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Communities Changing...

Celestial Echo

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Over the years I have witnessed obvious changes

in how people interact with their neighbors. I try

to be friendly and talk to my neighbors around the

trailer park we live in, but many people around here

just aren't that friendly. I have a neighbor across the

street that I talk to on occasion, and the neighbor

next door has a brother that comes up from

Massachusetts, and I talk to him (Dana, the guy next

door, is mentally handicapped. He doesn't really like

to talk very much.)

Around my park, most people stay inside ALL THE TIME,

with their shades drawn. We don't get too many people that

come by to say hi, or for help, or anything.. which is kind of

sad to me.

Today, I had a nice lady come by and bang on my window.

She needs help moving some things to a yard sale she is

having on Saturday. She was looking for my neighbor behind

me, but she didn't know it :P His name is Eddie. We have a

truck, and would probably be able to help her better than he

could anyway, so I offered our services bright and early in the

morning, haha. I hope Brandon doesn't get too upset ;)

I guess I am just ranting about how sad it is that I don't really

know my own neighbors.. and that as a community, we are

failing. I think people are so afraid of people, that they think

closing their blinds will keep all of the bad people out, when

really, if you are neighborly, there will be someone around that

can help you if you need it.

I think I am going to bake some cookies and meet my neighbors,

because I feel like it's a sad world to live in if you are alone. I know

that there are many folks in this park that are elderly. You never

know who might not have any family or friends or anything that

they can talk to. I hope at least meeting people and letting them

know that we are here if they need someone, even if it's just some-

one to talk to...


Not sure where I am going with this, but you get the idea. I am just

shy of 20, so I missed out on block parties and what being a neighbor

REALLY meant. I feel like as communities get bigger, people lose

sight of what's really important...

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so true!

I grew up where as a child i could go to anyone on my street and i'd feel safe, everyone knew everyone else and we had some good times.

Now - if my (step) kids went into someone's house i didn't know i'd be worried. We have no spirit it seems anymore people have become a lot more selfish :(

My next door neighbour has severe epilepsy and he doesn't speak to people on our street really - he keeps himself to himself but has been so grateful when he's been having a fit and we've been able to be there and help him.

They need to bring back the community spirit so people aren't afraid to go out at night or walk past a gang of youths without being afraid!

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You're very wise for 20......I live in a subdivision. Here, I only know my next door neighbors and the ones across the street. I have lived here for about 7 months and no one talks to each other. You may get a quick Hi or something f someone walks past, but thats where it ends. I am a people person.....I can talk to just about anyone. It is sad that everyone is afraid of everyone. But it kind of pays to because the world we live in now is not one filled with goodness and kindness, it is one with much more evil and hostility. I have a neighbor two houses up who only briefly exits their home to check the mail once a day. They bring their big old GSD with them. I have told my hubby many times that I would have loved to have grown up in the 50's.....things were much simpler then and kids could ride their bike up the street without fear that John Doe sex offender would snatch them up.

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In my opinion, people are too selfish these days, youre right. We've been taught to be like this though i feel. From when we start school, we're taught to compete and be the best that WE can be, for ourselves. Helping others etc isnt drilled into people these days. Not that it should need to be. They way we're taught and the information we're exposed to and the content of the media is taking away our compassion and replacing it with fear of each other. Look at the news, its all thieves, muggings, rape, terrorism, war, save your money, spend your money, benefit fraud, illegal immigrants etc... Its shoved in our face and rammed down our throats all the time, not to trust people. Wasnt there an advert on TV a few years ago offering rewards for dobbing in people with no TV liscence? How crazy is that?!! Tell us your neighbour isnt paying us a voluntary (but we like to make appear mandatory) fee, and get them a big fine, make yourself a tidy profit too ;) ..... madness

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And that is the sad thing. As much as there are more and

more cases of sexual abuse, robberies, violence, ect. it

should just make the community come together more to

protect their children and each other as a COMMUNITY.

You don't have to like everyone, but do the right thing

and be there for your neighbors.

It took a lot of courage for that woman to come to my house

today. I know that she has seen much better times in her

years, where she wouldn't have to think twice about asking a

neighbor for help.. She doesn't know us from Adam and Eve!

I feel I am lucky to have been raised by my grandparents

because I have a lot of their values and morals instilled in me.

My grandfather was a cop (long before I was ever born) and

he was very active in his community (the first sergeant of the

police force in that town!) I was raised to do kind things for

people. I wish there were more people that held those values

today. I don't mean doing things for companies that are

organized that you can add to a resume or something to make

yourself look like you really contribute to your community..

but help the 'regular joes' in your neighborhood, where you

probably won't get any recognition for it.. you just do it because

you are a good person.

I hope my handsome man comes home and agrees to help this

nice lady. It will make me very happy :)

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And that is the sad thing. As much as there are more and

more cases of sexual abuse, robberies, violence, ect. it

should just make the community come together more to

protect their children and each other as a COMMUNITY.

You don't have to like everyone, but do the right thing

and be there for your neighbors.

It took a lot of courage for that woman to come to my house

today. I know that she has seen much better times in her

years, where she wouldn't have to think twice about asking a

neighbor for help.. She doesn't know us from Adam and Eve!

I feel I am lucky to have been raised by my grandparents

because I have a lot of their values and morals instilled in me.

My grandfather was a cop (long before I was ever born) and

he was very active in his community (the first sergeant of the

police force in that town!) I was raised to do kind things for

people. I wish there were more people that held those values

today. I don't mean doing things for companies that are

organized that you can add to a resume or something to make

yourself look like you really contribute to your community..

but help the 'regular joes' in your neighborhood, where you

probably won't get any recognition for it.. you just do it because

you are a good person.

I hope my handsome man comes home and agrees to help this

nice lady. It will make me very happy :)

Couldnt agree more!

Peace and Love


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You know, there are still places in the world where people know and talk with their neighbors! In the little town outside of which I live, if you go out for a walk of a pleasant evening, you'll see a good portion of the town out walking - and talking with each other (many of the rest are sitting on their porches!). Granted, it's a small town, but there are lots of these small towns around, at least here in the US/midwest! That said, I don't know several of my neighbors very well, more because of busy lives than anything else. :rolleyes:

Get together with a couple of neighbors and host your own block party! Make it potluck, or order a couple of pizzas and some soft drinks! I met most of my neighbors when the folks next-east of me (about a half mile down the road, btw) had a similar party!:wave1:

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That's something I would love to do. Maybe I will

look at our park rules and see if there is anything

about having outdoor parties (our park is ridiculous).

I might just organize something like that, because I

think it is important :)

I live in the US, but in my area, people are not neighborly.

Probably more up north, but not here :(

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That's something I would love to do. Maybe I will

look at our park rules and see if there is anything

about having outdoor parties (our park is ridiculous).

I might just organize something like that, because I

think it is important :)

I live in the US, but in my area, people are not neighborly.

Probably more up north, but not here :(

That IS sad... :(Would be nice if you could turn it around! :)

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I think the main problem is there is a huge divide

between the wealthy and poor in our community.

Even the elementary schools are segregated! It's

really sad. I went to the poor kid elementary school

for a year, and then junior high where everyone is

put together, and high school is the same way. The

kids who went to the "poor" school are treated very


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I LOVE my neighbourhood. I live on a RAF camp so everyone knows everyone else. I have only been here not even a year yet and I am friends with half my street. we have parties sometimes and BBQs and if anyone needs anything, you can garrantee there will be somebody at their door to help within an hour! It's lovely, I even have a group that goes dog walking together everyday and we have a blast! I think I'm just very very lucky!

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I think the main problem is there is a huge divide

between the wealthy and poor in our community.

Even the elementary schools are segregated! It's

really sad. I went to the poor kid elementary school

for a year, and then junior high where everyone is

put together, and high school is the same way. The

kids who went to the "poor" school are treated very


if there was no money, everyone would then be rich :)

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I LOVE my neighbourhood. I live on a RAF camp so everyone knows everyone else. I have only been here not even a year yet and I am friends with half my street. we have parties sometimes and BBQs and if anyone needs anything, you can garrantee there will be somebody at their door to help within an hour! It's lovely, I even have a group that goes dog walking together everyday and we have a blast! I think I'm just very very lucky!

I wouldnt know first hand, but i assume its kinda different on an RAF base, because you all have something pretty big in common, to break the barrier

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Being a postman I noticed too that there is a huge difference in atmosphere between different neighbourhoods. In one I feel like I'm being followed all the time by people who carefully monitor if I'm not doing anything wrong, in the other everyone seems to know and greet each other and in the last neighbourhood I walk it seems everyone seems to come to you to you to have a nice chat, even if you seeing this people for the first time! :)

Being a postman really helps though. I've been doing this for less than a year and I now know more people than I ever will in my own street.

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My neighbourhood is quite a nice one usually, I can have a chat to one side of my neighbours and although their a little bit chavy their quite nice people who seem to work hard and will always chat and even ask me for advice about their dogs coz they know Im a crazy dog nut! The other side are posh snobby nit wits who have been nice to my face and then stabbed me in the back by complaining to my landlady and sending annonomous threatening notes because Shadow has seperation anxiety and is noisey on the RARE occasions hes left home alone.

Further afeild there are alot of older and retired people around me and I will always have time to stop and chat to any of them as their always so lovly and complement how well behaved my dogs are. Theres one lady, I dont even know her real name shes just the spaniel lady, who I will always stop to chat to as shes soooo lovly and worldly wise and I love our chats (usually on the bus). She does alot of dog rescue work, is quite an active fighter to keep our area nice, fighting loval governement plans to build on local parks and extend a rubbish dump nearby, even keeps an alotment nearby! This side of my area is really lovely, but we do also back onto a council estate area where badly brought up kids come over to our side to do vadalism and ride their bikes around, little kids as young as 7-8 out after dark just hanging around on street corners! This side is not so nice and I wish their parents would care about them enough to call them in at night and stop them hanging around vadalising stuff!

On the whole tho I will always try my best to be friendly and chat to anyone who wants to be friendly coz I think so long as people like us keep trying then things wont slide any further into the bad I beleive the phrase "evil triamphs where good people stay silent" best sums it up... so long as we keep talking and keep trying to make things better then evil never really wins.

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I live in a Close (or culdesac for the Americans :) ) and its such a nice play to live, most of the people live here have been here for the last 10-20 years, Everyone

pretty much knows everyone, Kids are free to play outside and what not, There's one grumpy old man, but he even gets a hello from the rest of the people in the

Close ^_^.

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i know its horrible the way community spirit has disappeared.

I think this is down to modern living people are to busy to enjoy life.

There is an old saying that goes, it takes a village to raise a child, and this is true because a child sees how everyone interacts and learns, and if necessary gets corrected by a neighbor. "I know your mum" was scary when i was young.

Now days it is down to immediate family, who lets face it have their own interests at heart, and most families both parents work or are busy all the time, so children are learning by what they see in the media and internet.

Parents feel guilty and throw money at them, and you end up with spoilt selfish children with no morals.

There are a lot of kids who spend their time getting drunk and stoned, and the money comes from parents who feel guilty

Not every child is like this thank fully. Children need to be raised not left to find their own way.

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I live in a small village where everyone knows everyones business... but not in a good way. Since some people have seen the police trying to assist with my alters, I get lots of people that call me a spazz or a mong. News travels quick in a village, and unfortunately the bad news is always the fastest to travel.

The only time I get spoken to is when I have Aleu with me. Every now and again I might get a "Mornin" or "Is that a husky?" but that's about it.

Stacey xxx

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Right now I live in a large apartment complex, and nobody talks to each other. We are only friendly with the other husky owner in there. But this is in Manchester, CT which is a fairly populous area, and has bad sections. We are buying a house in 3 weeks on a small cul-de-sac. We already know two of the people who live on the street.

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LOL don't worry when you have a husky EVERBODY stops to talk to you.

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