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Irresponsible dog owners

Neil Sletten

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I must vent...

My wife, Pam and I built our new home little over 4 years ago. The first people in a new little sub-division outside the city limits. Today there are 9 other homes here and we all have about 2 acres of land per lot. Just about all of us have dogs of all sizes. At least four of us have either fenced in yards or very well trained inside dogs that do not leave the yard without one of us. Two of our neighbors have large dogs one is a black lab the other I'm not real certain but looks like a retriever of some kind. Both are beautiful and friendly dogs BUT they have always been outside, never been taught anything by their owners and are allowed to roam freely.

Because of this my outside cat's food dish is always empty and on occasion disappears altogether for parts unknown. There is a Great Pyrenees that also free ranges our neighborhood at night too. This dog has been trouble since we've moved into our house. Back to my venting... My neighbors with the a fore mentioned dogs always seem to find excuses that their dogs could do no wrong but blame it on the GP and even when their dog is caught in the act of mischievous behavior it's always "well my dog wouldn't do that alone...it had to be following the lead of the GP"

Yesterday morning about 7am Pam saw both of the neighbors dogs side by side tearing into our trash that was waiting for pick up. I was already at work 200 miles from home by the time I got a text message informing me of this. I had no more choices. I had talked with my neighbors over this same issue numerous times and asked them to keep their dogs in their yards. They never listened or heeded my warnings that I WILL take action. Missouri state law authorizes any land owner to protect persons, property and or livestock from damage, destruction or injury or the threat of damage, destruction or injury from any animal by any means necessary. But we also have state laws on animal neglect & abuse...part of that law says it's the responsibility of the animal owner to maintain control of their animals and keep them on their property at all times unless transporting...

Being a sergeant with the sheriff's office I could use my authority to enforce the law on my neighbors but then again I have to live here too but my "being a good neighbor" wasn't working. I called my Captain and he spoke with my neighbors and advised them to keep the dogs on their properties...but he told me on the phone if they come back onto my property...kill them... By law I'm well within my rights to do so but again I have to live here. BUT the owner of the black lab claims now that another neighbor or I have poisoned his dog according to his vet but he was saved in time. I saw the neighbor's wife this evening and she asked if we'd had anymore issues with the dogs (never have been contained and still running loose even after being told by my Captain) and she continued to say "somebody tried to poison our dog". Me being me...I very bluntly and leaving it with no question in her mind what I meant - stated... "Leslie, I would NEVER poison your or any others dog. If I wanted your dog dead, I would have shot it two years ago but that's not at all what I want to do"

I'm dealing with people that have no business owning dogs. They have No interaction with them other than putting out food and water for them. I think I'm going to have to do what I've been avoiding so desperately hard for the past two years. My name is already Mudd with them, since yesterday and "calling the law on them" I may as well take care of business the next time I find them on my property... I really don't want too but they have made the decision for me. :banghead:

The moral of this long story...Be a good neighbor. Keep your dogs in your yard and maintain control of them. Love your pets. Train them. Keep them close and don't let them free roam into my yard because I highly doubt you can run faster then 1,500+ feet per second. And the last one...if you wish to be a good neighbor never get into law enforcement...


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Bad dog owners make bad neighbors - you're right! I assume there aren't farms with livestock very near your subdivision? I know that if my guys got loose, some of the farmers around would shoot first and ask questions later... Justifiably so, as that's their livelihood! Is there animal control in your town that would pick up loose dogs? A fine (or a series of them!) can sometimes change a person's mind about the advisability of letting their dog(s) run loose! Hope that you can find a solution soon!

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Would you have to pay a fine if you didnt shoot to kill? Maybe like giving warning shots to scare them away. Or a bebe gun and shoot them.

An tell the owner that if her dog was poisoned, its her own damn fault for not keeping the dog properly contained.

Or just take them in and see if they are scanned (which I highly doubt), and if they are not, take them to an animal shelter of your choice and say you found them as strays. Then prey the owner doesnt go looking for them and get them back.

I dont know. I can understand your frustration but I would try saving shoot to kill for last.

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what a bizarre story insofar as i cant comprehend anyone letting their dog just wander around loose, i cant really say i've known anyone do it in the places in england that i have lived. I live in a tiny mid terrace house with a miniscule yard not far from busy roads. Having said that I went on a walk last weekend and we passed a farm where two poodles came out and sniffed the bird. they were loose but stayed in their yard until we appeared. not causing a prob to any neighbours.. I do hope this gets sorted, especially without the need for drastic ation.

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Would hope you didn't resort to shooting them as it's not the dogs fault it's the owners....And dropping the dogs off at a shelter may result in the same ending...

I'd call council or whoever deals with things like this and have the people fined...and then the council may take the dogs off them if they continue to let them run loose.

Good luck..hope theres a happyish ending =D

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What do other neighbours think of it? Given the fact that someone tried to poison them (if it's true?) I think you're not the only one having trouble with their dogs... Although IMO poisoning is never good, no mater in what situation you are.

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I'd go with the others that say to try contacting the SPCA before shooting them. Thankfully I live in Canada where you aren't allowed to just go around shooting stuff (people included) if they go onto your property- I heard that's a real problem in the states.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the urgency of the situation, but PLEASE consider something other than shooting the dogs. Contact the SPCA.

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I can maintain the appropriate line of continuing to press the issue of having the neighbors prosecuted for animal neglect. Then it will be up to the state and the county judge to figure out fines and fees but that may take weeks or months. We have no animal control outside of the city limits so it's a matter of trying to work it out with the neighbor and try to appeal to them into being responsible dog owners; continue to call the sheriff's office and have them cited for animal neglect or take care of protecting my property etc by whatever means necessary. It's not unusual for dogs to run loose and it's not unusual for the animal to be destroyed because their owners are ???? for lack of better terms...morons. I'm not saying we country dwellin' folk are all gun crazy animal shootin' folks...but I don't intrude via my dogs onto my neighbors yard to tear it up and expect them to just let it slide without reprisal.

I wish I had an easy way to make them to disappear without harm but then I'm committing a crime of stealing. I could shoot and wound the animal and then I can be charged with animal abuse and cruelty. I'd like to record them, by any way I can but we are generally not home long enough to catch them in the act. The GP usually roams after dark and most issues happen after sun up when the other two are roaming. To add insult to injury, for me, is the fact that I've missed multiple opportunities to rid the neighborhood of the GP. I had been ignoring it until it ran the neighbor lady and her 5 year old daughter back across their yard to their house. It was after them and not to lick them. It's been my mission to make sure it doesn't happen again but now this same lady is angry with me for her dog tearing up my trash and being a nuisance...the same lady that called my work to make a report of that GP attacking her and her daughter... et tu brute' its ok for her to call and complain about a neighborhood dog but it's not ok for the cop next door to do it against hers...:wtf:

I wish ya'll could experience my dilemma from my perspective...

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This has to be a frustrating situation...

and this boys and girls is why as soon as your neighbor starts being an annoying bother you must bring it to their attention...people sometimes have difficulty seeing how the rules and expectations they demand of other people actually apply to them. It's silly and its ridiculous...but it's also why I've given up on subtleties in general as a means of communicating with virtual strangers. You just can't guarantee that they have the same ability to comprehend things as you do. I know that sounds harsh but...eh harsh is life and realistically if you look at things that way you tend to be pleasantly surprised more often than you are tragically disappointed.

IF animal control/the city isn't going to pick them up...and the neighbors aren't going to take responsibility for their animals I don't see this ending well. They're going to get hit by a car, shot, contract some communicable disease, or worse...because there's a history of attempted aggression towards a small child and an elderly woman by at least one of the dogs...I may not win points for this but to be quite frank I have to put the safety and well being of small children who haven't begun to live life....before animals in all circumstances.

Difficult situation...difficult place to be...I do not envy you at all.

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I have to agree with you Ms Stephanie...this is not going to end well. I have four grandsons, 2 years and under, and their safety as well as the all the neighbors' children have been at the forefront on my mind in regards to the Great Pyrenees that ran my neighbor and her daughter across their yard. The other two dogs aren't or haven't displayed any aggression towards any person or other animals (that I've noticed). If they had they would not be causing anymore problems, guaranteed.

Ms Kristina...I had thought about purchasing some rubber buckshot rounds for my shotgun but that leaves too much room for error. I'm generally better off to use a .22 caliber rifle or one of my pistols with fragmenting bullets. This may sound cold and heartless but by using that type of ammunition I have a high success of killing the animal without the risk of the bullet passing strait through and hitting something / somebody else. And it will be one shot and extremely quick. No suffering except to me for having to do it. If it's in the case of the aggressive GP, I wont loose sleep over it, because I know I may have just kept the neighbors' children or one of my grandsons from being mauled.

Good...it's raining...looks like mother nature has foiled my wife's plans to work me like a slave today....LOL

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How far away are the city limits? I'd pack them up in my car and take them to the shelter and say I found them within the city. I've dropped off a dog at the shelter before and they didn't even ask were I found it. I tried to call the owners only to have them call me right after I left the dog. Went back to try and get it, but even though it had only been there 5 mins, I'd have to pay a $100 fine to get it back! So felt kind of bad for that, having the owners have to drive and pay to get their dog back (but not so much when I found it loose again a week later!). So you could at least get them with a fine that way.

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Good point Ms Stephanie... and she did find other things to do.... poop

Ms Sara, It crossed my mind but then I very likely will get my butt in the wringer for stealing and animal which could be a felony in this great state... So, no I'm not touching them or at least until I put them in a wheel barrel to dispose of their carcases... :confused: But I'm still trying to avoid it...

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Taking them to a no kill shelter wouldnt be stealing. It would possibly saving 2 innocent dogs lives. Saying you found them as strays would only be a small stretch of the truth. The neigbor obviosly doesnt watch them enough for them to know where they could have gone.

They may even get another dog that will do the same. There is probably a legal corse of action you can take other than excersizing your right to shoot those dogs and any new dogs they might get.

Im sorry. I understand this must be very frustrating, but im sure there is other ways to go about it if you dig deep enough.

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Yes things are a bit fouled up with something that one would consider trivial. The killing of animals, more so dogs, is a way for farmers & ranchers to keep from having their livestock killed or maimed but it does apply to all other persons living in the rural areas too. I've had to do it before and was over my cat being attacked by a stray dog. Hadn't seen it before and one day poof it was here and then attacked my cat. I attempted to run it off of my property but it maintained its pursuit of my cat and left me with no other option. One shot...DRT (dead right there) No I'm not making light of it but I did what I had to to save my pet. There are so many people that just dump their dogs and cats on country roads because they don't have the means to care for them themselves and aren't smart enough to take them to shelters or a local market with a "free to a good home" sign. The cats do their thing but the dogs sometimes end up in wild packs and wreak havoc on livestock.

I know...you're thinking Uff Da!

Here's something for to dwell on too... There are still a bunch of folks in my area that still have bad feelings against the US government for losing a war to them back in 1865 ;)... And I'm still called a "Damn Yankee" because I was born & raised in the North in rural Minnesota... lol *Sigh* I digress

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I'm a bit concerned that shooting these dogs is even under consideration. The fact that you are in law enforcement, serves to underscre that concern.

You do realize, that taking such action may subjecr you to civil litigation? I hope it does not come to that.

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can't you or anyone of your peers give them a ticket/citation for endangering the lives of people? you can even run it down the line of negligence if the dogs have ever barked at someone. Personally, I would be scared sh%%less if i saw a GP run around freely, because if not properly socialized they will be aggressive, and that breed is very scary in size.

I doubt animal control will do anything, as they only respond quickly to extreme cases where human lives or extreme animal abused is involved.

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Kissu & Aara: There is another way to resolve it but it goes through the court system and can take weeks or months to resolve it. In the mean time, the owners, who have already ignored a lawful order by my Captain with the county sheriff's office, will continue to not keep their dogs contained on their property. Now I could report it everyday, to the sheriff's office, until the humane society is contacted and confiscates their dogs but again that will likely take weeks. If every neighbor that has them tearing up their trash, yards, flower beds etc would call on a regular basis then it may go faster but I cannot go and ask them to do that since that could come back on me as a form of entrapment. I'm trying to resolve this asa a neighbor and not as a deputy sheriff... I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place...:banghead:

The GP does not belong in the neighborhood...not sure where it comes from. Both of the neighbors have lab / retriever type dogs.

No such thing as animal control in the country...that's why there is a state statute saying any animal doing or attempting to do damage, harm, etc can be disposed of by any means. I've been sued before but if I follow the law I'm covered and am doing so. If it comes to killing the dogs, which is a last resort, I only have two "windows" of opportunity with safe backstops if a round misses of goes through the target.

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