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Sky's been sick

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Ok so yesterday Sky was sick, just a bit of clear mucus looking stuff with a bit of grass in outside in the garden but today on the park he was sick again, first bit again clear mucus stuff then again with a bit of blood in it !!!! it was hard to tell how much blood because it was mixed with the mucus, this freaked me out a bit, It also had some grass in it nothing solid though no food or anything, i know dogs eat grass when they have an upset stomach don't they ?? Right so he's eating and drinking as normal running around playing with Rufus as normal i've had a bit of a rub and squeeze of his stomach its not swollen and he doesn't seem to be any pain at all, he's been for a number 2 since we got back and that was solid and no blood in it at all, i've checked his mouth and can't see and blood (i was thinking he might have bit his lip or tongue playing with Rufus then swallowed the blood ?) i'm in two minds if i should go to the vets or wait and see if he does it again first ??

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ok well he did it again this morning same thing ... clear stuff with a bit of blood in it just happened once today. He's still acting normal eating (plain cooked chicken as Sarah said) drinking walking playing ...... i'm booking him into the vets first thing Monday morning, infact i might try phoning now and see what they say.

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I'm pretty sure its blood, i did wonder the same thing but honestly couldn't think what else it could be. I phoned my vet (but as its Sunday it went through to the on call emergency vet) she talked me through a few things ... feeling his stomach checking his gums, all fine...... asked if he was drinking and eating, yes to both, asking if he was sleeping or playing .... right now sleeping but earlier this morning and last night playing with Rufus, asking if there is blood in his number 2 or if it was runny .... no to both, asking if there was more blood or clear stuff when he is sick ...... more clear ........ She told me to keep him on the boiled chicken and get him to drink as much as possible, he's booked in the vets tomorrow but if anything changes phone her back right away and she will come out and see him. As of right now she's not overly concerned.

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We have nicknamed Jackson "Billy Goat" since he has started to eat everything from leaves on a garlic clove that he snatched to chomping off the tops of the hostas outside in the garden. He seems to have a stomach of steel, except when he finally puked up a squeaker a month or so ago and became much more high energy. The red could certainly be bits of a leave or flower, or just a nick in his throat...you just never know with these guys. Hope he's okay.:clap:

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my 2 eat grass randomly, moreso Myshka, and not only when they have an upset tum. They LOVE that long grass, they would chew it for hours if I let them! And they then bring it back up, but usually in a frothy, foamy mixture. Sounds like there might have been something in the grass that was sharp & may have scratched his oesophagus, maybe, but you are doing the right thing by being concerned & getting it checked. Sounds like he's healthy enough in every other way so hope he's gonna be fine :cool:

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Well he hasn't done it again since he's had some more chicken and water and now he's flat out on the sofa !!! I've been through the garden looking for anything and found some little bits of blue plastic that was fairly sharp and looked chewed so i'm wondering if that may be the problem !!!! i have no idea what it was or where it came from. Oh and i got in trouble for giving Sky raw chicken wings off the vet too :( he doesn't have them everyday but she said i shouldn't give them to him at all.

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Loki is the one for being sick, and she always eats grass, I think shes cleaning her stomach as nothing else comes up just grass, and she eats well and toilets ok, Odin eats grass ocationaly and the same happens ? why they do this I dont know, not seen Thor do this though,

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He's been sick before with clear mucus stuff and the foamy like stuff and grass but it's just got me slightly worried because i saw blood in there and its now twice in 2 days !!! hopefully it's nothing though but still, i think i'll feel better if he's been checked by the vet. Its hard to describe or judge how much blood there was to the vet though i'm saying a fairly small amount because (im sorry if this gets gross) you could see at one end it was red then kinda got lighter until it went clear again like it was mixed with the mucus and it was a small amount total anyway.

As far as the chicken wings go well i'm not going to argue, i just want my dog fixing !!!!

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I wouldn't worry too much - is it possible that he'd eaten whatever the blue plastic you found was? That could have caused some irritation in his throat which could have been the blood - so could the grass, potentially. As for the chicken wings, most vets, in my experience, don't have a lot of training in feeding dogs. Most of it has come from the dog food companies, at least in the US (Science Diet, here)! I generally have, um, "forgotten" to mention to my vets that I have/do feed anything other than kibble and the occasional dog treat! ;):D:whistling:

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I have told my vets (there are 2 vets in the village surgery & 4 vets we have now seen in the main surgery for different things) that both of mine eat raw chicken thighs / wings / quarters, etc & no come back. I think they realise chicken "bone" is not brittle uncooked, it is quite flexible, but I understand right now you're interest in getting your pooch better & not a heated debate on food. Good luck, I hope they find the cause pretty swiftly for you, x

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Well we went to the vets and after checking pretty much everything you can think of all they found wrong was that sky had a slightly high temp so he has had 2 injections one a antibiotic and another to kill off anything bug he may have picked up, and then 2 tablets a day for the next week, keep him on bland food and basically keep an eye on him, so i'm much happier now.

We had the usual vet that hasn't got a problem feeding raw and chicken wings so no need for me to argue today :)

Thanks again for all the replies guys :thankyou:

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He seems fine today and no more being sick at all, no idea where the blood came from though but it hasn't happened since so thats gotta be a good sign. The vet said it may have been the fact that he was being sick that caused his throat to bleed slightly (as mentioned on here) or if he ate something that caused him to have an upset stomach sometimes the stomach lining will bleed a little. The vet didn't seem too worried after he gave him a full check up and i think maybe the injections and tablets he gave were just playing it safe. To be honest he seems perfectly fine and he did before we went to the vet too but better to be safe than sorry right !!!! Thanks for asking Nanci :)

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