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a pain every time she sees people or dogs.


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nanook is a pain in the butt whenever we go for walks because as soon as she sees a dog or human she pulls and jumps about and i have to drag her away eventually cos she jumps all over the dogs and jumps up at people. she is embarrasing. otherwise she walks quite good on her lead. does anyone else have this problem. people look at her like she's a mad dog.<_<

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we did when we first got bella she also did it with us aswelll so we asked all friends and family to push her down and say down and then pat her once she had calmed down which took awhile for her to get the hang of

people in the street i would get her to sit and give her treats first few times she wasnt interested in the treats so started really making a big deal about the treats and now she sits waits for them to go past and then we walk on

took awhile and making sure everyone pushed her down she does it occasionally when i get home but as soon as i say down she drops

..dont know if this helps good luck

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I would use distraction techniques with high value treats. Put something like a piece of chicken right in front of her and don't let her have it until she is calm.

This should distract her and make her see that other walkers and dogs = chicken on the floor.

Stacey xxx

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Miley done the same, jumping up at people on are walks and trying to play with every dog she meets.

We did the same as the last post, as soon as your dog gets excited about a person or another dog, stop, sit and wait till They pass and then treat and loads of fuss.

It seems like it will never end, but keep doing it and he/she will soon get the idea...

Remember these dogs are smart....

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I would try chicken or something similiar I tryed treats with my guys it never worked then I used cheese or chicken it worked on jasper and gus but not on ice he will ignore anything he goes into his own world lol I now just walk in the other diection when he is calm I walk back and keep doin until he is calm and make him sit

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Lol...they're little buggers for this arent they?! I am regularky embarrassed by teeks and he is actually improving massively! I get frustrated when people insist on giving me words of wisdom on how to train my dog....scuse me mate, thats a border collie you got there....bred to be obedient.....and when they treat me like a muppet coz he's going nuts! I look a lot younger than my 29 years so i tend to forgive them

We do all that has been posted above....sometimes walking away depending on how naughty he is being. He's loads better but it is the slowest process especially compared with the speed that he picked up everything else!

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will give it a try, have tried treats but maybe get something irrisistable eh!

try a cheap tin of hotdogs, don't need to cook them just cut them up into small sections and carry them in a bag.

The smell is strong so you'll definitely keep her attention.

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Lol...they're little buggers for this arent they?! I am regularky embarrassed by teeks and he is actually improving massively! I get frustrated when people insist on giving me words of wisdom on how to train my dog....scuse me mate, thats a border collie you got there....bred to be obedient.....and when they treat me like a muppet coz he's going nuts! I look a lot younger than my 29 years so i tend to forgive them

We do all that has been posted above....sometimes walking away depending on how naughty he is being. He's loads better but it is the slowest process especially compared with the speed that he picked up everything else!

i also get annoyed at people with their so called advice. they tell her to sit and she won't cos they got no treats lol. or have you been to dog training. oh you shouldn't do that , have u tried this lead or harness. yea they're all dog experts arn't they. well i just tell them that what might work wonders on a dog doesn't always go the same with a husky :mstickle:

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i would try n get a high value treat, likie has been suggested chicken , hot dogs or even cheese and when you see a person or dog make her sit and watch you - hold the high value treat up near your face so she has to look at you - once they have gone past and shes stayed calm - praise her and give her the treat :)

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Nadia was the same with everyone and still is with some people (never strangers unless they encourage her with a treat) - the problem is it's the know-it-all's that won't listen when I ask them to push her down. In particular the in-laws who insist she's a little terrorist and needs training while giving her treats as she begs or jumps up on them.. I have her using a canny collar now and it's really helping me keep her under control but apparently that is cruel and twisted somehow. My mother-in-law called it a torture collar despite the fact that Nadia has never once tried to get it off..

I actually met someone on the street the other day who had a 3 month old husky pup (not yet vaccinated so shouldn't have even been out - shows how much he knows!) who started giving me training advice and was telling me how much smarter his girl Ice was because she gives her paw every time while Nadia doesn't. Nadia knows sit-down-paw-stay-up etc in 2 languages, but is no longer an eager puppy and will only implement when she knows there's a treat in it for her.

Learn to live with the embarrasment - while Nanook's still a puppy and she'll soon settle down with a little encouragement, there will always be times when people look at you like you have a mad-dog. She's a husky, that's never going away :)

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