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such a handfull, are everyones like this?


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Ok Tim, I think you may have to relent and crate train. either that or empty your house!!!!

Jackie, Seems like she may have hit the adolescent teenager stage. Firm rules, discipline and I notice you live in a boat. How much exercise does she get? Maybe up it a bit? She is too young to do any scootering or bike joring or cani-x but just more walks may help. At her age she could have about 2-4 1/2 hour walks.

she gets 3 half hour walks a day and wee npoop times inbetween on a bit of grassland nearby.

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Icy has been very quiet (in the house). All she does is sleep, play with her crocodile and eat her bone.

However, when I take her to a dog park nearby...she goes crazy! If one of her friends (dogs) are there, she plays with them very actively!

One day it rained very much and I couldn't take her to the park. The other day we went there. It was sunny, but there was mud in some places and small mud lakes in others.

The result?


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Icy has been very quiet (in the house). All she does is sleep, play with her crocodile and eat her bone.

However, when I take her to a dog park nearby...she goes crazy! If one of her friends (dogs) are there, she plays with them very actively!

One day it rained very much and I couldn't take her to the park. The other day we went there. It was sunny, but there was mud in some places and small mud lakes in others.

The result?


isn't it nice to see them enjoying themselves though.;)

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*SIGH* ok here goes lol u wanna hear about a terror...now I am no newbie to Huskies but I have NEVER had one this destructive.....Sookie has been with me since she was 8 weeks old. The first episode was when she ripped the carpet up in the hallway.......Not happy! Moved on from that ....next time she broke into my laundry room and destroyed everything in it.......Not Happy! Moved on from that......I think I have the house bomb proofed and then she finds something else. This time she has broken into the dining room (my favorite room in the house) Dining.jpg Yes I know ...beautiful isn't it? I was such a wreck I couldn't even take photos of it without jerking.


I am pretty speechless ................................my nerves are shot ! I just went and sat down and stared at the floor for a bit....then started the 3 hour clean up! The photo is mild but I have never seen anything like it in my life...I have shut the door on the Dining room and left it because I can't bare to go in it. Everything inside the room was dragged out onto my wetroom and onto the back patio (we leave the door open for her to go in and out onto the patio) I will be bolting all the doors on the weekend. I have a huge back patio that is sunken into the ground and is bricked about 8 feet up ...so she can't escape from that and it also has a brick and tiled out building in it for shelter. I have banned her from the house while I am not there and she is only allowed in when I am home. It's shocking that she did this in a time frame of 2 hours. Once I've calmed down and can speak properly I will sort everything out. She is 6 months old and I am praying that this is a phase....never ever owned a dog like this one.............

i never leave her on her own, i am pretty sure she would wreck the place if i did. i would have to crate her if i had to leave her but i don't think that would be fair on the neighbours ears.

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Sorry I feel like I've highjacked this post....I should have posted it seperately. Rosemary With the banishment in place Sookie will hopefully appreciate the fact that she lives in a nice home and stop her madness. She cannot be trusted at this point so Outside is her only option at the moment. It isn't like she has been chucked out into a back garden and left. I will take photos of it when I get home so you can see the set up...if I were a dog I would love it...Diesel actually prefers it to being in the house. Sookie will have to get used to it until she can behave herself. I know it looks a bit primitive but when I am done it won't...



what was diesal up to while all this was going on? what did your partner have to say about it all ? my hubby is always moaning at me saying its YOUR dog, i only got her for you. you better sort her out:rolleyes:

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My Nukka was a cheeky wee mare.. and well she still is! LOL She has calmed down quite abit since having the two seasons she had before I had her spayed, so I would say you are about due a season and she will calm down a little after that. But a cheeky husky will most often remain a cheeky husky right into old age, the puppy biting should deffinatly reside, specially with a little bit of input. I went with holding her nose shut when she bit down to hard to let her know she'd hurt me and she now has superb bite inhibition.. I can actually drag her around by ther teeth when playing and she knows not to bite down. She is crated whenever I leave her as she is distructive and my house has the battle scars to proove it, but I find a tasty bone in her crate with a comfy bed in it and shes happy to nom that then kip till I get back.

Hang in there and keep pluging away... they are stubborn so the trick is to be more stubborn than they are!!!!! :P

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Mine is a male 1 1/2 year old now, a little bit calm down but sometimes still have that husky attitude "what next...what next..." although we jog everyday for 1 hour since he was 6 month old. He never chew anything though since he was a puppy but very@x hyper and likes to decorate our backyard by digging several times in one day-mud bath when it's raining, etc...finally after he is turn 1 1/2 year old...he stop the digging hobbies but still have bad "attitude" that still exist since he was a puppy, one of them is that he really10x hate it if i sit and watch tv or just having a relaxing time at my couch and he show it by mouthing my hand nonstop and quite hard...he's got "rough" personalities :confused: Obedience training is not working for him, we bond and understand each other through walking and jogging everyday... i got that feeling too, "OMG, i can't cope with his attitude-behaviour much longer"...:P but it will got better when he's older...so hang in there...;)

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I did get to the point once with Storm when I thought "thats it, he has to go" but we worked through it and with time he has grown up into a wonderful boy and we are very proud of him and the way he has turned out. Boy am I glad I didnt get rid of him.

Perseverance and Patience are the key words with a pup. Maybe more so with a Husky!!!!

Never give up, there is light at the end of the tunnel I promise you. xx

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I did get to the point once with Storm when I thought "thats it, he has to go" but we worked through it and with time he has grown up into a wonderful boy and we are very proud of him and the way he has turned out. Boy am I glad I didnt get rid of him.

Perseverance and Patience are the key words with a pup. Maybe more so with a Husky!!!!

Never give up, there is light at the end of the tunnel I promise you. xx

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I did get to the point once with Storm when I thought "thats it, he has to go" but we worked through it and with time he has grown up into a wonderful boy and we are very proud of him and the way he has turned out. Boy am I glad I didnt get rid of him.

Perseverance and Patience are the key words with a pup. Maybe more so with a Husky!!!!

Never give up, there is light at the end of the tunnel I promise you. xx

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Indie is a little terror, she'll destroy anything she can get her paws on, our fencing and garage door have really taken a beating. We let the dogs relax outside most of the day in our garden so we have to keep on top of maintainence whenever Indie has a chewing session. we take a lot of care to ensure that she can't get into any out of bounds rooms in the house. Oshy however has not interest in destroying anything. he dosn't understand toys or playing etc. he sleeps, eats and loves his cuddles. Put him on his harness though and Whoooooooosh!!!!

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Sorry to see the destruction in your living room, but did you not know what huskies are capable of? Your yard looks great, but in no time, the dog will be able to jump to the top of the wall and be gone. You might want to move the chairs away as they will give a platform to get closer, or to the roof of the little house out there. I have never allowed my boys free access from outside to inside, though they do know how to open the patio door and let themselves in if they want to. Try a crate...though my Andy does not like being confined at all and has managed to wear his teeth down to almost nothing from chewing on metal and cement to escape enclosures. He broke out of our crate 4x, the last time breaking all the welds...but he's always good in the house and has a pal now, who is the naughty one, but still, neither has destroyed anything. My last husky started to eat the walls at about 10 years old and it became more frequent when her life long pal passed and she was then alone. Huskies always do better with a friend. Good luck.:duh:

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thunder is just a perfect pup....far to laid back to even contemplate any type of destruction. in any case that takes up time when he could be sleeping....he's like an old man and he's only 9mths old!! LOL Bless him

Storm is 2.5yrs and is more of a puppy than thunder. Again never any destruction but is much more playful.

If i took them to someone elses house they would probably be well excited and not have any manners at all...which is why we dont do that. However you need to sort the mouthing out now...believe me when we first adopted storm at 18mths or so he was a mouther and my goodness it hurt. sounds as tho dominance is not quite right

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one of two things will happen. 1. it will go away with age as they grow out of the puppy energy. 2. his energy will go down but the bad behavior will continue since it wasnt properly stopped.

you said she gets 3, 30 mins walks? thats hardly anything. at six months you can let her run a bit in a grassy or beach area so it doesnt kill the joints. let's put it this way, have you ever jogged and felt physically exhausted after wards? most likely yes, which is not something you get from just walking. specially if you walk her slow.

the jumping and mouthing are things that they do naturally, so the moment it happens you have to correct it. our boy started jumping a couple of days after we got him, but we kick that out of him in no time by simply teaching him how to greet people properly. now he waits until he is called whenever someone walks into the house..

let her run a little, and the moment you see her wanting (not doing it but wanting to do it) correct it immediately before it happens and guarantee you she will stop jumping on people. cant say much about mouthing since i've never dealt with it in a bad way

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She's gotten to the "teenager" stage, and is pushing to see what she can get away with. As was just stated, try to catch and correct the behavior as you see her thinking of it - remind her it's not acceptable, and hold her back from doing it - either with a leash or with your hand on her collar/harness. New people should totally ignore her - and if you can try to set her up to meet new people who will do this for you, that's probably your best bet. Exercise her a bit before hand, to tire her out somewhat, as was also stated. I strongly feel, however, that the more people you can get her to meet, the better off she'll be. I find that when I've taken a dog into a large crowd of people, they generally get really bored with having people pet them fairly quickly - and it's generally quite exhausting for them! :);) You'll need to really watch her like a hawk and keep in physical control of her as you do this, however (at least at first), so that she doesn't jump on anyone and hurt them. Take some sort of treat that's unusual and likely to be really tasty, but don't bring it out until she's calmed down - as you said, she ignores it when she's excited. If she really likes toys, that may be another reward to try using... Good luck!

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Bella is a large ball of energy as well. She is about 2 years old and gets VERY excited to meet people. I've had her for about 2 months now and she has come a LONG way since I first got her. She was constantly trying to jump on people when I first got her. She still tries occasionally but I carry treats with me now to take her focus away. I also like to get her to sit if I see we're going to pass other people(or people walking dogs). If people want to pet her, I usually ask people to wait while I command her to sit, then lie down, then roll over to her back. She's calm like that, then people can scratch her belly...which she absolutely LOVES! I've been working on her mouthing as well as she did this a lot when I first got her. She's getting better but when people stop to pet her, I don't allow them to pet her head, just her belly. I usually pet her head while they are petting her belly. Keeps her from getting excited and trying to reach around and mouth them. She's doing better but still has a ways to go in learning how to properly greet people.

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one of two things will happen. 1. it will go away with age as they grow out of the puppy energy. 2. his energy will go down but the bad behavior will continue since it wasnt properly stopped.

you said she gets 3, 30 mins walks? thats hardly anything. at six months you can let her run a bit in a grassy or beach area so it doesnt kill the joints. let's put it this way, have you ever jogged and felt physically exhausted after wards? most likely yes, which is not something you get from just walking. specially if you walk her slow.

the jumping and mouthing are things that they do naturally, so the moment it happens you have to correct it. our boy started jumping a couple of days after we got him, but we kick that out of him in no time by simply teaching him how to greet people properly. now he waits until he is called whenever someone walks into the house..

let her run a little, and the moment you see her wanting (not doing it but wanting to do it) correct it immediately before it happens and guarantee you she will stop jumping on people. cant say much about mouthing since i've never dealt with it in a bad way

i thought it was recommended to walk them i.e 5 mins per month of age. i have well gone over this if that is the rule.

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Nanook is a girl, right? Don't worry, girls mature real quick. In a two or three months she will calm down A LOT and you'll tell yourself how lucky you are when you see other husky owners that owns a boy dog. Guess what? Boys will always act like a puppy!! >.< Diamond (a boy) is two years old and he's still very jumpy!! I can no longer count how many shoes he has destroyed!! =/

kobi is like that my partner has no slippers left :)

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