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Greetings freom Terlingua, Texas

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Well, I've been commenting for a couple of days now so figure it's time to introduce Misty (my sibe), Rusty & Dusty my mixed breed brother and sister and myself.

Misty's a roughly 2 1/2 years old pound rescue. I figure she ran once too often and the owners gave up on her.

Rusty and Dusty came compliments of a pregnant mother I picked up at the pound as a companion for Misty (she had 7 pups of which I kept 2) also had an interest from another owner for her (oddly she was not a social dog!)

Me, I'm a retired programmer / truck driver (mid life crisis and all that) who retired to the Big Bend area of Texas - that's also the northern end of the Chihuahan desert so it gets a bit warm out here.

One of the great things I've seen on this forum is that there is no criticism of the way others live with their friends. Since I'm living in an area with a pop density of about 1 person per 3 square miles, Misty gets to run at will and I have pictures some hikers took of her about 8 miles away from home! She does know where home is and generally makes it home before it gets hot again.

I'll post up a few more pictures of her and crowd and a couple of the area where I live, but first have to do a bit of cropping / shrinking.

So, thanks for having us, thanks to the mods for having such a user friendly forum; hope that I, with some of my odd ideas (since I'm owned by a sibe) don't irritate too many people.


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Okay, as promised - some pics:

Misty at home (she's laying beside my recliner)


My Pack:

Dusty, in black; Rusty, being chewed on; Misty in front. Yes she's off leash, the 100' rope is what I use when I have to leave the house, they hide under the porch or trailer and there's water for them on the porch.


and my backyard


and one of my favorites (no she wasn't being choked, she'd just started to jump up on the friend holding her! :) )


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Welcome to the BEST husky forum in the WORLD :)

great pics. . .wow what a back yard.

Misty is so lucky to be able to roam free.

My guys are so envious. :(

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Thanks Andy, figured I'd better show where we live, since I seriously do understand the nature of the Husky. Misty is indeed lucky to be living here (and so am I, I love it!). Before we moved here we lived south of Houston and I had a few scares when she played Houdini - thankfully she ended up at a neighbors who had dogs, she just wanted company.

Here, she's been gone as long as 36 hours (causing some minor <hah!> concern) but she's found water out there somewhere - she occasionally comes back soaked to her belly. The longer we live here, the less concerned I am about her getting lost and she does outweigh most of the other predators so, while I won't say I'm not concerned, I do become less so as time goes on.

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Hi Al, welcome to the Pack. Great photos. Now if you lived in a city, and were letting Misty run loose, you'd have a whole lot of us Husky owners coming to the aid of Misty, explaining the pitfalls to you. But I think you've done an excellent job in describing your environment and the conditions of the area. So instead, you have our envy. Again, welcome. Enjoy the forum, and whenever you have more pics to share, we'd love to see them.

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<< chuckling >>

Thanks for the welcome Dave!

Having lived outside Houston before coming here, I'm all too well aware of those pitfalls -- that's part of the reason that I took the time to explain where we live. I have to go into town today and she'll try to follow if she's loose, so she's on leash today and letting me know how unhappy she is about that!!

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Hi Al and welcome. You are so lucky. If it was me I would be worried about by dog too much to even breathe if they were so much as out of my sight but you seem chilled about it.

Pics are lovely.

More please.......................

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ok - just found the next husky owners camp site!!! :up: lol

Welcome to the pack - GREAT pics :D

Well, TBF only 5 acres of that is mine but I'm sure I can find friends so we can all get into a good camp. Just not right now, other than being a bit on the warm side, we haven't had any rain since last October and we're bone dry - under an ABSOLUTE burn ban.

Seriously, if you all want to make a trip into Texas' Big Bend region for a Husky camp just talk it up. (( Terlingua in October = International Chili Cook-Off, a great time to be had by all [note that every sheriff, state trooper, county mounty, border patrol and ICE agent are also in attendance!] ))

Took Misty out to Aqua Fria swimming hole today, have a friends grandson coming in next month and wanted to locate it before he got here. Of course the battery on my phone was down and couldn't get pic's. And they would have been some great pics! And FWIW, Aqua - a little; Fria - not a bit!!

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heeey welcome to the forum ^0^ Cute dogs you have there =D more pics please LOL

and btw... I like the name "Misty" :P If I have a female dog one day, I will definitely call her Misty =D too bad a second dog won't come to my life anytime soon =\

it's good to know that you enjoyed it here =) any questions just shout up, 'kay? People will always be glad to help :D

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She's beautiful Al!:heartbeat:

Today we(Lubbock area) got up to about 105 or so. Cooler than yesterday!:rolleyes: Has your area seen rain lately?

Looks like we hit a high of 108 but they say the next few days are supposed to be in the 90s - a blasted cold spell to start off July!

uh, rain, now I know I've heard that word somewhere; rain .... << googling >> oh, RAIN now I know what you mean, no we haven't seen any of that since last October, or was it August ... it's been a long, long, long time!!!

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Looks like we hit a high of 108 but they say the next few days are supposed to be in the 90s - a blasted cold spell to start off July!

uh, rain, now I know I've heard that word somewhere; rain .... << googling >> oh, RAIN now I know what you mean, no we haven't seen any of that since last October, or was it August ... it's been a long, long, long time!!!

LOL, a couple of weeks back it sprinkled here for 5 minutes...literally.:rolleyes: I walked outside to see numerous people on their balcony/front porch area looking at the rain as if they had never seen it before.:jawdrop:

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Hi Al and welcome to the Forum. I am envious of the backyard.

I saw a program on Animal Planet - I think it was Breeds 101 or something like that. Where a husky escaped the owner while on a pit stop and took off into the desert - which looks exactly like where you are. If I am not mistaken it took the husky 7 days to find its way back into town and was greeted like a hero returning from war. It was an amazing story, the owner was obviously soooo relieved, but I would so love to know how she survived the trek and hear the stories of her epic journey home.

Look forward to seeing lots more pics of your pack.

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