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Hello :)

I stumbled upon this site whilst I was looking at rehoming sites. I am looking to rehome a dog, as now my circumstances allow it.

I do wish to rehome and not buy, as may people wish to buy the cute puppies, the older dogs seem to be overlooked - I would rather give the underdog a chance!

Im 24, I live in the countryside, surrounded by about 500 acres of fields and pathways. I am a riding instructor, so I live a very active outdoor lifestlye and I am looking for a dog that will cope with that, and also which would be able to cope (and be quiet) with being surrounded by some very large horses!

It would however have to be on its own for a few hours monday to friday, with another dog for company, as I cannot have a dog in the arena when I am teaching for obvious reasons! The dog would not be short of company in the evenings or weekends, and would be accompanying my boyfriend, the jogging addict, on regular two hour runs along with daily walks with me.

I also need a dog that is dog friendly as there are other dogs on the yard, and any dog who is agressive cannot stay. I am also looking fo a dog that can cope with my parents dog, who is a large golden retriever, 5 years old and bonkers. We cannot allow him to play with smaller dogs as we fear he may do them damage with his exuberence, but it would be lovley if, when I visit home, he could run the mountains and the beaches with a friend.

I also have a bit of a dream of being able to take my dog out to run with the horses...but I think that may be pushing it a bit far ;)

I understand that I am asking for a lot from whichever dog I do eventually rehome. I know that with any dog, time and patience is key, and that it is hard work, and there are not going to be any ready made miricals! I have experience with large breeds, having fostered a collie and a newfouldland in the past, along with helping my parents with thier goldie, who has grown to epic proportions! I have always admired huskies from a distance, they are beautiful dogs, and I just want to get to know more about them, and descover if they would be suitable with my lifestyle. I am in no rush to rehome, if the right dog takes a year to find, so be it!

I would love to hear any of your veiws on my search, as husky owners I thought you would be the best people to ask! If you feel a hasky could fit in with me, let me know, and if you dont, please be honest! I am open to all views and oppions!

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope to speak to you all soon.


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Huskies are a tricky breed to keep, you definately have a good outdoor lifestyle but huskies are not an off-lead dog, a lot of us wouldn't dream of taking our huskies off the lead! if it catches a scent, you'll be lucky to get the dog back, and they certainly will not listen to you once their high prey drive kicks in. My huskies are very cautious when i'm walking them through my mum's riding stables and a few of the horses have tried to kick my male husky several times, I have to keep them at a safe distance. However my mum's collies are great stable dogs, they run behind my mum and sister when they go out on hacks and don't bother the horses. Huskies are beautiful but they are very hard work to keep. The escaping is probably the worst part. I'm not trying to put you off, but it's really worth doing a LOT of research on the breed first. Only you can decide wether or not you are able to cope with this high maintainance breed of dog but have a good think about it.

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First off, :welcome: to the forum. Glad to see you are doing your research. Here are some things to consider:

Huskies have a high prey drive. Small animals, either wild or pets, are fair game.

Huskies are not an off-lead breed. They love to run, and if there's not attached lead, they may very well run off, never to be seen.

Huskies have poor recall, unless extensively worked with in this area, and then it's not often 100%.

Huskies are opportunists. Any opening in a fence, any door slightly ajar, any soft spot along a fence line, and a Husky will squeeze through, push open, dig under, and be gone.

Training a Husky never ends. They constantly push the envelope, responding when it suits them, and not even acknowledging you when it suits them.

Keep doing your research, and be honest with yourself. You are off to a good start. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to post.

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welcome to the pack - well done on wanting to rescue :) i guess seeing as ur horses are used to dogs u wont have much of a problem , both mine have met horses with no problems what so ever :) 1 horse absolutely loved blaze and wanted to follow him , with the running with the horse if u get a long enuf lead n the dog knows to keep a certain distance from the horse i think u will be ok

if u want me to i will upload the vid and the pics of mine meeting horses :)

good luck in finding ur pack mate

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Hi and welcome to the forum!

Well done for rehoming instead of buying a pup! You sound like you have a good set up and that the dog would be cared for really well - only two things I think you shold know about

1, unwritten 'don't let your husky off lead' rule

2, huskys are seriously good esacpe artists so you'll need to make sure your yard is really secure for when you're not able to supervise

Other than that, good luck and any other questions just shout up and someone will answer you :)

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