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I'm pregnant and my boy is acting strange...


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I am new on here and have joined for the sole purpose of seeking out advice on how to handle Clay's change in behaviour in recent weeks.

As the title says I am pregnant (only 4 wks left) and Clay has been very odd over the last few days, he wont leave my side, giving me sad little looks, when I go to play he'll do so for 2-3 mins and then give up and sit at my side. He perks up for walks or when my OH plays and then resumes his position in his chair or on floor.

He's taken to removing cushions off the couch, and taking them into the garden and snuggling on them - he did this last week when I left some baby shopping unguarded and I found the blankets skillfully unrolled and laid across grass.

He's been fussy over his food, but this is something we went through at the same time last year - due to weather. So I have just been making sure he has constant water and that food is not left down so that he gets hungry and have wormed and flea'd him to be on safe side.

I am probably worrying over nothing, his health is fine, but his behaviour is out of character, especially as all last week I couldn't convince him to come indoors all day and now he is asleep at my side constantly - even when I go for a bath!

Any advice - am I worrying over nothing, part of me is worried he'll feel left out when baby arrives.

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He probably knows your about to have your baby and maybe doesn't feel like rough housing as much? Maybe he's concerned for you? Aslong as you do the right introductions etc with baby and fully supervise them until baby is old enough and you can trust Clay completely, but even so you should never leave a dog and child un supervised. Clay will soon come to completely accept the baby these things just take time. :)

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He probably knows your about to have your baby and maybe doesn't feel like rough housing as much? Maybe he's concerned for you? Aslong as you do the right introductions etc with baby and fully supervise them until baby is old enough and you can trust Clay completely, but even so you should never leave a dog and child un supervised. Clay will soon come to completely accept the baby these things just take time. :)

I was hoping it will be just that - plus I am guessing that he is bored with my company since I've been home for last couple of weeks, he perks up when other people are around, so maybe I have the equivilant of a teenager on my hands :)

As much as I trust Clay, we have gates across landing and lounge to teach him that there are times where these areas will be no go, as he forgets how big and strong he is! Although, I am more concerned by my parents' anti-social springer (a word you wouldn't normally associate with that breed - but he is a rescue who has got grumpier with age).

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Congratulations!! :)

He is probably sensing the time is nearly here, when my friend was pregnant Kimba lay his head on her bump the second she sat on the sofa and he wouldn't move from her side until she left, then when she had the baby he didn't bother her at all but was so gentle with her baby, it sounds like Clay knows :)

I really wouldn't worry hun, take it one day at a time when your new arrival comes along but still give clay time as well - i'm sure he won't feel pushed out :)

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dogs are pretty tuned into our emotions and any physical/chemical changes (thats why some dogs can alert people to oncoming seizures, cancers etc

He probably knows that something is different, and that he mustnt be rough with you as you are vunerable atm, he doesnt sense this with other people so acts normally with them :)

Good luck :)

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First of all welcome to you and Clay and congratulations on your soon to be baby!

like others have said he is probably totally intune with you and knows to be gentle,as for your cushions its almost like he is nesting for you,lol,strange with him being a boy,ive known girls do this.

i'm sure he'll return to his normal self once he knows baby has arrived and you are well enough

best of luck with baby xx

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Thank you all for your reassurances - as for the cushions and the being a male, we do joke at times that he maybe more effeminate than usual - he is a strange one, but definitely likes the ladies both canine and human... :oops:. I am glad that I have joined, can't believe I never found this site before - so very handy and you are all so nice, once home life settles, I hope that we will be able to come to a local meet.

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Agree with whats been said totally.. the only thing I would add is that I would actually be careful he knows that people coming to visit the baby are ok as it sounds to me like hes going to be very protective of you and the baby when it arrives.. maybe get a pot of dog treats to put by the front door and get visitors to ask him to sit and give him a treat? So he associates lots of visitors to be a good thing and he dosent need to go into guard dog mode.

Other than that, welcome to the fur-family! Congrats on having a super lovely boy and double congrats on the impending further bundle of joy! :D

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My boy was exactly the same in the last few weeks of my pregnancy. He would nuzzle gently at my bump, as if to say hurry up. Dogs are amazing at picking up on even the smallest change and will adapt there behaviour accordingly.

Take the introduction slowly and use lots of treats and praise. I sent a blanket home that my daughter had been wrapped in before I brought her home, we also brought a rope toy with her for my boy. He had a sniff of her then layed down near her

Good luck with the birth of your little one

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Congrats and welcome!

When I was pregnant I had all the animals around me and sleeping with me in the last few weeks, cats, dogs etc...! And even if I wanted to play a bit rough, they wouldn't let me! He can sense that something is going on, probably you have been preparing nursery etc...? As someone else said, be aware that he may become over protective of you and the baby. Keep an eye on this, and make sure that you reassure him when passing baby for cuddles, as he may take it the wrong way...does that make any sense?

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Also, booked Clay in for a day at the groomers so that he gets pampered and a good long walk - more importantly so his coat is a bit easier to control as I can't get to him properly at the moment and he looks dishevelled and a bit sorry for himself :( Thankfully they understand Huskies and are looking forward to his visit (his first). x

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They know more than we sometimes give credit for!

Be sure to send home things that have both your scent and babes. You might even consider sending home a dirty diaper so that Clay can learn everything he needs to know by smelling it. He'll discover more than you'll ever know from that diaper. Our family has found that works wonderful.

Also, after baby gets home, be sure to spend some time with just Clay. He'll appreciate that he's still special. This will also allow him to understand that he won't be left behind as you spend time with babe.

Congrats by the way! When are you due? My daughter is due June 11, but not thinking she'll make it that long!

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I will send a nappy home as well then - someone at work mentioned doing something similar, but I had visions of Clay eating it!

By my scan it was meant to be June 19th - but I have just been informed by my midwife that she thinks it will be alot sooner as he is ready now and if baby hasn't made his own way by 2nd of June then my consultant will be asked to induce, due to swelling and major discomfort. Congrats to your daughter x

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