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UPDATE** on Cheya / Angel


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Gutted for you mate but also very impressed that you did the right thing despite the emotional cost.

Your a true gentleman Richard and I hope your able to keep in touch with Angel and that you ultimately find the 4th member of your pack.

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thank you so much to every one for your words.. were else but this forum can so many people be there for another.. reading thru what every one has said is very heartwarming .. i know what i did was the right thing to do.. could live with myself if i didn't... i half hoped they were thee sort of owners that wouldn't want her .. but when i saw them and how Angel went mad seeing them and playmate... i knew 100% that what i was doing was for the best. especiall when the son was tellin me that he spends lots of time walking and scootering with them..so i think he will be the happiest !!

@Tan J P in answer to your question.. basically yes all scanners will read all micro chips if they have a decent quality one.. you can get cheap versions that won't read some chip's but would have thought thats a bit like putting a motorbike battery on a van... Pointless !!! lol

i will be contacting the pound as will the owners of Angel.. they said they had contacted all of the pounds within the London borough.. sadly as fairly new owners they were not aware of the world of websites for lost dogs or even Husky forums..

thanks to every one ... but a star / saint / amazing / fantastic and all the other kind words.. i am none of these things... im my opinion all i am istrying to be a responsible Husky owner.. doin what was right..

@Emma&Cookie thanks for your support.. i know this was probably as upsetting for you..

it has not put me off trying for another.. as i have 3 loving girls of which 2 are rehomes.. so this is just a minor set back..

glad it happened on the day i got her rather than a few weeks or even months down the line.

this is what Husky Owners is all about.. one big family being there for each other.. helping each other... thru happy and sad times..

this is why it became the biggest .. and this is what it should be about..


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Richard you are an amazing man and we all love you :grouphug: huge husky hugs from my two. And I really hope you will still keep looking for your fourth pack member.

I agree about the pound, heads should roll over this. What a waste if she had been pts! :banghead: for the sake of scanning. And something @Tan J P said yesterday made me think, how many times has this happened and a dog actually has been PTS when the owners are looking for it??

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i cannot believe how good you are, reading this its heartbreaking and whilst you did what was morally right.....it sucks that you dont have cheya/angel

i hope you get another pack member that can be yours forever soon.....

i feel for the original owners but more for you as she seemed to have settled in beautifully.....

i hope that HIN do something to help the pound check the dogs better and show them how it should be done so that this is avoided in the future

massive hugs and woo's from me and my pack

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What everyone else has said Rich...you have been so so gracious throughout this, you have managed to rescue this little girl from being PTS and then reunite her with her family, as hard as it may have been for you, it was the right thing to do...and be happy in the knowledge they sound like an amazing family, who really do care, but just didn't know where else to look.

Sleep well tonight Rich, and no more tears, you will find that 4th pack member - everything happens for a reason xxx

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Can't agree more with everything that's been said! :goodjob: Like most i've been on a rollercoaster of emotions reading your thread and think you and your wife were Angels Angel these last few days. Can't imagine what emotions you've been through, but like everyone else has said, you rescued her and saved her from being pts and then reunited her with a family, who from the sounds of it, were missing her greatly. I'm a big believer in things happening for a reason and know you'll find number 4 for your pack when it's meant to be.

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well a bit more to complete the story... have spoken to Tania today ( Angels mum ) she has managed to trace the pound that Angel was in.. so say its disgusting and shows the incompetence of some people..

the pound is actually one of the first places Tania contacted on the 12th of June when Angel went missing and is also the day Angel was found. lucky for Tania is the sort of women that asks for peoples names.. she had been told yes we have a husky found. yes it matches the same colours... but no its not a girl and its not micro chipped..

tania has been in regular contact with this and other pounds over her distressing time just in case..

so now not only can they not check for micro chips properly.. they cant tell difference between boys and girls.. but what makes it worse.. clearly stated on the Vet card from when they had her jabbed that she is female.. so they obviously can't read either..

Tania has very politly kicked up a fuss allthough she wanted to swear and shout at the guy she has been dealing with for last month.

the pound i would say are being very kind and re imbursing the money they gave me to re imburse what i had spent..

but i bet the truth is they are just trying to keep her quite and away from newspapers etc. cos she could have had Angel back the day she went missing.

looking at the whole picture of this saga.. there has been so many coincidences..so many lucky bits..

just little things like the post Emma put about transport needed .. that was the 1st time i have ever helped out in that way.. normally i have not replied when people have asked for help transporting dogs.. but for some reason this time i sat there and thought .. yeh i will help ..dunno why i did but i did. my intention was pure and simple ..collect dog deliver to Lee for the next stage in her journey..no point in making friends with her for a matter of half hour with her.. but just one look at her looking so scared made me wanna be her best buddy for short space of time.. hopefully helping the person she goes to. but something in me looked at her and decided i wanted to help her.. thought it meant give her a home.. never realised that it would mean get her home.. had i not taken her and the wife not been a micro chipper.. she could have been rehome up north and no one would have been the wiser..

i have found out so much about myself this last week especially this weekend.. i have found out that there really is a soft side to me.. ..

sitting at work today i sent a text to my daughters and to a few friends ( and im sorry to those who i made cry today )

which goes like this lol


so many coincidences, so many bits of luck got Angel back home, there really was an Angel looking after her.

just spoken to owner again. now the full story is known. have realised fate put her with me so she could get home safely.

there was so many other ways this could have ended but it ended in the best way possible

in my past i have questioned . why am i here. what purpose does my life serve.what path will i take . have even questioned whats worth living for..

bit cynical i know but i think this weekend i found out what my purpose in life is all about..

just knowing how happy i have made not only Tania the owner but her 4 kids and other Husky.

the stress of it all has been worth it..


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I forgive you for making me cry, at work, infront of my new boss :D haha!

I'm truly disgusted about the pound, have been meaning to call you and ask if Tania had contacted them, but though I'd leave you alone incase I just dragged up more upset :(

I'm feel like I know Tania already lol, I know what the poor woman has to put up with on a daily basis now! Lol, but I still loved the little bugger :wub:

All in all, what a strange experience it's been, but a good one :)

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I forgive you for making me cry, at work, infront of my new boss :D haha!

I'm truly disgusted about the pound, have been meaning to call you and ask if Tania had contacted them, but though I'd leave you alone incase I just dragged up more upset :(

I'm feel like I know Tania already lol, I know what the poor woman has to put up with on a daily basis now! Lol, but I still loved the little bugger :wub:

All in all, what a strange experience it's been, but a good one :)

no more upset :lolman: .. whats happened was the best possible outcome.. and they are taking measures to make garden and kennel more secure..

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well a bit more to complete the story... have spoken to Tania today ( Angels mum ) she has managed to trace the pound that Angel was in.. so say its disgusting and shows the incompetence of some people..

the pound is actually one of the first places Tania contacted on the 12th of June when Angel went missing and is also the day Angel was found. lucky for Tania is the sort of women that asks for peoples names.. she had been told yes we have a husky found. yes it matches the same colours... but no its not a girl and its not micro chipped..

tania has been in regular contact with this and other pounds over her distressing time just in case..

so now not only can they not check for micro chips properly.. they cant tell difference between boys and girls.. but what makes it worse.. clearly stated on the Vet card from when they had her jabbed that she is female.. so they obviously can't read either..

Tania has very politly kicked up a fuss allthough she wanted to swear and shout at the guy she has been dealing with for last month.

the pound i would say are being very kind and re imbursing the money they gave me to re imburse what i had spent..

but i bet the truth is they are just trying to keep her quite and away from newspapers etc. cos she could have had Angel back the day she went missing.

looking at the whole picture of this saga.. there has been so many coincidences..so many lucky bits..

just little things like the post Emma put about transport needed .. that was the 1st time i have ever helped out in that way.. normally i have not replied when people have asked for help transporting dogs.. but for some reason this time i sat there and thought .. yeh i will help ..dunno why i did but i did. my intention was pure and simple ..collect dog deliver to Lee for the next stage in her journey..no point in making friends with her for a matter of half hour with her.. but just one look at her looking so scared made me wanna be her best buddy for short space of time.. hopefully helping the person she goes to. but something in me looked at her and decided i wanted to help her.. thought it meant give her a home.. never realised that it would mean get her home.. had i not taken her and the wife not been a micro chipper.. she could have been rehome up north and no one would have been the wiser..

i have found out so much about myself this last week especially this weekend.. i have found out that there really is a soft side to me.. ..

sitting at work today i sent a text to my daughters and to a few friends ( and im sorry to those who i made cry today )

which goes like this lol


so many coincidences, so many bits of luck got Angel back home, there really was an Angel looking after her.

just spoken to owner again. now the full story is known. have realised fate put her with me so she could get home safely.

there was so many other ways this could have ended but it ended in the best way possible

in my past i have questioned . why am i here. what purpose does my life serve.what path will i take . have even questioned whats worth living for..

bit cynical i know but i think this weekend i found out what my purpose in life is all about..

just knowing how happy i have made not only Tania the owner but her 4 kids and other Husky.

the stress of it all has been worth it..


beautiful post richard.

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Great stuff :D

I can't stop thinking of the little lady, she drove my other half to the brink of insanity, but I miss her like mad, and she was only here for a week!

I really hope Tania joins up, or even has Facebook? I'd love to talk to her :)

Likewise, I only had her here with me for a week, but she came to work with me in the day, and I grew quite fond of her, would love to be in touch with the owner to find out how she's doing and maybe even meet up for walks/ training runs etc.

I still cannot believe the level of incompetence that pound has shown, Tania could have been reunited with Angel the very same day if they knew one end of a dog from the other!



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Wow Rich what a lovely post......sad and happy too!

Tania i'm sure will be forever grateful to all that helped look after her Angel,and if you have now got a new forever friend then its not all bad!

i hope she doesn't just let it lie with the pound though

yes,she now has her gorgeous girl home and safe,but no thanks to them at all,she could have had her back the same day she went missing and saved a lot of heartache.

This just cannot be allowed to happen again!

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I would like to say how forever grateful I am and will always be. I could have lost my baby forever. I never believed that I could hurts so much over a dog but the attachment that u have the bond that u make is their deep and embedded. I thank each ever one u guys that participated and helped toward Angels survival and safe return. All I can say is that I am truly thankful.

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I would like to say how forever grateful I am and will always be. I could have lost my baby forever. I never believed that I could hurts so much over a dog but the attachment that u have the bond that u make is their deep and embedded. I thank each ever one u guys that participated and helped toward Angels survival and safe return. All I can say is that I am truly thankful.

It was a pleasure to help the aptly named Angel. Considering she had never met me before she sat happily and quietly in the back of the car occasionally coming up to me to lick my ear

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Wow, what a lovely story. All I can say is I hope that any Husky who is ever losts finds a person like you who has the morality and the heart to return them to thier family. Goodness knows I would be heartbroken if Kodi ever disappeared, and I would hope against hope that he was found by a kind person like you. My hat goes off to you, you are a true Husky Hero. You should stand tall and proud and know that you did a very good thing.


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