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1st session of Pull training


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So today I wanted to start teaching Kita to pull.

So I attached her lead to my little brothers bike (I use my little brothers bike, as its small, light and I can easily control) The idea being not for her to pull (as shes abit young to be pulling to much weight) But to be infront of my on the bike, basically simulating pulling.

I had very limited success, She didn't really seem to want to be infront, Every bush or blade of grass she stopped to sniff. I tried getting her going, But she just wouldn't stay infront.

There was a brief 2 minute window where she was infront at a steady pace, where I was giving constant praise, But it didn't seem to help.

She doesn't really pull on walks either, unless she sees another dog or another dog we walk with is infront.

Is there any advice you can give me to make her want to go infront / pull, Preferably exercises / techniques I can do on my own with her.

Thanks very much.


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You could find something like a small tire or something else light, but with a little bit of drag. Use a harness (I assume that you were already), and have her get used to pulling the object while you are either up front with her (with her on leash, as well), so that she gets used to the idea of dragging a little weight behind her. As she builds up confidence (give loads of praise, and try to get her excited about running with it a little bit, here and there - that may lead to her being a little ahead of you), hopefully she'll gradually move ahead of you, and you can drop back to where she IS out ahead and pulling. You can also work on directional training - gee/haw/line out/let's go!/ whoa...

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Ahhh That sounds good! will definitley try that!

Yeah I've been trying the commands just on walking aswell, I think she's getting it, slowly but surely ;).

"on By" is the biggest one I need to teach her I think ^_^

Thanks Gigi, Much appreciated :D

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Ahhh That sounds good! will definitley try that!

Yeah I've been trying the commands just on walking aswell, I think she's getting it, slowly but surely ;).

"on By" is the biggest one I need to teach her I think ^_^

Thanks Gigi, Much appreciated :D

Quite welcome - a friend who mushes her Sibes in Alaska gave me that tip!

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how old is she? A single dog shouldnt really be encouraged to pull a significant weight until older - 12 mths or so but that does depend on each dog. storm hates running as a single dog but loves it as a duo. he just hasnt the confidence to run on his own.

the best way for your dog to learn is to follow another dog who competent or put on with an experienced well natured dog to show the ropes etc. only ever do very short runs - like 200yds so your dog ends on a high and ends feeling like wanting more.

However right now its far too hot and humid so you shouldnt be running anyway. running however short shouldnt occur above 12-14degrees and never ever when humid. Get yourself a weather station which has outside temp and humidity that way you will know when its safe enough. recently its been 80% plus humidity which could be fatal in a sled dog

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come spend an afternoon here and i'll give you a hand, bring your bike

ooo when!? that would be fun! :D

@Huskyprincess If you read my original post you'll see she's not pulling any weight, I'm literally trying to get her to lead go forward etc.

Also it was pretty cool today, clouded over with a strong breeze.

@sutsibe I coudln't find a tire, so I got draw string bag and put a book in it, tied it to her harness and walked with her on her lead attached to her head collar, She got spooked by the bag and tried to run, start spinning around, she even slipped out of her harness :|, I will be persistant though, hopefully she'll get used to it :D

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ooo when!? that would be fun! :D

@Huskyprincess If you read my original post you'll see she's not pulling any weight, I'm literally trying to get her to lead go forward etc.

Also it was pretty cool today, clouded over with a strong breeze.

@sutsibe I coudln't find a tire, so I got draw string bag and put a book in it, tied it to her harness and walked with her on her lead attached to her head collar, She got spooked by the bag and tried to run, start spinning around, she even slipped out of her harness :|, I will be persistant though, hopefully she'll get used to it :D

its still way too warm/humid - you cant go by cloud cover or breeze its totally irrilevent

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So basically what ur saying is, don't even go outside? we weren't running, Like I said I was trying to get her to lead, simply walk infront of my on the bike, I was just pushing the bike along with my feet whilst sitting on it...

oh and it was a 10, maybe 15 minute thing

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how old is she? as said before its still way too warm/humid for this type of training. i would wait until autumn when temps have dropped and THEN get someone to bike in front of her giving her something to chase to encourage her to pull. in the mean time work on teaching her turns and other commands that she will need on the trail. would work on leave it as you don't want her stopping and sniffing things every 2 foot! however some huskies just do not have the drive or attitude to work. one of the MANY reasons breeders pay so much attention to working ability in dogs before even considering breeding from them.

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Hi, as

HP said, unless your picking to cooler days and out at first light or last thing at night, i would consider not running at the moment. It is too warm and humid for the

Dogs to be working in harness and this being a critical time of the dogs development one bad run could turn her off for good from Working in harness. Some dogs dont pull at all, some take time to mature intomthemselvesmfirst, some want to pull from day one. It can be specific to each individual dog dispite bloodlines etc.

You also mentioned running in her harness, while having her headcollar on? By this i take it you are also using a halti (?)

So your in effect asking the back end to pull but youve trained the front end with her headcollar on not too. Being that the brain is at the front end, that could be one problem lol. If youve trained her not to pull with a headcollar, i would say, ditch it, just use a harness and encourage her to pull as much as she likes. Ok, you might have a harder time walking her, but you got to think do you want to exploit her natural desire and breeding to pull? Or do you want to trainer her not to, it gets confusing for her. You can in some cases train both, as per a working dog that shows well. Use the collar for walking, leave it at home and use the harness for working/pulling she should with consistant training get to understand the difference.

Personaly i hate seeing haltis etc on sibes. If you dont want it to pull, then dont buy a sled dog breed.

The biking before the dog works, get someone the dog likes to ride just ahead and to encouage it to chase, putting her with a well trainex older team after their run for a steady short run helps as she will hopefuly learn its fun to run and she will learn from the other dogs. I would however make sure its a smaller, older hence slower team that she might hAve met before

So it doesnt freek her out. And do Consider that humidity is as important as temperature with these guys! So

Maybe wait tilll autumn and use summer to work on her gee haw



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Yeah I ment her flat collar :P /doh!

But on the bike or w/e she is attached via her harness, only when I had her pulling a bag of books, did I attach her lead to her flat collar :)

Also no I'm not working her when its hot! lol! and right now she isn't running, it was a brisk walk at best yday for 10 maybe 15 mins and it was very cool, cloudy over-head, strong cool breeze.

I don't want her working hard atm, Just starting to slowly give her to confidence and drive to go infront, as well as training with commands and stuff.

Guys thanks for your concern, but I am fully aware of the effects of heat and over exercising in such heat, Kita's welfare comes before any training, I carefully select when to do it :)

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Hi, as

HP said, unless your picking to cooler days and out at first light or last thing at night, i would consider not running at the moment. It is too warm and humid for the

Dogs to be working in harness and this being a critical time of the dogs development one bad run could turn her off for good from Working in harness. Some dogs dont pull at all, some take time to mature intomthemselvesmfirst, some want to pull from day one. It can be specific to each individual dog dispite bloodlines etc.

You also mentioned running in her harness, while having her headcollar on? By this i take it you are also using a halti (?)

So your in effect asking the back end to pull but youve trained the front end with her headcollar on not too. Being that the brain is at the front end, that could be one problem lol. If youve trained her not to pull with a headcollar, i would say, ditch it, just use a harness and encourage her to pull as much as she likes. Ok, you might have a harder time walking her, but you got to think do you want to exploit her natural desire and breeding to pull? Or do you want to trainer her not to, it gets confusing for her. You can in some cases train both, as per a working dog that shows well. Use the collar for walking, leave it at home and use the harness for working/pulling she should with consistant training get to understand the difference.

Personaly i hate seeing haltis etc on sibes. If you dont want it to pull, then dont buy a sled dog breed.

The biking before the dog works, get someone the dog likes to ride just ahead and to encouage it to chase, putting her with a well trainex older team after their run for a steady short run helps as she will hopefuly learn its fun to run and she will learn from the other dogs. I would however make sure its a smaller, older hence slower team that she might hAve met before

So it doesnt freek her out. And do Consider that humidity is as important as temperature with these guys! So

Maybe wait tilll autumn and use summer to work on her gee haw



I DID use a canny collar on my Storm and that is because he is a Husky x GSD and he is as strong as a Huskamute I think. But I rarely use it now, now I use an ezydog harness and have him on my walking belt. Having said that I can't really walk him on a normal lead as he is too strong for me.

I think your comment was a bit offhanded, I mean just because it is a Husky doesnt mean it shouldn't or can't be taught how to walk nicely on lead.

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