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Hello! Im a new member, thought id introduce myself properly :-)

I currently do not have a Husky, but hope to be so lucky one day in the not too distant future. I'd love to hear your opinions on whether I would be a suitable owner - and any advice you could give would be most appreciated!

I have been bought up with dogs all my life, from rescued GSD's to Malamutes, to Russian Black Terriers - a dog is not a dog if you can still breathe when it wants a big cuddle!! NOT a 'lap dog' fan AT ALL. I have loved Huskies ever since i can remember, not only for their looks but for their agility and outlook on life. I currently miss having the companionship and the cuddles :-( my GSD Simba died 18 months ago at a ripe old age of 14 and i thought id never have another after him as I grew up with him and was heartbroken when he went - it was his time though and he had a wonderful life.

Now for my life... I do work full time - but not far from home, and I generally always come home for lunch - as I have my horses at home. When not at work, I am ALWAYS outside whatever the weather, whether it be with the horses or out on my bike riding through the countryside i am very lucky to have access to on my doorstep. I am very lucky to live on 4 acres of land that belongs to my friends who live on site (i live in their annex). They own a dog too, a very playful 2year old male Weimeraner (neutered) who would LOVE a playmate.

I am a firm believer in that too many puppies of all breeds are bought by unexperienced owners and sadly end up needing new homes - and that too many people try to breed with no regard for the puppies futures other than the cash they receive at point of sale. Therefore, where possible i would want to rehome a young / adult dog - and it will have to be spayed/neutured as i do not want puppies or to be the cause of an 'accident'. I would want to attend training sessions at my local training school as I want to ensure that any dog i rehome is well trained and knows i am alpha.

Do any members out there share my hobbies?? Do you have Huskies and horses?? 98% of the horsey population also own dogs, but i havent come across any horse owners with Huskies... I would change my mind in an instant if i thought that a Husky would not adapt to being around horses as i would not want to cause harm to any dog or horse. The Weimeraner at home has grown up with them and even though he chases the ponies occasionally when they are having a mad moment he respects that they are a lot bigger than him and he wouldnt want to get on the wrong side of them.

I have very much enjoyed reading all about the members and seeing photos of all of your gorgeous huskies - i hope to be able to share my stories with you soon!!

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welcome to the pack :) couldnt agree more about the a dog isnt a dog if you can still breath when it gives cuddles! :D lol, also whilst i dont own horses my dogs have met horses n loved them - its quite nice to see specially as 1 horse wanted to follow us when we left

you sound like you will be a great husky owner - even with you working as you live with ur friends who have a dog too so im guessing they would help you out too :)

sorry to hear about simba :( that must of been really hard

if you need anything feel free to post up :) and any pics of animals past and present - husky or otherwise - dont hesitate to post up! :D

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Wow such quick responses - i love it here already!!

I have done a lot of reading - and i know not to believe everything i read but i think hearing experiences is sometimes greater than reading a million books! I am very aware to be cautious in letting Huskies off the lead - i do believe this to an extent with all dogs as when Simba would see a rabbit in his youthful days he was gone and no amount of calling, yelling or whistling would bring him back!!

Yes my friends would help me loads i know they would - Rob is crazy and goes for like 15k runs or 30k bike rides and takes the dog with him - so im sure my Husky would be pleased to join them!! Rather them than me on that one!

Losing Simba was very hard - i remember when we first got him, he was mistreated as a very young pup and was soooo nervous to start. I was 10 years old and I ended up having to grab my quilt and sleep with him at the bottom of the stairs as he was crying so much the poor sod. Of course he came around and he became the most loyal protective dog ive ever known. He had bad hips and used to walk like he was drunk towards the end bless him, he also had suffered a few 'doggy strokes' but the vet was amazed at the life still in him. He died at home in his sleep one wintery evening where he belonged - yes very heartbreaking.

I love the sound of the meets you all have, i havent seen any members around here just yet but im sure there has to be some! I will be keeping my eyes open for any Huskies that need rehoming - do ask for you to do the same for me, bearing in mind there is another dog, horses and sheep. A very fun loving home would await :-)

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I would say you would make a great husky owner read up about them as much as you can. You said you have 4 acre of land is it fenced as husky are great escape artist and some have been know to clear 6 ft fences ie my ice lil **** he has to go on a lead in the garden know lol cheeky lil ****. My guys are ok with horses I don't have any but when we walk past them on walks they are fine it all depends on the dog like all breeds really husky have high prey drives so never let he/she off a lead as they are more then likely to do a runner if they see something ie a bird, squiral or anything small and furry. Maybe you could get a young one and bring it up with the horses ie 6 months or similar. Sorry yo hear about simba xxxx

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Ain't no such thing as TOO much research blink.gif

and after all the effort they will still surprise you with something weird or wonderful. happy.png

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Hi iluvsnowdogs - the land is fenced but its not dog proof, its horseproof which even though horses are capable of jumping a lot higher than huskies, they like to stay home where they know they will be warm and fed! Rico has learnt to stay in the boundary, but he has been raised there since a pup and he is home outside all day as my friend Rob works from home and keeps an eye on him. My plan would be to have my husky on a long lead at all times even when at home especially when im not there - i.e if he is outside with Rob and Rico. We are surrounded by farmland so the little blighter could go for miles without being found - or even knowing what direction he has gone in! Having countryside around us means of course rabbits so they would be a high incentive to go walkabouts if off the lead.

Im not really fussed about the age of the husky i rehome, obviously the younger the better but aslong as it doesnt have any nasty habits/traits, gets along with other dogs and is housetrained then im sure it would be very happy with me :rolleyes:

Thanks Andy, i feel at home here already - even though im just finding out how to do most things! I am terrible for research so everyone be prepared for lots of questions and requests for advice before, and during my husky ownership :)

Thanks for kinds words about Simba, I will dig out some photos of him and post them online soon - aswell as others!

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Hi and welcome! smoke.png

You might want to put up a (fairly secure!) run for when Rob is out working, rather than a long line. Huskies can be awfully sneaky about getting just enough distance away when you're only half paying attention, and then taking off! Living in the middle of farming country, you not only have small animals like rabbits around, you have livestock, which can also be very tempting! A husky wouldn't hesitate too much at attacking a sheep (or more than one), which could be expensive - or get the offending (even if it was suspected that it might go after the sheep) dog shot!

If you get the chance, go to a meet or two, and meet the dogs, talk with the people, and see for yourself if the breed suits you...

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Hi Everyone and thanks for the warm welcome :-)

I would love to come to a meet, heres hoping there is one soon and not too far away from me! Hopefully i won't feel too lonely/odd one out being husky-less at the moment.

I am sure that the breed is for me, my Dad has a Malamute who is gorgeous but i cannot be swayed, ive always wanted a husky - id happily have a huskamute though which would please my dad!

There is no livestock locally as all the local farms are crop orientated - just the rabbits and pheasants im afraid! With horses and yards closeby really, which was my initial concern as we have horses at home and i would never want any horse or dog injured if my husky were to ever take one on! Thankfully i have heard from a few members that their dogs have got on fine with horses and havent tried anything stupid. I wouldnt plan to ever have my dog off lead around the yard or the horses but these things need to be considered as safety for all concerned is paramount!

This maybe a very stupid question, but i feel the need to ask it anyway! I was doing some research (as i do) and came across the radio collars... has anyone ever used one and are they very effective on huskies? (I will post in the correct forum also) I thought putting a signal out the back of the land towards the open farmland just incase my husky were to get loose and go for a jolly, it may be a deterrant??


Hayley xx

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