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bad news re Loki

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Thanks everyone, im going to see what the manager has to say when she returns. If they arent willing to return my fee or provide something to the value of then I will look further into getting it back and contacting relevant people inc a newspaper about it. I know they are trying to run a home for strays but I just dont have £70 to donate. Loki cost me money in the 2 days he was here, a new bed that had to be burnt, vitamins, 3 oils for his coat, travelling expense going back and forth on buses ect.. all the different food I bought to try to get him to eat something ect....so ive lost money in all this anyway.

Not that the money really matters but with 4 young kids its something i cant afford to lose

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At the end of the day, whether or not Loki pulls through (I really hope he does as he's a real sweetie), they have put up for adoption a sick dog and you have had to emotionally and fincially had to cope with that.

Keep ALL receipts of the items and commodities you have bought specially for Loki.

There is a consumer law that should you buy something that you find is 'faulty' the people you buy from has to compensate you both in the priginal money and the cost to rectify.

I am not sure how that would apply to animals and the rehoming conditions but seeing they are treating their animals as commodities then go with thier logic.

Do not let them snowball you with facts and conditions of terms of anyhting you may have signed to rehome Loki. He should not have gone with you until he was fit and healthy. They have put you, your family and your other pets in hamrs way without fully disclosing the truth about Loki.

They ARE liable for the expenses you have had to put out.

There should be an ombusmen for the rehoming centres or at least the welfare to go on with these shelters, so should talking to the manager fail completely, go above their heads and talk to a Welfare association the shelter has to answer too. Dont bother with RSPCA, they can't be arsed with things like this and they can't make the shelter change their ways fast enough to benifit Loki nor get you money back.

You will be better going through something like small claims as far as the moneytary thing goes, as long as you have kept the receipts to prove you have spent the money you claim, a judge should see that it is money that should be compensated as in the first instance Loki should not have been available due to his illness to cause you to spend all this money to make him better.

As for the shelter itself, the fact that they have seriously dropped the ball on Loki's case, I would think that has made you lose complete confidence in that shelter. If they were that hasty to offload Loki despite him being ill, how many other families have had the same thing done to them in the past and goen through the same heart ache...? Putting the money side of it..erm, to one side, they do not seem to be very nice in their welfare to the animals they take in. An offical complaint and launching an investigation from the council or an indipendant investigation from another welfare association should really kick their asses into joint. Or failing that reporting it to local press and authorities about their conduct. You never know, Loki may just be the tip of the iceberg....

Fingers crossed for Loki.....

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I was a bit unsure with the home to be honest when you said you went to see him and brought him home. I was shocked they didnt do a homecheck or anything.

Having said that noone, not even Loki deserved to be treated the way you were all treated. I hope he survives. xxxx

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+1 Emma thankyou for the advice. TBH as long as I get the £70 back the rest im not too bothered about, the home have £70 of my money so thats what I want back from them. I dont want to take additional money from them even though ive lost money. I bought 3 full chickens that cost me £12 for him BUT I can use them myself ect....

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I know exactly how you are feeling about this, and its not only to do with the matter of the money, it is the princable of the matter to do with they shouldnt of allowed you to have him and put everyone in danger in the first place. In a way its like standing up for other dogs like Loki. By law they have to refund you as I know it sounds off but if an item you have paid for is not fit for it's use, you are entitled to a full refund. I know this after our experiance with Storm our 2nd husky. It was the trading standards that told us it too. After only a few days he began to fit (once or twice a week, so it could of been happening while at the breeders), and to cut a long story short, he became much worse and we had to have him PTS at 6 months. The breeder was determined not to pay untill he was contacted by us under advice from trading stanadards. We didnt do it for the money, we did it out of principle of the matter and the memory of Storm, that he should never of sold us him in the first place under these rulings. I hope you understand what I am trying to say as sometimes I confuse myself :D The kennel club even made a note of it on their sytem incase of future problems with the breeder too.

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i'm here if you need me hun over the wkend or if you want me to take you or tony over there so you dont have to get the bus just shout me xxxx

Thankyou, im ringing her after 1pm today (the manager) so lets see what they have to say for themselves. Im going to tell them how angry I am that they put my puppy and children at risk ect....

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They will be footing the bill because we signed Loki back over to their care so they could treat him. I phoned again yesterday and there was no improvement

was going to ask if you had heard anything,but know how upset you have been over all this so didnt want to.

is no improvement good?..as in he hasn't deteriorated further

just wondering how long they would leave him like that,poor Loki,surely it would be kinder now to let him sleep peacefully and go find his friends over the bridge.

hope you are ok Suzanne x

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was going to ask if you had heard anything,but know how upset you have been over all this so didnt want to.

is no improvement good?..as in he hasn't deteriorated further

just wondering how long they would leave him like that,poor Loki,surely it would be kinder now to let him sleep peacefully and go find his friends over the bridge.

hope you are ok Suzanne x

I was the same, wanting to know but not wanting to cause you further upset. Hope the manager has some answers for you.

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