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Playbite!! Good/Bad?


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So whenever both of us (me and Dime) is extremely bored and hav nothin' to do, Dime will come to me with his tail wagging. Once he's standing in front of me he will set his body in play stance and start talking happily (or should I say noisily LOL). Usually I will try to rub his neck, but once my hand is close enough to his head he will turn and "playbite" my fingers. If I use my other hand to rub the other side of his neck he will turn to that side and playbite again! XD Idk about you but for me this is kinda funny, so my favorite thing to do is put his head between my two hands and attempt to rub his neck from both sides. So he will turn his head from left to right, right to left, left to right, right to left LOL LOL XD XP

So question is--> Is this a simple puppy game that he never play as a lil' dog (he's neglected when he's a puppy remember) and wants to play now? Or does his bite sounds "HEY! don't touch me!"?If he IS trying to correct me, then doesn't it mean he doesn't respect me? O.O

Diamond is my first dog. I don't have much knowledge about handling a real dog so I feed myself with articles, books and questions to dog-experts. But other than theories I have no more than a slight experience from handling Diamond. I don't know if his cute little playbites indicates dominance or not! :( I know I stated that he looks happy and ready-to-play at first but I must tell you his mood changes real quick. One moment he's happy, the other moment he's over-excited (read as: dashing around like crazy). So.. (yes yes I'm being a silly paranoid again) Is playbiting okay or not okay? Bcoz my dad got a heart attack when I tell him "Diamond is playing the 'try to bite my hand' game with me!" LOL so I think at least one person will be totally happy if I start correcting his playbites x)

Note: what I mean by playbiting is when he put my hand in his mouth but didn't actually bite me. I can feel his fangs and teeth, but I wasn't hurt at all. I won't say that I don't feel anything when he playbite me tho =/

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Sounds like he is just playing and mouthin you, if he was "correcting" you it would be a little more aggressive / abit of growiling I think!

I mean Diamond is only nearly 2, so really He's still an adolecent and will be playful for a good few more years I would imagine :)

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It sounds like Diamond is giving you what is called the "Husky Handshake". It's a trait that's very common with this breed. It's just gentle mouthing with no intention to hurt you. Not all huskies do this. We've allowed Zoya to do this with us since she was a puppy. As a puppy, we worked with her as to how hard we allowed her mouth us. I know a lot of people don't allow their dogs to do this, but we have never had any problems with allowing this. Zoya also does this only with us...she's never mouthed anyone new that she meets while we are out. If you don't want Diamond doing this, correct him by pulling your hand(s) away to where he can't reach you and telling him firmly, NO or NO BITE. He will learn quickly. Just remember, he's not trying to hurt you....he's just being playful. :)

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I agree, it sounds like he's just being playful. If he gets too rough (not just in his "hand-holding", but in general), immediately stop playing with him, get up, and move away - tell him "NO, gentle!" I have often played roughly with my guys, but it's always under my terms, and if it gets too rough, the game - and the fun - stops!

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Yeah I agree just sounds like he is playing. I've had several dogs and this isn't uncommon. Since dogs don't have hands they use their mouth a lot during play time. As long as he keeps it gentle I think it's fine. Both my dogs will play with me with their mouth. We taught Koopa since he was 7 weeks not to bite hard, he was a very mouthy puppy. He now knows not to bite hard and is very gentle, lots of times he just has my hand in his mouth with no pressure at all. (Oh so many people would be terrified of this considering he's a "big bad" pit bull :S:) Kuma Bear also does this, he is also really gentle when he's playing with me. Only thing that bugs me is Kuma will sometimes come up while my hand is at my side and put my fingers in his mouth, he doesn't bite guess its that husky handshake lol. We have corrected him and he doesn't do it much anymore.

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I doesn't seem aggressive to me. If you don't mind it, then it's fine to allow it. Personally, I hate it when mine does it so I don't allow him to mouth my hands. We do play rough, so I let him growl playfully and bow and all that stuff, but hand chewing - no thanks! I just find it very annoying.

Strangely enough, my father and some friends of mine don't mind the mouthing.

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Totally just playing this is what huskies do, how they play, my girl is exactly the same and shes two next week! The only thing I would be remotely concerned about is if he tried to do this with someone who doesnt know hes playing. I allow my girl to do it because she is quite shy of strangers and would never play with someone she didnt know very very well.. infact she only does it with 4 people, me, my partner, my sister and a very close friend she sees everyday so I allow her to continue the behaviour... but if you think he might do it with someone unfamiliar then just be weary and discorage any of the more snappy movements. :)

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thanks a lot ^o^ See? I told you I was being a paranoid LOL LOL

No, Diamond don't do this to everyone. In fact, he only wants to play with me. It's weird for a husky to be a one-man dog, alright :confused: but that's how Diamond is. He doesn't really trust people XD

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with the consensus here. Sabaka is our second husky, and with both of them, I've been their "rough play" buddy. We play fight and he jumps at me and gets my hand in his mouth. Actually, most of the time I have to put it in his mouth for him, but he doesn't know that. He "bites" me with very light pressure, but the pressure increases as he gets excited. If he accidentally bites too hard, I tell him "bite nice", and he lightens up. If he has my arm in his mouth and it starts to get uncomfortable, I say "drop it" and he lets go. If he starts to get too rough, I say his name to get his attention, and then say "all done", along with a hand motion that I came up with. When I do that, he sighs and then walks away...game over. The point is that I make sure that the whole game is on my terms, and he loves it! I know some people think that you should never allow a husky to mouth you, but I believe the opposite is true. Our game is a means to teach him how to play without biting too hard. And, like others have said, he does not do this with everyone, I'm the only one who plays with him this way. He loves it, and it's our special game.

Have fun playing with your husky!

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Aslan does it, but he knows when enough is enough litterally lol as we say enough and thats his cue to stop lol. He also does a very weird thing. He will come up to you and hook his canine teeth around your finger and want to play tug lol. Save him finding a pull toy I suppose lol

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