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It twas my birthday yesterday - yay i'm 1 now - mum says i've grown into a lovely boy :) she sang a weird song to me I can't remember all the words but went something like "happy birthday to you....." She san g this about 5 times though - I didn't dare tell her she sounded like Bella my pet cat unsure.gif

Mum got me a HUGE juicy bone from the butchers - Kimba got one as well i'm confused cause it's not his birthday it's mine :( I got more treats than he did though - shhhh don't tell him!

She also got me a new brush and i lay on my back so she could brush me - ohhh I like this one better than the furminator - mum said she does too.

I also got a bag of chicken treats and choc drops - mum ate one though!!! She said oh Cathy was right - they DO taste like chocolate - err mum - dey are MINE!!!!!!!!!! Paws off :(

We went for a really long walk in the afternoon with her friend Kim and their Rottie Tyson, we bounced and played the whole time much to mum's annoyance as we got tangled every 5 seconds :D

Then, at night, the worst thing EVER happened - I got a BATH!!!!!!!! eek.gifbad.gif

Haha so did Kimba though and yay - so did mum !!! She was soooo wet - serves her right I like being mucky :(

She said a lady is coming to take pics of me and Kimba so we had to be all fresh and clean.

Well, i'm going back outside to find my bone before Kimba steals it again.

Thank you to all my friends for my birthday messages :) And happy birthday to Milo, Diesel and Shura my littermates :) Miss you guys!!!

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Well - as my little brother so nicely put it - mum gave us a bath :( Sheesh why does she do this I'm happy the way I am but she said we were going to be photographed so I did as I was told, which makes a nice change ;)

Mum has been cleaning today and then a lady came with lots of equipment me and kaiser gave her lots of husky hugs, she was really nice :) Then mum brought out the treats.......mmmmm we were so hungry!! She hadn't given us breakfast as said that we would work harder for our treats - hahaha how wrong was she!! :D

Mum asked us to sit and the lady pointed this big black thing at us FLASH!! Wooahhhhhh WTF was THAT!!!! It made me jump and then I got really bouncy it was so exciting!! Mum had handfulls of treats and all she kept saying when we sat still or lay down was WAIT - but mum......i dont wanna wait i want my treat NOW :(

We got better as the session went on but we made them both laugh :) After, the lady showed mum the pics she'd taken and mum spent AGES choosing the ones she wanted - sigh why are women so awkward.

We've gotta wait about 2 weeks now before we can get the pics but it will be worth it mum tells me - she said to tell you all that she will post up the pics on here when she gets them - ohhhhh I feel like a pin up :D

Well, off to annoy Kaiser again and try and steal his bone, even though ive got me own lol

Pawhugs to all my friends




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I think I like my new People. I think they may even keep me!

I liked my last Person, but I didnt know her for long. She was pretty though, and her hair smelled nice. I still dont know why she gave me away, but I think its good that she did.

These new People though - they let me sleep with them! And they dont even get that mad when I go on their floor!

Today was a good day with the man Person. I think his name is Corey but the girl Person calls him Baby. Which is weird because he's much much bigger than a baby :unsure:

The girl Person, Jenny, got up for work, and I slept some more. When Corey and I got up he took me for a walk. There are so many doggies I can smell here! They dont all look like me though, and they all smell really different. I think I like the girl one next door...she's pretty and she smells really good. B)

Corey played video games all day while I stayed in my "crate." I don't mind this crate thing...I like it actually. It's nice and cozy and here and I have lots of chew thingies and I can arrange my blankets any way I want - and it doesn't smell like anyone but me. I have a weird feeling though, that I really dont want to go pee in here. Poo either - I just feel like I shouldn't. I also think that if I did the People would maybe be kind of disappointed. I'm not sure why I feel this way though.

I think the girl Person - Jenny....I think she may be beginning to really love me! I like when she lets me on her lap and buries her face in my neck. She even lets me on the couch, but she told me not to tell the man. I don't know how I would, anyway. She told me I'm getting really big. I dont know if I should take offense to that. :blink: But I think she likes it!!

*sigh* I may like being a dog.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mums been talking about saturday all week.... saturday this saturday that..... she is starting to get on my nerves!

Its only the beach we've been there loads of times why is this time so special ?

She also keep saying a mans name that isn't Daddy's, hmmmm wonder if i should tell him!

Today when she rudely woke me up for my breakfast she kept saying 'don't forget the camara' what is she talking about?!

......... oh nooooooo now i get it, more pictures of me and the other 2, surely she has enough now shes got hundreds of them!

Well i will let u alll know later what all the fuss is about, must be something special lets just hope it shuts her up!

I love mummy but she can't half go on a bit.. rooooooooo!

Love Nanook x

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  • 3 weeks later...

well, fellow huskies, we don't know about you, but we're STUFFED from all the turkey, Christmas treats & doggy Christmas tarts we've had! Not to mention all the naughty bits we've hoovered up from the various "little people" who have visited us over the last week & dropped on the floor!! We have done a lot more sleeping too, now I understand my humans when they talk about having a sleep after Christmas dinner!! :blink:

We got lots of treats & toys this year, although we don't mind what belongs to who, it's more a case of who gets to it first, plays with it! :lol: We have been very spoiled by Secret Santa, our Husky Owner friends & our humans, and for that we say a HUGE Thank You :D

We're off to the dog park again this afternoon to try & run off some of the Christmas treats we've forced ourselves to eat this week :rolleyes: with some doggy friends we've not seen for a while, so we're looking forward to that and maybe some others (if their humans don't have something called a hangover - whatever one of those is - I believe it makes them sick & narky .... lovely!! why would you want one of them??! :P )

Anyway, we would also like to say Happy New Year to all our husky friends & their packs, hope 2010 brings you all you wish for ..............


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  • 2 weeks later...

Helo evryon im Mushu, im only a pupy. I went outsid wit mumy an i seen sum stuf all white, my paws wer al cold but so much fun. Mumy let me of that line thing n i ran n ran but then mumy waz playin n she did hid from me so i waz serchin n then i jumped thro the air n felt sumthin hurt my eye. My mumy screemed at me n ran towardz me, she kept tellin me i waz fine but she kept dabin my eye n red stuff waz on the bit i bite at, i tink its called a sleev. She said i had cut my botom eyelid n cut my nose with barbed wire. She says she will not play that game no more. I liked that game.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sup guys, Kaien here. Pops took me to what he said his "dads house" whatever that is, but it has a large yard and field and let me run off leash in the snow! The snow was so deep I couldnt really run well so I had to kinda hop but I still had a blast. There were 2 other dogs there also, much bigger than me (but not for long). One was very wooly and kept sniffing my butt. He's kinda weird looking also, even for a dog. I ran and ran until i was simply pooped and fell asleep on the way home and the rest of the night. It was soooo much fun. I love diving my head into the snow to discover whats underneath it all! Well thats it for now, ttyl!

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  • 1 month later...

Today I woke my mom up really early and she wasnt very happy about it, but she got up and let me outside and I played a bit in the wet grass, I think I am starting to get use to the wet grass and I actually love it because I love to get dirty but I was good and I didn't get in the mud! Mom stood outside with me till I went pee pee and then we went back in and I got some breakfast, and she played with me after by throwing my ball around till I got tired and took a nap.

After I woke up I watched mom clean the floors and I really want to get at that thing she pushes around, it looks like it would be fun to catch but she tells me no when I try to get it.. no fun.

I got to go outside again and I thought I would jump in some mud this time and and when I came back in mommy was very upset. So I got in trouble and she put me in the bath to torture me!

I hate the icky water so I screamed and screamed and mommy kept saying "Stop it Lakota, I don't need a bath!!" Water got everywhere! On mommy, on the floor! I did all I could to get out of the icky water and finally everything stopped and i hopped out and got all dried off.. I think I am going to go take a nap tho. Had a hard day. Good night fellow pack members!


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Hello again everyone!!

I'm sorry I haven't been here much. My Mummy has been very poorly over the last 6 months. I like having Mummy at home, I get sad when she has to work long shifts and I don't see her much. She has been working in a place called Worcester recently, it's very far away so she is staying with Her Mummy amd me and Sam have had to stay here with Daddy. I have missed her :(.

Mummy has been poorly again this week, the Dr says it's Tonsillitis and a Chest Infection so she has to take alot of tablets. She has been in bed since Saturday. I decided today that she has been in bed for long enough so I took her for a walk to Nanny's house. I was a good boy and didn't pull too much or walk too fast, although I did manage to get the lead in a tangle tongue.gif .

When we got to Nanny's, Mummy was tired and Nanny made her a Sandwich. I had some treats and played with Aunty Kay's Springer, Dillon. He looks like a girl biggrin.gif . Then we walked home again.

Mummy and Daddy are going to somewhere called Slovenia with thier friends soon so Aunty Kay will come and take care of me and Sam. She won't have to take care of the Rats though because the last one disappeared on Tuesday. Mummy said she had gone to heaven. Mummy says we are getting some more. I don't get Rats......they are small and they live in a crate and I can't get to them. Mummy always shuts me out of the room when the Rats are out incase I eat one. I wonder what the new ones will be like, I'll have to have a sniff when they arrive and see :)

Anyway, I hope all my husky friends are ok and I hope to get to a meet this year if Mummy is ok.


Kodi xx

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  • 1 month later...

My friend Kimo came to visit. He is a Labrador. He ate my food, again, and we played all over the garden. We found mud, too, and we painted the stairs and the out door walls. I think that mummy didn't like it because she washed all out. Next time I'll do it better! :rolleyes:I hope he will come again soon; he's my best friend:P.

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  • 6 months later...

Dear Diary,

This is my first entry. I'm Ryn - Sutula's Omryn Borealis. At 3 1/2 months old, life has been full of surprises! I was certain that I would stay with Gigi and my mom, Aurora, but life had other things planned for me. I've made my home with Austinville (Becky). She's ok. A little uptight when it comes to the whole "potty-training" thing, but she's pretty forgiving when I make a mistake. Always quick to point it out to me, but forgiving none the less.

I'm learning new tricks. I already know how to sit, down, and shake. Mom's teaching me how to 'pretty' now - (just means I sit on my behind in an unnatural position with both front feet in the air...whatever makes Mom happy (I get a treat out of it, so will do it for a while anyway!)

My favorite thing is to go for walks. Mom and I walk every night and we see the most interesting things! Have you ever seen a cow? They are so absolutely cool! They can get their tongues clear up their noses! (Mom says it's not cool, but I think it is! In my next life, I wouldn't mind being one - well, just for a day, so I could try that!) I like to sit near their pasture and watch them. We spend a lot of time doing that. I love to study them, they do the strangest things!

We've also seen cars and semi's and trucks up close. I'm facinated by how fast they can go, but I don't want to get too close to them - it's kinda scary. Sometimes my brother, Zeke and Gigi come with us. Zeke is so fun! I love to be a domineering and chew him up one side and down the other. I love, love, LOVE bullying him. Once in a while Mom (sometimes Gigi) gives me a strong correction. I pretend it bothers me and move on until just the right opportunity presents itself....then I do it again! Mom says I'm a stubborn little b*tch. Is that bad?

I've found deer runs, which are great fun to sniff. I can't wait until I can see one! My other favorites are squirrels and cats. OMG! I have a kitty - his name is Kat. Boy, does mom get out of shape if I have a chase or two after him! So protective of him - I mean, WHY? What can a cat do that a siberian can't. Absolutely nothing - point made! Mom keeps reminding me that Kat is hers. Yea, sure. Whatever!

Can anyone tell me what the heck is so GOOD about the command "On by"? Just as I get interested in some dead critter laying along the road (or better yet, smashed in the road!) Mom says, "On by" and makes me pass up the opportunity to roll in the delightfully dead thing or grab a quick taste of whatever it was.

I can't wait until Mom comes home for our walk. I wonder what facinating things I'll discover tonight....

Anywho, looking forward to sharing my tales (tails!) with you.

Husky hugs,

Omryn Borealis

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Well where do i start ...yesterday wa so exciting .... dad took me for a walk down the river .... i went for swim with another dog but she was a bit scared of me ...dont know why ???? i did nowt wrong ...honest ...unsure.gif . we checked out the swans on the pond along the way , they were all white n clean unlike me after walkin in all the mud . we walked up a big hill to see mummy`s friend Debs she was puttin blankets on her horses .... it wasnt even cold either ..... i had a chat with paddy ...he`s a huge horse ..then he wandered off.. sid n me another horse had a sniff n a chat before he went off too...... we walked through a small village in the dark lots for me to sniff at on the way . we were on the way home when a man in a car stopped n started to talk to daddy ....he said he used to own me ..? i dont remember him tho ..... anyhow it turns out he is the owner of MY MUMMY N DADDY .....well they had a chat for a while ....but i wasgetting hungry so let then know about it .....daddy n the other man were talkin about bringing my mummy n daddy around to see me or me going to see them in there new house not far from where i live . Hope they dont leave i too long cause i`m nearly two now n havent seen them for a long time ....

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October 28, 2010

Dear Diary,

What a day! What a day! What a day!

I hurt my tooth and my sweet little face was all swollen up. Mom felt so bad for me that she took me to the vet. Turns out I have an infection (from breaking off part of my incisor playing with Chance and my brother Zeke). The vet lady says I should be ok since it's a baby tooth but she wanted to drain out the infection along my gum.

She said, "Nighty nite, little Ryn" and gave me a shot in my behind. Wasn't long before I felt queezy - even threw up what little breakfast I'd convinced Mom to give me before she realized that they'd put me out to do the surgery. (That'll teach em!) The tech, Aunt Chris, was so good to me, she didn't even get squeamish when it all came up. I think I like her....she's pretty cool.

I heard the vet ask Mom if she wanted to leave the room. "No way" she said. "This is my baby girl and what she goes through, I go through with her." I'm so lucky to have her! Before I knew it, the vet lady was also looking at the bump under my eye. She called it a cyst and asked if mom wanted it drained too. The silly woman said 'Yes, may as well while she's out.' WHAT WAS SHE THINKING?????

Anyhow, before long, the vet said, 'Now, don't be moving on me little one.' and she lanced the cyst. A glob of stuff came out and then she started on the infection in my mouth. What an awful taste it was.

Then i heard them tell Mom she could take me home. I weigh 24 pounds already (the vet was surprised at how much I've grown since I was in for my booster shots). Mom struggled to carry me to the car after thanking the vet for all she'd done.

When we got home, Mom carried me in the house and laid me down on my bed. I was soooo tired. I slept hard, and couldn't even keep my tongue in my mouth. It was hard to find a comfortable way to rest as my eye hurt on one side of my muzzle and lucky me, the other boo-boo was on the opposite side of my muzzle. I slept so hard that I pottied on my bed. Mom was great. she didn't scold me or anything, just picked me up and put me on another bed she'd made of several blankets.

In a couple of hours I was feeling more like myself and i went outside for a bit. But it was back in and napping again before i finally woke up and felt like my old self. Now I have to take pills for the next 10 days to be sure the infection is gone.

Mom hopes that the tooth will just fall out and my permanent one comes in shortly. Me too. I like that vet lady, but I don't like the things she does to me....

I feel much better today....even playing with my brother, Chance. It's good to be feeling better.


Husky hugs,


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Dear Diary,

My name is Cesar and I am a sad husky. The past few days have been a little confusing to me. I became a daddy this week, but I don't know what that means. I am very lonely because I miss my girlfriend Zoey, my mommy says she is busy taking good care of all our babies. I don't know what these "babies" are, I just know that my lovely girl Zoey is hiding inside this room where all these strange squeaks are coming from, and I am not allowed to go in there. I got to see Zoey today when she went outside for a quick pee, she sniffed me and zoomed round the backyard to pee, then ran right back into that hiding room. My mommy is trying very hard to make sure I don't get left out, and she took me out this morning for a long walk. I played in the leaves and ran around and had a lot of fun chasing ducks and squirrels, but I wish Zoey could have came with me. My mommy snuggled with me all day today and brushed me and played with me, and I know she is trying to keep me company but I just miss my Zoey. I hope the squeaks don't keep her away from me forever, cause I just miss her lots!

I'm going to have a nap now,

byebye :)

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  • 5 months later...

Dear Diary,

My name is Sophie, I turned 6 months a few days ago! The day after my 6 month birthday I was so excited to feel like a big girl I tried digging mom a hole when she was at work, but the fuzzy stuff on the ground just tore out and I was met with cement, I then tried to get up on the window and slipped, I grabbed on to the stuff hanging in front of it and a metal bar fell down and almost hit me! It was so scary I jumped into my mom's bed and messed up the blankets, when I tried to fix them, they ripped. When mom got home, she was pretty angry, I don't know why this upset her so much! She didn't even appreciate my effort at digging a nice hole for her! Now she locks me in my kennel when she goes to work, I was bored in there, so I tried to splash in my water, but my bowl broke.. Mom was pretty mad about that too, man being 6 months old is rough, everything I do is wrong!

Tonight mom took me to the dog park, I had so much fun but I was drinking water and this little 4 month old named Percy held my head under, he wanted to drown me! But I'm stronger than him and I tackled him to the ground. My friend Otis never came to the park though, he's so handsome wub.gif and he really seems to like me! He follows me around everywhere, I was very sad that he didn't get to come to the dog park today, I sat with my mom on the bench for a while, I didn't want to play with the other dogs, I just wanted Otis.

After the park I had obedience class! We worked on heel, my mom seemed really happy while we were doing it, I guess I did something right, but really I was just watching the treat the whole time. We also worked on stay, mom did a really silly thing and told me to stay while she walked around a chair and sat then came back and gave me a treat, I think she looked silly, but she was awfully proud of me, so was my teacher! I don't get what the big deal is, those humans are so strange.

Well, mom says it's time for bed, so I'm gonna go see if I can push her off and take the whole bed to myself.wink.gif

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