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House smelling clean?


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Just thought I'd ask you guys this question as it is something that drives me up the wall.

I have quite a keen sense of smell, so I tend to get the smell of dog around the house and it drives me up the wall. We obviously bath them both and keep them clean along with the house but still the smell occasionally hits me when I walk in the door and tends to make me paranoid a little when people come to the house who dont have dogs.

Solution..... Well for me it tends to be mop up regularly (we have laminate flooring). I use febreeze on the rug nightly as they lie on there all the time and its ideal to do it as they hit the crates at night. I febreeze the curtains also. I tend to use airfreshener when people come to the house even when I cant smell the dogs as I know from when we didnt that its supprising how you can pick up on the smell when you are not there all the time.

So I wanna know what you guys think as its not something that I think I've seen on here before, and something we all have to deal with in one way or another.

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In all honesty Marc I'm surprised, I've not really noticed Huskies smelling 'doggy'. When I had Ishka we never really bathed her, well maybe once in a blue moon and the house never smelled doggy. Trust me that we know people who would mention if it was. Huskies tend to be very clean, almost cat like in that way.

The house only whiffs of dog because of our Cocker Spaniel Ozzy, so we bath him regular and send him to the groomers once in a while.


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I'm the same Steve, I've never noticed a doggy smell on Micha, huskies are supposed to be quite odourless as they are a very clean dog. I do notice it with Cherry my little chi cross as she has the type of long single coated coat that just smells - I bath her every week or so, whereas Micha and Daisy (the beagle) I would only bath every few months - and Micha mainly gets bathed to assist with grooming when his coat is blowing out, so he probably only gets done 3-4 times a year.

However I am totally paranoid about doggy smell too so I do things like put oil burners on - find a scent you like and position a couple throughout the house, they work amazingly and make the house smell nice and fresh. I find them more effective then airfreshers etc and I think the smell is nicer too.

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I am very "nose" sensitive too!... Nina and Shiloh get groomed every week during summer and every two weeks during the winter months...

During my regular cleaning, I add this to the mopping bucket and use it all the time... it is amazing!... even people coming home keep on saying they can't believe we have not one but two large dogs in the house!...


I also have an electric air purifier (hotel grade, just like the one below) and this thing is just amazing!... I got it on a hotel surplus sale and I love it!... it eliminates all odors (specially cooking odors!)... in winter is great because the house is close all the time and I don't care for the smell of dinner lingering all over the house!!....


I don't use any other stuff... only Febreze just before guess arrive and that's it!.... Oh!... one more thing... I sprinkle baking powder all over the carpet every night and vacumm in the morning (the dogs sleep in the room, so they are never exposed to it... and I do the bedroom in the morning and vacumm it last...)... it is magic!...

Mud-free pawhugs for all!

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We have an air globe now that mr big nose made me buy lol have this on every night now - must admit, i can't smell them at all - unless they've been out in the rain and then i get that wet doggy smell, other than that my boys don't smell to me :)


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can't say ive ever noticed suka smelling the only smell i get is the woft of pee and poop when we come back and he's been shut in but a quick mop up with bleach seems to do the trick

hopefully when his toilet trained the smell will go away.

smithy that advert is so old do they still sell that stuff

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i hate the doggy smell, it makes me heave...to be fair Suka doesn't smell THAT bad, but as andy said the toilet training thing makes a powerful stentch which also drives me mental my nose goes into overload and tried to invert back into my face! I do however like to keep Suka clean not just for odour but his white bits should always be glowingly white...I get paranoid about guests too even if they are dog owners and have a doggy smelling house themselves...I always run round with the neutrair just before they arrive, make andy bleach where the dog mainly sleeps and i have various 3volutions around the house that help combat evil wiffs!

Andy swears he never smells the dog, (even when we had our lab who stunk all the time YAK!) but i can sometimes, the worst is in the morning and where he has been shut in, it stinks of dog breath YAK YAK!!

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Sarah I bought the fresh air globe as well :D Kira dosnt have a doggy smell but Tia niffs a wee bit now and then, they both smell when wet ,I laminated the whole house and got leather sofas much easier to clean I use febreeze pet in their crates .

Sandy that odour eliminator looks great even gets rid of the smell of skunks :eek: must be good :D

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Sandy that odour eliminator looks great even gets rid of the smell of skunks :eek: must be good :D

I love it!... I pour just a tiny bit in the water when mopping and it does the trick every time!... it is so good, I also dilute a bit and use it to wipe the bathroom sink, tiles and comode every day!... it leaves a fresh and clean smell that stays on!... and since it's made spacially to eliminate odors no to mask them, the house never smells!... Nina and Shiloh, like all huskies, do not smell... but there are many other smells that have nothing to do with them (like food and tobaco for example) that will linger in the house... this product is fantastic for ALL kind of odor elimination!... hahaha!... I really like it!...

Another thing... I have a carpet steamer... I dilute some in a spray bottle and after steaming the carpet clean, I spray the whole carpet area with this solution... let it dry well and voila!... wonderful to lay on the carpet without any possible lingering odor!

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Sunday is our worst day for getting that nasty doggy odour as that is when they go to the forest for a long walk and come back covered in dirty water!!! Its horrible!!!!!

We use the plug in air fresheners around the house and those sense and spray one which seems to keep the odour at bay. Every now and then we will then go right through the house and clean the carpets with shake 'n' vax which does the trick for us.

My boys dont seem to carry that nasty odour so much, probably from where they will lick/clean each other. If they do come back smelly then its straight in the shower with some shampoo which makes them come back out smelling lovely! Ive not used it yet with my boys but I used to use it with Rusty (mums dog) when I lived there and that's Tea-Tree dog shampoo which was always brilliant at getting rid of that doggy smell on Rusty.

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Andy - yes you can still get shake and vac

Anne - with the fresh air globe - i ran out of the oil you can put in it, do you think it's worth getting some more - do you use it or just use it with water in?

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Bah! logged out.. lets try again...

Is there a cheaper way to remove the urine smell from carpet? The SCOE 10X sounds great but I checked on the price.... haha WOW. :eek: My friend has steam vacuumed her room but the smell always comes back a few days later. Replacing the carpet is not really an option since we live in an apartment. I constantly have oil burners going throughout the apartment and they work for the time being. Is there anything better than a simple shampooing of the carpet that isn't so pricey?

I'm give the baking soda trick a try too... Something has got to work! :P

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Try this...

In a plastic container mix:

12 oz. hydrogen peroxide

1/2 tsp. dishwashing liquid(not dishwasher liquid)

1 1/2 tsp. baking soda

Mix all ingredients together,multiplying the amounts of each if needed. Pour on the affected spot,allow to dry thoroughly then vacuum any residue. Shampoo carpets and furniture if possible. Can be poured into a spray bottle for use on drapes and upholstered furniture,etc. but do not store any remaining liquid in the container,(or any container) as it will burst. If using on carpets be sure to saturate the affected spot all the way to the pad and allow to dry.


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  • 1 year later...

I am so glad I'm not the only one who has a smelly husky! Mine is 10 month old and I was beginning to wonder if the males had like a doggie puberty thing going on, where they blow their baby coat, get long and skinny, and stink! I think it is because he like to lay in his pool then proceed to lay in the dirt... My female NEVER smelled, and I have read that huskies aren't supposed to smell. I am thinking I am just going to have to wash him more often in the summer when he lays in the water? I do use febreeze and mop my floor. Removing the hair that may be stuck to blankets and on the floors help a lot!

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Just thought I'd ask you guys this question as it is something that drives me up the wall.

I have quite a keen sense of smell, so I tend to get the smell of dog around the house and it drives me up the wall. We obviously bath them both and keep them clean along with the house but still the smell occasionally hits me when I walk in the door and tends to make me paranoid a little when people come to the house who dont have dogs.

Solution..... Well for me it tends to be mop up regularly (we have laminate flooring). I use febreeze on the rug nightly as they lie on there all the time and its ideal to do it as they hit the crates at night. I febreeze the curtains also. I tend to use airfreshener when people come to the house even when I cant smell the dogs as I know from when we didnt that its supprising how you can pick up on the smell when you are not there all the time.

So I wanna know what you guys think as its not something that I think I've seen on here before, and something we all have to deal with in one way or another.

do you leave them outside for a while? around wet surfaces, dirt?

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Old topic this m8..... Not so much of a problem now they are older

Having asked the question though, yeah they stink once they decide to get wet LOL .... As most do LOL

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We have 15 and have it from the close friends I can ask an honest opinion from that we have no dog smell :)

We have leather furniture, mostly hard floors, painted walls and blinds rather than curtains. All very easy to clean and don't hold smell. Weekly session with a bowl of water and splash of flash multi-purpose with febreze effect is enough. We don't use air freshners, as gives a couple of ours runny eyes. Cheap trick for carpets is bicarbonate of soda: sprinkle liberally over carpet, leave for an hour, Hoover up ;). Natural smell absorber and no nasty chemicals. Ours mostly eat in their crates and fed raw. Blankets get a weekly hot wash with washing soda added, which fetches out greasy residue better than any washing product ever can (and 89p for a kilo bag). Cages get a good fettle with hot water and mistral disinfectant/odour killer. Our outside runs are hosed regularly and sprayed with mistral. All concrete, so drains and dries very quickly.

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ozzy only smells if he's been out with his aunty sarah who encourages him to jump in smelly mud or water!!!!!

in which case we wash him down with some warm water and a touch of doggy shampoo......

we have all carpets (rented house) in our house but they dont seem to smell unless he does smelly trumps (usually in my room!!!)


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