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Potential Husky Owner?


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So I have a friend that fell in love with the husky breed after spending some time with Diamond x) Yeah, that's right! My dog can hypnotize people so watch out LOL :P anyway she's being serious about keeping a husky in the future... Even if I'm not really sure she'll be a good owner =/ So here's a list. After reading this, can you guys cast a vote in the poll? :)

Why I think she will be a good owner?

1) Big house, tall fences and a yard

2) She has the willingness and energy to walk/jog with her dog twice a day

3) Her family is a dog lover

4) She has experience with dogs. Small breeds, tho =/

5) She learned a lot about husky's behaviors before actually having one bcoz she meet Diamond pretty often

Why I think she won't be a good owner?

1) She can't guarantee there's someone that stays in the house all-day to watch over her dog

2) She can only provide afternoon walk and night walk. No morning walk is possible.

3) No enough experience in training dominant/stubborn dogs

4) She likes small animals. And you all know most huskies can't tolerate those tiny creatures! :confused:

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Its gonna be hard for her to adapt with a new dog especially huskies which are stubborn . Even though she had experience with small dogs a husky isn't a toy dog ( small dog =/ ) you can't really cuddle with them . The need lots of exercise ALOT or husky will go rampage on the house ;p

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We had no experience with any dogs, let alone puppies before we welcomed Tiki into our home. However, we did almost a year's worth of research before deciding if we were ready to become responsible "parents". I think as long as your friend has done their research and knows, for the most part, what they are getting into then they could consider it. I do worry about the hours during the day while your friend is at work as a new husky pup may have trouble adjusting. My husband and I both had time off when Tiki joined our home (coincidence) and I go to school from home.

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Your friend needs to do lots of research about the breed before making any decisions. It could also help them make a decision if they looked after Diamond for a day or 2 if your ok with this. I believe that having total commitment to a dog for it's whole lifetime is as important as having experience as you can gain experience but don't gain commitment. All dog owners have to start somewhere or they will never have any experience

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thanks 4 all the reply ^0^ she has internet connection problems in her house so she can't show up here =/ And plus, her English isn't very good XD But anyway, after reading all of your replies... I start to think that I've to interrogate her about how committed she will be with her husky :P Since--as you all said--commitment is very important. Thanks, everyone! ^0^ further replies and comments are still welcome tho

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Your friend needs to do lots of research about the breed before making any decisions. It could also help them make a decision if they looked after Diamond for a day or 2 if your ok with this.

The thing is, Diamond is too laid-back as a husky =/ She's getting a puppy not an adult like Diamond =(

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how about when she comes round to your house u can read through the forum together :)

Oh right great idea! ^0^ I'll have to translate most of the articles, tho :confused: I already wrote that she doesn't speak English too well right =P

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*nod, nod* yeah I'll be happy to translate everything ^0^and even before I joined this site I always give her a looong speech about how much of a trouble a husky can be. She always say "I can handle that" but I honestly doubt she can REALLY handle that when she witness her favorite shoes being destroyed by a mini-wolf puppy x)

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why ???? i had no experiance at all when i got my first, an like i say i have 3 now. she's keep so why not

Same here, as long as she does her research and is committed it should be fine.

I have grown up with dogs, but I've never had one of my own, I now have a husky and I think I'm doing well :)

Also an afternoon and evening walk should be enough as long as they are of good length when the dog reaches a year old, It will definitley be enough for a pup as long as the pup is mentally stimulated at home i.e training and games.

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I think that if she has enough determination, she could be a good owner.

After all, we had never had a dog before and we also live in an apartment. I think we are pretty decent owners to say the least.

Commitment is more important than having a huge yard or dog experience. Although with a puppy she would have to make sure she can take a week off to take care of the puppy and potty train him. But if she is fine with waking up in the middle of the night and potty breaks every 2 hrs, it shouldn't be a problem.

P.S. Shoe-chewing can be avoided easily by putting shoes away lol.

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Thanks for the shoe-chewing advice, persephona =D If the puppy is still 2 months old I guess it'll be too small to reach high places so it won't be a problem :D When I write about that shoes thing I was remembering Diamond's first month at home LOL he's already one year old when I got him so he can always get to the shoes wherever I hid them XD Thank God he stopped chewing things now!

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Thanks for the shoe-chewing advice, persephona =D If the puppy is still 2 months old I guess it'll be too small to reach high places so it won't be a problem :D When I write about that shoes thing I was remembering Diamond's first month at home LOL he's already one year old when I got him so he can always get to the shoes wherever I hid them XD Thank God he stopped chewing things now!

When Kremlin was small, we never left any shoes within his reach so he never attempted to chew on them and develop a taste for it :). Now he doesn't really care about shoes anymore, so we can leave anything with him safely.

So yeah, everything can be overcome :D, especially the chewing issues (probably shoes are not the only item to be worried about).

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LOL correct! Other than shoes I need to worry about newspapers, flower pots and my dad's plants x) After spending two weeks with Diamond he finally "rehome" his plants to my grandmother's house bcoz it's obvious plants and huskies can never be left alone unsupervised LOL LOL

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The thing is, Diamond is too laid-back as a husky =/ She's getting a puppy not an adult like Diamond =(

Getting a puppy doesn't mean she'll be getting a hyperactive husky - that's down to her. We saw loads of dogs and puppies before we chose Nadia - and even as a small puppy it was clear she was going to be the laid-back pup of the litter. She'll just need to choose her pup well and wait until she finds the right one. Nadia can stay alone 6+ hours a day if she needs to (very rarely she's spent 12+ hours due to unforeseen circumstances and been as good as gold) and personally I think having a routine in the early days that requires the puppy to stay alone is good in the long run. After all who is to say circumstances won't change and the husky that is used to being with someone all day will suddenly have to be alone for long periods of time? Better prepare a new dog for anything when it's still a puppy. As for chewing shoes etc, keep them out of reach like persophena said and it'll be fine. Neither Nadia nor Astra have ever chewed because they weren't allowed to, they had plenty of toys to keep them busy. It's all down to the dog itself, not the breed - Nadia's my 4th dog (most of my "dog experience" was with my own terrier X however, the others were family dogs) and to be honest she's been the "easiest". From your messages I don't see any reason why your friend would be a bad husky owner at all..

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