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Hello Everyone! New pup, Artik!


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Hi everyone!

after my first run in with the Amish that I had told you all about I found a good breeder and am now a proud owner!

Artik is a really really good puppy, we're working on potty training (he just came home this past saturday) We've had 1 major accident, which was this morning but that was my fault.

I walked him when I got up (my brother was on night duty with him since I had work early) and he peed but I was waiting and waiting hoping he'd poop but he didn't so we went inside and I fed him around 7:30 am, maybe 2-3 minutes after he ate he went over to my cat's pants toy lol (they're a pants like tunnel thing that he runs through) he laid on it and then next thing I know bam he pooped on them I immediately said NO...mid poop lol and brought him outside but it was all out lol

I think the problem now that I read some more things on the forum is that I have A LOT of land so I basically take him all around instead of a designated spot. Which may be confusing him.

So if anyone wants to clarify that for me that'd be helpful.

He wasn't too bad the first few nights he'd get up randomly in the night and cry. He started to hate the crate. What we decided to do was throw a huge blanket over it and he hasn't made a PEEP since!! He goes in willingly now (only day 3) and he LOVES it. I haven't heard him make a sound.

He's already pretty obedient on the leash we walk and I make sure he's next to me and not pulling. He'll pull sometimes but I just redirect him or if I say WAIT with a tiny tug he'll stop next to me however I'm having issues with him just sitting in the yard when I'm trying to walk him lol and taking a while to get up when I say Come. lol there's the husky stubbornness. He also loves to walk himself lol he usually bites on to the end of the leash when we walk

He's still not good with his name yet but my main concern is the potty training. We're doing well but I was wondering if anyone had any other tips perhaps they could share? Should I just use one spot instead?

He learned sit in one day which was really impressive. Now before I give him his food I have to say it maybe once or twice and he'll sit for it.

He's been being a bit of a bully to my cat Boots but we're trying to keep him under control. He loves to play with him but he gets really rough and overwhelming and Boots darts away from him so we're trying to teach him to stop that.

Anyways, I also wanted to ask if this temperament is just a one week trick haha. He's very mellow he gets excited here and there of course but either he's sleeping messing with my cat or we're out going to the potty. He hasn't tried to bite any furniture if he see's stuff on the floor he'll sometimes go for it but he hasn't really shown any terrible behavior. He's pretty good with listening to NO. He'll test us sometimes but overall not too bad.

Okay let me cut this now before i write too much haha, but again anything anyone might wont to contribute would be helpful!!



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Definition of "a LOT of land" could be very relative. Misty has thousands of acres so she goes and does her thing "out there somewhere" and with very few people around I'm not worried about someone complaining or stepping in it.

If your definition is less, I'd think that picking a spot would be preferable. He knows where to go, the humans know where to avoid. Since you've indicated that he learns relatively quickly, teaching him to use one area would probably be pretty easy. Ah, just realized (from the second picture) that you have another dog. Where does he<?> go potty? If it's "around" then your pup may be confused by him marking the area and not sure where is the "right" place for him to go.

Cute pup, BTW!

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Oh no the great dane isn't mine, it's my aunts, we've introduced them. My aunt's great danes LOVE him the other Dane, Zeus, cries when he sees him hahaha.

Oh jeez definitely not thousands of acres, we've got about 4/5 acres, but I just woke up and saw my brother's sheets were taken off the bed so I'm guessing he had an accident on the bed! We take him out at the right times, I'm just getting confused on why he's confused, I mean he's only been here for 4 days but he always goes outside I can't figure it out. We haven't been giving him treats for pottying, just a lot of praise and he jumps and runs to you when he's finished and we're giving him praises, but maybe I should do treats so he has more of an incentive?

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how old is he? i would be getting up during the night with him - ours never had a designated spot either but our garden isnt as big as urs - i think if u dont want to go trekking down ur land in the freezing cold to scoop the poop then having a designated area would be a good idea - ours never really got treats for pooping either - but got loads of excited GOOD BOY!!!!/GOOD GIRL!!!!! and lots of fuss,, dont forget if he hasnt had all his shots yet i wouldnt be walking him - but u can still carry him about so he can get used to all the smells and noises of the big wide world :)

also he is GORGEOUS

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He turned 2 months on July 1st. Good thing he DIDN'T pee on the bed, I assumed haha.

But he keeps pooping on my cats things!! Dominance thing I guess, he pooped on my cats bed today my brother said

ugh! He's hating the heat here though, he doesn't want to go outside so that's been tough with getting him to go

to the bathroom. We have been taking him out in the night, but he's been sleeping through the night on his own, my brother

woke up randomly through out the night to check on him and he was sound asleep til about 7. So weird...because the

first few nights I was getting up at 3 and 4 and 5 am, Ever since we turned his crate into a cave he absolutely loves it.

He's also already humping tried to hump my cat sheesh. But I'm hoping to have him potty trained in at least the next

2 weeks. I'm crossing my fingers.

And thank you! He's a bi-eyed little man :)

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He's adorable!

Take him to a specific area, and just stay (it will take patience) in one area with him on leash for a while - don't talk to him or give him any attention until he 'goes'. Praise lavishly, especially if he poops, since that is what you're having problems with. It may be partly that there aren't the proper smells in the area for a cue, so make sure that any areas in the house where he's 'gone' are thoroughly cleaned up with a cleaner made for pet odors. If he doesn't poop, you can try to walk him around a little bit, and bring him back to the area if you think he might be ready. Exercise can get the bowel moving. If he doesn't relieve himself within perhaps 10-20 minutes (if you have that long for it), bring him back inside, and put him in his crate if you can't keep a really close eye on him and get him out as soon as you see him starting to circle around and sniff - usually a good sign he needs to go!

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