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please share your escape stories!


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I dont think it would be likely for someone to have pics or a video of their husky escaping. I dont have any.

Kissuna has escaped once. It was raining. He was outside for only 15 minutes, and when i went to look for him he wasnt there. So i started panicing and told my mom. Then went out the front door and started calling him. The street we lived on wasnt very busy but the street connected to it was. And he didnt have his collar on cause i was brushing him, and my mom let him out while i was taking bags of fur to the trash. So i was certain he had either been hit or stollen. We got in the car and drove around. Half hour later my brother calls me to tell me Kissu knocked on the back door, COVERED in mud... I went home and brought him in directly to the bath. He wasnt very happy about that.

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Elke, our first Husky, would slip out the front door if company was over and they entered or exited the house. Elke simply took the opportunity and took off running.

I would jump in the pickup and follow her down the road, get ahead of her, open the door and ask if she wanted to "go for a ride". She'd jump up into the truck, I'd close the door, turn around and head back home.

Zoya has not escaped as of yet, knock on wood.

Eisa slipped away through the back door and then the garage door, and of course did not respond to her name. We followed her about a quarter mile, and she finally, finally responded to her name, came over, and laid down for a belly rub.

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My husband works for a fruit packing company and we live on site. Across the road from us is one of the Packhouses. Anyway, Ozzy got out one weekend (husband was in and out and did not latch the gate properly) and ran across the road and into the packhouse - he probably heard the voices of the maintenance crew who were busy doing maintenance to one of the sizers. By the time my husband got there the whole crew had jumped onto the machinery, with Ozzy - chest on the floor, bum in the air - whooing at them, wanting to play. They were a bit embarrassed to be caught cowering away from a playful little husky. It took about 30 minutes for my husband to get Ozzy home as everyone then wanted to play with him.

On another occasion he got out again - because my husband did not close the gate properly - he chased after Ozzy for ages, but Ozzy stayed stayed just out of reach. He eventually came home to get the car and rode around on site looking for Ozzy. He eventually found him on the other side of the complex, in someones yard. When Ozzy saw the car he just jumped in and got a lift home. Mission accomplished :whistling:

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Blaze - first slipped out the house when he was fairly young - kind of before the instict kicked in and ran around outside the front but stayed away from the road - shouted SAUSAGES!!!!!!! n he came back! thank god,, once i wasnt even home - i told my auntie nan grandad n uncle to make sure tha when the furniture arrived to make sure blaze was locked in the house - bings is fine but make sure blaze is locked away! what do they do - leave blaze in the garden - bings in the house open the gate n my uncle says its ok he wont go anywhere - next thing hes shot out of the drive n up the street! we are VERY lucky there was another dog around that he stopped to say hello too - n then when they told me they wondered why i was stressed!!!! :mad:

the next time he slipped his collar and shot across the road - luckily BEHIND a car not infront of it - screamed at 2 people across the road to GRAB THE DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! luckily he stopped n ran over to the people so they held onto his collar for us ----- thats why he now wears a collar AND harness

Skyla - not long after we got her she managed to squeeze out the door and shot off towards the road - looked back n then when i ran inside to get some food - and ran back to the door she saw me and come PELTING it back to me ,, then she got out when my lil bro opened the door n she ran out - n his mate chased after him for - i ran to the end of the street n shouted her n she comes running round the corner straight past me then because she ran past me i turned it into a game said really exictedly come on skyla! n started jumping around ran backwards abit n knelt down n she came shooting into my arms :)

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I dont think it would be likely for someone to have pics or a video of their husky escaping.

Totally agree. These are not Disney Land moments. :)

My story was so stupid it was three stooges like. Only there were two stooges, my wife and myself. Unfortunately it happened so long ago that ive forgotten many of the details. What I DO remember is Adak getting out three times that same afternoon. By the time it was over with I was beside myself.

The second time he got out was probably two minutes after we finally got him home from a 45 minute chase. Our heart rate hadn't even return to it's normal pattern yet. Sharon and I went blazing through the back gate to start what would be round 2, another half hour chase! By the time we caught up to him I was exhausted and kind of mad if I'm perfectly honest (though I was more mad at myself). I angrily put Adak in through the front door, he ran to the back door. "fine! Go out in the back! This is unacceptable Adak!". I let him out back.

We'd left the back gate open. Thus begins round 3

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When Sid was younger, I had a roommate that also had a dog. The day I picked Sid up, they became best buds...attached at the hips! anytime we split them up, it was a bunch of crying and sulking.:cry1: Soooo, we would take turns at the holidays taking each others dogs home. It saved us boarding costs and the dogs were happy. Well, one Christmas when Sid was 4.5 years old, my friend took them to his family's place. On Christmas Eve, a storm blew(60+MPH winds) the gate open to his dad's backyard. Both dogs got out. His dog didn't wonder off too far but my dog was gone. They ended up looking all night and the next day. NOT a good phonecall to get on Christmas day.:(:cry1: I was hours away from them. They put up fliers and we contacted all the vets and shelters in the area. After about 3 weeks, I had given up hope that he would ever come back. I was devastated.:( Then, just over 4 weeks after he disappeared, my friend received a phonecall from his brother(who happened to be at their dad's house). He said a red/white husky was sitting under his carport but would NOT let him approach. His dad had to go around the back way and open up the gate. His brother couldn't get close but did take a pic. I knew right off it was Sid!:clap::woohoo::bananadance1::bananalama: A lot of that going on as I drove to go pick him up! When I got there, I opened the door and he took off around the corner of the house. I called his name and he peered around the corner...not really sure if it was actually me or not. When he saw that it was me, he came running over wooing and jumping on me. I can't remember being so happy! Lots of these :grouphug: given out.:) When I took him to the vet the next morning, he weighed just over 41 pounds. his normal weight is about 53 pounds. He was nothing but fur and bones and VERY weak, but he was home!:wave1: Well, that's Sid's escape story. He's had a couple more but nothing like this!

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Totally agree. These are not Disney Land moments. :)

My story was so stupid it was three stooges like. Only there were two stooges, my wife and myself. Unfortunately it happened so long ago that ive forgotten many of the details. What I DO remember is Adak getting out three times that same afternoon. By the time it was over with I was beside myself.

The second time he got out was probably two minutes after we finally got him home from a 45 minute chase. Our heart rate hadn't even return to it's normal pattern yet. Sharon and I went blazing through the back gate to start what would be round 2, another half hour chase! By the time we caught up to him I was exhausted and kind of mad if I'm perfectly honest (though I was more mad at myself). I angrily put Adak in through the front door, he ran to the back door. "fine! Go out in the back! This is unacceptable Adak!". I let him out back.

We'd left the back gate open. Thus begins round 3

Oh Noooooo :eek: I know it's not funny and I sympathize, really I do, but that made me laugh :yikes:

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Storm got out. My Sister-in-law opened the gate and he squeezed out and she didnt stop him.:duh:

Alex ran down to the bottom of our cul-de-sac and I got the packet of mini sausages from the fridge and shouted "Stormy Mummy has Sausages" :yahoo:he came straight to me. whole ordeal lasted 10 minutes!

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My son decided to take Athena out to the yard and play with her. There was a cat laying under a tree and she bolted out after the cat and managed to squeeze through the iron fence on to the street. I suddenly went into hysteria mode, climbed the gate tore my jeans lost my sandals in the process and ran barefoot after her. Thankfully a neighbor saw her and was able to catch her. The next day I was in so much pain because of the bruise I got on my thigh but very happy to have my doggie with me :D

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Buck my first husky was an expert. We couldn't work out for ages how he used to be on the field all the time behind our house. We finaly saw how he did it, he must have watched the cat leaving the house this way. Our house was a dorma bungalow. What he did was: go upstairs enter the back bedroom and climb on the bed and climb through the the window, onto the roof, walk down and step onto the top of the wall and walk on the top for 50 feet until he reached the end of the garden and jumped down outside the garden onto the field. We in the end didn't stop him going onto the field because in 15 years he never left it. He ruled that field like it was his and all male dogs knoiw who was boss.

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We traveled 175 miles up to a rally at Culbin forest 10 miles out we decided to stop and let the dogs have a walk Yogi slipped her collar and ran off down the beach never looked back once ,we searched all day loads of folk had seen her but when approached she would run away by this time it was getting really dark and I decided to go back to the van still shouting for her and thinking the worst I looked up and seen a dog running like the wind in my direction it was Yogi I was never so glad to see her I couldnt beleive she was back as she was spotted miles away ,we missed the rally but didnt care we had Yogi back once fed & watered she went in her cage and slept all night :D

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Wow Brian, that's the first time I have heard that story. Must have been h$ll for you with him missing so long. Amazing that he came back to the house though. Incredible story. Wow

Never really told the story before. I was VERY depressed that he was gone. I was heartbroken thinking that I would never see him again.:cry1: Dogs are pretty amazing. I'm still surprised that he found his way back in such an unfamiliar place.

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only event i have to say is full of lucky bits.. i use to have chain linked fenced kennel . got call via a neighbour one day that Nikita had got out of the kennel.. so needless to say i raced home .. thinking how the hell !!! can she escape a garden with 6ft + fencing with concrete base.. and how the hell !! did she escape the kennel..

when i got home she was happily just laying by the back door.. so allthough she had escaped the kennel .. luckily she could not get out of garden..

so i spent ages studying the kennel trying to work out how she did it.. my only conclusion was that she had climbed the chain link fence.. but Luckily i have CCTV that when looking back i saw how she managed it she spent a while working at the fence untill one bit came loose.. so i went outside and struggled to find the hole she had escaped thru. re looked at CCTV .. and back out.. well i was amazed but in away pleased at how clever she was and also pleased Tikaani didnt copy her.. the hole i found was a tiny 10 / 12 inches but she got her body thru.. and then dropped back so it looked like there was no hole.

so luckily i have secure enough garden she could get no further..and lucky i had video proof .. otherwise i would have to spend a fortune building a roof over the already big kennel..so now its made from galvanised steel bars.. and she cant get thru them ..:lolman:

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i think this thread jinxed me lol we where walking up to my mums house this evening and ryu pulled so hard his lead snapped and he started to run up the street and around the corner my boyfriend started to run after him an fell over and cut his hands :( he got up again and ran around the corner and there was ryu sniffing another dog :jawdrop: so he didnt get to far :D lucky!!

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Totally agree. These are not Disney Land moments. :)

My story was so stupid it was three stooges like. Only there were two stooges, my wife and myself. Unfortunately it happened so long ago that ive forgotten many of the details. What I DO remember is Adak getting out three times that same afternoon. By the time it was over with I was beside myself.

The second time he got out was probably two minutes after we finally got him home from a 45 minute chase. Our heart rate hadn't even return to it's normal pattern yet. Sharon and I went blazing through the back gate to start what would be round 2, another half hour chase! By the time we caught up to him I was exhausted and kind of mad if I'm perfectly honest (though I was more mad at myself). I angrily put Adak in through the front door, he ran to the back door. "fine! Go out in the back! This is unacceptable Adak!". I let him out back.

We'd left the back gate open. Thus begins round 3

thats a funny story.

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gee i have so many about kia i dont know where to start she doesnt escape every day or any thing only twice a yr for a few weeks in a row. I have a cattle elc fence around my fence line but at the moment it isnt working because it got water in it when we had the brisbane floods. I so need it now she's up to her tricks again so if i go out she stays inside.

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One of ours got off the lead while we were training at the forest in the dark. It took us 9 hours to get her back with the help and kindness of many people who live in this area, who were prepared to stay up most of the night to help us, and by then she was so scared my OH had to jump on her from the back of a quad. Her feet were all skinned from running about for so long. At one point she was running up and down the main road, luckily it was 4 in the morning so not to much traffic about. It was the worst night of my life, I expected her to be dead when we found her. This is why I can never ever understand anyone letting their Sibes off lead in an unsecure area. We were very lucky that night, sadly someone else who trains in the same area wasn't and their dog was killed on the main road.

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