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Husky Rescued: Coat and Health issues... help?


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A friend contacted me and told me she knew of a husky going to the pound in the morning and was hoping I could do something about it. I told her I'd come pick it up that night. When I picked him up the neighbors were giving me the story of this dog: Family paid $1700 for him, 4 years old, chained outside for as long as they can remember, family was moving and didn't want the dog anymore, and the dog has never been trained. Further, he was a little on the malnourished side. Needless to say, I took him before they could say no. And here begins me current issues..

After I brought him home I gave him a bath/brushing. He went from being a pure "tan" color to a light red and white--pretty. My bathtub was black. :/ But, his coat is still extremely matted, and brittle with no luster. Question one: What is the best way to go about rehabilitating his coat?

I had no idea what he was eating, so I started him on the same I feed my other husky. But before I fed him his stool was pure black and tar like. I have never seen this before and don't know if I should be worried. Further, I have fed him quite a bit of food and he has yet to poop again. Question two: Do I worry? Will the tar go away with a proper diet? When will he poop?!

He has been getting a white discharge in his right eye. I first noticed it this morning when it was covering half of his eye. I've never seen this in my other husky. Question three: What could this be?

Anywho, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi and :welcome: - well done for rescuing the poor boy!

I would bet that he badly needs to be dewormed - parasites could cause blood in the intestinal tract, which could cause a black, tar-like stool. With proper feeding and return to good health (I would guess he probably needs vaccinating, too), his stools should become normal. Sometimes when they're stressed, they won't poop for a while, and he might not have had much in his system to poop out, poor guy!

There is nothing you can really do for the coat he currently has. Once again, as you feed him better food than he's apparently been getting, he'll lose the old coat and get a beautiful new one - warm baths and continued brushing should help to get it out. He probably has an eye infection. Wipe the area from the inside corner of his eye with something soft, moistened in warm water. I'd see if I could get antibiotic eye drops for him from your vet... Eye infections can be serious.

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Well done for taking in a welfare dog

defo a good dose of wormer (vet grade) is defo necessary.

My welfare boy had quite a course coat, moving over to 50% raw diet and 50% good quality kibble (not at the same meal time tho) has made a massive difference to his coat. i also add some salmon fish oil and that has also helped. his coat has transformed. it did take a few months.

white discharge could be an eye infection but equally mine get a little of this if treats are given (stop treats and no more discharge). i've put it down to the &*%£ which is in treats.

good luck

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dont be tempted to shave the poor guy!

have you tried combing with conditioner on him,not sure if it will help but worth a try

and maybe just gentle teasing of the matts you might be able to loosen a lot,if he's not been cared for properly there is probably a lot of loose fur from him blowing so it may well tease out!

well done you,its going to be a long job and i would do it over a few days so he doesn't get too stressed,bless him.

lets have some pics:D

i'm sure he is gorgeous anyway,and then afterwards he'll look like a little prince.

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Hi, Mac, well done on saving the poor guy. You have had great advice here & as Tan said, you won't get the knots & matting out overnight, it will take time. Feed him tinned fish in sunflower oil, it will do him & his coat good. Mix it with whatever food you decide to feed him. Please let us know how you get on with the poor guy & let us see some pics of your new addition :D

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1. please post pics :P

2. listen to sutsibe, she nailed it on the head

3. for the coat you can try feeding him raw egg (1 every two weeks) and brush him frequently.

4. if possible, you can try feeding him raw meat only after he has been dewormed, it will speed up his recovery

thanks for rescuing him

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That's him after a bit of bathing and brushing. Wish I took a pic when I first got him to see the difference, but just imagine him completely tan. Even his red hue was covered. I've gotten most of the matting out but the neck and head area is still giving me problems. Now just to house break him. Lol


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Aw! Handsome boy! Continual brushing will help, you can add some fish oil (I use human grade capsules... same thing but cheaper) with lots of Omega-3 as well as vitamin E capsules to his food.

As for housebreaking... i'm sure he's marking isn't he? There's a thing called belly bands that work well. http://www.bellybands.net/

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Welcome to the pac Mac, he is GORGEOUS!!!!!! Good on you for taking the poor boy on :-) it is really heartwarming that you've taken him in and are helping him, I'm sure he will reward you ten fold :-)

Dexter's fur was very very matter and i used some conditioner on human comb and sat with him on my knee teasing the knots and tangles out.....and then just bath him as normal afterwards

Good Luck


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You could try a spray-in detangler made for children, to try to loosen up the mats. There's also a grooming tool made specifically for getting mats out - it has long, curved blades that cut the mats in the direction of the fur growth (so it does the least damage to the coat and looks - and probably feels - most natural). They look like these:



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have you picked a name for him yet?

His name is Rocky as of now. I'm going to rename him but haven't picked out a name yet. I'm leaning to using another Russian word as a name. For instance, my other husky is named Koshka. (I know someones gonna give me grief over the meaning. :P)


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