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Stupid Tradition >=(


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In Indo, there's a weird tradition that was passed-down by the Dutch that raided this country many years ago. I believe this tradition is no longer preserved in Holland, but... Bleh, for some reasons our government didn't want to erase this weird-and-annoying tradition =.=

So in English it is called Students' Orientation Period. It is a one-week period full of singing stupid songs and getting yelled-at by the student council members. It's just like a military academy, where you can meet people with high-pitched voice that get mad at every little thing. Every students of 7th and 10th grade have to pass this period as their first week of school, and that means I have passed this period once and I'm going through the second one. The first period (when I'm in 7th grade) only lasts for three days and it's much better than this year. Well, those student council members are still yelling at the new students for no reason, but it's much better. This year the period lasts for SIX DAYS and it is worse than I heard O_O

First of all we have to learn this stupid song in an instant. If we still can't sing it after they demonstrated the song twice, they will scream and yell at us =.= Jeez, these people scream even louder than Dime! O_O And plus they acted as if we are all Einsteins. They wanted us to collect signatures of fifty student council members in five days time, but we HAVE to remember their names to get them sign a paper for us x( What?! I mean, how can we do that?! We have just arrived in this school how can we remember all fifty people with their names?! Weird, this tradition is nothing but weird. I thought the goal of "the period" is to let students get to know their friends and teachers before lesson starts, but now it's more like preparing to be a soldier. Well, tell you what? I don't want to be a soldier =.= I don't sign-up in this highschool for getting yelled-at! :mad: but well tradition is rule, and I'm going to school JUST to do a stupid chicken-dance and getting yelled-at by some rude people this week =.= All this will end on Friday, so let's just hope I didn't yell back at one of those cheeky student councils! :mad:

Btw I wonder if any of you have heard about this tradition? Well if you're indonesian you will definitely give me a pat on the head and say: "be patient I know how you feel", but what about the others? Have you ever heard of this silly orientation period? What do you think about it? I think our government should just ban this tradition =.= It's not made to reach it's goal any longer and the rumors about this period just scare people to go to school!

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It sounds pretty annoying, but it also doesn't sound like there's much you can do about it - now. Grit your teeth, do your best and you'll get through it! Maybe one day when you're grown, you can do something to get rid of the tradition - keep that in mind as a goal as they're yelling at you! :grouphug:

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Thanks! ^_^ The original goal of this tradition is to let the new students bond because there are a lot of group activities and we HAVE to talk to our new friends. This tradition also introduces the school building so that no new student will get confused and lost in their own school LOL but now it's more like a revenge ground. New students sign-up for student council just because they want to yell at next year's new student. So as you know it's getting worse and worse every year :confused: Considering the worsen condition, parents and teachers added one more goal in the list: "this tradition can eliminate a student's spoiled side and help them mature by controlling their emotion and temper while dealing with annoying people" =.= I really wanna yell: "YEAH RIGHT!!!" >.<

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I know it is annoying Olivia. In South Africa it has recently been banned in most schools and Universities as many people have been hurt and traumatised by the custom. I think it is just a time for bullies to bully others without being reprimanded. I remember when my daughter went to high school they had an initiation period - it was extremely difficult for her as she does not respond well to being yelled at by a bunch of morons. Needless to say, she spent her first week of high school with 2hrs detention every day - she is as stubborn as a husky.

My advice to you is to get through it as best you can and try and help and encourage others who are struggling more than you are - it will give you a goal and help you keep focused.

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Wow so Indo is not the only country with this stupid tradition? O_O Glad to know that it is banned in most schools/universities in South Africa! Here in Indo, the government actually supports the tradition to keep on going so us students have no choice but being patient x)

Thanks 4 ur advice! ^0^

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What a stupid tradition :/ what you need to do is to get on the student council and introduce a no shouting policy in all schools then the induction period can still go ahead but no-one will be allowed to shout :D

good idea, but I will have to wait at least a year before I can start introducing policies to student councils or teachers or whoever else =.= They don't listen to new students! >.<

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When I went to High School we had it here in the States as well. It's called hazing and has pretty well been banned in most US states. (( see http://www.stophazing.org/ btw )) In some places it gets pretty rough and people have been ( accidentally ? ) killed as a result of it so there have been some pretty extreme laws (in some states) against it.

Sorry you're being subjected to it, it serves no productive purpose. Grin and bear it, and when you can do things to get it stopped.

Take care //al

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Sounds horrific! Sorry you have to put up with such a pointless tradition. I'm usually quite asn open minded person but that sounds ridiculous! I hope you get through it ok with not too much yelling. I have a very good memory of school and I'm glad I never had to go through anything like that.

Yes be glad x) LOL peace v^^v

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Completely pointless activity especially if students are only going to sign up so they can shout at the next intake. Sounds like legalised bullying to me. Liz is right shouting doesn't help. I work with teenagers and I learnt very early on if you shout they switch off, also they shout back and things just escalate from there and won't listen to what is being said just how it is being said. Join the school council and have your voice heard. You are good at putting your point across and hopefully your points will be listened to and changes made, even if it is just a no yelling policy.

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oh god completely different from over herer ! :eek: i dont know if i could handle that , and i was in the army lol when i was at school it was a laugh nothing like that , i actually miss school :( that sounds enough to never want to go back! lol i couldnt do it i was a cheeky bissum at school always on the wind up :D lol x

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Completely pointless activity especially if students are only going to sign up so they can shout at the next intake. Sounds like legalised bullying to me. Liz is right shouting doesn't help. I work with teenagers and I learnt very early on if you shout they switch off, also they shout back and things just escalate from there and won't listen to what is being said just how it is being said. Join the school council and have your voice heard. You are good at putting your point across and hopefully your points will be listened to and changes made, even if it is just a no yelling policy.

the thing is being a member of the student council will give you extra hours in school and a dozen more extra homework. I plan on taking the Science Class next year so I don't need any more work to do O_O but don't you worry, countless articles in the newspaper has talked about this. Our government has limited the "punishment" that new students has to pass through, but the yelling is still allowed =.= Believe me, it used to be much worse few years back. When I was still in grades school, a new student died while doing one of the student council's orders. She was asked to crawl in the gutter and turns out there are some dangerous chemical substances in the gutter. The new student died in an instant O_O After this "accident", the government was furious. They ban any student council to give inhumane orders to new students and will supervise every Orientation Period that was going on. Still, they don't shut down the whole tradition and they STILL allow the pointless yelling =.=

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thats crazy!!!! hope u get thru it ok - just think of dime and all us here rooting for you - and then u can come n rant on here about it instead of shouting at them n getting into trouble xx

heeey thanks a bunch I'm actually planning to get into trouble anytime soon LOL LOL but if you put it that way I have no reason to yell back at those annoying student councils xD

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It sounds pretty rough...a few survival tips to get you through things:

  • They're only words...loud annoying words but really it's not like anyone is chasing you around the school with a 2x4 threatening to bash your head in.

  • It's only for a week, so you have a limited ammount of time to deal with it

  • If you're having a rough time with your assignments wait until after a class and TALK with your teachers about it...point out that the hazing period really does more to alienate new students and make them fearful about asking questions that could help them get the most out of their education.

  • Find out when the next school board or school organizer type meeting is...attend. Write down everything you want to say before hand.

  • Get involved...I hate to be annoying about this but if you're not going to get involvedi n your school, community, etc and are just going to complain about what you don't like then well that's really all you're doing...complaining without showing the willingness or conviction to step up and try to change things.

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It sounds pretty rough...a few survival tips to get you through things:

  • They're only words...loud annoying words but really it's not like anyone is chasing you around the school with a 2x4 threatening to bash your head in.

  • It's only for a week, so you have a limited ammount of time to deal with it

  • If you're having a rough time with your assignments wait until after a class and TALK with your teachers about it...point out that the hazing period really does more to alienate new students and make them fearful about asking questions that could help them get the most out of their education.

  • Find out when the next school board or school organizer type meeting is...attend. Write down everything you want to say before hand.

  • Get involved...I hate to be annoying about this but if you're not going to get involvedi n your school, community, etc and are just going to complain about what you don't like then well that's really all you're doing...complaining without showing the willingness or conviction to step up and try to change things.

I like the last point :) too bad there's no chance to speak if you're not a student council, so let's see how will I do if I sign-up to be one ;)

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Well, I live in The Netherlands/Holland, know some history of this country but I've never ever heard of this :S For us it's just an introduction week and it basically resolves around getting to know each other through all kinds of fun activities.

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Olivia, you should be able to speak at the school board meeting. You may have to request to be put on their schedule, but I think they'd have a hard time justifying denying you (( excuse me, minor female in Indonesia, yep, they probably could out of hand ... )) but it'd be worth the effort.

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