 5 or 6 kids/ teenagers can do some right damage ...... i know around doncaster if u get court out after about 12 and u not from the neighborhood and u bumped in to 5 0r 6 teenagers i can pretty much guaranty u gonna get a kicking lol

leanne was walking the dogs the other day to the shops some one chucked some water bombs at her there was 6 of them ...... unlucky for them i was just pulling up to leanne in my car ........... so i chased them pulled up in front of them ... they all ran in to some house i got one of them hes said ,,,, IT WAS NOT ME ,,,,, all i said was u dik heads ,,,

i had made my point to them ... bet they// i know they wont start on leanne again...... point am trying to make is .... if the lil bastards are not listening to you telling them no slap the lil shits around the ear

lol un less you not from that area that is lol

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at the risk of having a negative rating...lemme just say that I hate encountering kids when I'm walking kirby. some of them just go ahead and pet him, and the parents dont care. other kids just surround him and he gets overwhelmed, and it doesnt matter what you say they dont listen. kids here in the state are all brats.

one time this brat was trying to pet him while he was doing #2............seriously, and five mins later silly kid comes running towards me excited because he found some dog poo and asked me to come look at it.grrrr.

i hate kids

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Loki is starting to talk on command, and instead of being a happy husky talk, its more of a grumpy old man growl woo, so if a kid is being annoying I'll get Loki to do some talking and they think he means serious business, so they back off :P!

They don't know he's the most harmless clumsy dog on the planet :D

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:lol: :lol: You guys made me rofl!!!

dont know about you but 5 or 6 kids/ teenagers can do some right damage ...... i know around doncaster if u get court out after about 12 and u not from the neighborhood and u bumped in to 5 0r 6 teenagers i can pretty much guaranty u gonna get a kicking lol

leanne was walking the dogs the other day to the shops some one chucked some water bombs at her there was 6 of them ...... unlucky for them i was just pulling up to leanne in my car ........... so i chased them pulled up in front of them ... they all ran in to some house i got one of them hes said ,,,, IT WAS NOT ME ,,,,, all i said was u dik heads ,,,

i had made my point to them ... bet they// i know they wont start on leanne again...... point am trying to make is .... if the lil bastards are not listening to you telling them no slap the lil shits around the ear

lol un less you not from that area that is lol

Now see I actually had the sentence in my post: "I wanted to grab the little bastard and whoop his ass!!" but figured I better take it out cuz don't want to offend nobody!! :lol: :lol:

That same thing happened on our 2nd walk tonight...well except the #2 thing :lol: :lol: But these 4-5 kids came running and riding up on their bikes and next thing I knew we were surrounded by 7-10 year olds. First everyone came to Zihna and then they soon realized that she was quite hyper so they came over to Whisper and this little girl kept screaming " LOOK AT THE BIG DOG!!! LOOK AT THIS BIG DOG!!! LOOK AT THE BIG DOG!!!" :blink: While pointing her finger in Whispers face and then touching him all over and he did really well at that point. By then the other kids made it around to him and I could see how he started feeling kinda cramped. So I told them to be gentle cause he scares easy.... :mellow: didn't really make a difference. But it all went well thanks god and I told them thank you and bye!! And kept walking and told Whisper good boy. BUT at least one of the grown ups that was outside with them attempted to make his way over to us.....I think when the husband gets back it will be easier and I will take some treats to hand out for them to feed them to him. Then he should be ok. Its just that I kind of have my hands full with 2 dogs :lol:.

LOL I was thinking about buying a Muzzle and put it on Whisper to scare them off! LMAO!!!! Maybe even a black leather harness with spikes on it!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway thanks guys you all made my day! :)

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Guess I'm pretty lucky with the kids where I live! They're pretty respectful, and if I ask them to do something, they're pretty good about doing what I ask... Fortunately, most of my dogs are very good with kids, and don't mind - until they have a huge bunch of them surrounding us - then it gets a little overwhelming (for me too!)! I've given talks at one local elementary school, and it's helped me teach the kids (with the help of their teachers) how to approach the dogs safely...

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Guess I'm pretty lucky with the kids where I live! They're pretty respectful, and if I ask them to do something, they're pretty good about doing what I ask... Fortunately, most of my dogs are very good with kids, and don't mind - until they have a huge bunch of them surrounding us - then it gets a little overwhelming (for me too!)! I've given talks at one local elementary school, and it's helped me teach the kids (with the help of their teachers) how to approach the dogs safely...

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silke' date=' you are better off taking treats for the kids. Look doggy..look candy. and as you throw the candies on the floor, you run the other way[/quote']

LOL! Just run by and toss a couple of fruit rollups out there for the kids and keep going. That would keep them distracted.:lol: They kinda sound like idiots. You know what they say about the apple not falling far from the tree.<_<

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Guess I'm pretty lucky with the kids where I live! They're pretty respectful, and if I ask them to do something, they're pretty good about doing what I ask... Fortunately, most of my dogs are very good with kids, and don't mind - until they have a huge bunch of them surrounding us - then it gets a little overwhelming (for me too!)! I've given talks at one local elementary school, and it's helped me teach the kids (with the help of their teachers) how to approach the dogs safely...

Oh Gigi that is soooo cool!!!! A lot of people wont teach their kids unless they have dogs and even then its only a 50/50% chance. Its pretty bad here....not sure if its cause its a lot of military here or what, but even my daughter says the kids at school are pretty bad and have no manners!!! LOL!

silke' date=' you are better off taking treats for the kids. Look doggy..look candy. and as you throw the candies on the floor, you run the other way[/quote']

Oh that is hilarious!!!! :rofl: Might have to try that!!! Maybe some high value candy like Snickers, Gummi bears, or fruit roll ups as Brian said!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I substitute teach in 2 small, relatively rural school districts now, and a couple of years ago, I taught for a year in a bit bigger one that is a bit less rural - most of the families in that one are either fairly rich or relatively poor, with not many in between. I have found that the kids in the smaller towns/rural areas are generally much better behaved! Their parents take the time to teach them manners more often. I think that in the smaller districts, too, it's easier for the teachers to make a difference - they tend to know the kids better, and over a number of years, which isn't possible in larger schools.

It's wonderful that I am able to go in and talk to them - a lot of times there's a tie-in to dog sledding. This year, they were doing a reading challenge, and several of the books they were reading dealt with sled dogs, so I took Tux and some equipment, including a sled. The kids loved it, and it gave me a chance to educate them about how to behave with a dog.

I especially find it rewarding when there's a child that is afraid of dogs. I usually invite them to pet the dog from behind, while I hold the dog's head so it can't turn toward the kid. If there are other kids around, it's a good time for them to pet the dog, too, and while he's occupied, if the kid is getting braver, I'll invite them to feel how soft husky ears are! It usually doesn't take much time for them to decide that at least that dog is pretty cool! As a side benefit, pretty much all the elementary age kids in town know who I am, and will ask about the dogs they've met when they see me in town, lol! biggrin.gif

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charlie i do the same thing, we had these kids threaten to throw water balloons at us once so i walked towards them and made bings bark - which then works the others up - they soon scarpered - we are lucky we get a good few friendly kids round here - its only a teeny select few which i never really see who are a pain luckily

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