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Great, just great=>hubby bit by unvaccinated pup tonight


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How harsh it might sound to others, the main thing is that your husband is going to be ok :) If they had taken the right steps previously none of this worry would be happening now :( Please keep us all updated and we're all sending you positive vibes :)

I've been in a place where I'm thinking, "I really don't want the pup euthanized but I REALLY don't want my husband contracting rabies." If I have to choose between the two, I choose Mitch. I wish I didn't have to think about such choices but the owners' negligence has left me no choice. Sad but true.

Thanks for the positive vibes! We're doing better now, and Mitch's arm is starting to heal with the antibiotics, but we're still worried about neighbor wars and the possibility of two weeks of miserable treatment if required. I've heard that even with the new treatment, the patient still feels awful during the process.

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Thanks, everyone, for reading and posting and caring. This whole thing has been surreal, and we're still very anxious. I don't think I'll relax until the state health people tell me, "the pup does not have rabies, your husband will be fine."

:grouphug: You guys really are the best!

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The state health department guy went to the neighbor's place yesterday and called me afterward. He said he heard the pup inside but couldn't see him, the owners weren't home. He said he left a notice and expects a call from the owners today. He also said he would be "discussing" the laws regarding containment and vaccination with the owners. I'm not sure what "discussing" means but I hope it's more than a passing statement.

Mitch is fine, still nervous about the possibility of treatment but otherwise okay.

So it's another day of waiting.

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If the states been 'round and left notice then this should resolve itself quickly.

There were only 4 confirmed cases of rabies in dogs in SC last year (2010) so the odds are in your favour.

If hubby starts drooling or gets particularly lethargic then you might want to consider a doctor - what d 'ya mean you can tell whether he's being lethargic??? (( yes, I'm teasing and really working for that! Sorry! ))

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If the states been 'round and left notice then this should resolve itself quickly.

There were only 4 confirmed cases of rabies in dogs in SC last year (2010) so the odds are in your favour.

If hubby starts drooling or gets particularly lethargic then you might want to consider a doctor - what d 'ya mean you can tell whether he's being lethargic??? (( yes, I'm teasing and really working for that! Sorry! ))


We didn't hear from the state guy at all yesterday. Wonder what the holdup is? I told Mitch about the four rabid dogs last year, Al, but that didn't seem to help.

Mitch is still worried. Before he went to bed last night he went to give me a kiss but I was doing something and just tilted a cheek. He asked, "what, are you afraid to kiss me? You think I might have it?" Of course I had to stop what I was doing and give him a proper kiss. Then he drooped his lip on one side and moaned, "I don't feel so well. . .." I had to laugh.

He's so worried. I wish this crap never happened, and I really wish the authorities would get a move on! It's the not knowing that's killing him. Well, that and the whole shots thing. . ..

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glad to hear the pup is ok - i cant belive they didnt keep him locked in the house till he was full vacc anyway or atleast make sure the garden is secure ffs!

It isn't common here in the US to keep puppies inside until they're fully vaccinated, Nix. Even having worked at two veterinary clinics, I'd never heard of it until I saw it on this forum! Additionally, people in rural areas often see dogs and cats as being more livestock than pets, and don't value them like we do. It's cheaper to replace a dog or a cat than it is to take care of it properly.

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It isn't common here in the US to keep puppies inside until they're fully vaccinated, Nix. Even having worked at two veterinary clinics, I'd never heard of it until I saw it on this forum! Additionally, people in rural areas often see dogs and cats as being more livestock than pets, and don't value them like we do. It's cheaper to replace a dog or a cat than it is to take care of it properly.

thats so sad :( poor things - i guess because its common practise over here you get used to 'our ways' n dont really think about how different it is in other places of the world

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Yep, it is sad! Farmers have to be used to animals dying, especially when they raise them for food, so they can be somewhat callus to the value of life. They also tend to save money where ever they can, probably out of habit, as you can't ever tell when you'll have a good year, and when a bad one. I understand it, but don't like it! It's so hard, when I'm at the clinic, and a dog comes in covered with ticks or fleas, dirty and matted, and they only want to pay for the basic vaccines, not even a heartworm check and preventative! Spay/neuter? Why bother?

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He has my sympathy, I don't have a whole lot of patience with people so I'd be on the phone at least once a day to see what progress had been made - they'd be more than glad to resolve the issue just to get me off their back.

Al's right you need to be pushing the government people to get a resolution to this. Unfortunately and sad to say you are probably only one case on that person's case load. It also sounds like your husband is beginning to suffer from some degree of stress over the matter, even if he is joking about it. I hope all goes well for you today and looking forward to hearing that things are moving forward for you both.

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Yesterday was day ten following the bite. The state guy called and said he still hasn't seen the pup or talked to the owners, and has left two notices for the owners to contact him. The last time he came out he didn't hear the pup at all. Apparently he got aggravated and gave them a $500 fine for having an unvaccinated dog running loose.

The state says if they don't see the pup by tomorrow, they're going to decide whether to send Mitch for the prophylaxis. Another state guy, a doctor, will make that determination. :angry:

Mitch went next door last night to talk to the owners. They said they were on vacation and didn't see the notices until yesterday, and the pup was at a friend's house while they were gone. The owner also said they'd gotten the pup his vaccinations. Gee, that's nice but it's a little late!

So we're still waiting. :banghead: Mitch's arm is healing nicely--antibiotics are wonderful things!--but he's still stressing on having to have the rabies treatment.

Maybe after paying that fine, the neighbors will think twice before having an unvaccinated dog running around.

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You have a whole lot more patience than I do! I'd be calling their office at least once a day - and if they can't understand a concern over rabies I'd be talking to someones super!

Methinks that you have some real ignoramuses for neighbours! Such a very convenient time to "take a vacation", I'd bet it was a case of "that state guys back everybody shut up!" (but then I am a bit of a cynic!)

Maybe, if everyone's lucky, that $500 fine will convince them that they don't really want a dog at all!

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You have a whole lot more patience than I do! I'd be calling their office at least once a day - and if they can't understand a concern over rabies I'd be talking to someones super!

Methinks that you have some real ignoramuses for neighbours! Such a very convenient time to "take a vacation", I'd bet it was a case of "that state guys back everybody shut up!" (but then I am a bit of a cynic!)

Maybe, if everyone's lucky, that $500 fine will convince them that they don't really want a dog at all!

Mitch has been on the phone with them every day the past five business days! It doesn't seem that daily nagging makes a difference.

I just wish this would end already. He's so anxious about this. And I really hope the fine isn't going to instigate neighbor wars. Mitch went over last night to tell them that if they didn't cooperate with the state he was probably going to have to undergo the rabies treatment, which is most unpleasant. Maybe that'll make a difference? Who knows.

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Elenmarie what a nightmare you are living through at the moment and my thoughts and prayers are with you. Could I suggest that if in the next 24 hours nothing moves forward maybe it might be worth your husband going back over to say that he is really sorry but as they haven't cooperated or contacted with the state that if they fail to do so (giving them an hour the next day) then he will be contacting a solicitor to take legal action against them which will cost them on top of the $500 fine they already have. He has suffered an actual harm, undue stress, lost time - just think of everything and tell em. Maybe he can frighten them with a pounding on their wallets into doing what is right, because it sure sounds like they're not bothered about others. They sound awful and selfish, why would they go on holiday, leave their unvaccinated dog with a friend with all this going on. With friends/neighbours like them who needs enemies.

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Elenmarie what a nightmare you are living through at the moment and my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Aw, thank you! It's been a ride, that's for sure.

Could I suggest that if in the next 24 hours nothing moves forward maybe it might be worth your husband going back over to say that he is really sorry but as they haven't cooperated or contacted with the state that if they fail to do so (giving them an hour the next day) then he will be contacting a solicitor to take legal action against them which will cost them on top of the $500 fine they already have. He has suffered an actual harm, undue stress, lost time - just think of everything and tell em. Maybe he can frighten them with a pounding on their wallets into doing what is right, because it sure sounds like they're not bothered about others. They sound awful and selfish, why would they go on holiday, leave their unvaccinated dog with a friend with all this going on. With friends/neighbours like them who needs enemies.

Believe it or not, we've had worse neighbors. These people aren't drunks, aren't pounding on the door at 3am looking for a ride to the liquor store or burning down half the pasture, etc. The young man is the nephew of our other neighbors, with whom we've been friends for 16 years. So far we've kept the aunt/uncle out of it, but if this keeps up we might go talk to them and ask them to bring family pressure to bear.

It's all just sooooooooooooo unneccesary! Ugh! We should hear something today, I hope. Given that the pup is alive and apparently okay, Mitch will be released from the possibility of treatment IF the state folks can examine the damn pup--that's all that's required at this point!

What a mess.

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We're in the clear!!!

The state guys finally saw the pup this afternoon and called Mitch a while ago to tell him that he doesn't have to do the prophylactic rabies treatment. I guess the neighbors finally decided this was serious and they'd best cooperate.


Thanks to everyone for listening and commiserating!


And what did I see while doing the dinner dishes tonight? The pup, running through my yard.

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The "Like" is for the first part of the message - NOT for the pup running through your yard! So glad to hear that Mitch won't need to be vaccinated!

LOL I was so happy about the news I just shook my head when I saw the pup. Thanks for listening and talking me through this nightmare!

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