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kids these days!!!


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out for our morning walk around the park this morning we wondered through the rose gardens only to be greeted with a policeman and his GSD, one of the gardeners walked over to me, said hello to the dogs and informed me that he was having to close the gardens due to an incident.... He told me that when he was walking into work this morning some kids were taking pot shots at him and his colleagues with an air riffle. He chased them off and they had dropped the gun and scarpered, i don't know about you guys but when i was on school holidays i wasn't out my bed at 8am never mind shooting at people just for kicks!!! i'm just glad they were chased off before the temptation was there to shoot at some of us dog walkers and our furbabies.

bloody kids these days!!! (man that makes me sound old)

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Not funny, those things can hurt. :angry:

Lucky you weren't walking your pooch earlier then.

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when i was younger i would have been outside before 8am...... but i would have been climbing trees or playing football.

its this nannying society that says you can't smack your kids and give children of 14 more rights than an adult, if the little shizers with the rifle had been told no and disciplined more often by their parents this wouldnt be happening......

wow i sound old now

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Don`t tell me. I hate some so them last night I did had an incident in the shop where I work a bunch of them come one is ban Is girl I ask her to leave as she is not welcome and she start to yelling and swear . Ohh my god her language ...is very sad to hear what she can say . They come around me at that moment she start yelling I kick her. Some of the customer gets involved and one of the women had a little babe in her arms mental, finally the leave, but guess what??? They come back and the circus start again at that point I call the police. They come the bunch where just outside he ask what is happened they start yelling I kick her , he come to have a chat with me I show him the cctv ME KICKING HER well I didn`t he chat with some of my colleges they tell the story he go out and they are gone . How this is working??? I close my eyes many times but this time I will not I will make a complain for discrimination as some of u know I m not English but the way she talk with me and what she said I will not let her go and as I said to the police if I will be pay someone to swear to me I will take a chair and a bucket and I will go in the car park and I will let people to swear to me and for each swear I will get a pond I will be a rich woman . One of the customers come back to ask me if I m all right so nice when u see some people really care

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absolutely shocking behaviour

i do agree with Kells though,if we were naughty as kids and deserved a slap(i dont mean a battering) we got one.......and knew why!

i applied the same up-bringing to my children too.

i have not grown up to be a bully or child abuser and neither have my boys.

i'm sorry if this upsets anyone,but, the blame does lie at the parents in most cases i believe!

out of order behaviour should be nipped in the bud,when young and the majority of these bad kids wouldn't behave in that fashion.

They have no respect for elders at all......that is something which was instilled in us from a very early age!

Better go before i really get on my soap-box!

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noway!!! god if chloe ever did something like that i would literally kill her :mad: there are some really nasty little brats around today..im dreading going through the teenage years with chloe :oops: she already has an attitude and she is 3!!

i dont ever remember being up b4 8am when i was at school..and then it was only due to my mum actually dragging my ass up out of bed and skitzing at me lol :)

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I grew up in the '50s (which makes me more than ancient) Mom moved around *a lot* as I was growing up ... but when I got in trouble, someone would call her and I'd get sent home and a paddling when she got home. If we were out late as teenagers, that meant past 22:00 the first time the police saw us we'd get told to go home, if they saw us again later we were taken home!

I don't know what's happening to society these days, kids are rude at best and abusive or worse and in general it seems as if their folks don't care. Move over Tania, I'll join you on that soap-box!!

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noway!!! god if chloe ever did something like that i would literally kill her :mad: there are some really nasty little brats around today..im dreading going through the teenage years with chloe :oops: she already has an attitude and she is 3!!

i dont ever remember being up b4 8am when i was at school..and then it was only due to my mum actually dragging my ass up out of bed and skitzing at me lol :)

Tamz I honestly don't think you need to worry, Chloe knows she is loved and that you are always there for her - she is your life, as it should be :)

Having an attitude isn't necessarily the problem with kids today, it is the lack of respect and parental guidance that is the problem. Children need to know they are loved and that someone cares. They also need to know that there are consequences for every action, and should never be allowed to get away with anti-social behaviour - not even once.

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Problem is so many parents just don't know how to bring up children and when they become troublesome they push them out of the front door and throw money at them. They do this so their "little" problem is elsewhere and gives them peace at home. Problem is their is cause but the kids get no consequence for bad behaviour. Anyway, I wonder why weren't the kids getting ready for school or have Scottish schools already broken up? I have seen kids going out or being out after 10.30 pm on a weekday.

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I am 14 but man I am a heck a lot more mature than a lot of kids. My parents raised me right. When i was 7 I was up at dawn feeding goats and then going for a walk in the field with the dogs. Now I wake up at do the dishes,laundry then I walk the dogs. I also help train neigborhood dogs then I go to my"job"which is walking dogs the owners have to work overtime or something then I water them play with the dogs. COme homedo the same thing with my dogs. I keep mygrades up in school and listen! Kids like them amke me SICK! I sit alone at the lunch table because everyone is so in-mature! I just want to tell them to shut-up.

Now,I knwo some of you will not like a "kid" being on here but I have a lot of knowledge and I want to learn. I love learning about dogs and other animals. I already have it planned to go to vet school when I graduate and I cant wait!!!!!!!

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Deidra it's good to read your post and how helpful and responsible you are. I don't think anyone on the forum would take offense at you reading and posting and learning about dogs and other animals. We learn this way and by asking questions. If you have a question ask away as I am sure that there will be someone here who will be able to help you. You are never too young or too old to learn. I too have learnt a lot from joining and participating in this forum. Keep your grades up and I am sure you will achieve your ambition of getting to vet school. Good luck and best wishes. Gill and Bo

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I am 14 but man I am a heck a lot more mature than a lot of kids. My parents raised me right. When i was 7 I was up at dawn feeding goats and then going for a walk in the field with the dogs. Now I wake up at do the dishes,laundry then I walk the dogs. I also help train neigborhood dogs then I go to my"job"which is walking dogs the owners have to work overtime or something then I water them play with the dogs. COme homedo the same thing with my dogs. I keep mygrades up in school and listen! Kids like them amke me SICK! I sit alone at the lunch table because everyone is so in-mature! I just want to tell them to shut-up.

Now,I knwo some of you will not like a "kid" being on here but I have a lot of knowledge and I want to learn. I love learning about dogs and other animals. I already have it planned to go to vet school when I graduate and I cant wait!!!!!!!

Other than the fact that you, obviously, wrote this in haste, I have no problem with anything you said *except* as noted by Tania, you seem to either be judgmental of all of us because we're older (in some cases WAY older) or you're "putting yourself down".

You have a lot of knowledge - and from the description of what you do, I'd have to say you probably do, so share your expertise. I don't have a problem with someone younger than I knowing more than I do. (( I probably know things that you don't ... ))

You want to learn - well, there's a good group of people here who can help you learn. There are probably even a few who can teach you a thing or two.

Take your time and get to know us before you start making comments like that though, please.

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Other than the fact that you, obviously, wrote this in haste, I have no problem with anything you said *except* as noted by Tania, you seem to either be judgmental of all of us because we're older (in some cases WAY older) or you're "putting yourself down".

You have a lot of knowledge - and from the description of what you do, I'd have to say you probably do, so share your expertise. I don't have a problem with someone younger than I knowing more than I do. (( I probably know things that you don't ... ))

You want to learn - well, there's a good group of people here who can help you learn. There are probably even a few who can teach you a thing or two.

Take your time and get to know us before you start making comments like that though, please.

It is that a lot of people d not like kids being on forums just because a lot of them are in-mature. I did comd here to learn. I did NOT right that out of hate. This is a very good site and I hope to add more on to my knowledge. I do not have very good people skills (I keep more to myslelf when I can) so i am trying to work on it. Again sorry if I came off rude I did not mean to.

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