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Humping dog's


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I was looking throw some pictures yesterday, when I came across one of my Thor humping big D val’s boy (Zebedee). Now when this happens with any of my dogs, I correct the offending dog straight away.

My question is what do you do ???? Answer above please.

Now to me it’s correct and polite to stop your dog humping another, when this happens to mine it’s most annoying, to my self and my dog.

In the past I have found some people do politely pull their dog away hence stopping the offending dog annoying the other, which in some cases can provoke an attack. I know my Odin will and as attacked a dog for tying to hump him.

So do you

a) Think it’s polite to stop your dog.

B) Think it’s ok to leave it.

c) Think it’s funny.

d) Think it's bad manners and training.

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My boy never humps, but my girl will occasionally have a crack. I immediately stop her, though not by pulling her off - but by quickly distracting her with a noise (she can't resist a high pitched "what's this?") and then moving away from her, she tends to stop right away and follows me.

I stop her mostly to be polite, but more so to avoid it turning into anything nasty before it kicks off.

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can't really say from experience.

But isn't mounting a show of Dominance (especially if its a male mounting another male) so thats why if you pull the mounting dog off, the dog changes tactics and attacks the other dog to again show dominance?

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Its Tia who is terrible for this,although she has calmed down a lot,obviously i know it was a dominance thing with her,but do stop it when she attempts,more so for her safety because we know Marley would certainly let her know but wouldn't be quite so polite

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i always take any of mine off James with no problems, yes in a lot of cases it is dominance but i've found it more likely to kick off if i leave them, as the other dog does not like the attention or want it xxxx

I'd be very annoyed if some one just stood there leaving their dog to hump mine, but then if they did i just hope it's Odin, they wont do it again xxxx

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i always take any of mine off James with no problems, yes in a lot of cases it is dominance but i've found it more likely to kick off if i leave them, as the other dog does not like the attention or want it xxxx

I'd be very annoyed if some one just stood there leaving their dog to hump mine, but then if they did i just hope it's Odin, they wont do it again xxxx

kk, Don't worrey I wouldn't just let it happen ^_^, Hasn't happened to me yet...luckily, Was just wandering if theres any technique to use that gets them off without it turning into something aggressive :)

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I never allow Kremlin to hump other dogs at the park (or anywhere else for that matter, but it's not easy for him to do it while on the leash). Usually, I don't have to physically grab him and take him off the other dog, he will stop if I say NO and start walking towards him, but sometimes I have to grab him. I have never seen a dog attack start this way, but I wouldn't say it's impossible.

I do it to be polite towards other dogs owners, as I definitely did not enjoy it when other dogs were trying to hump Kremlin (he was just standing there letting himself be ''assaulted'') and the the owners did not bother to take their dog off mine.

Whether it will turn nasty or not depends entirely on the dogs involved; in any case, I won't let mine play in the park if I see there's a very dominant dog there bullying and trying to hump everybody, since there is a lot of potential for attacks.

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Glala and Dana never done it with any other dogs so have no experience with that. But Dana did do it a few times with Glala. I used to call her name to stop it (which worked) but lately Glala started doing to same with Dana. Since it's not an aggressive thing I tend to let them figure it out themselves now, which they seem to do just fine. It has stopped now :)

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OK, I'll hold my hand up & say I am one of the (currently) 3 people who voted d) Think it's bad manners and training. I have got passed the point of it's funny as for some reason, Diesel seems to attract this attention from lots of dogs (not just huskies, either) and while I get a range of reactions from the various owners, I know D can't be enjoying having his walk / playtime spoiled by being constantly humped. Mysh is a different kettle of fish, especially since hurting her back, she won't let any dog NEAR her now, even a sniff can be met by a polite growl of "Don't even think about it!" So I am nearly 2 yrs down the line of Diesel being with us & not many walks have passed without some unwanted attention, so I've started to prefer taking my dogs out on their own to reduce the annoyance to D .... I'm not necessarily saying it's bad training as dogs will be dogs, but when it is consistent & the dog either does not listen to the owner or is left to hump (cos it's funny, and I'm NOT having a pop at you Nix, I understand why you have ticked funny :) ) then it IS a training issue, moreso training of the owner


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OK, I'll hold my hand up & say I am one of the (currently) 3 people who voted d) Think it's bad manners and training. I have got passed the point of it's funny as for some reason, Diesel seems to attract this attention from lots of dogs (not just huskies, either) and while I get a range of reactions from the various owners, I know D can't be enjoying having his walk / playtime spoiled by being constantly humped. Mysh is a different kettle of fish, especially since hurting her back, she won't let any dog NEAR her now, even a sniff can be met by a polite growl of "Don't even think about it!" So I am nearly 2 yrs down the line of Diesel being with us & not many walks have passed without some unwanted attention, so I've started to prefer taking my dogs out on their own to reduce the annoyance to D .... I'm not necessarily saying it's bad training as dogs will be dogs, but when it is consistent & the dog either does not listen to the owner or is left to hump (cos it's funny, and I'm NOT having a pop at you Nix, I understand why you have ticked funny :) ) then it IS a training issue, moreso training of the owner


Plus 1 on above but quoted more politely than i would have. But it is sad that we now actually avoid places like the dog park in St Helen's as D just gets jumped on every time, if certain owners cannot control there dogs ( not just huskies) then it is easier to remove ours.

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bear in mind i only ticked - its funny - when one of my dogs does it to one another - NOT to other dogs - i would NOT let them hump sumbody elses dog and would remove them and appologise (i also ticked politely remove them)

mine do not like being humped by dogs they do not know so i deffinately wouldnt let them do it to anybody elses dog!

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bear in mind i only ticked - its funny - when one of my dogs does it to one another - NOT to other dogs - i would NOT let them hump sumbody elses dog and would remove them and appologise (i also ticked politely remove them)

mine do not like being humped by dogs they do not know so i deffinately wouldnt let them do it to anybody elses dog!

that's why I said I understood why you've put that, I know you, Nix, I know you wouldn't let it happen to another dog, it's different when they are your dogs & you know their limits, etc but to let it happen to other dogs, IMHO, is not on and I agree you should remove them

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I dont tollerate it at all.. if my dogs are the purps they get pulled off very quickly (usually by their handle on their harness) even when they do it to eachother I seperate them as I dont think its nessesary. But if it was another dog doing it to mine I would not be amused if the owner didn't do something about it although mostly mine can handle themselves, Nuk will stop drop and roll and Shads will juts growl and jump around to get it off him.And I know what you mean Linda about it causeing issues as recently Shadow has gotten very humpy at the park and actually caused a fight the other day with some very nice dogs that we normally get on very well with! I couldnt appolgise enough and immediatly frog matched Shadow back home on his collar at heel (which to my dogs is abit of a punishment as they are normally out front towing me along) so he knew he'd done bad and was very sheepish the rest of the afternoon!

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i try and get dexter or ozzy off whoever it is as quickly as possibly-that includes nukka and sakari at home-dexter has this things about trying to hump faces which is really funny to watch if it is ozzy but obviously as soon as he tries it in the dog park we shout their name and if that doesn't work remove them..............

If I am one of those people who has missed them hump or have been in the past i apologise-i know they have all attempted to get big D at some point too but I do try and get to them as quick as I can


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My 2 are guilty of humping Big D :sorry: I've pulled them off though!

I stop them humping other dogs however when at home if they do it to each other i'm fine with that although I think by doing that i give them mixed signals - it's ok to do it to each other but not to anyone else? The more I think about that now - the more i'm thinking i shouldn't let them do it at home??

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