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Hello! We just recently got our 6 week old sibe. I know it's only been 3 days, but I thought that puppies are supposed to be peeing and pooping about every 1-3 hours. Ours pees only a couple times throughout the day and poos only in the middle of the night or very early morning. We've been feeding him 3 times a day with Diamond Puppy food, which the breeder gave us. When he poops, he poops several times within the hour. And he pees a whole lot during that same time. Also, his poop comes out really soft. Is this normal?

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6 weeks is awfully young. It takes them time for their tummies to settle. especially at that extra young age. It may have been only 3 days but you are obviously worried so dont worry about posting here. This is what the forum is for.

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there are a few issues here,the breeder really shouldn't have let him go just yet!

really he should be fed 4 times a day at such a young age

and how much are you giving him?,he will only need a little bit and maybe softened with some water.

is his worming up to date?

also you have to remember he will be feeling a little stressed at losing his mum and litter mates too,this can affect his poops(as will over-feeding)

my pup use to pee/poop after every meal/play and sleep and pee'd probably every hr or so too!

good luck with him and do let us know how you get on

there is always some1 to help and advise you:D

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i know its too late now, but puppy should still be with mum and litter mates - they learn so much from each other at this crucial age. however its too late now. check the ingredients you are feeding (they dont do well with fillers such as wheat) and check the amounts. the slightest overfeeding will cause poop to be sloppy. when my pup was first home i took him out in the garden at least every hour

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Yes, he was supposed to stay with his mom till 8 weeks as planned, but the breeder told us that the mom was getting aggressive with them, so she sent the whole litter to their homes at 6 weeks. We're feeding him according to what the breeder told us - 3 times a day, 3/4 cup each meal. And the breeder also gave us a syringe for worming - she told us to give 1 cc once a day for 3 days, which we already did for 2 days. She also gave us a bag of puppy food in a ziploc bag, so I'm not sure what the ingredients are. I will definitely look it up, though. He did get his first shots already too. So, he's pretty much up to date with everything. So maybe I should feed less for 4 times a day? And it definitely could be the stress being without mommy.

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sorry but that is a 'typical' story which so called breeders give to justify their stupid and selfish actions. pups should still be together they learn so much, behaviour which may not come out til pup is much older.

if you know what food it is then look it up online as to the ingredients/recommended amounts and go from there. also are you soaking the food? i would feed pup food and then weigh the next meal out and soak with some water. i did this until pup was around 4-5mths and then gradually added less water adn reduced the amount of time it was soaking for.

be careful with any treats too as this will be 'added' to the amount of food he's having and tip him over the edge of the amount he should have - again resulting in sloppy poop.

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With pups this young I would generally feed 5-6 times a day in very small amounts. So a sibe pup of 6 weeks would probably be on 15grams of soaked puppy food x 5. I would also subsitute with some whelpie/lactol so that he is still geting the correct nutrients.

As @husky princess mentioned I wouldn't give any extra treats as that wil only upset the pups stomach.

As the pup has an upset stomach already I would reccomend getting some prokolin from your vets/local chemist to help.

What wormer are you using? Sometimes they can cause stomach upsets. Do you know if its the pups first set of worming treatment and at 6 week he will have only had part of his vaccination, he will still need the 2nd part which cant be done for at least another 2 weeks, some vets wont even do the 2nd part until they are 10 weeks old.

Keep an eye on the urination. It might be that he is drinking too much because he isn't fully weaned and wants the comfort of mums milk. He will poop lots, normally one poo per meal but sometimes two poos or more if he is being fed too much.

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I see...and no I haven't been soaking his food in water. I'll be doing that from now on and will feed him less amount of food for 4 -5 times a day. Since the breeder has been feeding him 3 times a day since 4 weeks old, I'm probably just gonna change it to 4 times a day so as not to make too much of a change for him. And I just researched the recommended amount to be fed each day, and it said 1 1/4 - 1 3/4 a day for 6 - 11 weeks. And he has been fed 3/4 cup 3 times a day! This explains why he's so much bigger than normal 6-week-olds.... -___-. Wow, I'm so glad I found out about it before it's too late and he gets overweight. Thank you so much everyone! Oh, and his urine looks normal - the normal yellow color with the normal scent. And I'm not sure what the wormer brand is. The breeder just told us that she got it from the vet. And no, we haven't been giving him any treats yet. I'm waiting until 8 weeks when we start formally training him.

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hi Katelyn

re the vets

did you have to travel far for him,just wondered if you will be using the same vets

or at least you could ring the vets the breeder used and ask about the wormer

you will also need to know what vax he's had because some vets use different ones,which would deem the one he has already had useless and you will have to start again

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Is the wormer a yellow, slightly thick liquid? I would guess it's Pyrantel Pamoate - it's most often used to deworm puppies here in the US. Can cause a little loose stool, but usually firms up fairly quickly. Add in stress of going to his new home, leaving mom, sibs and familiar place, plus too much food - not surprising he's got a lot of rather soft poop!

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Our Sasha turned 8 weeks old yesterday and we got her just before she was 5 weeks old. Welcome to our world! Sasha pees very frequently and generally makes tootsie rolls 2x to 3x a day. She is catching on to being asked to go potty but we still have puddles to contend with often. The first week of having her I'd have to take her out in the middle of the night to do her thing. She generally will make a blood curdling screeching yap when she has to poo and poo NOW, if it's night time. So far, including this evening we have only had 5 pooping accidents in the house and 2 in the crate. Most of the recent have been a change in our schedule and a change in her food.

I'm hoping Sasha will be house broke soon but I'm not holding my breath either. Just get into a tight routine and keep working with your lil fluff ball. Saturday morning was one of her crate accidents. As I was cleaning the floor of the crate she had to inspect my work by stepping in front of me. I'm a tubby feller and don't fold as easily as I use to, as I tried to get her out of the way, I told her Sasha No Back and when I moved my right arm to brace myself and move her I pinched her right front leg between my arm and the edge of the crate. She let me know in short order that hurt and I stopped and moved my arm and her. I told her I was sorry and gave her a hug and kiss. I set her down out of the way and no more got back to cleaning and she squatted and peed right next to me. I think somebody was mad at me!!! That's about the third time I had her possibly be mad at me and do that...

:whip: Who's training WHO here?! :shrug:Something to watch for....

Hang tough and keep working with your puppy...it'll all come out in the end...Take that as you might

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hi Katelyn

re the vets

did you have to travel far for him,just wondered if you will be using the same vets

or at least you could ring the vets the breeder used and ask about the wormer

you will also need to know what vax he's had because some vets use different ones,which would deem the one he has already had useless and you will have to start again

Well, he was about an hour and a half away, so we're most likely going to use a different vet located more locally. But I actually am planning on calling him today to see what brand it is. As for the shots, the breeder did give me the paperwork from his first vet visit, and so far he has had the shots for parvovirus and coronavirus, and we're planning to have his other shots every 3 weeks.

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Is the wormer a yellow, slightly thick liquid? I would guess it's Pyrantel Pamoate - it's most often used to deworm puppies here in the US. Can cause a little loose stool, but usually firms up fairly quickly. Add in stress of going to his new home, leaving mom, sibs and familiar place, plus too much food - not surprising he's got a lot of rather soft poop!

Yes, the wormer was a white-yellowish thick liquid, so it just might be that. And actually, his poop is starting to be less soft. So, I'm hoping that he's starting to settle in. =]

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And for Neil,

Wow, 5 weeks old is young! Thank you for sharing your experience with me. :) Yup, potty training is definitely proving to be hard, but my husband and I are up to the challenges we are and will be facing, even though we're probably gonna be ending up like this > :arghh: < hahaha! But just like everyone else, it's definitely worth it in the end :D. Oh, and we're also going through the night time poos and pees and he will NOT STOP howling and crying until we let him out. I really am not sure if we're supposed to let him out or if we're supposed to ignore it... we've actually been letting him out so that he can do his business, but we're worried that he will get used to it and make it part of his routine. I'm hoping it's just temporary because he's still a baby. And as for the cleanup, I've heard different things - that you shouldn't clean up in front of the pup or he might think that you are "playing" with the poo/pee, but some say that you should clean it up in front of the pup. So, I'm doing my own experiments - I've cleaned up in front of him and he goes up to me and starts playing. Then when I clean up when he's not around, he seems to forget where he made the accident and pees/poops somewhere else. He's definitely making many accidents, but he's starting to know where to do his business. So for me, I think I'm gonna keep cleaning up when he's not around.

Good luck with Sasha and hope things are going well for you! :D

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And for Neil,

Wow, 5 weeks old is young! Thank you for sharing your experience with me. :) Yup, potty training is definitely proving to be hard, but my husband and I are up to the challenges we are and will be facing, even though we're probably gonna be ending up like this > :arghh: < hahaha! But just like everyone else, it's definitely worth it in the end :D. Oh, and we're also going through the night time poos and pees and he will NOT STOP howling and crying until we let him out. I really am not sure if we're supposed to let him out or if we're supposed to ignore it... we've actually been letting him out so that he can do his business, but we're worried that he will get used to it and make it part of his routine. I'm hoping it's just temporary because he's still a baby. And as for the cleanup, I've heard different things - that you shouldn't clean up in front of the pup or he might think that you are "playing" with the poo/pee, but some say that you should clean it up in front of the pup. So, I'm doing my own experiments - I've cleaned up in front of him and he goes up to me and starts playing. Then when I clean up when he's not around, he seems to forget where he made the accident and pees/poops somewhere else. He's definitely making many accidents, but he's starting to know where to do his business. So for me, I think I'm gonna keep cleaning up when he's not around. You might want to experiment also and see what works. =]

Good luck with Sasha and hope things are going well for you! :D

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We got Mystic at 6weeks also, I found potty training her to be unusually easy. Night time "i gotta go" consisted of a tongue to the ear and a nose nibble. At this age tho you gotta make sure you play with your wee on like a puppy. We would get on all 4's with Mystic and act like a puppy playing with her. If she started to bite hard we would gently bite the tip of her ear and if she would bite harder, so would we. Puppies learn how to play at that age and without the other pups this is going to be all on you.

And GRATS on your new pup :lovebone:

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I was told by a former police K9 trainer to make certain to always take pups out about 15 to 20 min after they eat or drink and to always take them to the same exact spot in the yard to do their business. Between that and always stating time to go potty it has always seemed to pay off for us. Tonight again, Pam announced Sasha Go Potty and zip to the door she went...literally and physically... "A" for effort tonight! She got to the door but the wife was slow at getting the lead hooked and oops, but you could see the light bulb flicker and Sasha stopped watering the rug and wanted out quick fast in a hurry to finish what she started. I'd have to say I've had easier pups to train but we kind of had to start early with this one and it's been a bit more of a challenge.

He also said never take them out of their crates if they are protesting etc, because then they associate it with getting you to do something for them. Those nights Sasha started in with the noise I had a gut suspicion she needed to go. That's the only time I've taken her out while yapping and screaming to get out.

I aint no pro but I've had very good luck using this method. It's just very routine.

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Our Sasha turned 8 weeks old yesterday and we got her just before she was 5 weeks old. Welcome to our world! Sasha pees very frequently and generally makes tootsie rolls 2x to 3x a day. She is catching on to being asked to go potty but we still have puddles to contend with often. The first week of having her I'd have to take her out in the middle of the night to do her thing. She generally will make a blood curdling screeching yap when she has to poo and poo NOW, if it's night time. So far, including this evening we have only had 5 pooping accidents in the house and 2 in the crate. Most of the recent have been a change in our schedule and a change in her food.

I'm hoping Sasha will be house broke soon but I'm not holding my breath either. Just get into a tight routine and keep working with your lil fluff ball. Saturday morning was one of her crate accidents. As I was cleaning the floor of the crate she had to inspect my work by stepping in front of me. I'm a tubby feller and don't fold as easily as I use to, as I tried to get her out of the way, I told her Sasha No Back and when I moved my right arm to brace myself and move her I pinched her right front leg between my arm and the edge of the crate. She let me know in short order that hurt and I stopped and moved my arm and her. I told her I was sorry and gave her a hug and kiss. I set her down out of the way and no more got back to cleaning and she squatted and peed right next to me. I think somebody was mad at me!!! That's about the third time I had her possibly be mad at me and do that...

:whip: Who's training WHO here?! :shrug:Something to watch for....

Hang tough and keep working with your puppy...it'll all come out in the end...Take that as you might

WHAT?????? 5 weeks?? what was the breeders excuse for that? I'm sorry but thats disgraceful and awful. P.s. loving the term tootsie rolls!!!!!!! we call it logging at home!!!! :)

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We got Mystic at 6weeks also, I found potty training her to be unusually easy. Night time "i gotta go" consisted of a tongue to the ear and a nose nibble. At this age tho you gotta make sure you play with your wee on like a puppy. We would get on all 4's with Mystic and act like a puppy playing with her. If she started to bite hard we would gently bite the tip of her ear and if she would bite harder, so would we. Puppies learn how to play at that age and without the other pups this is going to be all on you.

And GRATS on your new pup :lovebone:

Oh ok! We actually didn't know about the whole play thing, but my husband has been doing the "all 4's" play with him often and the ear biting as well. I'm gonna be doing it with him as well too, but I'm usually the one who's cleaning up -___- hehe! Potty training inside is definitely proving to be difficult because Taz was left outside while he was with the breeder, so he's already used to doing his business outside. The pads aren't working so great. Well, one more week and we'll be able to take him outside since we'll be able to put frontline on him to protect him from fleas.

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I was told by a former police K9 trainer to make certain to always take pups out about 15 to 20 min after they eat or drink and to always take them to the same exact spot in the yard to do their business. Between that and always stating time to go potty it has always seemed to pay off for us. Tonight again, Pam announced Sasha Go Potty and zip to the door she went...literally and physically... "A" for effort tonight! She got to the door but the wife was slow at getting the lead hooked and oops, but you could see the light bulb flicker and Sasha stopped watering the rug and wanted out quick fast in a hurry to finish what she started. I'd have to say I've had easier pups to train but we kind of had to start early with this one and it's been a bit more of a challenge.

He also said never take them out of their crates if they are protesting etc, because then they associate it with getting you to do something for them. Those nights Sasha started in with the noise I had a gut suspicion she needed to go. That's the only time I've taken her out while yapping and screaming to get out.

I aint no pro but I've had very good luck using this method. It's just very routine.

Thanks for the tips! :)

Yup, we're definitely trying to set up a routine for him, and he seems to be getting used to it now. My husband and I actually had our first night's sleep with him...he did whimper a few times throughout the night, but he went right back to sleep. We checked to see if he made any accidents in his crate, but nothing! We were so happy. I think he's finally settling in! :D

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your pup needs to develop a trust and bond, by bitiing its ear is going to confuse this. your are not a dog and trying to replicate this will be confusing for the pup. a dog within a pack does it as with it are many many other non verbal body behaviours leading up to it. this you cant and dont do as your not a dog.

just ignoring when they bite will work

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your pup needs to develop a trust and bond, by bitiing its ear is going to confuse this. your are not a dog and trying to replicate this will be confusing for the pup. a dog within a pack does it as with it are many many other non verbal body behaviours leading up to it. this you cant and dont do as your not a dog.

just ignoring when they bite will work

omg who said to bite its ear? EDIT: found it. :redface1:

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