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Hello from Alabama!


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Hi all, I recently posted about some questions I had and after quite a bit of research started looking for a puppy. I wanted to rescue a Husky, but it ABSOLUTELY had to be a female because I rent a house on a 45acre farm and the land ladie's dog is a male, and he only likes female dogs so she said I can have dogs, so long as they are females. Never really found one, and decided I wanted to start with a puppy instead. I started looking as an early bday present for both myself and my wife, and found some that were affordable and went and looked at them, found one that we absolutely loved and put a deposit down. She told us that we could pick her up the 21st or 22nd when she was 6 weeks old. The puppies had been weened off of and away from their mother for a week and were eating and drinking on their own. Well, she called me the next day (Friday) and said that she had taken the puppies to the vet and that the Vet and cleared them for their new homes since they were eating and drinking on their own. So, we went and picked little Mika (mee-ka) up on Friday night @ 5 weeks old, and here we are now. I now know that this is a little early to leave her brothers and sisters, but whats done is done and me and my wife have already fallen in love with Mika, she is absolutely great to only be 5 weeks old.

She seems like she is doing good, very little whining at night, if any, and she eats dry food (soaked in a little warm water as the breeder told me to) and she eats it without any issues. Her poo has kind of changed to soft and mushy to now its kind of runny, I spoke with one of the local Vets here and she said that could be most likely because she is nervous around her new family and is trying to adjust, plus she said they have such sensitive little tummies anyways, that we should observe her closely until and let them know whats going on when she comes in for her shots next Monday.

She is very playful, likes to nibble but we are telling her "No biting" not sure if it helps to start now or not, but she seems to stop and walk to something else. She is very curious, and as all puppies sleeps 23.5hrs out of the day haha.

One thing I was wondering about was that we have already started getting into the potty training with her and so far she is doing very well with it she seems to understand that grass is where you potty not inside, and she has very little accidents that she could have prevented, but didn't know about not taking her outside without vaccs, I assumed it was ok since she was already living outside in a kennel. Should we continue to take her outside to potty like we do now?

Any other suggestions that anyone thinks is necessary is definitely welcome! I guess now it is just a waiting game until she gets Vaccs in her system.

Also, does anyone have any links to a good crate training method? She seems to like her crate but I was wanting some more details on exactly how people do it.

On to pics of Mika!












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Oh darn it wasnt the same breeder. Lol. Calvin is from Gadsden, AL. And yes we did start potty training him right away. He took to potty training pretty fast. He understood to pee outside but he didnt have the bladder control (two story house). Now crate training......he hates being left in his crate. He doesnt sleep in his crate at night lol. When we leave the house we lock him in the crate though and he hates it! I swear our neighbors think we are killing Calvin.

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:welcome5: to the pack, Mika is a cutie! Its a good idea about crate training, just don't use it as a punishment, or it can change her perception of it from her little cave that is all hers and she likes to a negative box she wants to avoid. Your pup is gorgeous, welcome to the pack!

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Thanks all! Does anyone know of any immediate issues that I should watch for with her being this young, or is it not really a huge issue? She has increased her biting as well, and is getting rougher the more she gets comfortable with us, I read the bite thread, but not sure if she is old enough to understand. Should we just continue to tell her "No biting"?

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So far she is being very good at controlling her pottying. She has had very few accidents in the house to be honest, and I think her poo is becoming less and less runny and back to just soft, so I am going to think it was just her being nervous and adjusting. She still isn't crazy about her crate, but something eventually has to give. I read on one of those links that under 9weeks was too early to begin crate training, is this accurate? Or am I ok attempting it now? She lately has been sleeping on the floor next to our bed when she just refuses to go in the crate, figured it was best not to force her in, especially since she is so young. Plus, my wife has a blanket and a pad in there in case she just HAD to pee or poo, and I am assuming that needs to be taken out?

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I don't think that it's too young to start crate training her, just that she's so young that she won't be able to stay in it very long without needing to be taken out. When I have had a litter of puppies, I have usually kept them in a small area - confined to a small room, like a laundry room, with a place to go potty using papers, for overnight or when I'm going to be gone for longer periods. However, as you're housetraining and home, papers or pads should be removed so that she doesn't have a reason to use them, rather than going outdoors to do her business.

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So we were thinking this, when we are both at work would it be ok to put like a play pen that surrounds her crate that way she has room to come and go? And should I put our bulldog in the pen with her so that she has a friend with her? My bulldog would most likely sleep the whole time I was gone, but she would still be there with Mika

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That would probably work for the short term. I wouldn't necessarily put the bulldog in, though - he/she might well not appreciate the extended contact. :jawdrop: Is there a way you could make sure the bulldog was in the same general area, while being able to escape puppy teeth, at least? :rofl:

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Best advice I can give is be consistent and be patient.:) It's not too young to start crate training. I picked Sid up at 8 1/2 weeks old and the first night, he went in his crate to sleep. Make sure to take her out on a regular basis, but you should be fine. It wasn't long after I got Sid that he learned the phrase "go to bed" meant get in the crate. That's all I had to say and he would trot right in. Good luck!

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So far she is doing awesome! She is going in her crate on her own already when she gets tired! We are so excited that she is learning so fast, and at only 5 weeks! She also, seems to be pretty much to be potty trained lol, I know it may sound crazy since we have only had her since Friday, but she doesn't have issues in the house unless its my fault. She wakes up and I take her out and she uses the potty and is ready to come back inside. Earlier today I was talking to my landlady about how good she was and there was a puppy pad in the floor, and she started whining and crying to me, I assumed she was just talking to me like she always does, but sure enough I was like "What Mika, what do you need" and she just starred at me, and then was like "Fine then" walked over to the pad peed and walked off like "This is all your fault" lol.

So, lol point being I am still learning her "I need to potty" cries from her every day "Talking"

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Welcome!! I am from Alabama also, near Mobile. My Hoshi came to us at 5 weeks because his mother was killed. He trained beautifully from day one, but had some accidents etc. Also, Hoshi's poop did end up very runny then firmed up then runny again over and over and at his first vet visit and shots, he was positive for roundworms. If the pup has worms, make sure you scoop the poop and get rid of it or the worms will get in the dirt and the pup will continue to reinfect itself. Its nice to meet another HuskyOwner so closeby!!!:)

Oh, and she is an ADORABLE little furball!!!! So cute.

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