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Working Huskies, for an idiot???

Fire and Ice

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Hi all,

As some of you know I'm new to owning Huskies, I have 2, 5 month old girls from unknown parentage but I'd love to work them!

Can anyone help me on what/how I do this? I've seen pics/videos etc but I literally have no idea where to start!

They're both lead trained and need more exercise!

Thanks in advance

Tracie x

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hi tracie

5 months is too young to start working them - eg running in harnes - but you can start the training on a lead now :) This is the best time to teach the commands-

gee - turn right

haw - turn left

hike - run!!

on by - pass another team / go past a distraction

My boys picked this up fairly quickly and i did all the command training on walks, made it so much easier when we progressed to the scooter! lol

You'll need a scooter - there a few different makes out there - this is the one i have:

Image.aspx?strFileName=p11_0.jpg&strItemType=p&numMaxHeight=150&numMaxWidth=172&numItem=11&strParent= you can see it's got a brushbow over the front wheel Image.aspx?strFileName=p37_0.jpg&strItemType=p&numMaxHeight=150&numMaxWidth=172&numItem=37&strParent=

this stops the lines from getting tangles up in the spokes

You'll also need a gang line...... this goes from the scooter to your dogs the one below is a double gang line, you need a shock absorber on the line as well and a neck line that connects from your dogs collar to the other so they can't veer off in different directions


Finally, this is the type of harness you'll need:


If you've got any other Q's just shout up xx

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This is what we really would like to do eventually also. Right now we are teaching them the commands on the walky dog and they are doing great, and we use them on lead walks also. It doesn't take very long, they are very smart dogs (any husky that is!). Wondering if there is a brand of scooter that you might recommend....and is there a good place to find them used, just in case it doesn't work out as we might hope???:anyhelp::yikes::huskyfall::kimba2:

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you can get 2nd hand ones on ebay - i've only used the pawtrekker so can't really comment on other brands, i like the pawtrekker as it's got good breaks on it (needed!! lol) and it has the bushbow already on at the front :)

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you can get 2nd hand ones on ebay - i've only used the pawtrekker so can't really comment on other brands, i like the pawtrekker as it's got good breaks on it (needed!! lol) and it has the bushbow already on at the front :)

Brakes are our biggest concern....:jawdrop:The boys are getting really good with the commands, but squirrels always win:duh:

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the best advice i can give is find an experienced musher local to you and learn from them and their dogs. from 6/7mths your pup could run with a calm trained dog for a very short distance. The adult will do the work and pup will just run by the side and will learn what to do. Its so important to get it right cos you can easily harm them.

Have a look at snopeak website and see what rallys will be near you from oct and get them in your diary to go along and speak to other mushers etc. You will need a permit so start making enquiries with local mushers.

As far as rig/scooter goes. for 2 dogs plus i prefer a rig as its more stable but depends what storage and transport you have. i use a bike carrier and i find lifting the rig up easier than the scooter as the scooter is heavier and the weight isnt even.

As your pups arent registered you can only race them with BSHRA or open races. with BSHRA you will need to get them checked over tho. However you can still train and give them amazing exercise.

There's a large group of people who train at nottingham not sure whereabout in the forest its allowed tho. perhaps ask on mushers exchange?? i pay £50 yr for my permit. its important you have a permit as otherwise you can be fined by forestry commission or other land owners and you can risk other peoples permits and races if the forestry commission put a total ban on it.

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Thank you so very much for the info! I don't think I'd want to compete or take part in rallies just yet! I'm more curious about it than anything lol

The age was a question I thought of after I'd posted, as with the damage if any that can be done if things aren't done properly?

What sort of price is the rig/harness etc? New and second hand, just so I have a rough idea and don't get taken down the garden path hehe

I've actually been looking in the re-homing section, don't know if the cat would cope with 4 Huskies :D

Are there any members on here in Nottingham? I'd love to learn the ropes and just have some fun with the girls on a rig.

I have horses so it comes from the freedom/adrenalin buzz I get from going out riding on the boys, so I imagine it'd be pretty similar having Huskies harnessed up and flying through a forest?

Sorry I'm rambling here haha

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rigs usually go for aroudn 250-300 2nd hand - and are usually £500 upwards new

Scooters can be £150 upwards for a new one depending on make and quality.

harnesses are around £20 each

Ganglines - £20ish

Neck line £5

Carabina's £8 or so each

But i find the biggest expense is the fuel to get to training as the only place i can train is 30mins drive away.

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word of caution, you only have 2 sibes at the moment....DONT be tempted too go too big to soon and get more dogs. i always say to new owners of the breed, huskies will make or break a relationship!!! countless times we have seen many folks have gone too big too soon with numbers of dogs, found they cant cope and then rehome to reduce numbers again to what they can manage, the dogs suffer in the end for your mistake and have often ended a relationship!!! the dynamics of a pack of 3 or more dogs is very very differnt to 2 dogs and huskies are very pack orientated dogs!

run two, enjoy it, learn and in the future when you have the knowledge and experience then you will know if the time is right to get more! theres a reason 2 dog class is the most popular at rallies.

as for permits you will have to conact the sherwood trails association and buy a permit to train in nottingham area. sherwood pines is the training area allowed for dog teams. yes , even with a scooter only you will need a permit! if you are working a dog in harness, on bike, scoot, rig, sled, quad, you need a permit! contruary to popular belief! im not sure of their number but try and contact the forestry commision first, i think andy steadman is the contact for the STA. i might be wrong. finding an experienced musher willing to mentor you or help you out is a great idea. theres loads up that way. a visit to the training ground and a chat with the mushers is a good way forward. ask about 'their' dogs first, advice and lots of questions. if they dont want to talk about their dogs... their not worth talking too lol.

as for age?... when the dog is ready! dont do too much too soon! every dog is differnt, some mature younger when working or have the deisre to work from a young age, but be careful, very short runs when young ( 8 months onwards IF ready and temps and conditions allow) is ok, but just a few hundread metres to start with then build slowly over several weeks to 1/4 - 1/2 mile. dont over run or you could ruin your dogs working ability or desire forever. sibes dont know when to stop sometimes, you have to tell them.

we start ours around 8-9 months if they are ready, harness start them as soon as we can get the smallest adjustable walking harness on them to get used to pulling or rather the feeling of a harness on them. often it stops them choking themselves on a lead when walking. putting them with an experienced team of older dogs at the end of thier run will help to teach them the right way forward. run little, praise often! is my mantra for early training with pups. you'll know when they are ready as they will be tearing your arms off when walking! their growth plates wont close until 14 months so dont start too young, with luck you'll have many many years of working to come!

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Thanks tangled-musher!

I've been speaking to Chris and Philippa of Dax Scooters today, and they're offered to show me the ropes with their dogs! In exchange for Philippa coming to see my horses LOL.

Absolutely wonderful people, couldn't be more helpful, and one of their boys fell in love with Fire.

Fingers crossed I can get a walking belt soon, as the girls are already wrenching my arms out!

I've ordered slip collars and leads today so hopefully get them next week.

We're taking baby steps but getting closer all the time.

We're out walking for an hour or so each night and getting them used to the commands as we go (where I live people must think I'm crazy saying what I say out walking haha)

I shall keep you all updated with our progress :D

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hi tracie

we start ours very young but very gently, all dogs are different but we usually have them in harness by the time they are 5 months old, at that age its not about working them its about having fun, we start by putting a line from the harness to my walking belt, her in doors calls them from about 50 yards away, they run to her and i try to go as fast as they want to but just keeping a small amount of tension on the line. then lots of praise. repeat until each pup is making a bee line for the finish. then add another dog, when that becomes impossible add a rig and you have the makings of a team, keep it gentle and enjoy


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