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Backyard Breeder

Michelle Melsom

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you all have amazingly beautiful dogs, i dont have a husky but i have been thinking about it for about 6months and read as much as i can. im glad i found this thread as while looking to buy a husky i have come across many many adverts selling huskies with no papers and charging £600 and sometimes more...what do you all advise, is it safe to buy withoout papers? whats the going rate, i dont know anything about buying a husky and dont wish to contribute to back yard breeders at all

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you all have amazingly beautiful dogs, i dont have a husky but i have been thinking about it for about 6months and read as much as i can. im glad i found this thread as while looking to buy a husky i have come across many many adverts selling huskies with no papers and charging £600 and sometimes more...what do you all advise, is it safe to buy withoout papers? whats the going rate, i dont know anything about buying a husky and dont wish to contribute to back yard breeders at all

Are you dead set on having a Puppy, could you not rehome/adopt from one of the Husky rescue centres ??

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to be honest no im not a fluff ball feak love but wouldnt want one too old as to be full of bad habits to make life extremely difficult id consider anything upto 5yrs old as long as its healthy, it isnt the fluffy pups that attract me its the dog itself? does that make any sense or am i blabbering

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We've had pups as young as 10 weeks into rescue! Most of the dogs we get in are between 10 months and 2 yrs (the terrible teenage stage) although we occasionally get older dogs in too - usually the result of a relationship break-up.

i have come across many many adverts selling huskies with no papers and charging £600 and sometimes more...what do you all advise, is it safe to buy withoout papers? whats the going rate, i dont know anything about buying a husky and dont wish to contribute to back yard breeders at all

To be honest, if you are buying a puppy from an advert, the likelihood is that it is from a BYB, Puppy Farmer or naive/stupid/ignorant "pet" breeder. The vast majority of good breeders don't advertise at all as they have a waiting list. Again - if pups are being sold without KC papers, it is almost 100% likely that they are not from reputable, ethical, responsible breeders. It is well worth doing the research and finding a good breeder who has quality dogs, does all the appropriate health tests and breeds to improve the breed, not to make money. You might have to wait, but it will be worth it!

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you all have amazingly beautiful dogs, i dont have a husky but i have been thinking about it for about 6months and read as much as i can. im glad i found this thread as while looking to buy a husky i have come across many many adverts selling huskies with no papers and charging £600 and sometimes more...what do you all advise, is it safe to buy withoout papers? whats the going rate, i dont know anything about buying a husky and dont wish to contribute to back yard breeders at all

I would definitly look into rescuing one ^.^ and if the breeder does not have even limited registration papers for your dog then they are a BYB, I beleive if your going to breed a dog for the right reasons you will have them registered.

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the problem I have is that buying from a breeder doesn't always guarantee quality, one of our previous dogs ( won't state the breed) the owner of the stud dog which had a good pedigree but carried known faults yet he still used it and he was at the time chairperson or similar of the breed society in Scotland - our dog only had one dangly bit and needed an op to correct ingrowing eyelids both faults he knew his dog carried. our dog came with his kennel club registration too. So personally as long as the parents has passed health checks for it's breed and the breeders were looking after the best interests of the breed and breeding for good temerament, I wouldn't bother too much with papers. This is just my personal view and I don't wish to upset anyone or condone BYB

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personally as long as the parents has passed health checks for it's breed and the breeders were looking after the best interests of the breed and breeding for good temerament, I wouldn't bother too much with papers. This is just my personal view and I don't wish to upset anyone or condone BYB

In theory I agree with you. KC registration isn't in itself a guarantee of quality, but it is just one important box to tick when looking for a good breeder. The only problem with your point above is that:

(a) in 20 years involvement with the breed, I have never, ever, come across one single breeder who does health tests but doesn't KC register their pups - not one!!!! So although in theory your point sounds reasonable, in practice you will never find such a breeder; and

(B) What KC registration does is to give you the facts on which to base your breeding decisions. Health testing parents is one important factor, but hereditary conditions can skip generations and it is only by researching the health test results of several generations back can you establish whether the lines you are breeding from are actually clear from hereditary issues. An example I have used before - a guy we know bred a litter. Both parents were health tested and both came back fine - good hip scores and eye test passes. By the time the litter mates were a year old, one of the pups was showing signs of cataracts, not long after that his eye swelled and he was diagnosed with Glaucoma (a horribly painful and blinding disease). After a series of very expensive ops and treatments (well over £3500) he had one eye removed and still has a developing cataract in the other. How did this happen? Simply because the breeder only looked at the parents' eye tests and didn't use the KC database to check out further back. It turned out that the dog's maternal great grandfather had been used at stud prior to testing and that when he was tested later, he was found to be positive for both cataracts and glaucoma and should never have been bred from.

The point here is - without KC papers and a clear idea of the parents' pedigrees, it is impossible to research the health history of your dogs, so KC registration is crucially important to maintaining the longterm health of the breed.


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having bought a puppy from what most would class as a BYB,but in all honesty in my opinion was just stupid and irresponsible

and did actually give the mum the mis-mate jab...thats by the by,Shadow's here and we love her.

I would always go down the rescue route now.

having rescued 2 and the sheer joy of knowing ive given them the forever home they deserve

makes me feel good,and i would do it time and again,as and when i could.

to see my rescues now,especially Tia who had a few issues,i'm just absolutely thrilled that we have helped her

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:shrug:i have read what you have said and where i can talk all day about gsd and their problems and best breeders in my point of view i find i have to ask this...whos there to help newbies to the breed not make a dire descision when choosing a lifetiime pal? i feel my friends it is your responsibility, there is so much knowledge on here surley you can do something?

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:shrug:i have read what you have said and where i can talk all day about gsd and their problems and best breeders in my point of view i find i have to ask this...whos there to help newbies to the breed not make a dire descision when choosing a lifetiime pal? i feel my friends it is your responsibility, there is so much knowledge on here surley you can do something?

What can we do? We constantly advise people against going to BYB's and offer as much help and assistance as we possibly can.

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do enough people know about you, i found you by mistake. could i have found you through the kennel club for instance? would your members agree to be inspectected and grade by the more experienced, not saying this is the way to go at all but you have the knowledge to help or promote the breed, for example im trusting that what i have read is correct so i could say say to someone, id like you to help me choose a puppy and you would have that inplace...does this make sense??? if im blathering please say so.

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do enough people know about you, i found you by mistake. could i have found you through the kennel club for instance? would your members agree to be inspectected and grade by the more experienced, not saying this is the way to go at all but you have the knowledge to help or promote the breed, for example im trusting that what i have read is correct so i could say say to someone, id like you to help me choose a puppy and you would have that inplace...does this make sense??? if im blathering please say so.

we come up in searches on google at the end of the day we're not a rescue / rehome center we're here to meet others who have huskies and educate along the way - this site is my hobby, not my job although it feels like it sometimes lol Not sure why our members would need to be inspected? We're not an organisation. Rehome centers will do home checks etc but it's not our responsibility to check members that join here.

Everyone here that i've found helps to promote the breed in the positive light - advice is always given in a variety of ways - take breeding for example, we try our upmost to deter people away from breeding just for the sake of it but at the end of the day we can't make people do things, all we can do is advise and guide.

does that make sense? x

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I have learnt alot from this site and if the right time comes along I would certainly consider going down the rescue route.

Our dogs are first and foremost part of our family and as such having KC papers was never high on our list of priorities and our experiences with our previous dog did back up our beliefs also BBC ran a program a while back which really didn't show nreeders in a good ligh,t but the post on here by raindog has given me food for thought. I had not considered using the kc info to further my own research into particular strains of a breed, I kinda assumed (wrongly) that somehow having a kc reg meant they were 'better' dogs purely for showing or working.

Certainly alot to think about for the future, my own dogs ie not family ones, have both been mongrel types and they have been very well loved family members, as is our gorgeous Storm. At the end of the day all I want is a happy and healthy well adjusted pet.

Consider me a little better educated after reading all the posts on here.

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I have a question. How would someone find a reputible breeder if not through an ad? It sounds as if a reputible breeder would never advertise themselves. Yet I found Kissuna (after hours of searching google ads and one was a scam) on ebay ads.

It confuses me because other than that she seemed to be a good breeder. We talked or emailed just about every night, quized each other the first few times we talked. There was a contract I had to sign. He had an akc number that I could register him with. She showed me the parents papers. I saw parents, one other female bitch and one of Kissus brother from another liter. She talked about how she works the parents and the other two. She kept in contact after I picked Kissu up. When I registered him I got papers sent to me that had the family history thing. Oh and we got a discount at the hotel we stayed at for mentioning her name and showing Kissuna as proof.

I did have one concern though, that the mom only had two pups. Is that bad, or trivial?

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I have a question. How would someone find a reputible breeder if not through an ad? It sounds as if a reputible breeder would never advertise themselves. Yet I found Kissuna (after hours of searching google ads and one was a scam) on ebay ads.

It confuses me because other than that she seemed to be a good breeder. We talked or emailed just about every night, quized each other the first few times we talked. There was a contract I had to sign. He had an akc number that I could register him with. She showed me the parents papers. I saw parents, one other female bitch and one of Kissus brother from another liter. She talked about how she works the parents and the other two. She kept in contact after I picked Kissu up. When I registered him I got papers sent to me that had the family history thing. Oh and we got a discount at the hotel we stayed at for mentioning her name and showing Kissuna as proof.

I did have one concern though, that the mom only had two pups. Is that bad, or trivial?

sounds like they did everything right how did you come across the breeder? Was it word of mouth?

I think the hard thing is so many people want a husky as a pet - a small percentage want them to work or show - if you're not in the know about the breed and in the right circles you're not going to know about good quality breeders.

Now - i know if i wanted a list of good breeders i'd ask the KC however I know there are breeders on there that I wouldn't touch with a barge pole but I only know this through experience and word of mouth. When i first got into the breed i wouldn't have had much of a clue. I think it's as much about educating people really.

We're lucky in that we're the top of the google search for huskies so hopefully people visit here and read about the breed etc and learn a lot - hopefully more than they'd learn from a breeders site.

With her having only 2 pups i personally wouldn't say that's a bad thing or a good thing, it's just one of those things. The more chance a dog mates with a bitch the higher the chances are of a bigger litter - also if it was the bitches 1st litter that may be why she only had 2

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sounds like they did everything right how did you come across the breeder? Was it word of mouth?

I replied to an ad on ebay classifieds. Ive lived in a few parts of southern idaho and huskies a rare sight. Though I do seem to notice more huskies since getting Kissuna, and I don't think its because of that. I've had husky fever for a long time, so I've been on the look out for husky owners even before I got Kissuna.

I do know Kissunas parents had at least one litter before Kissu and his brother. I don't remember how many was in that litter.

Also I don't know how she did it, but her ad was pretty hard to find. I had visited that site a number of times keeping a look out over two days. Then after a whole day of searching I magically found her ad at the way back and it was only a week old. Probably another testament to how unpopular sibes are here.

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I can not stand people that do stuff like that. I feel sorry for the people paying all that money too. I see the same thing happen all over the place in the city in which I live. One day when I was walking Vlad (this was before we had Stalker) some people were out in a parking lot and had a bunch of puppies for sale. Vlad was going crazy cause he wanted to see the puppies, but I did not want him to get in contact with them, since they did not really look healthy. The people selling these dogs claimed that they were "purebred pitt bulls, pure lines, from good stock" it was obvious they were not what they said they were, they looked more like some sort of mix. They were asking for 300 dollars a pup, trying to sell me one. My only concern was getting Vlad out of there, which was difficult cause we were in the process of leash training at the time, and he was pulling terribly at the moment trying to go play with the puppies. The people kept trying to talk to me and trying to talk me into buying one, when it was obvious I was not looking to buy a puppy. The pups had no papers or anything, and people came over to look at them, and belived the owners. Then, the owners that were trying to sell the dogs, were telling me all about siberian huskies and offering to buy Vlad. I had nothing nice to say and proceeded to walk away with the sad Vlad in tow.

I can not even begin to go on about how wrong it is to just "sell dogs" off the street. I see it happen all too often and it really upsets me. I know that there are plenty of rescues and pounds that have plenty of animals looking for homes. grrrrr.....

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