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Please Help! Puppy with the poopies!


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Hi guys, not been on for ages, internets been down and the new forum wont work on my phone. Anyhoo, Zeus is 4 months old now and I'm STILL having problems feeding him. I've tried just about every type of dry food possible and it gives him the poopies. I tried him raw, which sometimes still gave him the poopies and he wasn't putting on weight. He's been wormed but he's really skinny. I'll try and post some pics. The only dry food that agrees with his is that horrible morrisons own brand dry food, and I mean the value, yellow one! Obviously I know it's a bit crappy, but it's the only food that hasn't gave him explosive diarrhoea. So do I just feed him it knowing that he'll be okay on it but it's not very good? I don't know what to do with him! In himself he's a typical, naughty full of energy puppy so I don't think there's anything actually wrong medically. I've just run out of ideas!

Sam x

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Can you access some Iams? Don't know if they have it over there, but both my boys do great on it. Also, whatever you give him, try sprinkling some apple cider vinegar on it...helps with gas....and maybe, the poopies. Might have a bacterial infection though, would get it checked out with a stool sample to the vet.

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He looks like a healthy weight to me, He won't start really filling out until about 8 months :).

a couple's Sibe I know, had explosive poo for the 1st 5 months of his life lol, They tried almost everything, But they have recently had amazing success with weignrights Salmon and potato pupply food, They said it almost instantly stopped his explosive poo, got him to start eating more regularly and it has quite noticably put some weight on him.

I would definitley reccomend trying this if you haven't already.

Kita doesn't like Weignrights though, Infact shes not a fan of any of the better, healthier more expensive brands :|.

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chappie dry is not a puppy food though,i'm not against chappie Marley was put on just after we got him and its the only thing that has suited his tum!

i'm assuming you have given bland boiled chicken and rice for a few days and maybe even scrambled egg,

if so, the next meal you try,try and stick to it for a little while.

you say uve tried every food,but Zues is only 4mths old,you cant be chopping and changing frequently because that in itself will give him the runs.

also,how often are you feeding him.?

i'd try 4 small meals a day and see how he goes,its so easy to over-feed them with the kibble(i was guilty of this) because it doesn't look much in the bowl.

good luck and hope he picks up

ps-- his weight doesn't look too bad,he's going through the leggy and ears stage at the moment by the look of him:D

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I had this same problem with my Diesel....I tried everything, some of the most expensive foods you can buy and nothing stopped her crappin thru the eye of a needle... My partner is a manager at Lidl so he brought some Orlando home one day and we have never looked back...she loves it and " TIS FIRM" lol ....try it u never know.

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i havent read all the other replies but the first thing to check is the amount- the lsightest bit of over feeding usually results in the runs. what ever the RDA is go on the lower amount. Also you really shouldnt keep swapping the foods - i appreciate you've done that cos there's been problems. but it can take them a while to get used to it.

Use a food whcih is hypo-allergenic (free from wheat etc) and check the amounts. weigh out each meal time very carefully.

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Thanks guys,

Yeah I've tried him on plain chicken and rice, he was ok on it actually, but I didn't want to keep him on it long term. I wasn't sure he'd be getting everything he needs out of it? He seems to be ok on raw chicken wings and rice too, would this be giving him everything he needs? I feed him 3 times a day, breakfast, lunch and tea. I think I'll try and do what you said, cut his portions down and feed more often.

Huskys are so hard! I feel like a complete novice, and yet I have 4 other dogs and I weaned my staffy by hand myself! It's like having a completely different species!

Sam x

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It is indeed....My Diesel went on raw meat as I feed all of my cats like that and have for about 15 years....but she cannot handle it. She crapped all over my house and it was just nasty! If he can eat raw meat then I would def keep him on it. My cats get raw mince, turkey, and chicken. I also give them biscuit along with it...

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Raven had similar experience but worst...not just mushy poop-diarrhea, followed by nonstop gas, vomiting (but still a hyper-active healthy husky with lots of puppy energy...luckily), he's now on TOTW pacific stream (salmon base) mix with cooked minced beef, have a lots and lots trial and error to find the right dog food that suit his tummy,I'm not an expert but maybe it'll help:

- Stick to dog food that suit him best, give time for his tummy to get used to it cause when i feed Raven Pacific stream, he still have soft poop, a little gas, occasional vomiting but better than before. Needs about 4-5 month to finally clear all the messy thing...:)

- Try not to overfeed him, cause after all the messy things clear up...i try to add his food intake...result: soft poop and a little bit pudding poop at the end... :P

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you gotta choose a good brand and stick to it. it can sometimes take up to a month for a puppy's stomach to get used to a food. feeding raw is a good idea, best one actually, but even that can give him soft stool if its new and if overfeed. Best thing you can do is stick to a good food and give rice, yogurt, or pumpkin to harden the stool.

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Hey,have you been giving your pup food that includes chicken derivatives? I had a similar problem when first got my youngest,vet told me that lots of young dogs and pups are allergic to chicken and to switch to lamb and rice varieties of puppy kibble.

I did this and thank goodness,problem solved!!

Was worried as diarrhoea had carried on several weeks and worried re lack of nutrients.

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Didn't read all of the above replies so not sure how much of this will have already been said but common things that can upset their tums:

over feeding (should be small amounts a few times a day)

changing foods over too quickly

selecting the wrong category of food (puppy/junior/adult)

too many treats

Hopefully you can find something that agrees with him :)

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Hey all I am new to this site but I have a bit of a problem.... I have a 1 year old Husky named King, I have had him since fathers day... When we got him he was pooping solid but now he is having explosive diarrhea and he now out of nowhere wants to only go in the house... My wife is beyond aggravated and I don't want to have to get rid of him because he in now a member of our family. Can someone please help me?

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hi and welcome :D

first and foremost,have you changed his food at all?

what are you feeding him and how much?

one of the main causes can be over-feeding,its surprising how little huskies do need.

As he his 1yr old,i would starve him 1st for 24hrs but make sure he has plenty of water

try the suggestions on this thread,feed him boiled rice and chicken for a few days etc,this will usually firm them up.

you have only had King a few weeks,so it could be an accumulation of a few things

change of home will have been stressful for him,also,is his worming up to date?

if you have already tried any suggestions from this thread and nothing seems to be working,then i'd suggest a vet visit

to get him checked over,and maybe ask your vet for some pro-kolin,this will line his gut and soothe any irritation and over a few days works well.

lastly,he may be going in the house because he just hasn't got time to get outside!

i hope King shows some improvement soon

if you do look through the site you will see loads of advice on dealing with poops......good luck

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Hey all I am new to this site but I have a bit of a problem.... I have a 1 year old Husky named King, I have had him since fathers day... When we got him he was pooping solid but now he is having explosive diarrhea and he now out of nowhere wants to only go in the house... My wife is beyond aggravated and I don't want to have to get rid of him because he in now a member of our family. Can someone please help me?

Hi and welcome!

I mentioned above the probs I had when feeding my youngster anything that had chicken in it,even when hypoallergenic.Vet said switch to lamb as chicken gives a lot of pups bad diarrhoea.I switched to what I was giving my older husky,it is lamb and rice,by Bosch a German brand.I switched to this a couple of years ago as it contains zinc,which some huskies are deficient in.It is quite economical too,but the change in the dogs condition is great,shiny coats very healthy.

What are you feeding King on now?

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If he has explosive diarrhea, it's probably NOT because he "wants to only go in the house." It's because it's explosive... he can't hold it. He probably doesn't want to go inside any more than you want him to. If his poop was fine previously, and it is such a problem now that he is unable to hold it, you need to make a visit to the vet. Nanook got Giardia when he was near 4 or 5 months old, which involved explosive diarrhea as well. After he was diagnosed and got fluid injections because of his level of dehydration, he still had the runs. I stayed home watching him for a few days. Every time he woke up, it was STRAIGHT to the bathroom. He'd barely make it off of the porch before he lost it. Any way, your boy could very well just have a bug of some sort, maybe even Giardia. Aside from a vet visit, the best thing to do is try to help your boy get over whatever he has. This involves making sure he is not dehydrated and is drinking enough. As far as food is concerned, take him off of kibble temporarily and switch to a boiled chicken, rice and chicken broth concoction. This is easy on the tummy. Diarrhea generally is an indication that the levels of good bacteria vs. bad bacteria in the intestines are off. Purina makes a great product called Fortiflora. It is chalked full of good bacteria. I give it to Nanook whenever I take him hiking to ensure he doesn't get ill. You simply empty the packet into the food, and within a couple days you should notice a difference in stool consistency. Fortiflora can be pricey, however, so some other ways to get him the necessary probiotics (good bacteria) are to give him food with them in it, such as yogurt.

I really hope getting rid of him is not a consideration. Dumping a dog simply because it is ill would be an awful thing to do. I'm sure he is just as aggravated as your wife. Haha! Good luck and I hope he feels better soon.

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yeah i can relate to this thread as my dog is the same as yours by the sounds of it....my dog pretty much lives on rice atm....i feed her 3 times a day and i always put in plenty of heart or liver with the rice...what i am worried about is wether she is getting all the nutrition she needs at this inportant time in her life?

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yeah i can relate to this thread as my dog is the same as yours by the sounds of it....my dog pretty much lives on rice atm....i feed her 3 times a day and i always put in plenty of heart or liver with the rice...what i am worried about is wether she is getting all the nutrition she needs at this inportant time in her life?

try her with just chicken and rice for a few days

not sure but the liver might be a little rich for her

when she improves gradually add in her normal feed over a few days and she hopefully will show an improvement

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