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My First Trip to Huskyland - San Fernando Valley, CA

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Hello all,

This is the first trip for my wife and I into Huskyland. We got Luna about a week ago from a friend of ours who is also a breeder.


She is 11 weeks old. My wife grew up with an Australian Shepherd and I always grew up with Collies, so getting a husky has been a bit of a change for us. We would like to do the best job possible raising our puppy into a healthy dog, so I was very happy when I searched and found this place. So far she is doing very well with the crate (she lived in a larger one with her brothers and sisters for about 10 weeks). I take her out about every two hours during the day to go to the bathroom (I have the summer off as a teacher) and we feed her twice a day. We try to put her in around 11 pm and she wakes us up around 5:30 to go outside. We have had a few accidents inside, but most of the time she knows that when my alarm goes off on my phone, it's time to go outside.

Funny story, and I would be interested in anyone to comments on the positive or negative nature of this, one day I took outside before my two hour alarm went off and when my phone alarm went off, she instantly bent down to pee. I hadn't really thought about the actual sound of it creating some kind of pavlovian response for her. I am thinking about gradually moving to longer periods of time between when I let her out and for how long she will sleep at night in the crate. We are trying really hard to be consistent.

The big question we have is that our cat, Hardy, and Luna play wrestle together. Hardy is about the same age as Luna and we got them both at this time so that they can grow up together. We have read other places that Huskies will eventually try to kill the cat, so we are careful never to leave them alone together. I am wondering if it is better to let them play with each other at this young age and learn to interact or if it is better to keep them mostly separate and to train our husky not to chase the cat. It goes both ways, sometimes the cat chases our husky and sometimes the other way around and the cat often is the one initiating the play fighting.

Interestingly, the cat will jump at the husky and then the cat will fall on its back and start playing with the dogs legs and underside. This will often lead to the husky stepping on and playing with Luna's body. We know that if they were really fighting, our cat would not just fall down and let the Husky walk over him (in fact, we have seen the cat with my wife's parents dog when the cat really was scared and the interaction was totally different: hissing, very quick, rapid movements by the cat, etc.).

Any thoughts would be appreciated. I might have a video of them play fighting that I will upload to youtube and post on here too, if that might help the analysis. I understand that it might all be guesswork, but some work is better than none at all. =)

Thanks in advance.

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im sure the fact they are growing up together will help strengthen the bond between them - however even if thats so i would never leave them alone - once luna is bigger playing with hardy (fab name btw - its my last name haha) might end up with her accidently hurting him/her? by playing too rough - however all other cats will be fair game - so dont think because luna gets on with hardy that she will get on with all cats - cuz she wont

awesome shes gorgeous - pics and vids of her and hardy would be appreiciated - its husky law lol

oops forgot to say welcome to the pack :D

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Yes. There are times when I hear Hardy make a cry that sounds like Luna is accidentally hurting. Luna is still a bit clumsy because she is so young. We named the cat after the author, Thomas Hardy. =) Luna is named after Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter Series. You can tell what kind of people my wife and I are by that alone. =)

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Awwww She's cute.

Sounds like you're off to a great start :)

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Welcome to the pack. Sounds like you are getting the potty thing down. Nix gave you good advice on the cat issue. Just don't trust their relationship enough to let them be alone.

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Luna is lovely ^0^ what a cute little bundle of fur :D welcome to the forum, and I think as long as you supervise the playfight it is alright to let Luna and Hardy play together. In fact, it is good to make her think that small animals are her friends :) you will need to watch over them all the time tho! Have fun with your husky!

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Funny story, and I would be interested in anyone to comments on the positive or negative nature of this, one day I took outside before my two hour alarm went off and when my phone alarm went off, she instantly bent down to pee. I hadn't really thought about the actual sound of it creating some kind of pavlovian response for her. I am thinking about gradually moving to longer periods of time between when I let her out and for how long she will sleep at night in the crate. We are trying really hard to be consistent.

Hi! What a cutie! And of course, welcome to the pack.

I wouldn't be surprised if Luna has learned that the alarm sound means potty. I trained my girl to eliminate on command, that was the best training I ever did! Carry small treats with you when you take her out, as she's starting to go say "potty" or whatever word you want to use, and immediately when she's done give her a cookie. Before you know it she'll start peeing or pooing when you say the word. It's quite helpful when it's pouring rain or twenty below.

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yeah have heard many stories and of huskys growing up with cats and they are best friends playing n sleeping together so im sure it will be fine just be careful when she gets bigger she then she is heavier and might hurt your cat if shes rough ect

also agree with what was said above be careful just because shes friendly with ur cat doesnt mean she will be with others

good luck pics pics pics pleaseeee she is very beautiful would love to see more of her

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hi lovely dog and welcome :) i have a cat aswell , i had my cat first so shes older than maya , they get on good when maya was younger but now shes bigger it can turn a bit nasty , so i intervien , i never leave them alone !! i do not trust maya even tho she is playing shes far too ruff , she does stop when i shout maya tho :) sometimes its the cat that starts it but they should be fine just never leave them alone! lol p.s gorjuss puppy btw :D

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Welcome! Luna is a beauty! :wub:

like other has said, Im sure they will be best buddies, but observing play will be the best option anyway as not only is it very fun to watch ^_^, but accidents do happen :)

I look forward to seeing your videos and pics in the future :D

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