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URGENT!! Husky Owners Beware

Kodiak's Mum

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Hi All,

Just to make you all aware, the Husky is now apparently the 'In Dog'. The RSPCA have been inundated with stray Staffordshire Bull Terriers as people are now handing them in/letting them go and going off to find a Husky. A friend of my Mum's had her Husky stolen last week, and she still has not been traced. My hubby was out walking Kodi the other day when a guy in a car slowed right down (and almost stopped), wound his window down and looked my hubby up and down. My hubby asked if he was lost, the guy wound his window back up and sped off. James thinks he was scoping Kodi. Unfortunately, said person lives across from us, and I am now afraid to take Kodi out on my own.

Please please be vigilant when you are out (I know you all are anyway). I remember all too well how many Staffies were stolen when they originally became the 'In Dog', and I hate to think of the heartbreak my Mum's friend is suffering happening to anyone else.

If anyone in the Worcester Area knows anything about a missing Husky, please get in touch.


Cat xx

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Noted. Do you think your husband should go knock on your neighbors door? I hate to think that you're living on pins and needles over speculation as to why he slowed down. Could be any number of reasons. At least it would be better to have the conversation than worrying and wondering.

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Noted. Do you think your husband should go knock. It on your neighbors door? I hate to think that you're living on pins and needles over speculation as to why he slowed down. Could be any number of reasons. At least it would be better to have the conversation than worrying and wondering.

He's not a neighbour, we don't even know him. He lives in a block of flats opposite us, that's the only way we know of him. It never twigged when James came in and told me what had happened, but since talking to my friend who works at the RSPCA I feel that that was definitely what he was doing. I'll still take him out, but only when James is with me, James will have to take him the rest of the time.

Those poor staffies :( It makes me cross to think that the same could happen to Huskies too. Especially seeing as they are such a specialist breed, when people realise how much of a commitment they are, it will all be back to square one and a different dog will be 'in favour' :(

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This was first highlighted in a Dogs Trust report in early summer 2010 and to those of us involved in Siberian Welfare it is "old news" as we have been aware of the huge increase in irresponsible breeding for the past 15 years or so. When we got our first huskies in the early '90's, the only time we ever saw huskies other than our own was at dog shows or rallies. Nowadays I see them every day on our local estates.

Another issue frighteningly on the increase is the number of Siberian Huskies being stolen and used as "bait" dogs by dog fighting rings. In the past 18 months we (SHWA) have taken in 4 huskies that have been abused in this way. Dog fighting is very much on the increase in all parts of the country but is so well hidden that few people know of its existence.

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yeah huskys are becoming a big problem at shelters here at moment...

And then last night there were advertised on better homes and gardens i think?? not sure didnt get to watch it as being "a great family pet"

so now a bunch of people who know nothing about huskys are going to go buy them because of them being advertised on tv and im sure most of them are going to end up at a shelter with the rest....

Was talkng to OH last night about the fact that huskys should be a speciality dog...that people should have a license or only be allowed to buy them after extensive questioning and such...Just think they are too amazing a creature and friend to give them to just anyone

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A few days ago three young people were walking down the road, one of them had a Husky, with a realy good leather harness and a heavy duty chain lead, he was wearing a white baggy track suite, white trainers and baseball cap and as much bling as to sink the titanic three times over, I did try and speak to him but as I am not up to date with the latest street talk I was at a disadvantage as to what the hell he was saying,,,,,,,,Is this going to be the New In Dog Owner :dog3:

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Where I walk Bo off lead there is a guy who has a Husky and told me how his dog had been stolen as a pup. His father was out exercising the dog when a group of children came up and asked it they could pet the dog. As one of them was petting the dog another unleashed the dog, picked it up and ran off with it. He posted loads of reward notices up and someone came forward to say who had the dog. He contacted the police but they did nothing to begin with and it was only when he threatened to take matters into his own hands as he was worried that if they got wind of it the dog would "disappear". Luckily got the dog back but it had not been fed properly and was in poor condition.

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Thanks for the info.

Fortunately for us (Andy 'n' Kells) they would have to get past Echo first.

And anyone who has met Echo at Camp or on a meet, can attest that. . .

She doesn't let anyone get close. :)

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I have a lot of thoughts flaming up right now, about how people know nothing about dogs etc...

I mean, at the end of the day the worst thing is if one gets stolen, then goes to a home with 2 kids, a brain dead house wife and father. The dog will end up in the pound, and euthenized. Because from what I've heard, and SEEN myself with rehoming Chukchi, NOBODY wants a full grown husky.


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This is worrying to read about. The point that Valhalla made is frightening as the thought of the husky becoming the stereotypical chav breed of choice will probably lead the husky breed getting a bad rep. We all heard about these type of people wanting to make their dogs aggressive by god only knows what means. If huskies are treated the same way as say the staffies have been treated by these no marks then ordinary people in the street are going to assume that every husky/malamute etc is a vicious dog which we all know is clearly not the case. The damage something like that could cause the breed could be irrepairable which saddens me and worries me beyond belief.:(

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Hi All,

Just to make you all aware, the Husky is now apparently the 'In Dog'. The RSPCA have been inundated with stray Staffordshire Bull Terriers as people are now handing them in/letting them go and going off to find a Husky. A friend of my Mum's had her Husky stolen last week, and she still has not been traced. My hubby was out walking Kodi the other day when a guy in a car slowed right down (and almost stopped), wound his window down and looked my hubby up and down. My hubby asked if he was lost, the guy wound his window back up and sped off. James thinks he was scoping Kodi. Unfortunately, said person lives across from us, and I am now afraid to take Kodi out on my own.

Please please be vigilant when you are out (I know you all are anyway). I remember all too well how many Staffies were stolen when they originally became the 'In Dog', and I hate to think of the heartbreak my Mum's friend is suffering happening to anyone else.

If anyone in the Worcester Area knows anything about a missing Husky, please get in touch.


Cat xx


I am not far from Worcester so if I see or hear anything suspicious will keep u posted. Most likely they are trying to make money off them u think? When we walk our dogs they get a lot of attention ...this worries me a bit now. I never let them out of my site though.

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Lot of truth in what you say Trey. In my post the dog was stolen when it was a pup. Who would think kids would premeditately do such a thing. I think we just need to be aware of the pitfalls of owning a current 'must have'. Also many people seem to be afraid of huskies and also many huskies are walked on lead. Microchipping also helps I think Bo has a tag on his collar saying he is microchipped and may act as a deterent if he was taken.

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Biggles I have both of my girls microchipped. Another good thing about Diesel is that she is afraid of people. I don't know why or what happened at her previosu home but they would play hell getting her to come to them without her retaliating.

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I don't like this one bit... I didn't realise it was happening at all until I read a few posts about it on the mushers exhange last night. I can't say it's suprised me since the only person I know around here who has huskys is a bit chavy.. she asked me if Flynn was a girl because she was looking for a female to breed her males to when I had Flynn and I have been avoiding her with Aya because I don't want her to try and argue with me over breeding Aya. I'm moving soon anyway.

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