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Gretzky Attacked :(


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Hello guys - my little boy was attacked tonight in the park by a pit bull. Gretzky was on the lead and the pit bull wasn't. It was all good at first until Gretzky turned to walk away. The other dog just jumped him and bit his face really bad! The owners pulled him off with a struggle, but the damage was done. He had three gashes in his face and was shaken up. He cried when a friendly Lab came over to say hello.

The vet bill was £94 and the other owners have offered to pay half (very generous) so I've reported them. The park is called Woodthorpe and it's in Nottingham. There are signs everywhere that the dog should be on lead. Pretty shook up and feel really sorry for Gretzky. He's such a placid boy and I'd hate for it too affect him. It was horrible :(

Good news is he's well and seems OK now back at home. Trying now to chill out before his walk tomorrow!

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Poor boy. Hope he recovers ok from his ordeal and there are no lasting effects. Bloody cheek of the pit bull owner, they should of paid the vet bill in full, I know I would of done.

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Poor boy, for some reason I never trust pitbull even that my lost puppy was bigger that the pitbulls, she never attack little kids and even the little chiwawa.......hope everything goes better now

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ugh its irresponsible owners like that that give pit bulls and pit bull owners a bad name. First off the dog should have been on a lead, especially since it is park rules. 2nd a responsible pit bull owner would do their research and know a few things. As a rule of thumb for pit bull owners never trust you're pit bull not to fight. Sadly dog fighting is part of their history and even a well socialized, non dog aggressive pit bull can still fight. Dogs are dogs and fights occur but with pit bulls once a fight starts its hard to stop. Also generally it is not advised to take pit bulls to dog parks, especially off lead dog parks. All it takes is one slip up and something bad happens. Then its another media story about the big bad Pit Bulls when it could have been avoided had the owner been responsible. I own a pit bull, and have owned/fostered 3 others, and while Koopa has never shown any dog aggression that doesn't mean I'll let him off lead in a park or leave him unsupervised around a dog, even my other dog. Pit Bulls really aren't monsters, people get them and have no clue what they are getting into, much like some who get Siberian Huskies. Pit Bulls are not for everyone and those unwilling to do their research and be a responsible Pit Bull owner need to leave the breed alone. All it does is make it harder for those who do own them responsibly. Sorry for the rant but irresponsible Pit Bull ownership REALLY gets under my skin. :rant:

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ugh its irresponsible owners like that that give pit bulls and pit bull owners a bad name. First off the dog should have been on a lead, especially since it is park rules. 2nd a responsible pit bull owner would do their research and know a few things. As a rule of thumb for pit bull owners never trust you're pit bull not to fight. Sadly dog fighting is part of their history and even a well socialized, non dog aggressive pit bull can still fight. Dogs are dogs and fights occur but with pit bulls once a fight starts its hard to stop. Also generally it is not advised to take pit bulls to dog parks, especially off lead dog parks. All it takes is one slip up and something bad happens. Then its another media story about the big bad Pit Bulls when it could have been avoided had the owner been responsible. I own a pit bull, and have owned/fostered 3 others, and while Koopa has never shown any dog aggression that doesn't mean I'll let him off lead in a park or leave him unsupervised around a dog, even my other dog. Pit Bulls really aren't monsters, people get them and have no clue what they are getting into, much like some who get Siberian Huskies. Pit Bulls are not for everyone and those unwilling to do their research and be a responsible Pit Bull owner need to leave the breed alone. All it does is make it harder for those who do own them responsibly. Sorry for the rant but irresponsible Pit Bull ownership REALLY gets under my skin. :rant:

Your right on that, it all depends on the owner the way they treat the dogs......one of my friends have a husky/pure wolf mix and sometimes she gets a little aggressive but he can control her on her way

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Your right on that, it all depends on the owner the way they treat the dogs......one of my friends have a husky/pure wolf mix and sometimes she gets a little aggressive but he can control her on her way

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If people would just do their research about the breed they are wanting, especially powerfull breeds like pit bulls, staffordshire terriers, rottweilers, dobermans, German shepherds. etc. and take responsibility when owning them a lot of these incidents would not happen. People are too quick to blame the breed instead of the owners. We are the ones who create dog breeds to preform the tasks we desire and yet we don't want to take responsibility when they do what we have bred them to do. Its a sad, sad world if you ask me.

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Oh no. I hope Gretzky will be feeling better soon. Some owners really annoy the hell out of me. I took Meika with me to walk the boys to school. As we were walking along the street we spotted a dog just sitting outside infront of a house on its own with no one in sight. As soon as it spotted us it went for us. Lucky for us we quickly crossed the road before a car passed to interupt this dog chasing us. I think the car scared it off. Damn owners never even came out to see what the noise was all about. My sons were a little shaken by it. I'm just glad it didn't turn out worse.

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I hope Gretzky heals quickly! I've run into irresponsible dog owners myself...not too long ago either. Bella was attacked by a Bull Terrier that was loose in my apartment complex. The idiot owner finally grabbed his dog and smacked it 2 or 3 times.:angry2: Some people shouldn't own dogs.:angry:

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Awwww, poor Gretzky - I hope that he recovers (both physically and emotionally) quickly! Do you know anyone else with a similar-looking dog that is nice that you might be able to get him around very soon? That might help him go away from the incident with less fear...

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Hope Gretzky recovers soon, Of course the other owner will claim it's an American Bull Terrier and not a Pit Bull, so he doesn't have to have it muzzled.

Although any dog that attacks without provocation should be and also on lead at all times.

I hope the emotional / confidence wounds heal as quick as the physical ones.


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Hope Gretzy recovers quickly and not too shaken by his ordeal.. I agree with paranormal wolf it's not the breed but the owner :( around where I live there are loads of young lads who own staff's and although I love that breed some of them are scary and make me nervous when out and about on my own with my two girls. They tend to walk them off lead! While mine are always on lead :) I've even turned around and walked the other way :(

People should have to apply for a licence before they can own a dog!

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What a horrible thing to happen. Unfortunately James is right and Gigi's advice is spot on. When Bo got bitten by a boxer he became very wary and frightened. It was only when he got to meet a friendly dog did his fear reduce, however he is still not happy around boxers. Hope Gretzky gets over this horrible unwarranted attack quickly.

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Hope he gets better soon :( The owners need to be beaten :/ This lady came into the photo lab today and told me that at the parade for Canada day her tiny dog was sitting on her lap when out of nowhere a big dog came and snatched up her little dog and ran off with it and ended up killing it. I told her to go after the owners of the big dog! And Im glad you reported those people with the pit bull!

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aww poor boy :(

i hope he recovers quickly,thankfully the other dog was pulled off before any further damage was done

it must've been an awful fright for you too,hope you are ok albeit no doubt furious!

hope there is no longlasting damage done,like Gigi has said get him mixing soon so he knows he doesn't have to be fearful

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poor gretzky! skyla knows how he feels - i just hope that like skyla it doesnt affect him too much like it did to blaze when he got attacked - try n get him re-socialised as soon as you can - massive hugs for him - fair play on reporting them - they should have 2 pay ALL the vet fees not just half!

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Thanks for all your support guys. Went walking today but unfortunately met no other dogs! Perhaps tonight. Gretzky seems OK today. Huskies are so sweet and Gretzky is no exception. Just felt like he didn't deserve it. I know no dog does, but he's such a sweetie. I'll keep you updated with my complaint.

Thanks guys


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Thanks for all your support guys. Went walking today but unfortunately met no other dogs! Perhaps tonight. Gretzky seems OK today. Huskies are so sweet and Gretzky is no exception. Just felt like he didn't deserve it. I know no dog does, but he's such a sweetie. I'll keep you updated with my complaint.

Thanks guys


are you coming to the walloton (sp?) park meet on the 31st in notts?

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