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how many of you actually DONT have pet insurance?

BingBlaze n Skyla

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ive seen ALOT of threads about insurance n what insurance is best n whos with who ect and i find it ALL very confusing lol - we dont actually have pet insurance - we have money kept by so if we need it, its there - in all the 8 and half years weve had bings he has never been insured n never really had any serious problems that caused us to need it - he got his dodgy back leg but we got that sorted thru the pdsa so for us to pay for insurance for bings would actually probably be a waste of money

so my question is does anybody else not have insurance? we cant be the only 1 who keeps money by instead

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We dont for teddy, but having two dogs now, and the fact that its me responsible for Qilaq's costs it makes more sense for me personally to get insurance. Its easier for me to pay monthly instalments rather than try save up, which im crap at and then i know its there if i need it. I hate dealing with insurance and contracts and corporations and money in general, but id hate to have something happen, and then me not be able to afford any treatment at the time.

I know what youre saying, like youve not had any instances in which youve needed a massive amount of money for vetinary costs. This is what i think too, which is why im always dubious. When i used to have a contract phone i never saw the point in insurance, but then some **** stole my phone and i had to pay like £300 to get a replacement :/

Id hate to be in the same position with one of the doggies..(not buying a new, but paying loads lol).

The fact youve got money saved in case anthing happens though, just proves my thoughts about how good an animal owner you are. You dont not have insurance because youre a bad owner or anything like that, infact, you do have a form of insurance - without engaging in any contract with stupid companies :P

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i dont have insurance but i did set up a direct debit each month so i can save up just in case. i paid pet insurance for years for my cat and whilst i benefitted initially overall i lost out massively and then cancelled it when i moved house about 9yrs later and didnt have the spare cash. it was like £170 a year for her and then if i wanted to claim i had to pay the first £120...so before i could even claim i had to pay £290 a year.

Its a bit of a lottery and i really 'ummed' and 'arrred' over it but decided just to set up a savings account.

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thnx simon :) means alot

i can see what u mean about like having ur phone stolen n stuff (that must have sucked BIG time btw) but i figure because we have the funds there for the dogs if we need them - like when skyla got attacked n it cost us £150ish for her vet visits - it made us kind of think maybe we SHOULD get insurance but then we had a look n half of the stuff they say we dont really understand so would rather save the money instead

the only vet treatment blaze has needed is his when his anal glands needed expressing AGES ago - after all like u said they are well looked after n we wouldnt not make sure they got the vet treatment if they needed it - even if it meant we went without for like a whole month

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We have had insurance since we got Maddi, and extended it to included Mishka when we got her.

However, we sat down about 1 month ago and worked out how much it had cost, against how much we would have saved up if we had just set up a DD, and then cancelled the insurance.

We have opened a savings account specifically for the dogs, and have set up a DD to pay in the same amount as we were paying the insurance each month.

Time will tell, but it's the way we have decided to do it.


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We don't have insurance, but here veterinary medical services are pretty cheap and it's not like we've ever had anything serious anyway. If something serious happens, we will just have to pay for treatment.

Although if I were living in the UK I'd definitely get an insurance... just cuz you never know.

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We don't have insurance, but here veterinary medical services are pretty cheap and it's not like we've ever had anything serious anyway. If something serious happens, we will just have to pay for treatment.

Although if I were living in the UK I'd definitely get an insurance... just cuz you never know.

curious - whats the difference? u dont have insuarance where you but u would if u were in the uk - how come?

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I have never had insurance on the dogs and to be honest they never needed it. So if I started it when I got them I would have paid 11 years or premiums and never claimed anything. Now that they are old and having problems it would have been handy to have but they all seem to be so restrictive about what they cover that I am not sure it would pay for itself anyway.

I don't save money though as I am crap at it but I have a couple of credit cards with large credit limits. This has always covered the vet bills so far. The medicines just come out of wages to the tune of about £100-150 a monthfrown.png

Overall I would say for young dogs it generally isn't worth it, but as they get older it is probably more worth it provided you get it before they are diagnosed with anything and get a good policy.

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I used to have insurance on Logan because I wasnt sure of what his health would be like but I dont on Aleu.

I find putting money away over the years is more beneficial than paying an insurance company and then having to pay excess on top.

Petplan wasn't so bad with Logan because they pay the vets up front but most insurance companies require that you pay the vet first - so you've still got to get the money from somewhere in the meantime.

Stacey xxx

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I have never had insurance on the dogs and to be honest they never needed it. So if I started it when I got them I would have paid 11 years or premiums and never claimed anything. Now that they are old and having problems it would have been handy to have but they all seem to be so restrictive about what they cover that I am not sure it would pay for itself anyway.

I don't save money though as I am crap at it but I have a couple of credit cards with large credit limits. This has always covered the vet bills so far. The medicines just come out of wages to the tune of about £100-150 a monthfrown.png

Overall I would say for young dogs it generally isn't worth it, but as they get older it is probably more worth it provided you get it before they are diagnosed with anything and get a good policy.

i guess it depends on how early u insure them to get them covered - we looked at insurance for bings after he hurt his leg n cuz he was about 10 years old we couldnt cover him

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Nix this is such a good idea! ive hmmm and ahhhed over pet insurance because like you i dont understand the most of it!!! I think having a savings account for anything is much more beneficial and most likely 9/10 you wont need to claim when the dogs are young. However as said above, it may be worthwhile when the dog gets slightly older BUT then again some policies don't cover old dogs! i don't get it . . . .

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bings is around 13 now and hes only been to the vets twice - 1 for his leg 1 for his conjuctivitus/tonsilittus - weve had him since he was 3 and in all the nearly 9 years weve had him apart from those two times hes been fine - n insurance wouldnt have covered it anyway as it didnt exceed what we would have had to pay in excess anyway

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I have insurance for all of my three.

Purely because I have them all on the lifetime plan and so if they developed an illness I would be able to keep reclaiming on it every year.

I have also considered cancelling them all though as between the three of them im paying out about £50 a month but do not think im disciplined enough to save the money every month.

Also because I have heard such bad stories from people not being able to reclaim the money back from insurance companies because they come up with some loop hole etc that means they dont have to pay out.

I know alot of people with the big kennels dont have insurance at all and save every month.

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We had considered getting Echo insurance. We decided to just

pay out of pocket. We have been really careful with her, so she

hasn't needed anything out of the ordinary. I will be working more

soon, and we will be getting a joint bank account, so we will have

more money coming in, and more money to put away. For Echo's

procedure, I will be taking out a bank loan, that I will have to pay

back. This is the easiest way for me to do it and have enough

money for her shots, microchip, and getting her registered. It will

be relatively low interest, and I will try to pay it back asap so I can

avoid large interest charges :)

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We are getting Neo insured.. and moreso for the fact that if he was to somehow damage someones property.. or someone - I don't think i'd have the huge amount of money to cover the liability etc.. regarding healthcare the insurance we are getting is only to cover £1000 a year but is for life - so if he were to get diabetes etc.. every year that £1000 is renewed even for the same illnes..

IF I was any good at saving I would possibly have looked at that route, but the whole legal liability thing swayed me..

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I'm in the states, and I do not have Akira insured. I've looked into it and around here it just isn't worth it. Plus, when I had my Boston Terrier, I had him insured with VPI and they would not reimburse me for a minor surgery, and it was like pulling teeth to get them to reimburse me for the regularly scheduled visits. I'm done with pet insurance... if something happens I guess I'll be taking out a loan or getting another credit card! :)

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We do have one of the more costly insurance plans but, to be honest, paying out 30 pounds a month is much more feasible than if we suddenly got landed with a vet bitt running into thousands. It doesn't happen often....but it does happen and we just would not have the money.

My parents had claimed on their dog insurance before they even paid the first bill! And have claimed about 6 times so far in the 3 years they've owned him. In total i think they've paid a couple of hundred pounds in excess but if they hadn't, the very clumsy family pet would've cost about 2 and a half grand i think last time we worked it out.

Some people pay a lifetime and never claim...others do. I'm not in a situation where i could afford a huge vet bill....normal sized ones, yes, but running up to one or two thousand pounds.....not without a loan or a very long payment plan!

It suits us much better and i dont think i'd be without it now. That said....my two bunnies are not insured...

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