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Worried about Tallica's eyes


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Just a thought but maybe Tallica gave them grief all night because the vets had given you grief and stress over paying directly through the insurance company. She was jsut making sure you got your monies worth and giving them a piece of her mind. The fact that she nearly drove them out of their minds is another matter.

LOL .. husky payback

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Tallica is doing ok, they are both being really calm around each other. They have been play bowing at each other but I've had to shout 'no' at them and they stop. I think Vix realises Tallica needs to stay calm, and Vix is happy with having walks on her own again, yesterday's walk she was so placid she was loose lead all the way (excpet for when the cat ran out in front of us!).

We're wonder if tallica had eaten at all when at the vets cos she was skinny, it was only when we got her home that I realised I could see her hips. She is a lanky pup atm but not that skinny! She has put the weight back on quickly enough though with feeding her steak and fish. Makes you wonder if they allowed her enough time to eat her food, she isn't one to eat it straight away, she nibbles, so if they only gave their bowls for a certain amount of time then she would have had no chance.

Also after what was said about the night nurses commenting about 'that bloody dog' I'm really hoping she didn't get shouted at. When I told her off for trying to rub her eyes, I clapped my hands, it made her physically jump, she's never done that before.

Right now she is conked out beside the sofa, she has got stubble on her clipped patches now so that will look so much better when her fur is back to normal. she doesn't like the eye drops, she squirms about, but each time I can do the drops first go, I praise her, so she should get the hint sooner or later.

We've got the first check up on wednesday, and the checkups go up to six months, hopefully everything will go ok...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Tallica went back to teh vets today for her first (delayed) check up.

She was 6 days over due fro her first check up as the vet had to reshedule our appointment. At that time we were doing teh Predforte drops 4 times a day. The vet said that has had an effect on her sight.

Tallica's recovery in her eyesight is the best she has ever seen. :wave1:

She normally only does the predforte fro a week, but cos we got delayed seeing her, the lengthier time of agressive treatment has really made a big difference in preventing any problems post op. So she is going to try this on other patients to see if she gets just as good results as Tallica.

She's come back without having to wear the cone now so that is a huge bonus to start off with. In the next few weeks she'll be starting to cut down on the drops she has and all the pills she has atm is just a case of running out of them. She is limeted to very short walks to help her not go nuts in the house. Roll on another two weeks for the next appointment.

The vet greeted Tallica with teh words "Hello lunatic" :P

With teh way Tallica goes nuts she wonders why on earth anyone has more than one Husky... :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well we ahve had a set back this week.We were getting ready for going down the beach on monday and we noticed she was squinting, called up vets and they got us bppked in for the next day. When I finish work in the evening I get a barrage of texts from Ian saying she was in pain and had been calling vets, they said to take her to the nearest vets available and get them to call the specialist once she has been assessed. She had an acute inflammation of her left eye. We still kept the appiontment to the specialist and she confirmed it was inflammation, so she is on painkillers and upped the dose of Pred Forte to really keep the inflammation down.

She was due to go back in 5 weeks time but now its going to be next week...all I can say I'll be glad when we have the final check up and get the continuation claim done to get our money back...!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Tallica went back to the vets this week to get checked over. The inflammation subsided and she can see out of that eye again, due back in 6 weeks time. The painkillers have run out and onto the last bottle of trusop, after that it will be just keeping the pred forte until we get told to stop that one too...

And now she is in season and being a grumpy bitch, I won't knock PMT after seeing what Tallica is like now!!! :eek:

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glad to hear her eye is on the mend and she is no longer in pain with it. Poor thing she sure has been through it the last couple of months, as have you and Ian with her illness and the insurance company stress at the beginning. So glad there are only boys in my household (male and furkid kind).

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glad to hear her eye is on the mend and she is no longer in pain with it. Poor thing she sure has been through it the last couple of months, as have you and Ian with her illness and the insurance company stress at the beginning. So glad there are only boys in my household (male and furkid kind).

Well to be fair it wasn't the insurance company that was the problem, it was the receptionists telling us they wouldn't accept direct claims when in fact the vet herself was happy with them.

Well we've had a big weight off our mind now, insurance have paid up so we are square with the vets now..

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what a story! so pleased it is beginning to work out for you.. i,ve recently rehomed a boy and havent got around/cant afford to insure him yet. My girl has been insured for 6 years without a claim.. grr i hate paying for something that may never happen, but this makes me realise that its really not worth the risk. i had a friend once (before i got my two doofs!) who said that if the vet bills got to a hundred pound then their dog would be pts! cant even comprehend that thought! glad tallica is on the mend and so is your bank balance

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  • 9 months later...

Thought this deserves an update:

Tallica is doing well now, although now she only has one eye.

All was ok, much like the last time, then over the course of 24hours her left eye deteriorated again. This was on Sunday 22nd April, we got her booked into Grove Lodge to see Denise. I travelled by train with both Tallica and Vixen as Ian couldn't get the time off that short notice, only to have the worst news confirmed: the left eye has got inflamed again and it would need to be removed. Devastating wasn't the word but it was a cold hard fact it just wasn't going to get any better no matter what treatment was going to be done on it. She was booked into our local vets to have the operation done on April 26th. I went to drop her off and I'm so glad i took Vix with me as I would have fallen to pieces if I hadn't come out walking a dog after leaving Tallica there.

She was back with us by the evening, the eye removed and a collar on her head. The eye area was shaved as we have got used to, but her left side of her face was so swollen it was heartbreaking seeing her so poorly. Within a week the swelling had dramatically improved and she was a bit more herself. The vets had given us some special food to maintain her weight given how badly she lost weight the last times she went under the knife. This really helped her and the food was surprisingly covered by the insurance!

Since then she has come over in leaps and bounds with her progress. The eye socket went down and has gone a bit concaved but that was anticipated. Her stitches feel out nicely and her puppiness has started to emerge again, the first time since she was six months old. She has been back to Grove Lodge and Denise is very happy with her progress, she has even put on weight since and is currently at 18kg!

Everything was covered by insurance and she doesn't need any medication now so it is all good. She is a very happy and healthy puppy now.

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Thought this deserves an update:

Tallica is doing well now, although now she only has one eye.

All was ok, much like the last time, then over the course of 24hours her left eye deteriorated again. This was on Sunday 22nd April, we got her booked into Grove Lodge to see Denise. I travelled by train with both Tallica and Vixen as Ian couldn't get the time off that short notice, only to have the worst news confirmed: the left eye has got inflamed again and it would need to be removed. Devastating wasn't the word but it was a cold hard fact it just wasn't going to get any better no matter what treatment was going to be done on it. She was booked into our local vets to have the operation done on April 26th. I went to drop her off and I'm so glad i took Vix with me as I would have fallen to pieces if I hadn't come out walking a dog after leaving Tallica there.

She was back with us by the evening, the eye removed and a collar on her head. The eye area was shaved as we have got used to, but her left side of her face was so swollen it was heartbreaking seeing her so poorly. Within a week the swelling had dramatically improved and she was a bit more herself. The vets had given us some special food to maintain her weight given how badly she lost weight the last times she went under the knife. This really helped her and the food was surprisingly covered by the insurance!

Since then she has come over in leaps and bounds with her progress. The eye socket went down and has gone a bit concaved but that was anticipated. Her stitches feel out nicely and her puppiness has started to emerge again, the first time since she was six months old. She has been back to Grove Lodge and Denise is very happy with her progress, she has even put on weight since and is currently at 18kg!

Everything was covered by insurance and she doesn't need any medication now so it is all good. She is a very happy and healthy puppy now.

aww thats awful to hear. Im glad shes ok now but bless her, having only one eye. x

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