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Worried about Tallica's eyes


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If you want a second opinion, the best thing you could do is to see Professor Ian Mason who is one of the best (if not the best) canine opthalmologists in the UK. He is based at Seadown Veterinary Hospital, Frost Lane, Hythe, Southampton, SO45 3NG which isn't that far from Sussex. The tel no is 023 8084 2237. Ian Mason is an awesome guy and is a husky expert as well so I would recommend him 1000%.

I'd definitely get a second opinion before surgery. Good luck!


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Sorry to hear it is cataracts, I would second Mick though especially if your breeder has been eye testing and has clear reults. Did they say what type of cataracts as there are many? I would assume in a dog so young and with such affect they must be rapidly growing and are therefore probably not the heridiatary kind normally seen in the breed

Ian Mason is a great Opthalmologist and really understands Siberians

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They aren't clear yet on what kind of cataracts they are, but are hoping to find out next Thursday at the consultation. When I took her to the vets on Friday, the vet said it looks like the cataracts have come on quickly in the last few weeks. The real "kick you when you're down" moment came about an hour ago though when I spoke to the vets in Worthing who will be performing the surgery. They won't accept a claim form from the insurers for pre-payment and will only fill in the form after the surgery and after we've paid, meaning we have to find the (approx) £2,000 for surgery and then be reimbursed, whereas the insurers told us they were happy to pay the vets directly. The bottom line is though, she needs the surgery so she's having it regardless of the cost. She's our baby and we will do and pay whatever we need to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am sorry to hear about the cataracts but want to let you know everything will be ok. We have a 1 and half year old husky Niko and he was diagnosed with cataracts back in Jan. We took him to the Vet and they referred us to a Vet Ophthalmologist. We found out he had lost vision in his right eye due to the cataract and his left eye wasn’t far behind. He qualified for surgery in his right eye, his left was not mature enough, and we had it done in Feb. It is fairly expensive but def worth it!! We paid around 2,000 for one eye but would have paid anything for Niko!! It was a crazy month after that, we had to do eye drops every 3-4 hours but he can see now!!! At such a young age they bounce back quickly. He will have to be on eye drops for the rest of his life even after the surgery. He is so used to it now and doesnt mind the drops at all. We are praying his left eye will never get as bad as his right. If you have any questions, let me know, I have been through everything and have learned a lot the past year on this condition. It was very hard for me to deal with at first so I totally understand.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all, an update:

Tallica is booked in for her surgery on Wednesday.

The vets did in the end accept a direct claim. But that was only after over a week and a half of trying to get an estimate of the surgery and only getting the price when we saw the specialist on Thursday, giving us only a few days to get the money sorted. With it being a bank holiday, although teh money is there just tied up in other things, it wont be in our account in time for the day. So after speaking to the specialist who happliy accepted a direct claim no problem after getting the ok from the insurers that they too were happy to do it (they were from the word go), everythings fine.

If they had done this from the offing I wouldn't have been stressing the last few weeks trying to get a price and the money wired through. It seems the practice are a bit on the funny side with things like this but the specialist herself was fine with it and understood the situation.

So at 7am on wednesday she will be at Worthing going through with teh surgery. I feel a lot better about it all after speaking to her peers and getting very warm responses about her.

My little baby is going to be able to see us again...

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Well we are back at home. We picked up Tallica at the vets at 10am, the specialist came over and said she was running late, apparetnly the night nurses are extremely tired this morning when she came in. Why? Tallica had been howling - all night! She said the night nurses were bleary eyed and the other dogs in the kennels looked very fed up!

Whe we saw the specialist she went through what went on during surgery, even the lass who did the anaesthesia came in to say hello. They went through with us all the drops and tablets she needs, some are 4 times a day, other twice daily. Two lots of tablets twice daily.

When they brought Tallica into the consulting room, she had the cone on her and her face has been shaved around the eyes, making her look like a piebald! She was very happy to see us and gave lots of kisses. You can see the stitches beside her eyes where they opened her eyes wider to operate, but also when the light was shone on her eyes we saw a nice healthy green for the first time in many weeks.

Insurance wise I'm going to be asking for updates on the claim just to make sure I dont get any more argo if they are slow to process it. Should be ok though but I will be having to make a continuation claim a little further down the line when Tallica's aftercare is all done...

She came home fine, all quiet and nnice. She has had some more drops and she got chance to settle while Ian took Vix out for a walk. Although she never settled properly, she is very tired but wouldn't settle with me, she wanted ehr daddy. Soon a he got back we swapped places, him and Tallica upstairs, Vix and me downstairs. She settled immediately for him.

I think the hardest bit is keeping these two seperate, it's going to be a major struggle when I am on my own in the mornings, I'm not sure how I'm going to cope trynig to make sure they stay calm in the same room. I've already said to Ian if it aint doable then we will have to get Vix into someone else's care while Tallica heals. I dont want this surgery going to waste just cos he wants the dogs to stay in the same house. It's not going to be fair on me or Tallica to do that. I'm happy for Vix to go into temp foster if I can't cope, it's just getting Ian not to be so shortsighted and see whats best fro Tallica's recovery,

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Just a thought but maybe Tallica gave them grief all night because the vets had given you grief and stress over paying directly through the insurance company. She was jsut making sure you got your monies worth and giving them a piece of her mind. The fact that she nearly drove them out of their minds is another matter.

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