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Pulling on lead.....help and ideas please??


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aww good luck

we have lots of problems walking bella and have found the only way to have her walking nicely on the lead is to take her for a run first in an enclosed of lead park so she uses some of her energy and then we walk her on the lead

also we use a halter the one that closes her mouth when she pulls which also helps...

good luck

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aww good luck

we have lots of problems walking bella and have found the only way to have her walking nicely on the lead is to take her for a run first in an enclosed of lead park so she uses some of her energy and then we walk her on the lead

also we use a halter the one that closes her mouth when she pulls which also helps...

good luck

Thanks :) I've been searching for somewhere I can let Tikka off lead, but there's nowhere secure around here, and kennels etc, aren't willing to let me pay to use their enclosures:( I think Tikka needs a good run on every walk......I have tried to jog with her, but I don't have much in the way of stamina, and she goes so fast!

I've tried the Halti, but as she pulls so much her mouth is constantly closed and she can't pant....she won't even let up so she can do that :rolleyes:, so I stopped using it

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That is exactly my situation with willow, weve tried all those methods as well and we find she does it sometimes but not others. And our younger dog walks quite well on his own but together they are too strong for me.

I took them to a new dog park they had never been to before yesterday and that walk from the car to the park has hurt me so much, my arms hurt my legs neck hurts it was unpleasant.

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Thanks :) I've been searching for somewhere I can let Tikka off lead, but there's nowhere secure around here, and kennels etc, aren't willing to let me pay to use their enclosures:( I think Tikka needs a good run on every walk......I have tried to jog with her, but I don't have much in the way of stamina, and she goes so fast!

I've tried the Halti, but as she pulls so much her mouth is constantly closed and she can't pant....she won't even let up so she can do that :rolleyes:, so I stopped using it

We just take bella to an enclosed field they use for lacross

you dont have any baseball fields sporting fields near you? then fence is only waist height but she is so interested in other dogs/sniffing and running around she has never once tried to escape

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We just take bella to an enclosed field they use for lacross

you dont have any baseball fields sporting fields near you? then fence is only waist height but she is so interested in other dogs/sniffing and running around she has never once tried to escape

Hi, there are loads of sporting fields around, but none are enclosed. The only enclosures are tennis courts, but then these are hard ground and they always leave the nets up, so not sure this would be a good idea??

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yeah wouldnt want the nets getting ripped...thats a bummer...maybe try a field on a long lead to wear out a bit before walk??

I find any training is alot eaiser to do if bella has used up some of her energy then she actually focuses on me and not getting distracted by everything and anything

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yeah wouldnt want the nets getting ripped...thats a bummer...maybe try a field on a long lead to wear out a bit before walk??

I find any training is alot eaiser to do if bella has used up some of her energy then she actually focuses on me and not getting distracted by everything and anything

I have a 15ft training lead coming, hopefully Tuesday :) I'll just stand still in the middle of a field somewhere and let her run in huge circles, I imagine she'll LOVE it! Only thing is, she's only young so don't I have to be careful how much running she does?? She wants to run everywhere!

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lol yeah they do have lots of energy with bella i just followed the 5 min rule...dont know if its true saw it on here once and followed it for first 8 months

5 min of structered exercise for every month of age

now we go for an hour and she is fine with it

main thing we always tried to do was a quick paced walk before we let her off lead because she would go from walking to full bolt running for about half an hour didnt want her to hurt/strain anything so always tried to warm her up before hand

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lol yeah they do have lots of energy with bella i just followed the 5 min rule...dont know if its true saw it on here once and followed it for first 8 months

5 min of structered exercise for every month of age

now we go for an hour and she is fine with it

main thing we always tried to do was a quick paced walk before we let her off lead because she would go from walking to full bolt running for about half an hour didnt want her to hurt/strain anything so always tried to warm her up before hand

Oh dear, now I hope I haven't done the wrong thing! I've been walking her sometimes up to an hour at a time :redface1:.....better stop that then, she just loves her walks :whistling:

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Oh dear, now I hope I haven't done the wrong thing! I've been walking her sometimes up to an hour at a time :redface1:.....better stop that then, she just loves her walks :whistling:

lol i just read it on here =s so not sure if its true or not...Though I do think a warm up of some type is best before any streneos (i cant spell) exercise just to make sure there muscles are all warm n not cold n stiff

I don't think it can really do too much harm as long as you dont change how long you exercise her too much when bella hurt her foot we didnt walk her or exercise her for about a month as she wasnt allowed to move besides going to the toilet and then when we started again she had no energy! was so lazy lol we had to build back up to her normal routine

anywho good luck <3

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lol i just read it on here =s so not sure if its true or not...Though I do think a warm up of some type is best before any streneos (i cant spell) exercise just to make sure there muscles are all warm n not cold n stiff

I don't think it can really do too much harm as long as you dont change how long you exercise her too much when bella hurt her foot we didnt walk her or exercise her for about a month as she wasnt allowed to move besides going to the toilet and then when we started again she had no energy! was so lazy lol we had to build back up to her normal routine

anywho good luck <3

Oops! Thanks for your help :D

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I have 3 Dogs.

I walk them all together.

their leads are connected via Caribiners, So I can hold them all in one hand.

I took this vid on a quick walk today.

Please forgive how rough it is but trying to hold the phone watch where I was going and

get all of the dogs in the shot. . . well it was a challenge.

But it shows all three walking quite nicely and being able to be controlled with just one hand

(even when Darwin decides to swap across to the opposite side)


It has taken a year of patient work to get them to this stage. :)

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It's times like these that I realize what an exceptional animal I have. Since I've been keeping Misty home I have to get out with her for a decent walk in the afternoon (and she's letting me know when it's time!) I walk her in heel while we're going out, which she generally does okay - she wants to lead a bit but normally is just a couple of feet in front of me. Moderately tight leash - sometimes she hits the end but not often.

On the way back I let all of the 20ft leash and she wanders from one side of the road to the other (dirt roads *no* traffic!). Sometimes she goes into the chaparral to sniff but when I move she's right back and ready to go again. If i have her in town she pretty much responds the same way except to stay closer to heel when we're moving around.

[[ Yes, she only gets a one hour walk a day, but she and the pups get a pretty good exercise session in the morning! Then they chill out during the heat of the day.]]

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Oh dear, now I hope I haven't done the wrong thing! I've been walking her sometimes up to an hour at a time :redface1:.....better stop that then, she just loves her walks :whistling:

i never followed it - i was told upto an hour a day (broken up) was fine by the vet - i didnt know about the 5 min rule for some time after till i joined here

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I have 3 Dogs.

I walk them all together.

their leads are connected via Caribiners, So I can hold them all in one hand.

I took this vid on a quick walk today.

Please forgive how rough it is but trying to hold the phone watch where I was going and

get all of the dogs in the shot. . . well it was a challenge.

But it shows all three walking quite nicely and being able to be controlled with just one hand

(even when Darwin decides to swap across to the opposite side)


It has taken a year of patient work to get them to this stage. :)

cool vid andy - u dont show us how ur leads are attached tho LOL

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Ok, on my walk with Tikka yesterday evening, I began by using the stop/start technique. Every time she pulled I stopped and brought her back to my side. I did this for 20 minutes, and I had to do it with EVERY step as she pulled constantly.

I came to the conclusion that she was too busy watching what was going on around her and smelling almost everything, that this technique just wasn't going to work. Even though she was being stopped as soon as she started, she could still watch or smell whatever she was interested in. So I switched to changing directions so she would have to turn away from whatever was interesting her so much. As soon as she was almost pulling I would turn and as soon as she caught me up she walked PERFECTLY for around 20 steps, she even kept looking up at me smiling, she was a different dog......but then as soon as we came to somewhere with new sights and smells she'd start pulling again.

I'm guessing changing direction is the way to go! This is the first time this has worked (even if it was only for a little while).

I just get so frustrated because I know she isn't dumb, she's learnt and remembered everything I've taught her, I just don't get why she's finding walking so hard!

It's also pretty embarrassing, to have a dog that pulls like a train (especially when she knows we're close to home), I have an arm/shoulder that's killing me, and I'm sweating buckets after every walk! :oops:

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Ok, on my walk with Tikka yesterday evening, I began by using the stop/start technique. Every time she pulled I stopped and brought her back to my side. I did this for 20 minutes, and I had to do it with EVERY step as she pulled constantly.

I came to the conclusion that she was too busy watching what was going on around her and smelling almost everything, that this technique just wasn't going to work. Even though she was being stopped as soon as she started, she could still watch or smell whatever she was interested in. So I switched to changing directions so she would have to turn away from whatever was interesting her so much. As soon as she was almost pulling I would turn and as soon as she caught me up she walked PERFECTLY for around 20 steps, she even kept looking up at me smiling, she was a different dog......but then as soon as we came to somewhere with new sights and smells she'd start pulling again.

I'm guessing changing direction is the way to go! This is the first time this has worked (even if it was only for a little while).

I just get so frustrated because I know she isn't dumb, she's learnt and remembered everything I've taught her, I just don't get why she's finding walking so hard!

It's also pretty embarrassing, to have a dog that pulls like a train (especially when she knows we're close to home), I have an arm/shoulder that's killing me, and I'm sweating buckets after every walk! :oops:

nice to hear its working :) - she will get there eventually - mine still play up when we go sumwhere new - its just at those parts u have 2 keep it up more so then normal :)

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The martingale is epic for this kind of thing and changing direction works if u do it very quickly! just rull and when she gets in front switch walking while doing this doesnt work ive found. I usually stop and make Marius sit if he starts to pull now he walks right beside me no problemo o.o

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Hi (again).

I have a problem with Tikaani pulling - I know, that's what huskies do - but she is getting worse and I have tried everything I can think of!

Just got back from our evening walk, and have tried unsuccessfully again to at least get her to walk a little nicer.

Things I've tried so far......

Halti - didn't work, she just worked out if she turned her head the other way first she could still pull! I also didn't like the way it closed her mouth when she pulled so she couldn't pant.

Turning direction - she is quite happy to pull in any direction, she doesn't seem to mind which direction she's walking, just as long as she can pull

Stopping and making her loosen the lead before walking - she learnt she had to back up or walk back to my side, and has no problem doing this, then as soon as we start walking again, she just sprints from a standing start and wrenches my shoulder. She goes so fast that when she reaches the length of the lead, all four feet have occasionally left the floor!

I've tried the Ezydog lead which has a shock absorber built in and she loves it as she can 'bounce' on the end of it and I don't have as much control (if you can call it that) as I do with a normal lead.

I'm at a loss as to what to try next, she wears a harness for walks as I don't want to walk on just her collar as I don't want her to injure her neck, especially when she sprints.

I've tried taking treats and toys but she isn't interested in treats or toys when out walking.

I constantly praise if she does let up pulling, but as soon as she hears the words 'Good girl', it's like she sees it as a go-ahead to sprint off again!

Sorry this is so long, but just wanted to explain what I've tried already and hopefully you guys can come up with something else??

Thank you in advance!

i've come on here with exactly the same problem. nanook is eight months now and is really strong, has pulled my shoulder and chest muscles so a m really sore. like you i have tried every technique under the sun, i'm knackered and at my wits end. when i tried walking opposite directions and she realized she wasn't getting anywhere she just lies down and neither of us go anywhere. she plays me at my own game every time. she turns her nose up at treats even chicken.:banghead: i just don't know what to try next. i know what you mean about the bungee lead, she just end up like a bouncing tigger when she sees someone or another dog. a bloke told me i had no control over her the other day which upset me and i know he's probably right. but what else can i do.:confused: she's just totally bonkers. this is the only problem we have with her but it's getting to be a real drag (pardon the pun) taking her out.

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i've come on here with exactly the same problem. nanook is eight months now and is really strong, has pulled my shoulder and chest muscles so a m really sore. like you i have tried every technique under the sun, i'm knackered and at my wits end. when i tried walking opposite directions and she realized she wasn't getting anywhere she just lies down and neither of us go anywhere. she plays me at my own game every time. she turns her nose up at treats even chicken.:banghead: i just don't know what to try next. i know what you mean about the bungee lead, she just end up like a bouncing tigger when she sees someone or another dog. a bloke told me i had no control over her the other day which upset me and i know he's probably right. but what else can i do.:confused: she's just totally bonkers. this is the only problem we have with her but it's getting to be a real drag (pardon the pun) taking her out.

Hi, it's a nightmare isn't it!! I posted on here the other day saying how the changing direction was starting to work.....well, I think she was just lulling me into a false sense of security, because she's back to 'normal' again.....she pulls whichever direction she goes in. I don't even get away from the front of my house any more, she just doesn't stop pulling long enough to make it 20 feet away from the front garden. I even said to my daughter the other day that I hate walking Tikka now, it isn't a walk, it's a drag.

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Hi, it's a nightmare isn't it!! I posted on here the other day saying how the changing direction was starting to work.....well, I think she was just lulling me into a false sense of security, because she's back to 'normal' again.....she pulls whichever direction she goes in. I don't even get away from the front of my house any more, she just doesn't stop pulling long enough to make it 20 feet away from the front garden. I even said to my daughter the other day that I hate walking Tikka now, it isn't a walk, it's a drag.

when she was younger i was hoping she would get less excited and pull less as she grew older but i was wrong. she's just got stronger instead.

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when she was younger i was hoping she would get less excited and pull less as she grew older but i was wrong. she's just got stronger instead.

Yep, same here. She's got to the point where she pulls to get to any other dog she sees too, trying to hold her back and next to me is almost impossible now. I can't believe how strong she is at 5 months - I go to the gym every day, lift weights etc, but I really have a struggle holding her.

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