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Zena Arrived in Iowa!


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Zena arrived in Iowa today!

After unpacking her from her shipping crate, the first order of the day was a quick trip outside. While out, she got to meet Tuna - Queen of the Outdoor Cats!


We then went in so she could meet Shad...



Zena was anxious to start exploring, and beat me out to the mailbox at the end of the drive. She sat there for a short time, but then set off down the road. I think she wanted to go find Becky (Austinville) - I'd told her Becky lived down that way...



I told her we didn't have time to go looking for Beck today - the grass was getting way too tall, and I needed to mow it, so it will look nice when company comes tomorrow! She decided to sit and look at the mail near the tulips, in a spot I'd already mowed. She was particularly interested in the motorcycle flier, and the magazine from the organization through which I sponsor a couple of kids in Ecuador...





She wanted to help mow, but when she saw she couldn't reach the pedals or the steering wheel, she decided she was tired enough to go in for a nap while I mowed!



Becky stopped by with Ryn for a playdate with her brother Zeke, and Momma Rory, and got to meet Zena -


Zena also got to meet Trooper -


Zena wanted to take pics of what she saw, so that you all could see it too - she needed a little help, though!

Rynnie and Rory playing... (She's facing the road - the little barn used to house pigs, the gray building is an old machine shed.)


Zeke -


The view from the dogs' yard toward the kennel, and the old cow barn next to/ to the west of it


The view from the front of the kennel toward the back of the property - between the cow barn and the kennel. In the middle tree of the three, there is a Red Tailed Hawks' nest. I saw one of the parents taking something to it this morning, so it looks like this year's chicks have hatched!


This is the other side of the cow barn - the west side of the property. The trees and hedge are there as a wind-break, to help keep wind (and drifting snow in winter) down. This is one of my favorite spots on the property...


Becky and I took Zena, who was once again anxious to start exploring, for a short ride while Ryn played...


Zena evidently likes horses (these are my neighbors')


And Deere!


She was amazed at the large stones (this one's actually pretty small!) ancient glaciers left in what are today farm fields - and farmers have to move! (The little stones were deposited on along with snow a few months ago!)


Back home (and Becky and Ryn gone home!), Zena wanted to see the sunset, and had to check out the asparagus bed first, to see if any was coming up, yet. She got to meet Tuna's much sweeter sister, 'Miri...



Well, we're both half-frozen, and it's almost time for bed, and neither of us wanted caffeine so close, so we opted for some rooibos tea - I let Zena use the big Texas mug my uncle gave me - she said it reminded her of her stay with Sid and Bella, whom she rather misses!


Tomorrow, we're going to take a short trip with my friend Rachel, and with Becky to get some lunch. We'll see what else we can find! biggrin.pngtongue.png

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Yay ............ How exciting that she has arrived, and what fantastic photos - such fun.

You have a great property there Gigi, you can have a husky meet without any problems :lol:

Those tulips are stunning, and so are the beautiful cats. And of course Zeke, Ryn and Shad - I can go on and on - thanks for sharing - Can't wait for the next installment.

ps: And there I was thinking Rooibos tea is something only drank in South Africa - Rooibos is actually an Afrikaans word which means Red Bush tea ;) and the people of South Africa have been drinking it for hundreds of years

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What a fantastic adventure Zena is on.

Brilliant pics.


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Thanks - it was fun! I love my property too, so I appreciate the compliments - thanks! redface.png

Yay ............ How exciting that she has arrived, and what fantastic photos - such fun.

You have a great property there Gigi, you can have a husky meet without any problems :lol:

Those tulips are stunning, and so are the beautiful cats. And of course Zeke, Ryn and Shad - I can go on and on - thanks for sharing - Can't wait for the next installment.

ps: And there I was thinking Rooibos tea is something only drank in South Africa - Rooibos is actually an Afrikaans word which means Red Bush tea ;) and the people of South Africa have been drinking it for hundreds of years

I'd love to have meets here, but they'd probably have to be one day deals - or people would have to be willing to really share limited bathroom space! The tulips have only been blooming a day or so, so I had to get them in - somehow! LOVE Rooibos tea - I think it's the red in the Red Zinger tea, but I'm not sure. It's good stuff, and has been available here for quite a number of years, not sure when I first discovered it... unsure.gif

awesome pics :) i wish i was zena lol - she looks awfully scared of tuna tho bless her

Tuna is a scary cat! She rules the place with an iron paw, and only really respects Shad and me! She was the first cat Zena met here, so I'm not surprised she was a bit apprehensive! happy.png

She's looking very clean for some1 on her travels...........dont think any1 has bathed her yet!!! :happy2:

Was afraid she'd need one after yesterday, but she was careful where she went, and it brushed off pretty easily! happy.png

So glad to see she arrived safely Gigi! She looks like she's settled in very well at your place.:) You have a great place there. Zeke is a VERY handsome guy. And you know how I feel about Shad!:wub: Can't wait to see more!

Thanks! I have to admit to being biased, but I think Zeke's a pretty handsome guy, too. And Shad....inlove.gif

What fun...I would like to have Xena come and visit us in Minnesota. I also want to come to Iowa and meet your pack, but I think that Andy and Jackson's daddy is going to be jealous of your property!:furious:

You're welcome to come visit us! You aren't all that far away... biggrin.png

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Great pics Gigi. I really loved your captions and commentary. Looks like Zena's first day in Iowa was fairly full. Did she sleep late this morning?

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Yes, Rosemary, I really appreciate having the riding mower - it makes life much easier! happy.png

Thank, Diz! I love it... rolleyes.png

A friend came in for a visit for the afternoon, and we went to have lunch with Becky. Zena came along, and I took lots of pics! I'm still working on getting them sized the way I want, and uploaded. I'll post 'em as soon as I can! (Argh - the pressure! hot.gif)

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Zena looks like she is having fun. I do have to say that your barn is amazing. It is so beautiful and totally has an old country look to it. I love it!

Thanks! It's a cool building, and I love it. Unfortunately, because of a dirt floor that has been excavated by numerous raccoons and other "critters", it isn't terribly structurally sound, and will one day literally fall into ruin. It would cost enough money to fix it that, not having any real use for the building, I can't justify the expenditure, which makes me sad...cry.gif

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I love, love you place! I would love to live out in the country... can I move in? JK! :rolleyes:

redface.pngThanks! I love it too, even though it tends to be a lot of work - especially when there's a lot of rain! Seems like the grass needs to be mowed every 4 days, sometimes! I don't really mind the mowing, when I don't have other things that need to be done, but...

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