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Female or male?


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I won't be getting my first husky for a while, and as stated in my introduction thread I want to learn all I can about huskies!

An important question (to me) came to mind.

Is there a significant difference between the males and the females (mind set wise, not.. obvious things lol). Is one easier to train than the other? Or anything else, for that matter?

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In my limited expereince:

Girls: Smaller, faster, moodier (especially when coming on heat), less cuddley (unless their poorly), cheekier, more playful, doesnt happen often but if they have a problem with another female they DO bare a grudge!

Boys: Bigger, stronger, more one person centered, more cuddley, can have issues with other males but this will often blow over.

As for ease of training I would say thats more to do with personality and how they learn as an individual rather than gender but of course hormones will also play a part a girl will focus less when in heat and a boy if theres a girl in heat around dont expect aaaaaanything! :P

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In my limited expereince:

Girls: Smaller, faster, moodier (especially when coming on heat), less cuddley (unless their poorly), cheekier, more playful, doesnt happen often but if they have a problem with another female they DO bare a grudge!

Boys: Bigger, stronger, more one person centered, more cuddley, can have issues with other males but this will often blow over.

As for ease of training I would say thats more to do with personality and how they learn as an individual rather than gender but of course hormones will also play a part a girl will focus less when in heat and a boy if theres a girl in heat around dont expect aaaaaanything! :P

I totally agree! My girl Indie is cheekier and more talkative. very high energy and mad as a hatter! Independent and more difficult in most situations i find.

Oshy Is more cuddly and easy going. more laid back and apart from being super strong on the lead is my sweet boy bear! Unless he takes a dislike to another dog :-/

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Well, in my limited experience with husky dogs of both sexes, I noticed the following:

Females tend to be more loving (i.e. more willing to give you a cuddle, lick your face, give you affection in general) and more likely to pay attention to you as a human while other doggies are around, however, they tend to be moodier as well and sneakier than males.

Males on the other hand are a bit more aloof, nonetheless loving in their own way. It sounds quite odd, but males seems a bit more honest in their ways of getting things from you :P.

I haven't owned a female husky, but I have met quite a few in the park and other places, so I can't speak for all, but that's what I observed lol.

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We have two females. Zoya we've had since a pup. She can be very stubborn, and she is what I would coin a tomboy. She is very much a rabble rouser, and will change her mood without notice. She is not very affectionate, but is a joy th have around.

Eisa is a rescue. She is very loving, responds well, and can be trusted when we leave the house. (Zoya can only be trusted for brief periods when we leave, otherwise, we place her in her kennel.)

What I'm trying to say, in our case, both are like night and day. I think it boils down to personality, training, and genetics. Don't think you can get too specific by gender, but certainly can generalize by gender.

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To be fair, I think ALL huskies have their own personalities (That’s why we love the breed) you really can’t put it down to male and female.

Bolts male and can be very loving when HE wants, if we’re asleep he comes and sleeps right next to us.

Mia likes her own space sometimes but is very loving too, both mine are rescues so not sure if that makes any difference. But it all depends how a dogs treated From a pup will determine how they end up i guess.

When we first had Bolt he had a chip on his shoulder and would bare his teeth whenever he could now he’s a totally different dog, he’s learnt he can trust us and I’ve no fear at all that he will bite any of us here but like i said he’s not had the best start so it wasn’t his fault.

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I don't really notice much difference between male and female - unless the girls are coming into season, in which case they can be: moody, grumpy, clingy, affectionate, nasty (toward other dogs - usually especially other females), a whole gamut of moods! Spaying/neutering, in my experience, has made a difference in how affectionate an individual dog of either sex is. To be honest, I've seen more differences in my dogs as to the lines they've come from than by gender. If you go to a breeder, meet as many of the relatives as you can, and that will give you a better idea of what the puppies are likely to be like. I have both males and females who LOVE to cuddle, and both sexes that are more stand-offish and who love to push buttons... In my opinion, it comes down more to the individual - including both its genetics and its early training.

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Thanks for the feedback you guys! When the time comes, I'll probably (if I look to rescue) ask if I can spend some time with the husky beforehand for personality and asks the caretakers or whoever cares for them how they tend to act and what not. Either way, I'm looking into every aspect as much as I can.. XD

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1+ for sutsibe, I pretty much agree with everything she just said...

I've never actually owned a male dog though, I've only ever had females. My german shepherd will be a first.

I have heard the females tend to be a bit bossy? Not sure how reliable that would be...


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naaah females are much more mature and responsive to you and your words. I've never heard of females being bossy. Males are just sooo childish even if they're no longer a puppy LOL I think that's the biggest difference between male and female dogs

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LOL, my best buddy (:heartbeat:) and "old man", Shad can be pretty bossy and opinionated! I think a lot of it is due more to individual personality, pretty much like with humans!

I also find that most of the time, I've bonded better with my boys than with my girls - although there are definite exceptions! Shad's mom, Ariel, is my avatar - she was one of the most special dogs to ever put paw on the Earth!:heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:

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Yeah, because generally speaking, The biggest difference between men and women are their upbringing, and doing what everyone else their gender does.

A bigger question would be, Is is a scientific fact that dogs bond better to people of the opposite gender. Or is it just that people tend to bond better?


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I chose my girl, on the count of gender. I wanted a female and, Bandit just happened to have a pretty orange/white coloring. Perhaps this is my own opinion, but I find that girl dogs are attracted more towards male owners and likewise with male dogs to female owners. My puppy is only 4 months old and she already protects me. If I say ow, she will attack without hesitation. I can already walk her off leash, when her ears perk up I just say hey or call her by her name and she will follow me. Im still working on training her to stay by my side when other people & dogs are around.

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naaah females are much more mature and responsive to you and your words. I've never heard of females being bossy. Males are just sooo childish even if they're no longer a puppy LOL I think that's the biggest difference between male and female dogs

I think that is one of the main difference between humans as well :doglaugh:

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in my experience my girl is bigger not fast lol, moody when in season but thats it, very cuddly , cheeky not overly playful skyla hasnt met many dogs shes taken a grudge too - apart from sarahs boy shadow lol - she will have a snap at other dogs at first but once she gets walking shes fine n wants to play :)

my boy - is an inch smaller than skyla LOL, stronger - harder to train - deffo prefers my mum and me in the house - not bothered about the boys in the house, VERY cuddly too - he has a few issues with other dogs but this is more dwn to him being attacked when younger rather then him just being a grumpy male - he is LOADS more playful too

my girl has been ALOT easier to train then my male has been aswell

ETA: my girl is the bossy boots of the house n pushes the boys around specially poor old bings

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Yeah, because generally speaking, The biggest difference between men and women are their upbringing, and doing what everyone else their gender does.

A bigger question would be, Is is a scientific fact that dogs bond better to people of the opposite gender. Or is it just that people tend to bond better?


i have a much stronger bond with my girl husky then i do my male - my girl is my princess, blaze is my boy but bings is my baby i have a much stronger bond with bings n skyla because i was more interactive with them - as when we got blaze whenever i went to fuss or cuddle or play with blaze i was told not to leave bings out so didnt get as much interaction with blaze as i did the other 2

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You know, now that I think about it, all the dogs I've owned have shared both "male" and "female" traits...

I have already said this, but I'm fairly certain it just depends on the dog, and the upbringing.

Possibly people that say dogs bond better to the opposite sex, are just more enthusiastic to a dog of the opposite gender, when in reality, the dog doesn't care?

idk, just throwin' stuff out there...


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i think its a lot about how they are feeling at a given time.

Marley loves his ''daddy'' at walk time cos' he's more associated with that,but come feed time....he loves his ''mummy'' so much;)

then in general he tends to be a grump at times and so laid back at others.

the girls on the other hand love anyone and give licks and cuddles all day long.but must say Tia is slightly more loving than Shadow

ive put this down to Tia being my rescue girl and me spending lots of time with her gaining her trust.

then some days they all just couldn't give a stuff about any of us:eek:

maybe they are more like us than we think!! :S:

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I've never had a male sibe but have had male and female dogs of other breeds as well as 2 female sibes. Out of all the dogs I've owned I have noticed the females tend to be more nurturing. Example: playing with other dogs, if the other dog yelps the female would back off right away and then check on the other dog before resuming play, whereas the males would just keep playing. Also, Jewell likes to clean Bo's ears. She tries to clean mine to, but yech! lol

As for affection, that just seems to be their personality. I have had both sexes be cuddly or not cuddly.

Males tend to like to run off more unless neutered.

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naaah females are much more mature and responsive to you and your words. I've never heard of females being bossy. Males are just sooo childish even if they're no longer a puppy LOL I think that's the biggest difference between male and female dogs

Are we still talking about dogs here? :) :)

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Thanks again for more responses. ^^ I'm sort of leaning toward not relying on the gender but rather the personality the adult/pup may have.

I'll also ask; how much does it cost to spay/neuter a pet? Does it cost more to do so to a female than a male or vise versa?

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